luvdemdukes Posted January 15, 2005 Posted January 15, 2005 Well Yeehaaaaaa!!!! hehe. I went to the casting call back in November at Cortana Mall inBaton Rouge. Well I hadnt heard anything until TODAY. I recieveda call today- The guy said " this is so and so from Dukes of Hazzardand we need you to be in the movie (YESSSSS!) .He told me tocall in monday nite and get the time Im to be there and what to wear and the exact location (which is somewhere on Laurel St.downtown Baton Rouge on Tuesday and then to call in againThursday nite to find out the same for Friday which will be inClinton, Louisiana. He also told me to bring my Ford truck. I am soooooexcited-I grew up watchin Bo and Luke Duke. So thats the update on filming location. I guess I will find out just how snoody everyonesays Jessica Simpson is. over and out. 8) Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted January 15, 2005 Posted January 15, 2005 Good luck....Keep us posted on what happens....Damn lucky SOB........LOL Quote
MaryAnne Posted January 15, 2005 Posted January 15, 2005 KEWL!!! Make sure ya report back to us on your experience with the filming! Quote
luvdemdukes Posted January 15, 2005 Author Posted January 15, 2005 i surely will come back and let ya know how it goes. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted January 16, 2005 Posted January 16, 2005 Knock 'em dead, LMD! We're all jealous as hell, ya know. Congrats!!Brian Quote
luvdemdukes Posted January 18, 2005 Author Posted January 18, 2005 well its Monday nite--I called in and found out my call time is 6:15 AMIm to report and check in. Im to have 3 changes of clothing -the seasonis SUMMER (YIKES!- considerin its gonna be 25 degress here in the mornin!) gonna freeze my body parts off! lol Cant wear red, white or black-casual wear is welcomed but nothing with logos or graphics.Neutral clothing is also ok. They phoned me early this mornin at7 30 wanted me to work today in Clinton which is aways off-wasntprepared so i didnt go. I was disappointed that it was at the last minute. But oh well-Im soooo excited,dont know if Im gonna b able to sleep tonite 8) Quote
JESSI DUKE Posted January 18, 2005 Posted January 18, 2005 You are sooooooo luckly. I wish I was there too.Please tell us everthing that happens. Jessi Duke 8) Quote
luvdemdukes Posted January 19, 2005 Author Posted January 19, 2005 Well its me again! LONG day but well worth it LOL. I got to work with Johnny Knoxvilleand Sean Thomas Scott today. They were bein put into the police carand hauled off, while Me and another person were pedestrians walkindown the sidewalk. Jessica wasnt there. First of all, when we arriveda van came and picked us up and took us over to check-in and eat breakfast (buffet style-hot and cold) , then we were taken to wardrobeto change, then back to CAMP, where we got down to business (filmingof cours LOL). IT WAS SOOOOO COLD-like 25 * and we were in summerwear-NO COATS when we were in the scene. It was soooo funnywatchin them 2 NUTS-Johnny had to climb inside the cop car becuz itwas on the trailer and the fender wells was blockin the door-and he hadhis big coat on and he was stuck and on the inside Sean was pinchin himand hittin him and he couldnt do anything , so he had to come out someand take his coat off so he could fit in the window ( narrow opening becuzof the cage divider between the front seat and back.) It was so funnywatchin them 2. Everyone was pretty cool except one director-he hadmajor attitude-if you werent one of them you were a PEON. Tomorrowwe're off to Erwinville, La to the State Capitol Raceway to watch them raceor sumthin-we have to fill te stands. Its sooo kewl-the way they put thingstogether. Hope it warms up! I think the movie is goin to be pretty sweet.Filiming is gonna be wrapped Feb 5th. I think premier is Feb 25th-more news later . 8) thinkin bout yall Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted January 19, 2005 Posted January 19, 2005 Thank for the report, LMD! Man, what an awesome experience that's gotta be, bein' an extra on the set. Don't forgot, John Schneider was a mere extra in Smokey and the Bandit, and things turned out pretty good for him afterwards! Have fun!Brian Quote
Eddiemunster Posted January 19, 2005 Posted January 19, 2005 So, they asked you to bring your Ford truck, huh? I thought they already had Willie Nelson cast for Uncle Jesse!!! Or is it they need it for him to drive? Quote
luvdemdukes Posted January 19, 2005 Author Posted January 19, 2005 Yes they asked me to bring my ford truck. Willie Nelson is UncleJesse, and no it isnt for him to drive-its for me to drive in some of the street scenes. For the record Im not a guy-Im full fledge female. Here in Louisiana- they have quite a few movies being filmed and Ihope to get involved in some of them--1 is Lady Luck aboutQueen Latifah 2- All the King's Men-bout Huey Long and there isanother one out there but cant remember the name.More reports to come Quote
luvdemdukes Posted January 22, 2005 Author Posted January 22, 2005 Hello out there Hazzard County Peeps Well I havent poted anything since Wednesday--been VERY BUSYdoin the movie---LONG HOURS---but well worth it. Wednesday we were at Erwinville. La at the race strip filmingthe race scene of the movie . Those "Duke Boys" were there andBoss Hogg. It was a little bit warmer than Tuesday. Lots of fun.6: 15 am - 6 pm Thursday it was same hours, same place. LOTS more FUNno DUKE BOYS. BUT Boss Hogg was there and I got to be ina part with him and Enos. Made my day!!! The guy that playedthe sherriff in the original Walkin Tall --i believe his name is Johnsumthin Baker ( tall , older man ,big) I know i dont have that name rightbut oh well. The guy in the crew that I complained about Tuesday--he was pretty nice today--comin round I guess--I talked to himand he said he was tired --so I gave him some slack--they havebeen workin some LONG hours..He s pretty cool. On the wayhome my clutch went out in my truck sooooooo I had to borrow a vehicle to get there yesterday which was Friday and I was sent to a differentfilming location which was Clinton, LA--they were short handed extrasthere yesterday. They done some stunt scenes --where the GENERALLEE jumps cooters wrecker and race scene with Boss Hoggs race carand THE GENERAL and i believe the mustang does a 360 they wouldnt let us watch becuz of safety and Bosses cadillac runs into a barricade.Our part that we were suppose to be in didnt take place becuzof the scenes were havin to be redone until they were right.They asked me to be back there next Thursday, Friday and Saturdayand to wear the same thing I had on. as for Mon, Tues, and Weddont know as of yet. Heard that there's gonna b a part thats notgonna be in the theatre edition --its gonna be on the DVD editionwhere they paid some women in a strip bar to take their tops off.Paid them like 600.oo bucks a piece. Well more on them Dukes as news comesavailable Goin to go get me some more sleep lol Quote
luvdemdukes Posted February 1, 2005 Author Posted February 1, 2005 Hello out there Hazzard County: Well all EXTRAS finished their part in the movie Sat 1/29/05. The actors themselves are due to wrap things up Friday Feb 5th. Thursday we filmed up in Clinton --done a scene outside the court housegot to see Jessica, Nick ,her mom , and Kacie (her friend) the crew thatsin charge of organization wouldnt let us around them hardly. Jessicadidnt seem to friendly BUT Nick did give sum autographs. Friday we were back in CLinton doing more outside scenes around thecourthouse, with all the cast Willie, Burt, David, M.C. Sean, Johnny, andJessica.still not hardly able to get really close to them unless you arepart of the scene. Crew is really STRICT about extras gettingautographs and pics. We are working long hours anywhere 10-12 hours.started raining so we had to quit doin the outside scenes so they donesome interior scenes at Cooter's garage and interior at the courthouse.sent extras home early--we had to go back SaturdayWell Saturday we finished up ALL outside scene at the courthouse.I was in a scene with all the cast except Lynda Carter she wasnt there.I got to pat Sean on the back for winning the race . It was sooo funnyJohnny grabs Jessica to hug her cuz it was part of the scene for DukeBoys winning and he lays a BIG KISS on her neck- I was like whhhhaaatttttt !!!!!! Shes not really sociable--I told her hey and she spoke back but then turned away. The weather got really nasty rainy and COLDand she didnt hardly have anything on up top and she was FREEZIN(alittle brown leather western type vest and LOTS of Cleavage . I was anywhere between 2-6 feet from her all during the scene ,all togethereveryone was within 15 feet in diameter. I mean i could reach out andgrab Johnny and Seans butt. Jessica looked like shes been tanningshes sooo dark .Oh yea BTW i asked some of the ppl thats putting the movie togetherand they said the same ol song "The Good Ol Boys" by Waylonwill be the song. My opinion from seein things on the inside the movie is goin to bepretty darn good! I did manage to get my pic taken with MC Gainey,the guy playin Enos,and David Coeshner (Cooter). Got those durin lunchtime when noone was hardly on watch duty. I also got a pic withthe producer (Jay Ch????? and the director---Artist. When i get themdeveloped I will try my best to post them on here --If i can figure out how LOL Quote
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