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Daisy sighed

Julie smiled and Says "Before he did Daisy, I got the following text out to Bo I hope he gets my strange message I sent (Driving to Alamo, but we need directions. asap). I sure hope he understand that now but you know I wonder if I could sneak out the window now, I slim enough and flexable as well Daisy."

Cue Anybody

Julie smiled and Says "Before he did Daisy, I got the following text out to Bo I hope he gets my strange message I sent (Driving to Alamo, but we need directions. asap). I sure hope he understand that now but you know I wonder if I could sneak out the window now, I slim enough and flexable as well Daisy."

Cue Anybody

Kaylee and Salena had both wondered where Julie and Daisy had went to right now, they had noticed that Freddy was gone from the party as well. Bubba Says "You know, I never notice those two girls anyways maybe they went home it's getting later after all now and besides I got to go in my office and talk to my wife in private now."

Salena watched Bubba walk away she was getting really concerned because she was keeping the following secret from Bubba. She was Daisy's Texas Ranger partner and she didn't like when she couldn't fine but she thought it was up to her right now and she going to drive to the Ranger Headquarters and tell Walker and Trivette and Daisy and her cousin was missing right now and she was worried as well about this. She was also going to tell him that she tried calling Julie's cellphone and nobody was picking up on the other end which concerned her right now.

A Few Hours Later, Salena makes it to Rangers Headquarters and she tells the others about what happened and how Daisy had told her cousin and then they went outside and later how Freddy followed them as well. And how all three was missing right now she didn't where the trio had went as well, but she didn't like when she didn't know where her partner was at right now and especially since her cousin wasn't even a Texas Ranger at all and she had no idea what she was getting into right now.

Cue Anybody

Kaylee and Salena had both wondered where Julie and Daisy had went to right now, they had noticed that Freddy was gone from the party as well. Bubba Says "You know, I never notice those two girls anyways maybe they went home it's getting later after all now and besides I got to go in my office and talk to my wife in private now."

Salena watched Bubba walk away she was getting really concerned because she was keeping the following secret from Bubba. She was Daisy's Texas Ranger partner and she didn't like when she couldn't fine but she thought it was up to her right now and she going to drive to the Ranger Headquarters and tell Walker and Trivette and Daisy and her cousin was missing right now and she was worried as well about this. She was also going to tell him that she tried calling Julie's cellphone and nobody was picking up on the other end which concerned her right now.

A Few Hours Later, Salena makes it to Rangers Headquarters and she tells the others about what happened and how Daisy had told her cousin and then they went outside and later how Freddy followed them as well. And how all three was missing right now she didn't where the trio had went as well, but she didn't like when she didn't know where her partner was at right now and especially since her cousin wasn't even a Texas Ranger at all and she had no idea what she was getting into right now.

Cue Anybody

Daisy said "im just as flexible if we try we might be able to get out"

back at headquarters Walker and Trivette beacame worried when they heard Salena say that Daisy was gone

Posted (edited)
Daisy said "im just as flexible if we try we might be able to get out"

back at headquarters Walker and Trivette beacame worried when they heard Salena say that Daisy was gone

Salena Says "Well Julie her cousin is missing as well guys, but her car is still in the parking lot but one thing I seen Freddy slip something in Julie's drink before he brought it to her I concerned for her she just innocent. The only reason she is here is because she had fight with her brother Daisy was telling me about eariler."

Back at the Yahooville Social Club, Julie Says " well lets wait a little while but one little tiny problem Freddy has my cellphone right now do you have yours or did he gets yours as Daisy. And sorry for what I said as well but I'm scared that's all it's happening way to fast as well. And how come they just put us in here and that's it maybe they waiting to see if we will and try to slip out and waiting for us this is way too easy right now."

Cue Anybody

Edited by Julieduke
Salena Says "Well Julie her cousin is missing as well guys, but her car is still in the parking lot but one thing I seen Freddy slip something in Julie's drink before he brought it to her I concerned for her she just innocent. The only reason she is here is because she had fight with her brother Daisy was telling me about eariler."

Back at the Yahooville Social Club, Julie Says " well lets wait a little while but one little tiny problem Freddy has my cellphone right now do you have yours or did he gets yours as Daisy. And sorry for what I said as well but I'm scared that's all it's happening way to fast as well. And how come they just put us in here and that's it maybe they waiting to see if we will and try to slip out and waiting for us this is way too easy right now."

Cue Anybody

Julie got up but she was fighting off the dizzyness yet, and tried the window but it was locked and she couldn't get it up right now as well. She looks at Daisy and Says "They locked and they knew we would try for the window but why all the trust, how are we going to get out now this doesn't look good right now. I miss Bo, Luke and Uncle Jesse right now do bad were not in Hazzard, they would know where to look for us but we don't even know where were at right now Daisy. This is just awful right now as well."

Cue Anybody

Julie got up but she was fighting off the dizzyness yet, and tried the window but it was locked and she couldn't get it up right now as well. She looks at Daisy and Says "They locked and they knew we would try for the window but why all the trust, how are we going to get out now this doesn't look good right now. I miss Bo, Luke and Uncle Jesse right now do bad were not in Hazzard, they would know where to look for us but we don't even know where were at right now Daisy. This is just awful right now as well."

Cue Anybody

Back In Hazzard, Bo had noticed he had a text he read and Says "Hey it's from my sister she says Going to Alamo, Need Directions, ASAP. I really don't understand her message I'm not in Texas how can I give her directions right now."

Luke Says "Unless there's a hidden meaning behind there as anybody gotten through to her and Daisy's apartment number it's strange they should answer their phone allreadry. I going to try the work number that Daisy gave me. It's place called "The Drive-Thru/Oil Change and Lube Stop/Quiky Mart/Bar and Grill" in Yahooville, Texas but Bo it's no where near the Alamo now. And she gave me the number for Rangers Headquarters as well. I guessing that Julie works at the place with long title and Daisy is working with Rangers again."

Bo looks and Says "Hey can you please hand me that number Luke, I try that strange place and you try the Rangers Headquarters somebody has to know where Daisy and Julie are at now."

Luke goes and calls the Rangers Headquarters and gets Salena to pick up right away and she tells how her and Julie went missing and some guy named Freddy McSweeney as well. But Julie's Trans Am is still where she left it at now and don't bother calling the place she works at now because they might give the wrong information now.

Bo is calling the first number and he gets Manny, and he talking all in Spanish which Bo knew nothing in Spanish and hangs up and looks at his cousin and Uncle and Says "Must be a Mexican Restaurant or something down there this guy talked in Spanish and I didn't understand not one word of it now."

Luke Says "Oh I got plenty of information when you struck out it turns out that Julie, Daisy and this Freddy McSweeney are missing right now but get this Salena seen Freddy following them outside and your sister's car is still park outside of the place yet. This doesn't look to good maybe we should ask Coy to look into he's in Texas right now and he wouldn't mind too much now."

Cue Anybody

Back In Hazzard, Bo had noticed he had a text he read and Says "Hey it's from my sister she says Going to Alamo, Need Directions, ASAP. I really don't understand her message I'm not in Texas how can I give her directions right now."

Luke Says "Unless there's a hidden meaning behind there as anybody gotten through to her and Daisy's apartment number it's strange they should answer their phone allreadry. I going to try the work number that Daisy gave me. It's place called "The Drive-Thru/Oil Change and Lube Stop/Quiky Mart/Bar and Grill" in Yahooville, Texas but Bo it's no where near the Alamo now. And she gave me the number for Rangers Headquarters as well. I guessing that Julie works at the place with long title and Daisy is working with Rangers again."

Bo looks and Says "Hey can you please hand me that number Luke, I try that strange place and you try the Rangers Headquarters somebody has to know where Daisy and Julie are at now."

Luke goes and calls the Rangers Headquarters and gets Salena to pick up right away and she tells how her and Julie went missing and some guy named Freddy McSweeney as well. But Julie's Trans Am is still where she left it at now and don't bother calling the place she works at now because they might give the wrong information now.

Bo is calling the first number and he gets Manny, and he talking all in Spanish which Bo knew nothing in Spanish and hangs up and looks at his cousin and Uncle and Says "Must be a Mexican Restaurant or something down there this guy talked in Spanish and I didn't understand not one word of it now."

Luke Says "Oh I got plenty of information when you struck out it turns out that Julie, Daisy and this Freddy McSweeney are missing right now but get this Salena seen Freddy following them outside and your sister's car is still park outside of the place yet. This doesn't look to good maybe we should ask Coy to look into he's in Texas right now and he wouldn't mind too much now."

Cue Anybody

Daisy somehow got her phone out of her back pocket and got the pocket knife too and cut her ropes and then sent a text to Bo and Luke and Coy

Posted (edited)
Daisy somehow got her phone out of her back pocket and got the pocket knife too and cut her ropes and then sent a text to Bo and Luke and Coy

Julie Says "Mine are too tight they don't trust me Daisy, can you undo mine but hurry somebody coming right now."

Freddy walked in and Daisy still had her cellphone out and he looks and Says "What happened I thought those were tight enough and you can't have your either now quit defying me right now. I know the two of you was going to be trouble now. Oh listen somebody named Bo Duke called the diner looking for you and were going to call him, and the both of you are going to tell him that your just fine understood."

Julie Says "And what If I don't want to lie to my brother Freddy, it's very nice now to do that he'll see through it you know. And your cutting off my circulation around wrists right now as well and I don't want to be here as well. What do you put in my drink anyways all I know you coaxed me in your car and I was out shortly after and woke up here, what the hell was in there now?"

Freddy yanks away Daisy's cellphone and grabs some rope and ties her hands together again and takes her knife as well. He didn't think she would have that in her back pocket now he had his helpers tie Julie's hands in the back after she snuck a text out eariler he read and didn't understand the message that well. He Says "Listen, girl you'll talk to your brother and you read what the script that we right for you and one for your cousin as well and nothing funny as well. Where's your badge and gun Julie, I didn't figure you for a Texas Ranger but it's 2009 now and it's okay if a woman is cop now."

Julie Says "But I'm not a Texas Ranger, why doesn't anybody believe me right now you know what my job back home was. Well Frederick I worked at the Post office as a clerk not any kind of cop and please I'm really not a Texas Ranger right now."

Freddy Says "Oh please save that for somebody that cares now, I don't believe you or trust either one of you right now and don't try the window it's locked as well. We didn't want to lose two Georgia Peaches now."

Cue Anybody

Edited by Julieduke
Julie Says "Mine are too tight they don't trust me Daisy, can you undo mine but hurry somebody coming right now."

Freddy walked in and Daisy still had her cellphone out and he looks and Says "What happened I thought those were tight enough and you can't have your either now quit defying me right now. I know the two of you was going to be trouble now. Oh listen somebody named Bo Duke called the diner looking for you and were going to call him, and the both of you are going to tell him that your just fine understood."

Julie Says "And what If I don't want to lie to my brother Freddy, it's very nice now to do that he'll see through it you know. And your cutting off my circulation around wrists right now as well and I don't want to be here as well. What do you put in my drink anyways all I know you coaxed me in your car and I was out shortly after and woke up here, what the hell was in there now?"

Freddy yanks away Daisy's cellphone and grabs some rope and ties her hands together again and takes her knife as well. He didn't think she would have that in her back pocket now he had his helpers tie Julie's hands in the back after she snuck a text out eariler he read and didn't understand the message that well. He Says "Listen, girl you'll talk to your brother and you read what the script that we right for you and one for your cousin as well and nothing funny as well. Where's your badge and gun Julie, I didn't figure you for a Texas Ranger but it's 2009 now and it's okay if a woman is cop now."

Julie Says "But I'm not a Texas Ranger, why doesn't anybody believe me right now you know what my job back home was. Well Frederick I worked at the Post office as a clerk not any kind of cop and please I'm really not a Texas Ranger right now."

Freddy Says "Oh please save that for somebody that cares now, I don't believe you or trust either one of you right now and don't try the window it's locked as well. We didn't want to lose two Georgia Peaches now."

Cue Anybody

Daisy said "im not gonna lie to my cousin, no way in hell, i cant lie to Bo, and i swear if you hurt us your gonna have an angry cousin and brother, an angry boyfriend, and two other angry cousins, and plus my team on your butt!"

Posted (edited)
Daisy said "im not gonna lie to my cousin, no way in hell, i cant lie to Bo, and i swear if you hurt us your gonna have an angry cousin and brother, an angry boyfriend, and two other angry cousins, and plus my team on your butt!"

Freddy looked at Julie and Daisy and slaps Daisy and Says "You will do as I say little girl and I don't believe you as well."

Julie Says "Fine I'll do don't hit my cousin again, and please I'm begging you I'm not a Texas Ranger please believe me on this right now. And your a coward for hitting my cousin why Daisy can't even defend herself right now as well, would you like if somebody tied you up and then slapped you without being able to defend yourself now."

Freddy looks at Julie walks over to her and Says "You shut up allreadry, and don't worry I think you need that gag I'm not listening to you no more and your not leaving as well. And what if slapped you as well now and I still think your a Texas Ranger there's no doubt in my mind that your lying right now to my face as well." He slaps her and then grabs the gag and puts it back and see's the tears and Says "Try anything else and I'll do that again to you now, and quit lying to us you're a Texas Ranger your just covering your but right now."

Cue Anybody

Cue Anybody

Edited by Julieduke
Freddy looked at Julie and Daisy and slaps Daisy and Says "You will do as I say little girl and I don't believe you as well."

Julie Says "Fine I'll do don't hit my cousin again, and please I'm begging you I'm not a Texas Ranger please believe me on this right now. And your a coward for hitting my cousin why Daisy can't even defend herself right now as well, would you like if somebody tied you up and then slapped you without being able to defend yourself now."

Freddy looks at Julie walks over to her and Says "You shut up allreadry, and don't worry I think you need that gag I'm not listening to you no more and your not leaving as well. And what if slapped you as well now and I still think your a Texas Ranger there's no doubt in my mind that your lying right now to my face as well." He slaps her and then grabs the gag and puts it back and see's the tears and Says "Try anything else and I'll do that again to you now, and quit lying to us you're a Texas Ranger your just covering your but right now."

Cue Anybody

Cue Anybody

Freddy left the room and it seems that Julie was upset she didn't really want to agree but she knew that Daisy wasn't going to and how can she convince him she's not really a Texas Ranger as well. Julie looked and was sobbing right now she wandered why they thought she was Texas Ranger to begin with right now, this was in a pickle she was in right now and she didn't know how to get out of it as well. She couldn't scream and she couldn't even slip out the window it was locked and they had her hands tied way to tight as well this was as a bad of anything. She sure hoped she had her pocket knife she had just lost her cellphone to Freddy but she got the message out before they snatched and she knew that her being stubborn wasn't going to help anything as well. She wished knew where in the hell where she was at right now, but they wasn't going to tell her that right now no matter what she asked. She had heard about Texas Rangers going missing and never being found ever again she didn't want that for her or Daisy right now.

Cue Anybody

Freddy left the room and it seems that Julie was upset she didn't really want to agree but she knew that Daisy wasn't going to and how can she convince him she's not really a Texas Ranger as well. Julie looked and was sobbing right now she wandered why they thought she was Texas Ranger to begin with right now, this was in a pickle she was in right now and she didn't know how to get out of it as well. She couldn't scream and she couldn't even slip out the window it was locked and they had her hands tied way to tight as well this was as a bad of anything. She sure hoped she had her pocket knife she had just lost her cellphone to Freddy but she got the message out before they snatched and she knew that her being stubborn wasn't going to help anything as well. She wished knew where in the hell where she was at right now, but they wasn't going to tell her that right now no matter what she asked. She had heard about Texas Rangers going missing and never being found ever again she didn't want that for her or Daisy right now.

Cue Anybody

Back In Hazzard, Bo and Luke were thinking about how they might think that Julie is a Texas Ranger no matter what she tells them. Vance had called from a little town around Yahooville and and he told them he knew where the Yahooville Social Club and how it has a reputation of being more than just for meeting people as Harley McSweeney had put it now.

Coy had gotten the text from Daisy and the phone call from Uncle Jesse not at the sametime thow and he was talking to him eariler he was living in Yahooville and he told Uncle Jesse he had seen Julie and Daisy around town, he was concerned and seeing how close he lived to Vance he was going to pick him up and tell him what was going on as well. He had also told them how the guys at where Julie and Daisy was working at could be as well, and how the place reminded him of Hazzard and how he had seen Hughie Hogg walking around the little town as well.

Cue Anybody

Back In Hazzard, Bo and Luke were thinking about how they might think that Julie is a Texas Ranger no matter what she tells them. Vance had called from a little town around Yahooville and and he told them he knew where the Yahooville Social Club and how it has a reputation of being more than just for meeting people as Harley McSweeney had put it now.

Coy had gotten the text from Daisy and the phone call from Uncle Jesse not at the sametime thow and he was talking to him eariler he was living in Yahooville and he told Uncle Jesse he had seen Julie and Daisy around town, he was concerned and seeing how close he lived to Vance he was going to pick him up and tell him what was going on as well. He had also told them how the guys at where Julie and Daisy was working at could be as well, and how the place reminded him of Hazzard and how he had seen Hughie Hogg walking around the little town as well.

Cue Anybody

Julie had manage to fall asleep despite everything she was dreaming she was back home and not even here right now. She wanted to never see Freddy or anybody in Yahooville ever again, and she was going to try and sleep for as long as she could right now but it was hard for her to get comfortable right now as well thow. She wished this was just a nightmare and she was really safe and sound in Hazzard right now when she woke up now and she didn't like this place as well. It was too hot here and she didn't like how she got here as well and she just had too many compliants right now as well.

Cue anybody

Freddy looked at Julie and Daisy and slaps Daisy and Says "You will do as I say little girl and I don't believe you as well."

Julie Says "Fine I'll do don't hit my cousin again, and please I'm begging you I'm not a Texas Ranger please believe me on this right now. And your a coward for hitting my cousin why Daisy can't even defend herself right now as well, would you like if somebody tied you up and then slapped you without being able to defend yourself now."

Freddy looks at Julie walks over to her and Says "You shut up allreadry, and don't worry I think you need that gag I'm not listening to you no more and your not leaving as well. And what if slapped you as well now and I still think your a Texas Ranger there's no doubt in my mind that your lying right now to my face as well." He slaps her and then grabs the gag and puts it back and see's the tears and Says "Try anything else and I'll do that again to you now, and quit lying to us you're a Texas Ranger your just covering your but right now."

Cue Anybody

Cue Anybody

Daisy was thinking "well you might have taken my phone away, but they got the text message al right" and sure enough Luke, Bo and Coy got the text message

Daisy was thinking "well you might have taken my phone away, but they got the text message al right" and sure enough Luke, Bo and Coy got the text message

Julie was asleep and she had gotten her message to her brother as well.

Cue Anybody

Julie was asleep and she had gotten her message to her brother as well.

Cue Anybody

A Few Hours later Freddy walked in with a friend and he had rudely woken up Julie and Says "Here I'm going to tak off that gag and your going to talk to your brother and tell him what's on the sheet of paper now."

Cue Anybody

A Few Hours later Freddy walked in with a friend and he had rudely woken up Julie and Says "Here I'm going to tak off that gag and your going to talk to your brother and tell him what's on the sheet of paper now."

Cue Anybody

Julie finally Says "I won't do it, so do whatever you want but you can't make me now and I'm still not a Texas Ranger okay."

Cue Anybody

Freddy just looked and Says "But you said eariler you would NOW!"

Cue Anybody

Julie Says "I don't care you hit me right now, I'm not doing it and you can't make me either I can't wait you out as well. And guess what I got a text out to my brother before you snatched my phone as well."

Freddy Says "Yes I can, but I can you wish you would and now listen I going to dial the number you texted on your phone that's in my pocket right now and your going to tell your fine."

Back In Hazzard, Bo reads the Text and he doesn't understand and his phone rings and it's his sister he figured maybe she got away after all. He Answers and She Says "They kidnapped me and Daisy we have no idea where we are at help."

Freddy grabs the phone away from her and just look that's not what he wanted said now and he Says "Okay, so maybe it's true but you can't do anything about now and listen there both fine for now and don't ever call this number if you want them kept that way now."

Cue Anybody

Julie Says "I don't care you hit me right now, I'm not doing it and you can't make me either I can't wait you out as well. And guess what I got a text out to my brother before you snatched my phone as well."

Freddy Says "Yes I can, but I can you wish you would and now listen I going to dial the number you texted on your phone that's in my pocket right now and your going to tell your fine."

Back In Hazzard, Bo reads the Text and he doesn't understand and his phone rings and it's his sister he figured maybe she got away after all. He Answers and She Says "They kidnapped me and Daisy we have no idea where we are at help."

Freddy grabs the phone away from her and just look that's not what he wanted said now and he Says "Okay, so maybe it's true but you can't do anything about now and listen there both fine for now and don't ever call this number if you want them kept that way now."

Cue Anybody

Daisy said "were dead, were never getting out" she was starting to get worked up

Daisy said "were dead, were never getting out" she was starting to get worked up

Julie wasn't going to cry in front of Freddy right now she just looked at him and watched him leave the room.

Cue anybody

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