Julieduke Posted March 1, 2009 Author Posted March 1, 2009 Daisy said "and while your at it, please pull over"Freddy Says "No way, you'll both like this were going to my grandfathers place and I heard you say Daisy. That your a Texas Ranger and well I can't have you spying on my family now."Cue Anybody Quote
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted March 1, 2009 Posted March 1, 2009 Freddy Says "No way, you'll both like this were going to my grandfathers place and I heard you say Daisy. That your a Texas Ranger and well I can't have you spying on my family now."Cue AnybodyDaisy sighed "Julie!" Quote
Julieduke Posted March 1, 2009 Author Posted March 1, 2009 Daisy sighed "Julie!"Freddy had seen that Julie had passed out this would make it easier for him, and plus that Texas Ranger would be more willing to tell what he wants to know if he brought her cousin along as well.Cue Anybody Quote
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted March 1, 2009 Posted March 1, 2009 Freddy had seen that Julie had passed out this would make it easier for him, and plus that Texas Ranger would be more willing to tell what he wants to know if he brought her cousin along as well.Cue AnybodyDaisy sighed Quote
Julieduke Posted March 1, 2009 Author Posted March 1, 2009 Daisy sighedFreddy stopped the car at the Yahooville Social Club and somebody had helped out Daisy, and he carried Julie as well she was out cold that stuff works fast now. He had seen that Daisy didn't want to go with his cousin right now and she was being kind of feisty as well about it. Freddy looks at his cousin and Says "Listen show her you mean business about this as well allright."Cue Anybody Quote
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted March 1, 2009 Posted March 1, 2009 Freddy stopped the car at the Yahooville Social Club and somebody had helped out Daisy, and he carried Julie as well she was out cold that stuff works fast now. He had seen that Daisy didn't want to go with his cousin right now and she was being kind of feisty as well about it. Freddy looks at his cousin and Says "Listen show her you mean business about this as well allright."Cue AnybodyDaisy said "i just dont feel good" Quote
Julieduke Posted March 1, 2009 Author Posted March 1, 2009 Daisy said "i just dont feel good"The cousin Says "Oh that was on purpose, the little pill worked great and your coming with me all right Texas Ranger."Cue Anybody Quote
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted March 1, 2009 Posted March 1, 2009 The cousin Says "Oh that was on purpose, the little pill worked great and your coming with me all right Texas Ranger."Cue AnybodyDaisy said "its not that pill, its something else, that i dont know what it is" Quote
Julieduke Posted March 2, 2009 Author Posted March 2, 2009 Daisy said "its not that pill, its something else, that i dont know what it is"The Cousin Says "It was in your drink lady, you didn't taste it see Freddy's full of tricks just like me. You do know me thow, think about where you know me from thow."Cue Anybody Quote
Julieduke Posted March 2, 2009 Author Posted March 2, 2009 The Cousin Says "It was in your drink lady, you didn't taste it see Freddy's full of tricks just like me. You do know me thow, think about where you know me from thow."Cue AnybodyA Few Hours LaterThe cousin had brought Daisy in and she was in the same room had Julie, Julie wakes up and see's that her cousin was outcold she had no idea where she was at the last thing she remembered was getting sick and getting a ride with Freddy and he was going the wrong way to her's and Daisy's Apartment in Yahooville somewhere along with way she must've blacked out. But where was the the two of them at right now this wasn't the restaurant and she wanted to call her family, they must be worried sick they haven't called in almost a week now. She wished she knew, what was going on right now she remembered overreacting when Daisy had told her she was a Texas Ranger and that she was going to expose Harley McSweeney as well. They probaly think she's a Texas Ranger as well, but she wasn't she was just here to get away from Hazzard for a while she should've never left the fight she had with Bo wasn't that bad why did she let it get to her when Daisy said she was going to Texas she said that she wanted come along as well and that was the last thing she told her brother. It was two months ago, and that was why she wanted to call her brother and do that if he accept it from her. She never went to have their disagreement last this long what is she going to do now, what if she never got out of here. She'll never forgive herself now, she worried and scared right now and hoping that everything worked out as well. She had looked at Daisy, she was asleep but it wasn't very natural but she just went back to sleep and hoping all of this was just a bad dream and none of this wasn't really happening to her and Daisy right now.Cue Anybody Quote
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 The Cousin Says "It was in your drink lady, you didn't taste it see Freddy's full of tricks just like me. You do know me thow, think about where you know me from thow."Cue AnybodyDaisy said "you must not have seen, but i didnt have anything to drink" Quote
Julieduke Posted March 3, 2009 Author Posted March 3, 2009 Daisy said "you must not have seen, but i didnt have anything to drink"Hughie Says "No you didn't but Freddy keeps telling that you did and she's not asleep really is she now."Julie perks up and Says "Hughie Hogg, I didn't know that Harley was your grandfather this is just great but why did they drop something in mine I felt funny if you know what I mean and let the two of us go, and just tell us where were at as well."She got up but was still a little dizzy just yet, and she looks and Says "Fine I'm not staying I'll find any kind of car and just borrow it and go back home to Hazzard I don't want to be here. I'm not a Texas Ranger I have nothing to do with this right now besides isn't Bubba and the rest of crowd where the two of us are at right now. I want to go home please just let me leave, I don't know nothing and besides your a really softy anyways Hughie."Cue Anybody Quote
Julieduke Posted March 3, 2009 Author Posted March 3, 2009 (edited) Hughie Says "No you didn't but Freddy keeps telling that you did and she's not asleep really is she now."Julie perks up and Says "Hughie Hogg, I didn't know that Harley was your grandfather this is just great but why did they drop something in mine I felt funny if you know what I mean and let the two of us go, and just tell us where were at as well."She got up but was still a little dizzy just yet, and she looks and Says "Fine I'm not staying I'll find any kind of car and just borrow it and go back home to Hazzard I don't want to be here. I'm not a Texas Ranger I have nothing to do with this right now besides isn't Bubba and the rest of crowd where the two of us are at right now. I want to go home please just let me leave, I don't know nothing and besides your a really softy anyways Hughie."Cue AnybodyJulie had went to the door, and was about to open it and she had seen that Hughie Says "Please don't do that there two guys outside that door, and they don't like you and they won't treat you as nice as I am right now."Julie Says "I don't care, I don't want to be here I want to go back home that fight with Bo was really stupid now. Just let me leave I want to leave I'll walk to the nearest city if I have to I want to leave right now."She opens the door and two look at her and pick her up by the arms and carry her back in and look the one Says "Your not leaving and were telling the boss about you what makes you think your leaving now little girl and we didn't think either one of you's would try that stupid stunt now. You must be hiding something now that was bold now just get up and try to leave now, don't make us do something we don't want to do as well now. Your staying until Harley says your leaving you got that now little girl."Julie is sitting back down, and runs for the door but the other guy catches her and holds her and puts her back and she Says "I WANT TO LEAVE, I'M NOT A TEXAS RANGER AND I DON'T KNOW NOTHING AS WELL PLEASE LET ME LEAVE AS WELL YOUR BEING MEAN TO ME AS WELL."Hughie knew what Julie was trying wasn't going to work but they didn't know her like he did and she was getting dang here impossible as well. The other guys Says "Listen girl, don't try this again your getting on my patience right now as well."Julie was pissed and Says "I didn't know you had any now!" The guyclosest to her slapped and she looked and watched the two guys and Hughie walk out she knew what she was trying to do and she looked at Daisy she was being stubborn and had a split lip from it right now she didn't care she didn't want to be here she didn't know what they had slipped her but it was making her dizzy as well.Cue Anybody Edited March 3, 2009 by Julieduke Quote
Julieduke Posted March 3, 2009 Author Posted March 3, 2009 Julie had went to the door, and was about to open it and she had seen that Hughie Says "Please don't do that there two guys outside that door, and they don't like you and they won't treat you as nice as I am right now."Julie Says "I don't care, I don't want to be here I want to go back home that fight with Bo was really stupid now. Just let me leave I want to leave I'll walk to the nearest city if I have to I want to leave right now."She opens the door and two look at her and pick her up by the arms and carry her back in and look the one Says "Your not leaving and were telling the boss about you what makes you think your leaving now little girl and we didn't think either one of you's would try that stupid stunt now. You must be hiding something now that was bold now just get up and try to leave now, don't make us do something we don't want to do as well now. Your staying until Harley says your leaving you got that now little girl."Julie is sitting back down, and runs for the door but the other guy catches her and holds her and puts her back and she Says "I WANT TO LEAVE, I'M NOT A TEXAS RANGER AND I DON'T KNOW NOTHING AS WELL PLEASE LET ME LEAVE AS WELL YOUR BEING MEAN TO ME AS WELL."Hughie knew what Julie was trying wasn't going to work but they didn't know her like he did and she was getting dang here impossible as well. The other guys Says "Listen girl, don't try this again your getting on my patience right now as well."Julie was pissed and Says "I didn't know you had any now!" The guyclosest to her slapped and she looked and watched the two guys and Hughie walk out she knew what she was trying to do and she looked at Daisy she was being stubborn and had a split lip from it right now she didn't care she didn't want to be here she didn't know what they had slipped her but it was making her dizzy as well.Cue AnybodyHughie went to talk to Freddy and explained what happened and how he knew these two girls and how Julie had nothing to do with it right now. He wanted to do this before those guys told him what she did eariler she was upset, and he couldn't do anything to help out right now without looking like he had soft spot for her right now as well.Freddy seen the two guys come after locking the door, and they told him what Julie had done to them twice and he looks at them and Says "She didn't get away right well's that decent of you then and listen, I think there both Texas Rangers we got to find out someway of getting them to tell us what they know now."Hughie Says "No Julie isn't Freddy, she would never want to be a cop you don't know her like I do that's the farthest thing from her mind right now. It's just Daisy, but I think she would tell something if you didn't treat her cousin very nice now and becareful if Bo and Luke Duke come down here looking for either on them. It might be easier just to be put the two of them on a plane for Atlanta then keeping them here."Cue Anybody Quote
Julieduke Posted March 3, 2009 Author Posted March 3, 2009 Hughie went to talk to Freddy and explained what happened and how he knew these two girls and how Julie had nothing to do with it right now. He wanted to do this before those guys told him what she did eariler she was upset, and he couldn't do anything to help out right now without looking like he had soft spot for her right now as well.Freddy seen the two guys come after locking the door, and they told him what Julie had done to them twice and he looks at them and Says "She didn't get away right well's that decent of you then and listen, I think there both Texas Rangers we got to find out someway of getting them to tell us what they know now."Hughie Says "No Julie isn't Freddy, she would never want to be a cop you don't know her like I do that's the farthest thing from her mind right now. It's just Daisy, but I think she would tell something if you didn't treat her cousin very nice now and becareful if Bo and Luke Duke come down here looking for either on them. It might be easier just to be put the two of them on a plane for Atlanta then keeping them here."Cue AnybodyJulie looked at her cousin and Says "It's not fair Daisy, I want to go home and I know you do as well I didn't nothing but work for Freddy and look what I got here now."Cue Anybody Quote
Julieduke Posted March 3, 2009 Author Posted March 3, 2009 Julie looked at her cousin and Says "It's not fair Daisy, I want to go home and I know you do as well I didn't nothing but work for Freddy and look what I got here now."Cue AnybodyJulie had wished this had been a bad dream, but right now she was realizing this wasn't and it was really happening right now as well. She wanted to go home to Hazzard she looked in her pocket and realized she still had it with her and she looks at Daisy listen I'm going to send a text to Bo and see if he gets what's going with us right now okay.Cue Anybody Quote
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted March 3, 2009 Posted March 3, 2009 Hughie Says "No you didn't but Freddy keeps telling that you did and she's not asleep really is she now."Julie perks up and Says "Hughie Hogg, I didn't know that Harley was your grandfather this is just great but why did they drop something in mine I felt funny if you know what I mean and let the two of us go, and just tell us where were at as well."She got up but was still a little dizzy just yet, and she looks and Says "Fine I'm not staying I'll find any kind of car and just borrow it and go back home to Hazzard I don't want to be here. I'm not a Texas Ranger I have nothing to do with this right now besides isn't Bubba and the rest of crowd where the two of us are at right now. I want to go home please just let me leave, I don't know nothing and besides your a really softy anyways Hughie."Cue AnybodyDaisy said shouting at her "i see how selfish you are Julie, fine go home, but dont expect to be hearing from me again" Quote
Julieduke Posted March 3, 2009 Author Posted March 3, 2009 (edited) Daisy said shouting at her "i see how selfish you are Julie, fine go home, but dont expect to be hearing from me again"Julie Says "I would be but we got a locked door and larry and curly outside of it right now. Daisy they think I'm a Texas Ranger as well there has to be someway of convincing I'm not right now this awful we don't even know where were at right now."Cue Anybody Edited March 3, 2009 by Julieduke Quote
Julieduke Posted March 3, 2009 Author Posted March 3, 2009 Julie Says "I would be but we got a locked door and larry and curly outside of it right now. Daisy they think I'm a Texas Ranger as well there has to be someway of convincing I'm not right now this awful we don't even know where were at right now."Cue AnybodyFreddy walks in and he see's that Julie is holding her phone and looks at her and Says "You can't be having this right here now, and I heard you tried to run out that's not what I want now your both Texas Rangers I know you are and Julie you can deny it all you want but you just ain't got your badge with you right now but I know you are now."Julie Says "Know I'm not Freddy, I'm just had a better running car that's all I don't know you kidnapped the both of us but I'm not a Texas Ranger you can't even listen to reason now."Cue Anybody Quote
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted March 4, 2009 Posted March 4, 2009 Julie Says "I would be but we got a locked door and larry and curly outside of it right now. Daisy they think I'm a Texas Ranger as well there has to be someway of convincing I'm not right now this awful we don't even know where were at right now."Cue AnybodyDaisy sighes Quote
Julieduke Posted March 4, 2009 Author Posted March 4, 2009 Daisy sighesJulie Says "Daisy those men think were both Texas Rangers, you see and I'm not but you are what if they keep insisting I am do you got some kind of back plan now."Cue Anybody Quote
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted March 4, 2009 Posted March 4, 2009 Julie Says "Daisy those men think were both Texas Rangers, you see and I'm not but you are what if they keep insisting I am do you got some kind of back plan now."Cue AnybodyDaisy said "not right now" Quote
Julieduke Posted March 4, 2009 Author Posted March 4, 2009 Daisy said "not right now"Julie Says "Fine, when they ask me I make something up that's all but we got to keep calm about this right now. Aren't all cops supposed to have back-up plans in case things go south on them like this right now."Cue Anybody Quote
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted March 4, 2009 Posted March 4, 2009 Julie Says "Fine, when they ask me I make something up that's all but we got to keep calm about this right now. Aren't all cops supposed to have back-up plans in case things go south on them like this right now."Cue AnybodyDaisy looked at her "im thinking okay!" Quote
Julieduke Posted March 4, 2009 Author Posted March 4, 2009 Daisy looked at her "im thinking okay!"Julie Says "Fine but what if they try to make us talk about I don't know nothing about what your doing right now. You just told me and Freddy took my cellphone and he's probaly going be watching me more since I tried to get out twice now."Cue Anybody Quote
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