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Jesse took the photo carefully in his hand, smiling a little at his wife who had her arms wrapped so lovingly round the two squirming, smiling little boys. Luke had never been the more cuddly of the two but when he was younger he would seek out a hug from his Auntie just as willingly as Bo. After she left, Luke lost that and lost it even further when he joined the Marine Corps.

Now however, it appeared Luke was starting to want that feeling back again, to love someone like he loved his Auntie...or maybe even more so. He was lonely in the sense he didn't really have a closeness to anyone besides his family...Luke was growing up into the next stage of adulthood...Luke wanted the love of someone outside the 4 of them.

Nodding a little, he looked back up at his eldest before standing up and opening his arms to him.


Jesse smiled gently, rubbing his back as he wrapped his arms around his eldest. For too long Luke had kept himself further away from the more physical side of affection from his family, only accepting a hug from Bo when it was really needed and this was even rarer in public. He was glad to finally see Luke ask for affection, even if he didn't come out and say her wanted it.

"It'll be ok son....you won't be lonely very long now you know what your looking for..."


"Its taken you a while but you realize what you want now son...I know I's always said some things about you two boys havin a family but I never meant em...if anyone was t'take a wife I woulda bet this farm that it woulda been you son...Bo may be the more open with his feelin's...but you got a love to share that you aint let loose so much yet...I know you will when you find the right person though...I know it son..."

Jesse said softly as though reading his mind, rocking him softly as he used to do when Luke was just a small boy.


"You will son..."

Jesse reassured gently, resting a hand on the back of Luke's head softly. As much as he loved that Luke was growing up and starting to test deeper waters more and more, another part of him wished he would just stay his little boy forever, that all three of his kids would. He knew it wasn't possible of course but he treasured these moments when it seemed like the kids still needed him and his guidance. He dreaded the day when they would all everntually spread their wings and leave the farm behind...but then again he couldn't wait. He wanted to be around to see what his kids could achieve, meet the families he had no doubt all three would raise....whether that would be a reality would be down to them.


Luke sighed softly as he felt his uncle's hand resting against his own dark curls. He couldn't remember the last time he had allowed his uncle to hold him. Very likely it was before Nam...before he lost tear ducts in boot camp...before he left the farm a boy and came back a man.

Sometimes, he wished he was still the naive farm boy he had been....back when he had a family...back when he wasn't alone.


Jesse just stood holding Luke close, willing to do so for as long as Luke needed even though he knew he should really be telling Luke to go out and get whatever it was he needed, to start searching. He couldn't help though but relish this side of Luke, to nurture it more so that what was coming for him wouldn't be such a struggle to deal with, wouldn't be so awkward...although his track record showed he didn't have such a problem with intimacy with the ladies...it was more the commitment.


Jesse smiled to him as he let go, albiet it a little reluctantly, patting his shoulder gently.

"Now that ain't true anymore is it....you don't ever gotta be sorry for seekin out some comfort an' reassurance Luke...everyone needs it sometimes...from the most common of townsfolk to the president of these united states....dont make ya any less of a man."


It didn't take long before Luke pulled up in his uncle's old weather-beaten truck to the orphanage, turning off the engine and stepping out. The large brick building loomed in front of him, a bit intimidatingly...especially as the sound of children's voices reached his ears as they played. Quietly he knocked on the door, his palm sweaty as he pounded the door with the old-fashioned knocker.


As he knocked, an adult voice grew louder in among the children's, making its way towards the door.

"Come on Billy now move out the way, Sarah dont eat that, Ricky if I have to tell you again to stop jumping on the couch you won't get any dessert tonight!"

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