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The Drive-thru Barber Shop/Oil Change and Lube Stop/ Quicky Mart/ Bar and Grill


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Daisy said "when you left, my doctor had to put me on prescription depression medicine, i couldnt handle the fact that you were gone, and when you left, Kayle was still a little girl, i was afraid that you expecially out of everyone was mad at me for doing what i did with Walker to make Kayle come into this world because of some stupid night that Enos was in LA and i got drunk, i know that doesnt make sense, but its true"

"Daisy honey...I didn't know about Kayle till Christine told me. Didn't you give her up when she was born?" Lizzy asks.

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"Daisy honey...I didn't know about Kayle till Christine told me. Didn't you give her up when she was born?" Lizzy asks.

Daisy said "thats another thing that scared me, i was scared because at the time when i was about to come back to Hazzard you were still here, Enos just got back, and i was afraid that everyone would hate me so i made the worst decision and gave her up and fled back to Hazzard, and i knew some one would find out that i just had a baby, and Walker was threating to tell everyone back here"

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Daisy said "thats another thing that scared me, i was scared because at the time when i was about to come back to Hazzard you were still here, Enos just got back, and i was afraid that everyone would hate me so i made the worst decision and gave her up and fled back to Hazzard, and i knew some one would find out that i just had a baby, and Walker was threating to tell everyone back here"

"This isn't making sense Daisy...Do you think that I left because I found out about Kayle and was mad at you?" Lizzy asks.

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Daisy said "that was one factor and the other was because of your situation with Jeb, thats the reason im still scared you'll leave,just dont"

"Like I said I didn't know about Kayle until a few weeks ago and the only reason...the only reason I left in the past was because of Heather and I couldn't face Jeb. I will swear on anything you want me to that I will not willingly run again." Lizzy says.

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Daisy said "but its true, i didn spiral into a depression sentence when you left, Enos was scared for me"

"I...I could apologize till I was blue in the face and it still wouldn't be enough. I can never tell you how truly sorry I am for leaving you. Looking back now, if I had the chance to change it...I never would have left." Lizzy says.

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"I...I could apologize till I was blue in the face and it still wouldn't be enough. I can never tell you how truly sorry I am for leaving you. Looking back now, if I had the chance to change it...I never would have left." Lizzy says.

Daisy said "i dont care any more, at least your back, maybe things can return to normal, if only i could stop drifting away from Julie and i could make peace with Walker"

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Daisy nodds

Julie See's her old friend Lizzy Davenport walk and Says "Lizzy listen I love Aaron but everybody thinks he's not right for me but he's just scared that somebody else is going to kidnapp me again is he lets his guard down. The docter back in Texas said he'll get over this but sometimes I like and sometimes it's getting on my nerves as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

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Julie See's her old friend Lizzy Davenport walk and Says "Lizzy listen I love Aaron but everybody thinks he's not right for me but he's just scared that somebody else is going to kidnapp me again is he lets his guard down. The docter back in Texas said he'll get over this but sometimes I like and sometimes it's getting on my nerves as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

"Jules...I know it seems hard right now but...Daisy's worried about you she says that Aaron isn't letting the two of you hang out. If he's so concerned then why don't you suggest that the four of you go out on a double date? That way he can protect you and you get time with Daisy. I'd hate to see the two of you drift apart." Lizzy says.

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"Jules...I know it seems hard right now but...Daisy's worried about you she says that Aaron isn't letting the two of you hang out. If he's so concerned then why don't you suggest that the four of you go out on a double date? That way he can protect you and you get time with Daisy. I'd hate to see the two of you drift apart." Lizzy says.

Julie Says "Okay, when I'm out of here sounds good but you know my babies have to stay until there stronger hey I hear that Kathy is actually Rosco's daughter, but between you and me she's seems like she's pregnant right now. And I know how much she loves my cousin as well and look is Emma here in Hazzard as well she remind me so much of you now are the two of you related or something now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

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