artykidd Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Seriously, How was your day? Good? Bad? or just normal? Give us a recap. It could be theraputic and hey, if you had a good day.....Share the good news. Quote
General Grant Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Hey artykidd!My day was pretty good. I got up this morning (always a plus!) and it was 32 degrees out. I thought it was a good thing that I drained the water hose yesterday or I would have had to get the ice out of it. Then I did the barn chores, and was very glad that it was cool as opposed to hot! And now, I'm thinking about going out to sit in a tree for a couple hours (bow hunting) How was your day? Quote
DukesFan_08 Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 My day was pretty boring. Did some schoolwork, went to the local ice cream parlor for lunch, raked leaves in the front yard, and here I sit. Quote
North_of_Border1 Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 My day was pretty boring. I still don't have a job so I got up late. Cold and rainy day, about 5 Celsius (41 for those south of the border ). Moped around the apartment a bit and then went to dad's house. Called a snow contractor for him and did some laundry and put away the last bit of paperwork in regards to mom's passing and that's it.The weather matched my mood today. Quote
Redneck girl 01 Posted October 22, 2008 Posted October 22, 2008 Howdy Y'all! My day was ok...I have had better...Just got up and went to school. Took notes...presented a project in world history. Helped clean the football field and pressbox...Came home took a nap...Woke up and got on here...and now probably goin back to bed...So my day was pertty borin. Oh it was bout 30 some out this is 48 Hey General did you go huntin? Quote
Val Strate Posted October 22, 2008 Posted October 22, 2008 Creative post Artykidd!Today, I woke up late. Showered, dressed then went to my brother's house and babysat the nephew with my dad. We had drivethrough for lunch then went home when my sister-in-law arrived. Once Dad and I were home, my father decided to take his motorcycle to therapy and ended up falling over on his bad knee with the bike in the driveway. Talk about a scare! So I run out to him and help him get the bike back up and back to the barn. So then he decides to take the truck to therapy and I go back to the house. Later I get a phone call from his therapist saying, my father can't move his knee and needs a ride home. By this time my mother comes home and we bring father home. Once we're home, I go out and feed the barn cats, the dog, and the cows. I then come back inside and have ham and bean soup for supper with the folks and help mom can peach jelly. Now I'm on the computer with ya'll and I go to work in about two hours. Quote
Bo's_Belle Posted October 22, 2008 Posted October 22, 2008 Funny topic...Today was my day off work and I wanted to sleep until late, but, alas, I guess I'm too used to get up early so i did the same today. I had breakfast (i never have it on work days, bad i know!), did some cleaning, had lunch, prepared some papers for tomorrow's work, went to the doctor (sigh), went to the mechanic garage (not like our own Cooter sadly) to get my car that has been repaired, came back home, had a shower, had dinner and here I am...going to bed soon I guess...It's raining here!All in all i guess it's not been a special day, but i'm grateful everything's ok :-) Quote
Dixie_Nachelle01 Posted October 22, 2008 Posted October 22, 2008 well my day was goin' good 'till my band director locked me and my best friend out of the classroom. . . AGAIN!!! lol well she had the student teacher do it for her but we caught him this time and we just got the deer caught in the headlights look then he ran back into the classroom. i know this prolly sounds like i'm a horrible disrespectful kid but i'm really not. she just hates me. i think it's kinda funny that she actually tried to lock us out though. it's kinda creepy at the same time too though.hahaand right now i am supposed to be drying and putting away the dishes before my mom comes home from my sisters piano lesson. which i should prolly get a start on cause she will be home soon and so will my dad. Quote
Julieduke Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 well my day was goin' good 'till my band director locked me and my best friend out of the classroom. . . AGAIN!!! lol well she had the student teacher do it for her but we caught him this time and we just got the deer caught in the headlights look then he ran back into the classroom. i know this prolly sounds like i'm a horrible disrespectful kid but i'm really not. she just hates me. i think it's kinda funny that she actually tried to lock us out though. it's kinda creepy at the same time too though.hahaand right now i am supposed to be drying and putting away the dishes before my mom comes home from my sisters piano lesson. which i should prolly get a start on cause she will be home soon and so will my dad.Okay, boss pointed out everything I did wrong today thow. Quote
artykidd Posted October 24, 2008 Author Posted October 24, 2008 Glad to hear most everyone's day's are going well, although the weather seems a bit chilly for most.General, i hope you saw something.Redneck Girl, you sound like you had a full day of school and Val I do hope your dad's knee is okay. My husband went through therapy for his knee. It's no picnic that's for certain.Dixie.......I do wonder and Julie, I hope work goes better for you next time.I had a pretty good week. I did manage to trip over a parking stop at school and ended up smacking the top of my left foot on the cement curb. I got sent to the doctor's by the principal and they took some x-rays. No breaks but a severe contusion (translation: really bad bruise). Needless to say, my kids have really stepped up to the plate on helping me out around the classroom and have tried their best to make my day go easy. Although, I do seem to keep tripping from the darn crutches and smacking my bad foot. Not pleasant. But I'm thankful that I only have to be on the crutches for another week and then I can go back to having a normal routine, including a return to karate.Hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll check back in to see how ya'll are doing. Quote
Redneck girl 01 Posted October 31, 2008 Posted October 31, 2008 Yee Haw!! I had a great weekend...I got a PS2 and got to play my Dukes game which I think is a lot of fun...I love it...It can get aggitating Then it snowed on tuesday and we had a 2-hour delay from school on wednesday. Then me and my friend fer the past two days we cleaned the press box we had snowball fights...Then I took a bunch of tests and such, am workin on two which involves special needs for kids in my child care class...Im doing Aspergers Syndrome. Then today was pretty good...n I went sled riding and took a bunch of pics of the snow and such...I had fun...So My weeks been goin good...How bout y'alls?? Quote
Julieduke Posted October 31, 2008 Posted October 31, 2008 Glad to hear most everyone's day's are going well, although the weather seems a bit chilly for most.General, i hope you saw something.Redneck Girl, you sound like you had a full day of school and Val I do hope your dad's knee is okay. My husband went through therapy for his knee. It's no picnic that's for certain.Dixie.......I do wonder and Julie, I hope work goes better for you next time.I had a pretty good week. I did manage to trip over a parking stop at school and ended up smacking the top of my left foot on the cement curb. I got sent to the doctor's by the principal and they took some x-rays. No breaks but a severe contusion (translation: really bad bruise). Needless to say, my kids have really stepped up to the plate on helping me out around the classroom and have tried their best to make my day go easy. Although, I do seem to keep tripping from the darn crutches and smacking my bad foot. Not pleasant. But I'm thankful that I only have to be on the crutches for another week and then I can go back to having a normal routine, including a return to karate.Hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll check back in to see how ya'll are doing.Well today the same boss I mention a couple of posts was being a bit a jerk again. I wandered what was bothering him today. Quote
artykidd Posted November 1, 2008 Author Posted November 1, 2008 Julie,All I can tell you is to take this as a learning experience. Unfortuanately,no matter where we go or where we choose to live, work, etc, there are going to be people we don't get along with or who, for some reason, seem to have woken up with a lemon in their mouth. Take this as a chance to perfect your people skills or even to reevaluate where you work. Maybe there is somehthing better out there for you.If it's a situation that you just can't stand, then it's time to put some feelers out for a new job. Otherwise, step back and take an objective look at where you are and what you are doing, along with your boss. Try to have an honest conversation with him/her and explain how you feel and what you think some acceptable solutions might be. If that doesn't work, start looking.I found out I'm on crutches for another week at least. *sigh* there goes the brown belt test. This sucks. Quote
Julieduke Posted November 4, 2008 Posted November 4, 2008 Julie,All I can tell you is to take this as a learning experience. Unfortuanately,no matter where we go or where we choose to live, work, etc, there are going to be people we don't get along with or who, for some reason, seem to have woken up with a lemon in their mouth. Take this as a chance to perfect your people skills or even to reevaluate where you work. Maybe there is somehthing better out there for you.If it's a situation that you just can't stand, then it's time to put some feelers out for a new job. Otherwise, step back and take an objective look at where you are and what you are doing, along with your boss. Try to have an honest conversation with him/her and explain how you feel and what you think some acceptable solutions might be. If that doesn't work, start looking.I found out I'm on crutches for another week at least. *sigh* there goes the brown belt test. This sucks.Thank You, and sorry about the crutches and work was going good today I got everything they wanted done today and nobody said nothing was ready as well. Quote
TomBo Posted November 7, 2008 Posted November 7, 2008 Took the day off & took my family to the Oldest American Zoo today in Philadelphia, Pa. Quote
artykidd Posted November 8, 2008 Author Posted November 8, 2008 Julie, I'm glad your day at work went better. I hope things continue in that direction for you.Tombo.....Good for you. A day off of work to spend with your family is always a great day. I've been to that zoo myself. I have family in Penn. and the zoo is really nice. It was definitely and enjoyable day.As for me, I went back to the doctor and I'm still on the crutches and will be for another week. (sigh) I'm seriously going through withdrawls here. This will make an entire month without any karate. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted November 8, 2008 Posted November 8, 2008 day YESTERDAY was in a word HORRID.Today has GOT to be better... Quote
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted November 8, 2008 Posted November 8, 2008 my day yesterday wasnt so bad but me and my stepdad got into a fight and then i got grounded but i got up early today and that was a stupid thing to do Quote
Julieduke Posted November 8, 2008 Posted November 8, 2008 Julie, I'm glad your day at work went better. I hope things continue in that direction for you.Tombo.....Good for you. A day off of work to spend with your family is always a great day. I've been to that zoo myself. I have family in Penn. and the zoo is really nice. It was definitely and enjoyable day.As for me, I went back to the doctor and I'm still on the crutches and will be for another week. (sigh) I'm seriously going through withdrawls here. This will make an entire month without any karate.Well yesterday was good and bad first the good part I got one hour of overtime and the higher ups are mad. And after work I went to cash my check and Wal-mart rejected my payroll check from McDonald's. I got it cashed at Giant Eagle but I was mad about it thow. Quote
Julieduke Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 Well yesterday was good and bad first the good part I got one hour of overtime and the higher ups are mad. And after work I went to cash my check and Wal-mart rejected my payroll check from McDonald's. I got it cashed at Giant Eagle but I was mad about it thow.Happy Veteran's Day to all the Veterans out there past and present and future. Quote
artykidd Posted November 30, 2008 Author Posted November 30, 2008 I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving and found lots to be thankful for. Quote
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