James Duke Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 "Me too." James replied, looking at him.
Emy-Rae Duke Posted September 4, 2008 Author Posted September 4, 2008 bo sighed closed his eyes and drifted ogff to sleep.~*~*~*~*~*~* a few hoursd later~*~*~*~""we're here" ming said
James Duke Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 James had fallen asleep a short time after Bo had. When Ming woke them up, James sat up straight and yawned before stretching.
Emy-Rae Duke Posted September 5, 2008 Author Posted September 5, 2008 After they left the airport a car pixes them up and drives them to a house in the country.An old man greets the bows and ming. "Thank you Ming you shall leave." "Ok father."Ming said as she left "Hello, Im Lee. I shall be your teacher but you can call me Sifu." He said. "I shall give you both the training you need."He added
James Duke Posted September 5, 2008 Posted September 5, 2008 "Its nice to meet you, Sifu." James said.
Emy-Rae Duke Posted September 7, 2008 Author Posted September 7, 2008 " so lets get to training, follow me." Lee said
James Duke Posted September 7, 2008 Posted September 7, 2008 "Alright then." James nodded, following him.
Emy-Rae Duke Posted September 10, 2008 Author Posted September 10, 2008 Sifu led them to a huge room with lots of obstacles. " Okay lets begin he said as he told them what they had to doBo looks out the window and looks at a girl in the market across the road
James Duke Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 James was ready to start, but then noticed Bo was staring out the window. Seeing the reason why, he smacked his forehead. "Bo, we got more important things to do then stare at women right now."
Emy-Rae Duke Posted September 10, 2008 Author Posted September 10, 2008 Bo rolls his eyes.Now lets see your endurance level." Lee said as he pointed to an obstacle course.
James Duke Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 James looked at the obstical course, then crossed his arms. "That doesn't look to hard...though Bo would probably fall flat on his face."
Emy-Rae Duke Posted September 10, 2008 Author Posted September 10, 2008 Sifu nods " very good James." He said as he watched James. " I see yooou're endurance level is quite good."Bo started the course but couldn't quite make it through the climbing stage
James Duke Posted September 11, 2008 Posted September 11, 2008 James couldn't help but laugh at his brother. Even though they were identical, they were as different as a flea and a dog.
Emy-Rae Duke Posted September 11, 2008 Author Posted September 11, 2008 Bo managed to climb over the wall and continued on the rest of the way.I see we need to work with you for a while young one." Lee said
James Duke Posted September 11, 2008 Posted September 11, 2008 James snickered, knowing he'd be way ahead of Bo in their training. "Sorry bro, better luck next time."
Emy-Rae Duke Posted September 12, 2008 Author Posted September 12, 2008 No looked down feeling a bit embarrassed."worry not young one you'll be as good as your brother." Lee said assuringly. "ok now that I know your endurance level I know where to work with each of you." he added. " Lee me show you two around. Im sure you would like to call your uncle Jesse." He added
James Duke Posted September 12, 2008 Posted September 12, 2008 "Yes sir. We promised we'd call him once we got here." James replied, following Lee.
Emy-Rae Duke Posted September 12, 2008 Author Posted September 12, 2008 Lee nodded and gave them a tour of the house then he led them to a room with two beds, two desks, two closets, a phone and shelves with lots of books. "Those books are history books about the dragon gene I want you ywo to read up on it when your not in training." He began. "Your things are packed in the closets and draws. "the bathroom is through that door." he said pointing to it.
James Duke Posted September 13, 2008 Posted September 13, 2008 James nodded, knowing the reading part would be torture to Bo, since that was one thing he hated to do. James himself though, liked to read when he had the chance, so it wouldn't be a problem for him.
Emy-Rae Duke Posted September 13, 2008 Author Posted September 13, 2008 Lee nodded as he left the room. Bo sighed. " oh great..." he said as he plopped down on the bed. " just like High svhool all over again."He sighed
James Duke Posted September 14, 2008 Posted September 14, 2008 "Eh get over it. Its not like you gotta turn in a paper or anything. We just gotta read to save the world is all." James said, grabbing a book to read.
Emy-Rae Duke Posted September 14, 2008 Author Posted September 14, 2008 "we gotta call uncle jesse first." he said as he picked up the phone
James Duke Posted September 14, 2008 Posted September 14, 2008 James glanced at him, then flipped through the book before sitting it down.
Emy-Rae Duke Posted September 14, 2008 Author Posted September 14, 2008 Jesse Duke picked up the phone. " Good evening Duke farm Jesse Duke speaking.""its morning uncle Jesse its Bo and James..,Ewe got here safely."He added
James Duke Posted September 18, 2008 Posted September 18, 2008 James looked over at Bo, listening to the conversation.
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