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To Keep On Keepin' On


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Daisy bit her lip gently....she didnt want to interfere with Luke\'s treatment when he was obviously doing so well...but then again she didnt really want to go back to the farm alone...it was bad enough that being alone reminded her of Jesse...but it was worse that she had no one to comfort her when she was.

\"I dont wanna intrude...\"

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Daisy sighed softly, reaching out and squeezing his hand gently.

\"Of course I want to...I want to spend time with you...I miss you so much. What i dont want to do is make you feel uncomfortable in a place where you can talk so freely and feel..like your being taken care of for once...having no one to worry bout but yourself for a change...I know how much this place means to you already...how much Sara, god bless her, is helping you...I just..dont wanna be the one to ruin that for you...\" She admitted to him gently.

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Luke swallowed, never having realized before just how worried he had made his cousins. The truth was, he had been hurting so bad himself, he couldn't bring himself to see how his cousins were feeling. In fact...he couldn't really feel anything besides his own pain.

"Just...if...if Sara and I get talkin...I..." he bit his lip. He didn't want to tell her to step out of the room, but at the same time this was all so new to him, and he didn't really trust the emotions he was feeling and he didn't trust himself not to hurt Daisy more with them.

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\"I\'ll go...I promise. I can understand why, you don\'t gotta explain. I\'ll go sit with Bo or go home...\"

To her surprise it was hard to say the word home...the farm didn\'t feel like home anymore, not with Uncle Jesse gone from it. Home had always been for her where the people she loved was...and at the moment, none of them were there.

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With a small nod and as much of a smile as she could muster, she looked up at Luke properly.

\"Yeah...as I can be...gets hard bein\' at the farm alone sometimes but...i\'m doing ok...Enos keeps coming and checking on me and so does Cooter...even Rosco sometimes though he claims he\'s lookin for you two...Hazzard misses you boys...all the girls keep wanting me t\'tell them where ya are so they can come visit...\"

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