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"Luke...you...you know I didn't forget ya right...cause I really didn't cousin...I was comin out t'see ya an' I fell asleep in the front seat of Dixie is all...." Bo said softly, sensing a change in the way Luke was reacting around him.


"Your not alone Luke...even when I'm not here my thoughts an' my prayers are with ya...all the time. I cant do anythin' without thinkin how I miss my big brother...how I want him back again...I can't be here all the time because you need t'talk with Sara and get things straightened out, s'why yer here....but i'll be here when I can cousin....I just had a bad start t'day that's all. I've had to plan a lot and everything..."

He quickly trailed off at the end, not wanting Luke to start thinking bout what it could be making Bo stay awake so much he was feeling asleep as soon as he sat down.


Bo nodded softly, looking back at him.

"I know ya are...we're all scared for ya cousin...but you'll get better I know ya will...you aint ever failed me an' I know yer not gonna let yerself start now..."


"She'll get in when she can but she's gotta work t'earn money and the like..." He said quietly, now starting to think about getting a job himself because it was clear now with Luke's hospital bills that they were going to be dangerously on edge of losing the farm if he didn't...


"Luke!" Bo exclaimed softly, putting his hands on his cousns shoulders and squeezing softly. "Luke I can do it...alright, i'll find a way just like you would have done...I can do this, dont you worry about anything else besides getting yourself better..."


"Soon as you get outta here...we can start renovatin' the farm...adding the extensions ya planned an' things...it's gonna look great..."

Bo said softly, trying to get Luke to think at least a little more positively.


"I can't do that without you though...cause they's your plans...we can do it t'gether, like when ya came back from the Marines an' we built General Lee t'gether...be nice to work on a project again.."

he said softly.

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