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To Keep On Keepin' On


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Soon, Bo was running down the hospital hallway, cursing himself all the way as he dodged people, doctors and nurses - running straight past Sara and into Luke's room.

"Luke! Luke i'm so sorry Luke, I lost track of time, I fell asleep in Dixie....I'm sorry I didn't mean t'be late, I'm here like I promised I would be..."

He said in a breathless rush.

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"I know...I know Luke i'm so sorry...I really didnt mean t'show up so late, I didn't...s'why I fell asleep in the car, I was hurryin' t'get t'ya...guess my body had other ideas..."

He said softly, an arm around Luke's shoulders now.

"But you can still tell me what you did today...if yer already trying that's great news t'hear!"

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"I'll bet that was difficult t'talk about..." He said softly, understanding without Luke needing to tell him how it had gone. "I can't understand or begin t'comprehend what it feels like t'have t'recall that...cause I dont remember mine none...but i'm real impressed with how you've managed to talk about it so quick already...and to a person ya barely know...its real good Luke.."

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"I am proud Luke...I always was and still am...I'm proud of the fact you realize you have a problem and need this kinda help...I know your tryin' cause you promised me you would, I ain't got any doubt ya will...but how you try is up to you..."

Bo said, pulling Luke into a hug this time, rubbing his back softly as he was dangerously close to falling asleep again.

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Bo shook his head gently.

"I can imagine ya dont cousin...you just gotta calm down some...start thinkin' straight again is all an' you'll feel much better...I love ya cousin, never forget that...yer like my big brother, ya always have been an' always will be...no matter what I do in life you'll always be the one I look up to..."

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Bo sighed softly as he just held his elder cousin close, wishing he could just magically take away all Luke's pain and make him better again....right now he really missed his cousin and he knew it would just make Luke that much more guilty to know that he would miss his Uncle's wake and funeral...he just didnt know how to bring it up without upsetting Luke even more...in fact he was actually planning on letting Sara talk to him about it.

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