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"So...the only way to stop a loop is to break one part of it...to do that we have to stop your way of thinking in just one part to make it all change eventually...however I cannot be the one to tell you what to change first...you have to do that..."


"But if you change all of you, then where's the person that Bo loves so much gonna go? What's gonna happen to Bo if you leave...because if you change all of you, you'll no longer be you..."

She said softly.


"Why? There's nothing wrong with who you are Luke...you may have some insecurities but everyone does...I can help you with them...get you back on track...you can never change who you are Luke, its not possible..."


"I'm sure that's not true either...its probably because your so upset, any flaws you might have, any fears are magnified greater than they should be, making things appear worse than they actually are...i'll bet in reality you have nothing to worry about...course we can wait for Bo to get here then ask him..."


"He promised he would...so i'm sure he will. He seems like he cares for you a lot, and I can see normally you two are very close...i'll bet he's on his way right now..."

Well...Bo would have been....had he not been sitting in the front seat of Dixie fast asleep...still on the farm...


Minutes turned to hours, and still Bo did not show up. Luke sat, huddled into himself on the bed staring out the window tears trickling down. He knew all along that Bo wouldn't come. He knew he had ruined everything...but a part of him still had wanted to believe him. Not anymore...he accepted the fact that his family had left him. It was what he deserved.

He hadn't spoken anymore to Sara. He hadn't eaten. He just sat as the day went on, waiting for Bo, though Bo never came.


Sara looked down at her notes again and saw that that was indeed the person she needed to speak to.

"Hey there Daisy, this is Sara from Altanta General Hospital...I was wondering if you have any idea where Bo is...he was supposed to come in today, he promised Luke he would, but he hasn't turned up and i'm getting no answer at your home..."

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