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To Keep On Keepin' On


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"That is of course...if you actually want to be rescued...cause if you dont there's not a whole lot I can do. You have to want me to help you...you have to co operate with me and let me in to know all the things you dont want anyone to know...cause that's the only way I can get to the bottom of all this...if you dont talk to me I cant send that lifeline down to you..."

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"Its okay...you dont have to know now. I understand this has been a hard day for you already, and the last thing you probably want to do right now is talk to a stranger. I was just letting you know so you could think a little on it and think about the kind of things you believe this to be coming from....and for us to get to know each other a little better..."

She said with a soft smile.

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*A day later*

Bo sighed as he hung up the phone, not having had the heart or the will the day before to call everyone and let them know about their Uncle. He had just gotten off the phone with the last person whom he had had to call - which had happened to be Jeb Stuart - and had also just finished an argument with him. Jeb had immidiatly offered, as all the other cousins had done - to come down and help out around the farm until they were all back on their feet. Bo however had instantly come back with absolutly not...he hadn't told them about Luke and he was sure his cousin would want as few people knowing about it for as long as he could. How on earth he was going to explain Luke's abscence at Jesse's wake and funeral though was something else.

Sighing he ran his hands through his hair tiredly, not getting much sleep through worry and the fact he had too many things going through his mind. Glancing up at the clock, he stood up and retrieved his boots, getting ready to go and see Luke again just like he had promised....plus he had to go to the hospital anyway and arange for Jesse's body to be brought back to Hazzard for the wake.

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Biting her lip softly, Sara nodded having figured that some root of all this would have been something like that. The people that handled loss the worst were the people who it seemed to happen over and over to...and in this case she was betting that Luke was no exception.

"I bet that was hard...to lose them so early..."

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"I'm sorry..." she said softly, understandingly. She knew it was best to just let patients talk out what was bothering them without interrupting them too much, but she had to let him know that she was listening. She would only talk back if there was something worthwhile she could say that could benifit Luke and right now there wasn't.

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"It can be heard when your young...to remember having parents....seeing other people who still have theirs and wondering why you never got the chance they have..." Sara agreed softly, seeing how Luke would find it hard to seperate his parents from his new life as easy as other kids might. "Especially seeing as you were so young..."

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