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Howdy y'all...my brother just recently got a wii and I know there are wii games fer the playstation, playstation 2 and all that but do y'all know if they have made one fer the wii? I dont think they have but I'm just wonderin if y'all heard anythang bout something like that....Wish I didn't have to pay $80 to git ROTGL from amazon....GRRRR! Anyways just wonderin'.:D


Well they should make it fer the wii...Im sure there would be people who would buy it...n Thanks DaisyMae that saves me alot of searchin...I dunno bout ebay...We've used it twice but I dunno...What exatly do ya gotta do in Daisy Dukes it out?


Grrr I need to start proofreadin my post:I wana fix this one well correct itwhere said, " I know there are wii games fer the playstation, playstation 2 and all that but do y'all know if they have made one fer the wii?" I meant I know there are DOH games for the playstation, playstation 2, xbox and so, but do y'all know if they make one for the wii." Ok I feel better now


I've got all three of the Dukes games (both PS1's and the PS2) and they are all so awsome. The graphics in the PS1's are awful lol but its good fun to play with and as for the PS2 game, I brought mine of amazon for around $6....so you shouldn't be paying 80 lol


Lucky you Bo...must be nice to have em all for the 2 systems...lol...GUESS WHAT?!?! Hopefully soon I will be recievin ROTGL fer the PS2...yay! I got it off e-bay it started at a $1 and I won with the bid of $29.50 includin shippin! (Which it bout what it was when it came up at first) I can't wait to I git it and am able to play it...Yeee Haw!...Hey Bo was the one you got fer round $6 on amazon used or new? Thats cool that it has John and all them as the voices...can't wait to play it.


lol varies depending on what level you do.,...for example there's one where you have to raise a rukus in the town square, real easy :D But there's one that i'm stuck on where you have to transport dynamite in the GL....your not allowed one tiny bump...the general must not leave the floor or go too quick otherwise BOOM and you start the level all over again...so difficult!!! But its good fun...the GL is a pig to handle


lol varies depending on what level you do.,...for example there's one where you have to raise a rukus in the town square, real easy But there's one that i'm stuck on where you have to transport dynamite in the GL....your not allowed one tiny bump...the general must not leave the floor or go too quick otherwise BOOM and you start the level all over again...so difficult!!! But its good fun...the GL is a pig to handle


GRRRR I hit the wrong button! lol....hmm raisin a rukus sounds like fun!!! YEE Haw! Oh gosh me n dynamite that dont work right there...lol...I dont wanna go BOOM! Do you know what level that is? So how are the other vehicles to handle? Can you only use the General to do the levels?

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

I have played them all Redneck Girl they are all fun ROTGL is very satisfying course it was made in 04 I am trying to get midway games interested in making a new game fer all systems but all I have got from them is midway is currently not making any new Dukes games at the present time and as in my other posts some other members also threw their hands in with info they said that enough people have to be interested in a new game to get and economy is bad at the present so probably no big name games would be released soon I have been pleading with everyone on here to send a message to midway and joining my fight to get a new dukes game on the market I mean cmon they are releasing the new Ghostbusters game/movie ( this is the best GB fans will get until they decide to make a new movie if they ever will) but they are releasing it for all systems including ps2 I think so follow my lead go to midways homepage then go to contact us then scroll down to ask a ? then fill out all the info and tell them that they need a new game I am not sure how many have done this yet from here I even went out on a limb and messaged the Real BO duke John Schneider and asked for his assistance but I have heard nothing yet I had hoped that BO as interested in the franchise as he is would help us out I hope that you enjoy ROTGL I loved it I love beign able to loose Roscoe and Enos just pull out classic moves like you would see on the show I have been driving along and did a quick spin hit the nitro and headed the other way and you will love the BIG BIG jumps course I hit the nitro before the end of the jump or when on a race I try to cut around and go off road a little and I will be in 1st for shure please write to midway get them interested in a new game if we get enough thy might finally see it our way good luck

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