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howdy everyone im Mike first time postor here i love doh much as next persn i got all dvds tv show soundtrack 5 videos on tape i watch them when ican and also got mr john schneiders personal autograph picture im glad to be here


Hello Mike!

Welcome to Hazzard Net! That is so cool that you got John Schneider's autograph! I am so happy for you! Have you gotten anyone else's autographs or met any of the cast/crew?

I hope that you stick around for a while and enjoy your stay!

General Grant

Hello Mike!

Welcome to Hazzard Net! That is so cool that you got John Schneider's autograph! I am so happy for you! Have you gotten anyone else's autographs or met any of the cast/crew?

I hope that you stick around for a while and enjoy your stay!

General Grant

Well, Mike I got Ben Jones as well and he's like talking with a Uncle you haven't seen in a while.,


hello hows it going i got lot of them not from dukes but from othe tv stars i got a pic with all doh ppl on it and the remote control car which is cool. i been waching dukes since i was a kid i stil tune in2 my dvds when i get a chance.wouldnt mind have family like them nmy family.lot crossovers i would like see with doh im glad there is site to talk about it and all.how long u all been duke fans


i forget when i became a fan i remembe every episode i would liked to see a knight rider crossover now that be cool or dukes visit dallas since their both country .

or remember when hogg tried take mels diner have cast from alice visit hazzard for revenge on hogg help from duke boys lol.

u know guy who playd bo duke in dukes movie n 2005 heis marrying a modle i know i forget her name she was at walmart few tiems sgning autograhs i got one now if i can find it cool huh.

also got dukes die cast car warnor bros videos dukes shirt hat general lee postor hanging above my pc and jessica simpson on my wall lol

and enos agent on my space

i forget when i became a fan i remembe every episode i would liked to see a knight rider crossover now that be cool or dukes visit dallas since their both country .

or remember when hogg tried take mels diner have cast from alice visit hazzard for revenge on hogg help from duke boys lol.

u know guy who playd bo duke in dukes movie n 2005 heis marrying a modle i know i forget her name she was at walmart few tiems sgning autograhs i got one now if i can find it cool huh.

also got dukes die cast car warnor bros videos dukes shirt hat general lee postor hanging above my pc and jessica simpson on my wall lol

and enos agent on my space

There is a Knight Rider and Dukes Crossover on Round Robins just take a look there!


Howdy Mike, welcome to HNet! I'd say make yourself at home, but you've already done that. LOL :)

I've been a Dukes fan pretty much since 1985, when I first started watching it.

I have too many favorite episodes to list. LOL. One Armed Bandits is in that top ten tho'. Along with Too Many Roscos and To Catch a Duke. (Rosco themed episodes. Rosco's my favorite. LOL)


Welcome to Hazzard County Mike. It's always good to have a newcomer race into town. Buckle up for safety.

By the way, I've been a Dukes fan since 1979. I was 19 when it first came out. I'm the exact same age as John Schneider. (We were born just a few days apart)


It's a great place to be for anything Duke related.

Favourite episode...hmmmm...tough choice.There are so many good ones. I can say that Carnival of Thrills and The Ghost of General Lee rank among my favourites.

I've been a fan since the show first aired. I was 8 years old in 1979 I didn't remembered much of the early episodes before seeing the reruns.

See what you did? You made me reveal my age. LOL


how about a happy days meets dukes cross over rosco can sub for sheriff kirk boss hogg tries buy arnolds turn it in2 boars nest bo luke take some girls to insperation point potsie ralph richie try hit on daisy lol what u think

how about a happy days meets dukes cross over rosco can sub for sheriff kirk boss hogg tries buy arnolds turn it in2 boars nest bo luke take some girls to insperation point potsie ralph richie try hit on daisy lol what u think

I like that idea.

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