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I know there is a big controversy over this sport and me posting this new thread, Im hoping I don't get all the animal lovers to jump on my case, cause I know that most people do believe it is a cruel sport.

Big Brown won the "Run for the Roses" in the kentucky derby and is going on to the preakness in 2 weeks or so.

Also, we lost another great racehorse that day due to the filly's frot ankles being broken because the jokey basically ran her into the railing...Eight Belles was euthanized on Saturday, May 3, 2008.

Hopin and prayin nothing goes wrong with Big Brown and he wins the 12th Triple Crown, in the 134th running of the Ky derby. Let's hope he don't go down like Barbaro..


Hey Lori!

Well, I personally wouldn't race my horse like that, but don't worry, I won't jump on your case!! What do you think about horse racing? To me, racing is fun, but I don't think that it should come with as high a price, if you know what I mean.

I did hear about that horse that had to be put down, but I didn't know why or anything. Thank You for sharing. I take it you must like horse racing?

Hope to see you around Hazzard

General Grant


Well in all honesty, I love horse racing it gives me a rush lol, but it is animal cruelty with the whips and all. see, really, I think a few adjusments should be made:

1. Only male horses should race, considering the femals are smaller and are not as muscular built.

2. It sdhouldnt be a 20 horse race, narrow it down to 15, less dangers for the 3 year olds that are shy, because every horse owner knows with alot of noise, and add the stress, a horse can get spooked or be really timid and shy around other horses....that was the main reason for Eight Belles' tragic accident.

3. only horses ages 3-8 or maybe 3-6 so they're not to young and not to old.

4. Should have alot, years worth atleast, of training.

Now, personally those are my opinionms on some of the changes Id make.


Hey Lori!

That is great that you like horse racing! I guess in a way it is like car racing, or anyother type of racing, it does give one a rush. I agree with you in all but the first point you made. I think that the females can do just as good a job as the males. Sometimes speed and muscle isn't everything. Being smaller makes them better adapt to squeeze through that crowd, and they are probably able to run longer, even if they do go slower. I don't know, I'm no expert. Anyway, when is the Triple Crown and Kentucky Derby? I take it you are cheering for Big Brown?

See ya at the races!

General Grant


Well, see General, thats where we disagree my friend. LOL, Reason I see no females, is because muslce and speed in the Ky derby IS everything. Whereas you do bring up a good point about being smaller and being able to squeeze through, yes that is a very good point and reason. But again, the females part....during mating season, which is right around this time...you ever try stickig one philly in a crowd of sutds?? LOL, you don't get a good result... :)


Speaking as an animal lover, I don't have a problem with horse racing,as long as it is done responsibly. That said, I don't really know a whole lot about it. I understand both of your points, but I am wondering, do they run females that have been bred in the past? Most animals tend to lose calcium after being bred - even a year or two later the bones can be more fragile than they should be. (I lost a boxer and an iguana because of this - long stories.) To me, this would be another reason not to let females race, since it would make tragedies like Eight Belles more likely to occur.


You're right Denver. And I do whole heartly agree with racing responsibly. There was a philly in 75' Ruffian, had leg injuries I believe, as did a philly in 88', Winning Colors, the thid philly to ever win the "Run for the Roses" though, she suffered leg injuries as well. Its been too many female horses that have been in juried, even though males can injury themselvs too, I just believe they're better "equipped". ;)

You're right Denver. And I do whole heartly agree with racing responsibly. There was a philly in 75' Ruffian, had leg injuries I believe, as did a philly in 88', Winning Colors, the thid philly to ever win the "Run for the Roses" though, she suffered leg injuries as well. Its been too many female horses that have been in juried, even though males can injury themselvs too, I just believe they're better "equipped". ;)

Did they ever get a chance to breed Eight Belles with a Stud, did she have any foals and how old was this horse as well?

Did they ever get a chance to breed Eight Belles with a Stud, did she have any foals and how old was this horse as well?

no she did not, and if i said no to the first the second one is quite obvious, no she did not..otherwise she wouldnt have ran...and she was 2 years old i believe.

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