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What does Everybody think of Mr. X and what happened to him?  

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  1. 1. What does Everybody think of Mr. X and what happened to him?

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Julie says "Oh boy, I bet she lost alot of blood when she miscarried then I heard that happens sometimes."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"You're right about that, she did lose a lot of blood then but it seems that when she pulled the IV out she started to lose more. Her body couldn't take that and it shut down." The doctor replied.

"Does she need a transfusion?" Luke asked.

"More than likely. Nurse run and see if we have any more O- blood." The doctor said. "And could one of you go get her father?"

Daisy nodded and left the room.

Cue anyone.

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"You're right about that, she did lose a lot of blood then but it seems that when she pulled the IV out she started to lose more. Her body couldn't take that and it shut down." The doctor replied.

"Does she need a transfusion?" Luke asked.

"More than likely. Nurse run and see if we have any more O- blood." The doctor said. "And could one of you go get her father?"

Daisy nodded and left the room.

Cue anyone.

Julie says "Wait a minute is Brian here he has the same blood type as his sister but he did donate allreadry from what I understand."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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Julie says "Wait a minute is Brian here he has the same blood type as his sister but he did donate allreadry from what I understand."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"No, Brian has O+ not O-, he can't besides he donated to you so he can't donate anymore today." Luke said.

"What's going on?" Cooter asked.

Then the nurse came back and looked at the doctor. "We've used as much as we have." She said.

"Mr. Davenport the only thing I can say is that we need to find someone with O- blood quickly. The longer we stand and speak the less time your daughter has." The doctor replied.

Cue anyone.

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"No, Brian has O+ not O-, he can't besides he donated to you so he can't donate anymore today." Luke said.

"What's going on?" Cooter asked.

Then the nurse came back and looked at the doctor. "We've used as much as we have." She said.

"Mr. Davenport the only thing I can say is that we need to find someone with O- blood quickly. The longer we stand and speak the less time your daughter has." The doctor replied.

Cue anyone.

Julie says "Wait a minute anybody ask the Sheriff what his Blood type is right now or even Micheal I sure he would help out Lizzy."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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Julie says "Wait a minute anybody ask the Sheriff what his Blood type is right now or even Micheal I sure he would help out Lizzy."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"I think Micheal said he was AB+ and that's an interesting question." Luke said.

"What about Angel? What type does she have and you Luke? I'm A-." Daisy says.

"B+." Luke answers.

"I'm O+ as well." Cooter says.

Cue Julieduke.

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"I think Micheal said he was AB+ and that's an interesting question." Luke said.

"What about Angel? What type does she have and you Luke? I'm A-." Daisy says.

"B+." Luke answers.

"I'm O+ as well." Cooter says.

Cue Julieduke.

Julie says "Well wait a minute I know for a fact my daughter is A+ and she is probaly no condition to donate either Daisy."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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Uncle Jesse says "Well Actually I have the same as Lizzy which is amazing as well considering everything right now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"I do too." Rosco says.

"Good which one of you wants to donate?" Luke asks.

"Cooter?" Jesse asks.

"I don't care just make my little girl better." Cooter replies.

"We'll probably have to use both of you. Sheriff you can go with the nurse here and Mr. Duke if you'll stay here. Every one else we need you to clear the room."

Cue anyone.

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"I do too." Rosco says.

"Good which one of you wants to donate?" Luke asks.

"Cooter?" Jesse asks.

"I don't care just make my little girl better." Cooter replies.

"We'll probably have to use both of you. Sheriff you can go with the nurse here and Mr. Duke if you'll stay here. Every one else we need you to clear the room."

Cue anyone.

Julie says "That's was sweet of the Sheriff which make me wander I have O type blood as well what are the chances the docter once told me that it's most rare one."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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Julie says "That's was sweet of the Sheriff which make me wander I have O type blood as well what are the chances the docter once told me that it's most rare one."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"You have O+ blood, according to the nurse. Only O- is more rare." Luke says before he walks out the door. Uncle Jesse rolls up his sleeve and sticks out his arm as the doctor begins the process.

Cue anyone.

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"You have O+ blood, according to the nurse. Only O- is more rare." Luke says before he walks out the door. Uncle Jesse rolls up his sleeve and sticks out his arm as the doctor begins the process.

Cue anyone.

Julie says "But Daisy, think about nobody else in the family a either O type blood which makes me wonder."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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"But you're ok now and we'll get you out of here and home before you know it." Uncle Jesse says.

Cue anyone.

Julie says "Well okay, but I just hope that Micheal is ready for everything about me and even my impulsiveness and my way and not telling everything that I should at times as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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