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(Okay everyone, i'm back and hopefully some co-writers will come back with me too. The ones I'd like to request to join in are DaisyMaeDuke and B.L Davenport, no one else please ;-) )

Bo whistled as he tossed his work gloves in the space they belonged in the barn, walking back outside to the yard. On the way past, he gave Maudine an affectionate pat before plucking his shirt off the fence post he had just got done mending.

He shrugged it onto his shoulders and leant on the now sturdy fixed fence with a smile, looking around the farm yard that had been his home when he had been only 6 months old. He didn't know any other life, any other people who had been his family and he was happy with that. He was content to accept things the way they were, and look back on all the happy memories he had with those people over the years. The farm alone brought back so many, as long as the little reminders around the farm that sparked even more.


Luke finished splitting the last log, tossing the two pieces to the woodpile. He never understood how they went through so much wood, but it seemed that there was always wood to chop. Luke didn't mind, though. Given the choice, he would always choose har work over sitting around. His shirt was still hung on the porch rail and for a minute, he too just looked around at the farm, as the Georgia sun shone down on him.

He spotted Bo a distance off by the fence he had been working on and, grabbing his shirt, tugged it on as he walked over to his cousin, normally perpetual motion, and put a hand on his shoulder, nodding as he looked out over the farm, not saying anything, knowing with Bo there was no need to.


Bo glanced to Luke as he felt the familiar hand on his shoulder, smiling a little as Luke silently joined in his silent tribute to the farm and everything it meant to the family. For a long while, they just stood there together in silence as many many thoughts ran through their heads, it was of course Bo who broke the silence first.

"No matter how many times I see this landscape somethin's always changed..."


Luke nodded. "Guess nothin' stays the same. Still...sometimes..." He shrugged a little. He guessed in the course of a lifetime it didnt really matter. But still, sometimes, he wished things could be as they were...when things were simpler...


Bo nodded a little, finishing off Luke's unfinished sentence in his head as was a usual occurance between the boys. He too wished that some things could have stayed the same, like Luke never having gone to Vietnam for example...but then again he was glad some things had changed. Without change they would all be stuck in a rutt.


Bo finally tore his eyes away from the landscape and looked to his older cousin, one of the few faces that had always been constant in his life. The one person he could confide absoutly everything with, the one person who had supported him through absolutly everything even when others doubted him.

"Been a long time ain't it.."



Lavinia looked up from her anxious knitting as there was a knock on the door...they day was here...the one that she and Jesse had been looking forward to but at the same time dreading...the day their little nephew Bo was coming to live with them after his parents too died in a car accident.


The social worker smiled softly to Jesse as she entered the house, carrying a small bundle in her arms. Lavinia instantly rose from her chair and crossed over to the lady, pulling back the soft, warm cloth to see the tiny little baby behind.

""Oh Jesse..."


Lavinia nodded softly, knowing already how sick Bo really was, even at such a tender young age. Gently, she removed the baby from the worker's arms and held him close, rocking him gently as he stirred and whimpered a little.


Bo was sleeping comfortably in between the blankets, his tiny hands that were clenched into fists resting by the sides of his face. His little mouth was moving as the baby sucked on his tongue for comfort.

Lavinia smiled softly as she watched the two boys.

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