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Knight Rider returns back to tv on Febr 17, 2008

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LS3, you basically said it.

Yeah, I could take them changing the car (even if I didn't think it looked much like KITT) as long as they did something with it. The stunts were minimal... the new bulletproof shell, IMO, was actually inferior to the original MBS (I mean c'mon, when the computer shut down it became practically a normal car!), and the personality was... very flat.

Yeah, the last couple scenes had better character interaction. And if they keep that for the series it could maybe be OK. But I do think it was a real shame that the original Kitt didn't make an appearance, even at a distance. Somehow it would just have been so fitting, when Michael walked away from the cemetary, to have been walking toward our favorite black TransAm.

<smile> I admit it; I'm quite fond of the original, sassy, too-human Kitt. And somehow I can't see that partnership having parted ways easily or willingly.


That's just it this was not about Knight Industries Two Thousand. From what read about it or when I watched it did they said that it was. It was about a NEW kitt a New Knight Industries Three Thousand. Of course it's going to be different. You guys are just making a mountain out of mole hill.


Well I'm not sure whether to watch it or not now. I think I'll take General Grants opinion since he seems the most hardcore KR fan here. I'll take a hardcore guys opinion because like me a hardcore Dukes/General Lee we don't accept a whole bunch of changes only very minimal ones. I probably won't watch it. I'll probably be disappointed. At least it sounds like they didn't put in a whole bunch of bad language and what sex was in it I heard was sorta implied not in your face like 2 other movies based on a TV show were.

Bad guys searching Charles Graiman's garage.... original Kitt in pieces or not?

Alas, how cruel, the suggestion of the original KITT becoming nothing more than scrap. But yeah, I saw it too.

How could they suggest such a thing? I mean, just look at this face:


This was KITT. Young, curious, and somewhat naive despite all his artificial intelligence. He wasn't perfect out of the box. He learned, he grew, he developed a dry humor that complimented the personality of his driver. He was loyal and fiercely protective. I could never stand the prior Knight Rider made-for-tv reunion movies as both suggested that KITT was dismantled and put on the shelf. Surely KITT deserved better.

The new tv movie was KR's chance to give the original fans a glimpse of an old friend. Even if he was outdated for the high-tech criminal world by 2008, we'd all prefer to believe that the original KITT was enjoying civilian life and sneaking into demo derby's on the weekends.

The Knight Rider fans deserved better. Oh, I'm not saying there can't be a new KR, and that nothing should change. I'm just saying that a better nod to the past could have been given, 'cause that thirty-second glimpse of a familiar black Pontiac would have tied it all together. Despite the shortcomings of the rest of the show.


You make some very good points, Brian. They could have done a lot more to tie into the original - especially if they were truly going for a continuation theme.

It was good seeing Michael, but it was disappointing to see the original KITT in parts...and it was a great disservice to my second favorite TV car.

If they make a new show, I'll give it a chance, as long as I have my boxed sets of the original to fall back on when I need them.


Jessi, I wasn't saying that I thought it was supposed to be the Kitt we all used to know, not at all. I know this KITT was a new car with a new personality. That's okay. I would've just liked it to have a personality! And hopefully more visible actual supercar abilities.

Like Brian said, I would much rather see the Knight Industries Two Thousand enjoying civilian life somewhere by 2008. Because yeah, maybe he would've been outdated technologically, maybe they needed a new car. And Kitt was programmed specifically to partner with Michael; he probably wouldn't adjust well to a new driver anyway. But he became such a friend and... well frankly, as close to a thinking, living being as any AI I can think of offhand (honestly, he had more soul sometimes than famous ones like C-3PO!), that it'd be like murder to destroy him.


Hey Y'all!

First off, thank you to TimDuke. I really do love the series, and KITT (to me, atleast) IS the series. KITT is an element that people simply should not try to change.

I try not to come off as too upset about the whole new Knight Rider. I just can't help it, though!

I agree, that (inferior) car didn't have much of a personality, but to me came off as a creep. Anyone else think that? It might just be me and my biased opinion... if it is, I am really sorry.

I love the original KITT and his great personality and sometimes dry humor. KITT and Michael played off of each other really well, (like Bo and Luke do!) and the chemistry there was awesome. There was no chemistry on this show. The only thing that held it together was the veiwers wondering if the car could do anything but change colors. Like Lukas_KD said, what is up with the bullet proof shield "shutting down" if the computer was off? It was a horrible interpretation of KITT. I understand that this newer vehicle wasn't supposed to be the original KITT, but come on... when you name a vehicle KITT, let it talk and give it a laser (the one on the new kitt was awful!) people expect it to be even a quarter of what KITT was! I am not sure if whoever produced this was maybe sippin' on some of Jesse's finest, or what?! (No offense to anyone with that last comment. Just a fan of KITT blowin' off some steam, I guess!)

Sorry JESSI DUKE, but I disagree about making a mountain out of a mole hill. I do understand what you are sayin' about it is supposed to be different. But, I just think that Hollywood should never have thought about making the show. It was awful, and I thought it Disgraced the entire Knight Rider name, and gave the fans (such as myself) a pretty hard slap in the face. KITT is a hero and deserves better than to be tossed out for scrap metal.

Thank you Brian for posting KITT's pictrue. I just love it! I am getting so sick of the horrible look of the new kitt and the original is a great site! It is like seein' an old friend that you thought someone killed. And you find out he lives on! It is great!

Right on Lukas_KD... it is murder to destroy KITT! How could they?! I saw that and I wasn't sure if they were suggesting that or not. I thought maybe it was just me, and my family really got a kick out of the scene because they could tell (actually throughout the entire show) that my blood pressure was rising. I almost did need that emergency box of KLEENEX, and I may still need it just thinking about that horrible little show! YUCK!

I don't think that KITT could ever be outdated! In my opinion KITT is a lot more "updated" than the new kitt. But, you have to be careful there, there is a fine line between believable and totally ridiculous. So, at least technology wise they didn't cross that... the original was not only sharp looking and had a great personality, technology wise it played "believable" out to the fullest capacity, while never crossing that "totally ridiculous" line. Y'all get what I'm sayin' here?

Anyway, thank you everyone for all of your comments. Hopefully this turns into something that everyone (or at least some of you) can enjoy. Although(I know this sounds cruel) I hope that it doesn't go as far as an entire series.

Keep the thoughts coming!!

General Grant


So I finally get a chance to see the new Knight Rider. You all have done a wonderful job of telling the truth about what you saw, so when I decided to check out my recording of it, I wasnt sure what to expect. But I took the advice of a friend and decided to be open minded...

Where to begin?

First off...I do love Ford...Ive owned many and my ultimate dream car that I will own is a Ford Mustang but...HOLY RUSTED METAL BATMAN!! Did Ford have to reduce itself to such pandering? Such shameless self promotion? How many closeups were there of the Cobra symbol? The wheels? The shape of the hood? The fins?? Holy Buckets! Hey Ford, you forgot to put the Ford logo on the back of Mike's leather jacket! And all the vehicles in the movie were 90% Ford! Geez we didnt need to have it ground into our skulls that Ford bought and paid for this movie. If I was to grade you Ford, it'd be an F. F FOR FORD!!!

Moving along...

Sarah was all right, a little annoying, but not that bad. Though it sure took her long enough at the end to remember she had a big gun in her lap! Yes..firing a gun at the bad guys would help...

Mike was all right to. He did have some anger at the world, which did remind me of Michael Long in the pilot. Eh, he was okay but did he have to be the long lost son of Michael Knight?? Since when?? Michael Long was a loner and wanted to stay that way so no one else he loved got hurt or killed like his partner did in the pilot.

And what did Agent Rivai being a lesbian have to do with this? Not a darn thing except it did give NBC the chance to show its modern by having the daughter of legendary actor Sidney Poitier be a lesbian FBI agent? And you know speaking of that shes first Fed I ever saw that was spilling her guts to the local law, most FBIs operate on a "need to know" basis.

You didnt have to spill your guts to the Sheriff, Agent Rivai, the bad guys arent that bright. I mean theyre looking for a Mustang right when they lose one a purple one just happens to drive by! Yes, I admit changing colors is cool but hardly an effective tool to have. I mean, it reminded me of Ricky Ricardo, who couldnt recognize Lucy in a fake mustache, or Lois Lane not seeing Clark Kent is Superman because of his oh soooooo sophisticated glasses! The only cool part of KITT was his self-repair feature. Now that is something Bo and Luke could have used for the General!! LOL. Self repair is cool, paint jobs are handy if youre driving KITT on a date and you need him to match your outfit, but Im sorry Mustangs are too big to be effective chameleons.

Alas poor Val Kilmer...I saw where he was trying to go with the voice of KITT. But unlike William Daniels, his tone just didnt seem that humanistic. Val needs to keep KITT sounding more natural.

Poor David Hasselhoff. His messy divorce and problems with booze sure took their toll. He and old KITT had something in common, they were both a mess! But at least David wasnt lying in pieces all over some garage, unlike KITT. Poor KITT that part made me so sad to see him lying in pieces in the dark...

I did see a spark of hope at the end of this dark tunnel at the end of the movie. Things might be semi-decent if this does become a show but they need work. They get good writing, take Ford out of the equation and beefed up KITT. I mean old KITT could do everything except make coffee and cook meals!

This movie was pretty bad, but in comparison it wasnt as awful as The Hive with Tom Wopat. I'd take KITT the Chameleon over super smart alienistic ants with Luke Duke gone insane any day!! Ill be posting a review for The Hive on another thread...

Thank you kindly for your attention! :wink:



Great perspective, MinDuke!

Not much for me to say right now, I think I've written how I felt 10 times already. Sorry, y'all, bout that! I thought it was awful, though.

Dang!! I was hoping that there would never be a new Knight Rider series. They shamed and disgraced the Knight Rider name with that show... and poor KITT... Oh, I don't think watching the series will be the same because in the back of my mind, I will know where KITT ends up. :cry:

Some one please pass the Kleenex :cry:

Just the mention of a series coming out of this :cry:

Okay, enough with the dramatics from me now, seriously. I didn't like it at all! I hope the series doesn't come to. It was AWFUL! Yuck!

I guess when they air it I'll have to either come on Hazzard Net, or watch the original Knight Rider! That is one good thing, I guess...

General Grant


Just watch the original, Grant. You know, you don't have to accept the new series as a "true" continuation of the original if you don't want to. *quirks an eyebrow with a smile* That's what fanfic is for. Or if you do find yourself having to obey the new "canon" for whatever personal reason, you don't have to believe that Kitt was destroyed. They never said so directly, after all... they may have implied it but... ah, fanfic again. LOL.

Anyway, point is that they can do whatever they want on TV, I guess. Not much that our griping will do about it. But we also have the power to accept or deny certain portions if we want to. It is fiction after all.


Good point, Lukas_KD! I think I'd better go pop in an episode of Knight Rider this week. Strenuous week for me, I'm still tryin' to recover from watching the movie of Knight Rider... !

I know that the movie is fiction, but KITT (Knight Industries Two Thousand) is as real as the General Lee or the Dukes are. It is actuall quite sad how two shows (Dukes and Knight Rider) were really pretty twisted from the original. The made for TV movies really did not pick up on what made the shows a hit. Is it just me? Or does anyone else think that?

Anyway, I apologize if I sometimes (or always) get carried away about the whole new Knight Rider thing. I will try to contain myself now.

I didn't know that a show needed 12 million viewers to become a series (referring to Brian's last post) Heck, if I'd have known that I would not have watched it. I don't think that should be the judge of it becoming a series. How many people watched it for the curiosity but didn't like it? (I fall in that category, for those of you who didn't pick up on my suttle-ness! No, I am just kidding!!) Okay, y'all feel free if I get too upset or worked up about this, to just tell me to go and cool down!

I'm gone for now!

General Grant


General Grant,

Carry on with your bad self. The only time we've ever had to ask people to chill, is when the posts become personal attacks and were no longer about the issue. That's extremely rare around here.

So, bash away at the new KR. But first lemme throw this nugget in.

The producer of the new series - whassis name - ( his name's around here somewhere on a post-it note, does anybody really care?) - said that he aims to have "continuity" in the new KR series to appeal to fans of the original. He's even going to salt in some Team Knight Rider concepts.

If "continuity" is Michael Knight making five minute appearances here and there, it won't be enough. What we wanna see is the original KITT in those glimpses.

I doubt Ford will allow it. Which is a shame, because with all the old KITT parts scattered about in the recent tv movie, it begs the question - is the KITT that we knew beyond reconstruction?

And Team Knight Rider sucked. It stank out loud. If this concept is used to merely roll out more Fords now available at your dealership - the new series will tank sooner than later.

All said, I'll take KR returning to television, with it's flaws, than another damn reality tv show.


Ok I watched the movie last night and just read all your reviews of it.

Please keep in mind that I haven't seen the original KR since it first aired but this is my two cents:

I thought the movie was so-so.

To me it was mostly just character introduction like many pilot movies are. Character introduction is always a little boring. I think the series will be much better. Things didn't connect until the end until Micheal Knight showed up. The final scene when the other Micheal asked KITT if he could drive and backed out of the plane to the old KR music brought everything around. There was a sense of familiarity that felt just right. However they should have used the truck instead of a plane. That was a bizarre idea. The truck can be on any street not a plane.

As far as the new KITT is concerned well.....I missed the old KITT. BUT I love Mustangs and thought he looked really good.

I didn't like the changing of the colour thing. That was a little far fetched in my opinion. As odd as it may sound I like reality in my fiction. LOL You know something that appear possible to do even if it isn't invented in real life yet. I also think it would have been neat if they kept the red bars (or at least a red line instead of blue) when KITT speaks. One little familiar thing would have been nice.

Also I thought KITT was a tad too human. He's a computer, he can't discuss relationships except perhaps show divorce statistics. Sometimes he almost sounded like Dr Phil.

I liked the casting all of it. The new Micheal is very likeable, cute and athletic. I can see him as KITT's buddy. The no nonsense FBI agent was pretty cool too. She would be a good regular caracter in the series.

Will I watch the series? I don't know. I really don't know...

Ok I watched the movie last night and just read all your reviews of it.

Please keep in mind that I haven't seen the original KR since it first aired but this is my two cents:

I thought the movie was so-so.

To me it was mostly just character introduction like many pilot movies are. Character introduction is always a little boring. I think the series will be much better. Things didn't connect until the end until Micheal Knight showed up. The final scene when the other Micheal asked KITT if he could drive and backed out of the plane to the old KR music brought everything around. There was a sense of familiarity that felt just right. However they should have used the truck instead of a plane. That was a bizarre idea. The truck can be on any street not a plane.

As far as the new KITT is concerned well.....I missed the old KITT. BUT I love Mustangs and thought he looked really good.

I didn't like the changing of the colour thing. That was a little far fetched in my opinion. As odd as it may sound I like reality in my fiction. LOL You know something that appear possible to do even if it isn't invented in real life yet. I also think it would have been neat if they kept the red bars (or at least a red line instead of blue) when KITT speaks. One little familiar thing would have been nice.

Also I thought KITT was a tad too human. He's a computer, he can't discuss relationships except perhaps show divorce statistics. Sometimes he almost sounded like Dr Phil.

I liked the casting all of it. The new Micheal is very likeable, cute and athletic. I can see him as KITT's buddy. The no nonsense FBI agent was pretty cool too. She would be a good regular caracter in the series.

Will I watch the series? I don't know. I really don't know...

When you look at the original Knight Rider series some of those idea back then seemed far fetched too as well. But look we got where you can somebody from car and some car's can even back themselves up but the car talking thing I don't thing will never come up.

When you look at the original Knight Rider series some of those idea back then seemed far fetched too as well. But look we got where you can somebody from car and some car's can even back themselves up but the car talking thing I don't thing will never come up.

I know it's just a movie now but what a super car like Kitt came up to you and knew your name, would you get in and not get in and let the car drive off into the sunset?


Well, I never!! I have never been so humiliated in my entire life!! I aint that bad (sarcastic tone back there!) I'll take it as a joke, since it made me laugh when I read that :D I hope it was a joke, or I think that I have just made a fool of myself... Oh, well, I guess I manage to do that enough on my own time, and don't need anyone's help to accomplish that :roll:

I'll try to restrain the bashing about the Knight Rider. Sometimes I get so carried away with it that I forget that there are people who like it. I apologize if anyone is offended by anything I wrote. Is it safe to assume that since no one private messaged me about it or wrote on the thread that they were upset, that no one is? I hope not... I would certainly hate to upset anyone.

On to the topic at hand...

I never did see Team Knight Rider, I've heard of it, though. I have really only heard negative reviews. Is it really THAT bad? Hey, what is it about, anyway? Is KITT in it, or any of the original actors?

I agree with North_of_Border1, when you were saying that you like your fiction to have some reality in it. There is a fine line between believable and totally ridiculous (I mentioned it in one of my last posts, I think??) and I like it to stay on the believable side of things. It might be just a dreamed up concept, but if it can pass as maybe being able to happen, I am happy!

I am really undecided as to whether I would watch the series or not. Part of me is really curious about what direction they will take, and how they strayed from the origianl, or if they try to give the original some shred of dignity. But, that other part of me doesn't want to support this, and wants nothing to do with anything that even suggested that KITT was used for spare parts! UGH! I just hate when I don't know what to do...

I didn't think the new kitt had the soul (if that is what you could call it...) of the original KITT. I know computers don't have personalities, but KITT had one, and the new kitt didn't. I also loved KITT's humor, even if it was dry at times. Hey, North_of_Border1, what is wrong with Dr. Phil?! I think he is cool! :)

Anyway, I'll catch y'all round Hazzard!

My bad self signing out for now :)

General Grant


LOL General I didn't say that Dr. Phil in not cool. I have nothing against Dr. Phil.

It was KITT turning into a shrink that not so cool. When KITT replied "that does suck" it nearly killed the fun for me. Computers analyse probabilities and spit out information not emotions.

I forgot to mention my two favourite laugh out loud moments. Micheal's reaction the first time he sits in the car and it says HI and the scene with the potato chip on the floor when Micheal gets thrown on the window by KITT wild spinning. Those were funny. :D


Quick note to General Grant - "carry on with your bad self " is a positive remark, so you are therefore empowered!

Really. You don't cause trouble. And you're covered by this First Amendment thang that's all the rage nowadays. So don't worry about offending somebody with your opinions.

Now to answer North o' Border - in the very beginning, when the bad guys are snooping through the garage, there's a steering wheel belonging to KITT and a couple of familiar looking parts.

Bonus points to anybody who can Name Those Parts!


Oh, I know, North_of_Border1!! I didn't get that you were in anyway cutting Dr. Phil down or saying you didn't like him!! I just happen to think Dr. Phil is cool, and he did a lot better psychology than the car did... Khee!

Okay the red line when KITT is talking sounds right. I didn't remember, but flipping through the channels last night, I saw that they re-aired that, and noticed the red line. So, I remembered your comment, and was going to ask about it (thinking I was color blind or something!!) but you beat me to it.

Ah, okay Brian! I guess I didn't manage to make a bigger fool of myself than I already have, then. Thank you for the positive remark, then. I shall carry on...

I'm always worried about offending someone, but I certainly won't be shy in stating my opinions. But, I still don't want to offend anyone.

Good job, Daney, for noticing all of the parts. Sorry Brian, I can't answer that question. I was in too much shock to remember all of the parts. I almost cried, there! YUCK! It was awful....

I can't believe they made that show...

You forgot a couple Daney...

Steering wheel, tires, a panel...

Now to answer North o' Border - in the very beginning, when the bad guys are snooping through the garage, there's a steering wheel belonging to KITT and a couple of familiar looking parts.

Bonus points to anybody who can Name Those Parts!

Alex, Brian's question was in regards to the other parts. Khee!

General Grant, if this does goes to a series, the original KITT can be put back together unlike KARR.

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