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NOTE: This a joint effort with Hilery, BL, and Dixie Davenport. It is for entertainment and time lines may be altered to get us all together which could conflict with other stories.

Hilery -- 21; Dixie -- 22; BL -- 25; Luke -- 26; Bo -- 24;


The Boars Nest was decorated in sky blue and yellow, and balloons littered every corner. Streamers went from one wall to another, and the alcohol was flowing freely. This was a very special party: Hilery Davenport, the baby of the Davenport family, was now 21 years old.

Every one of her friends were at the Boars Nest and a good portion of her family. Even a few of the normal thorns in her side were there, like the Hazzard Law.

Hilery couldn't help but to laugh as Cooter placed a beer infront of her. "Happy 21st Birthday Hil," he said and kissed her on the head.

"Thanks Coot." she replied, taking an experamental sip of the brew. It wasn't too bad. Unlike some of the others in the family, she hadn't dared try sneaking a drink here and there. She didn't want trouble with Rosco any more than she was already on the regular basis.


B.L watched Cooter give Hilery the beer she was such a goody goody where stuff like drinking was concerned. The rest of them had been drinking sometimes to the point of getting drunk since they were teens. Coming over to where Hilery set B.L sat down with her 2nd beer. “Drink up Hil it’s yer big birthday.â€

Hilery smiled and took another sip of her beer, B.L laughed “Drink it Hil ya not in a country club.†Saying this B.L took a big gulp of her own beer drinking down a third of the glass. Hilery frowned at B.L she was always being picked on by the older ones especially B.L who seemed to enjoy teasing Hilery and picking fights with her.


At the bar, Luke was watching the Davenport cousins as he sipped his beer. Seemed like this party was off to a smooth start. He seen Stacy who was a waitress at the Boar's Nest looking his way. She was off tonight and he was alone. He figured she'd make her way over to him before long.


Bo on the other hand was flirting with Renee Appleby, the daughter of the Doc. He wasn't having much luck either. The young woman just kept brushing him off, and boy was it frustrating him!

Hilery watched over BL's shoulder, feeling slightly jealous. She liked him, and it was her birthday, but he was flirting with her best friend! Suddenly she picked up the beer and downed almost all of it, slamming the mug to the table almost hard enough to break it. "Gimme another," she grumbled. She was sure no one had expected that sudden change, but for once didn't care.


Cooter and B.L both looked at Hilery in astonishment. B.L got up and went behind the bar grabbing a shot glass pouring a shot of Jim Bean “I think yer ready for the hard stuff cuz.†Hilery picked up the shot glass and downed the liquor in one gulp sat the glass down for another shot which B.L obliged her with.

After about three shots of the Jim Bean Hilery got up off her stool and wandered over to Bo grinning goofily. “Hi Bo, ya lookin’ HOT tonight.†Bo smiled a ‘thanks’ at Hilery and invited her to sit down. As Hilery went to sit down she suddenly swayed going green then pale the Jim Bean wasn’t playing nice with the beer and she promptly threw up all over Bo’s boot.


"Sorry Bo," she grumbled. "I suddenly don't feel too hot." Hilery put her head down on the counter top. "I don't know what BL gave me, but it don't like me."

"Knowing BL, probably hard liquor after a few beers. Not a good mix." Bo said soothingly, patting her back. "You'll feel better in a minute now it's out of your stomach." Hilery looked up and smiled at him. She felt slightly tipsy.

"You are cute." she told him, sweetly. She looked up at him, even with her head down. She was feeling much better. "Buy the birthday girl a drink?" she asked him, finally sitting back up.


Luke had been right, Stacy had come over to him. He had bought her a beer and they had danced a dance. Now they were back at the bar drinking their beer as Luke watch BL set Hilery up to get very ill. He started to warn Hilery, but she had shot the drink before he said anything. Stacy was coming on to Luke as he sat talking to her with his back to the door. He had heard Hilery's question, "Sprite for now Bo." Luke suggested.

Dixie Davenport had left over six years ago. She had avoided all her family and any news of Hazzard County for those six years. Then, when she least expected it she had picked up a race magazine and seen a very familiar face. Well, two familiar faces and a car. There was a picture of Luke and Bo Duke and the General Lee. Dixie couldn't believe it! She had just 'known' that Luke was still in prison. See Dixie had left only days before Luke Duke would be sentenced to prison because she and Luke had been caught in 'the act' in the back seat of the General Lee. The charges held a mandatory sentence of twenty years flat. Dixie wondered HOW Luke was not in prison. It made her angry to think that her Father may have dropped the charges only after she left town, but she was glad for what ever reason Luke was not in prison. She arranged to have a long weekend off work and was presently driving toward Hazzard County as fast as she could.

Doubts filled her mind. 'What if he were married? What if he was mad over the whole incident? What if he didn't even want to see her? What if...........' It was too late for what if's, Dixie was pulling into the Boar's Nest and being a friday night it looked as the entire county was here! Dixie sighed, "Wonder how many will remember? Hopefully NOT many." But even as she wished that she knew Hazzard was too small for everyone not to remember what had happened. She paused outside the door hearing the music and laughter beyond.


"Luke Duke, I am a grown woman, and I can drink what ever I want." she snapped at him, taking yet another drink from BL who seemed all too happy to give it to her. "though I hear vodka and sprite is pretty good... How's about you get me that Bo." Hil asked, batting her eyelashes at him.

Luke shook his head and went back to paying attention to Stacy. "You know, we could kick this party early... and go off somewhere alone."

"Luke, I'd like that," she said. "Although, I would like to stay for Hilery's party. It just would be rude. Ask me again toward the end of the party," she winked and walked off. She swung her hips happily as she went toward the bar. Luke shook his head and looked back over at Bo and Hilery. He'd gotten her the Sprite Vodka mix, thankfully, and she was flirting hard with him. He wanted to smack himself and his cousin. They'd left her present in the trunk of the General!

"Bo, I'll be right back," Luke said, getting up and walking out. He opened the door to the bar to step out and seen the most drop dead georgious woman standing there. She was beautiful and shapely. He wanted to drool, and almost did when he realized who it was!



Dixie looked up at Luke. She smiled a shocked smile. All she could manage to say was, "Luke?!"

"Oh my God! I can't believe you're back!" He said, taking her into his arms. He kissed her forehead gently, smiling. "I've missed you so much! I woulda come got you after I got out of the Marines, but I had no idea where to look!"

Dixie looked at him with tears in her eyes, "Marines?"

Luke looked at her again, "Long story. Too long to right now. I'm glad to see ya but why are you back?"

Dixie was shaking in her shoes. "Saw your picture in a racing magazine. I had to know."

Luke stepped closer, tilted her chin up to him as he leaned down for a very passionate kiss.


In side Bo was wondering where Luke had gotten off to he should have been back in ten minutes agos.


Bo walked out of the Boars Nest and shook his head when he seen his cousin with a pretty girl. "Luke, you're missin' Hilery's party!" he said and stopped. "No way! Is that Dixie?" Luke stopped kissing her and smirked at his cousin.

"I forgot about that. I came out to get Hil's present and ended up running into this foxy little thing..." Luke raised an eyebrow. He didn't know if Dixie knew her cousin! "Dixie... do you know Hilery?"


Dixie replied with a smile, "I don't think so Luke. I've tried NOT do know anything about my family since I left."

Luke nodded, "Yeah, because of me."

Dixie replied, "No, because of my father."

Having this debate here and now was useless. Luke dropped the suject. He would have been prefectly happy if he and Dixie got in the General Lee and went anywhere but here. But, Bo didn't seem to be leaving so he figured they had to go in. "Well, evidently young lady you are NOT the baby of the family. Hilery is celebrating her 21st birthday."

"Oh, God! And every Davenport in three states is in there?" Dixie now knew she didn't want to go in.

Luke nodded, 'yes' and said, "Pretty much."

Dixie said, "I don't want to do this!"

Luke smiled, "Yeah you DO. You ARE NOT SIXTEEN any more!"

"No, no I'm not!" Dixie said.

Luke briefed her. "It took awhile but you father actually speaks to me now. Sometimes I see how much I get under his skin but he does 'act' civilized most of teh time."

Dixie replied, "Want to bet that's about to end?"

"Especially with what I have in mind!" Luke grinned.


Bo groaned. "Luke you toad," he teased. "You know if Luther gets a hold of you, you're a dead man."

"I know. Don't care." He grinned. "So how drunk is Hilery?"

"Three sheets. BL keeps giving her shots left and right. I can't believe she barfed on my boot." Bo shook his head. "I'll be getting even with BL later though." Bo told him, going to the General and pulling a rather large box out. He grinned. "This should keep things interested out at the Davenport farm," he chuckled.

"Yeah, six bottles of whiskey and six bottles of rum, all different flavors, will do that." Luke grinned back. "And if Cooter asks, it was your idea."

"Hey, you're the one who chose the whiskey."

"And you're the one who chose the rum!" Luke shot back. "Sides, Daisy will get into just as much trouble, she got her a 12 pack."

"All three of us are dead." Bo laughed. "You know Cooter is gonna not be happy. She might be 21, and he might be buying her drinks, but he'd shoot anyone for buying her this much."

"Cooter? Shoot, I'd think he'd get her a case of moonshine!" Bo and Luke looked at each other before breaking down laughing.

"Nope, Hil wasn't Luther's responsibility, Cooter was her guardian 'til she turned 18!" Bo laughed. "Something about Humphry and him were close friends or something, and didn't want Luther being the one to finish raising her."

"She moved in with them when she turned 15. It was shortly after you left beautiful." Luke told her. He couldn't get over how much Dixie had grown!

"Let's go in, I'm sure everyone will love to see you again Dixie," Bo said, walking in. He whistled loud getting everyone's attention. "Hey y'all, we got more company!" Luke shook his head hearing his cousin make the announcement. Before Dixie could back out, he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder and took her inside laughing. That's where he put her down at and stood infront of the door so she couldn't run. Bo stood infront of the other.

Hilery was drunk, clearly, but even if she hadn't been, she wouldn't have recognised Dixie. The two hadn't met before. "Who she?" Hil slurred, giggling


BL began to explain to Hilery, "Dixie is Cooter's sister. She's your cousin too." BL paused as she saw the lookon Luke's face and added, "Or used to be."

Luke took Dixie's hand firmly and walked over to Luther Davenport before anyone could say a word. He stopped dead in front of Dixie's father, "Luther she's not sixteen anymore. I want you to know right now, up front. I INTEND to date Dixie just as long as she'll have me."

"DIXIE LEE!?" Luther said shocked, hardly recognising his daughter. "LUKE DUKE, YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING!"

"I'll be Da--ed!" Dixie said.

Cooter was now standing beside his sister. He just couldn't believe the total defiance she had towards Luther were Luke was concerned.

"Dixie, you are my daughter, and I will not have you dating a man whore like Luke Duke." Luther said.

Luke nudged Dixie a bit and tried to remain calm, "Luther she may be your daughter, but we don't need your approval." Luke didn't want to ruin Hilery's party but this had to be settled here and now. He looked at Jesse who was setting beside Luther.

"Luther, Dixie is a grown woman, and you don't know what she does anymore. If you love your daugher, you will make sure she's happy." Jesse said gently.

"I want what's best for her!" Luther wasn't at all happy!

"Her happiness is what's best for her." Jesse said calmly. Luther looked at him and thought.

"Fine. I just do NOT want any details. Now Dixie, go wish your second cousin a happy birthday." Luther said, changing the subject.

"Bo, what's going on?" Hilery asked, slurring as she knocked back another shot. She was watching the commotion in the back and was downright confused!

Dixie replied in total shock, "Ok." And looked at Luke who gave her a bit of a grin seeing how shocked she was that they had just won a huge battle with Luther.

Luke said, "Come on, let me 'legally' buy you a drink."

As Dixie turned around toward's the others she whispered, "I NEED one after THAT Luke."

Luke got two beers from the bar and they walked over to Bo and Hilery.

Dixie was still trying to get her breathing back to normal, "I hear I am NOT the 'baby' anymore? Thank God!"

All the single girls who had seen Luke's talk with Luther knew that if they planned on dating Luke they might as well get in line behind the lady on his side.



Hilery studied Dixie through her drunken haze, already forgetting about the commotion. "So you're Cooter's baby sister." she chuckled. "Always wondered if I'd ever get the pleasure of meeting you. Sit back, enjoy the party. BL was the mater... masss...mast.... event planner." she grinned. She was drunk, and Bo was keeping an eye on her.

"HIL!" Bo jumped and turned. She'd slapped his behind and was giggling. BL was going to get it.

"What, you're cute!" she giggled. "CUTE CUTE CUTE!"

Bo looked at Luke, a look asking for help on his face. He had never had to worry about a Davenport going after him before! Luke shook his head and smirked at Bo. Letting him know he was on his own.

Dixie nodded, "Yeah, BL's great she planned my last party to. Looks like things are going a bit smoother tonight. I still have mightmares about that party. Course the main person responsible isn't here. I hope?"

Luke nodded, "No she's not and I think we may have just got around Luther."

"Yeah, well, she didn't have to liquir your cousin up, I don't even think Hil likes me like that!" Bo grunted as Hilery wrapped her arms around him from behind and hugged him hard.

"Yeah I do," Hil giggled from behind him. "You the hottest boy I've ever seen!"

"Hil, let Bo go. I think you're scaring him," Luke chuckled as he walked off with Dixie to get her a drink. In a way, he felt like it was his own birthday, having Dixie back once again. He couldn't believe she'd arrived when she had, crashing her own cousin's birthday party. Davenport's sure had some timing. Luke turned in time to see Bo get lip locked against his will. He was having a time and a half trying to get away. He finally got away and jogged past his cousin and hid in the back with his Uncle and Luther.


Luke thought Bo's situation was pretty funny. He looked at Dixie, "She's going to regret this in the morning."

Dixie agreed. "Yeah she will."

Luke looked at Dixie, "Will you?"

Dixie bit her lip and said with an evil grin, "I haven't done anything to regret, yet. But, no I don't think I will regret a thing about tonight."

Luke grinned at Dixie and said, "I surely hope not. Wonder what my chances of getting the General Lee tonight would be?"

Dixie said, "He can use Dixie Delight if he wants."

Luke asked, "You're still driving her?"

Dixie replied, "Sure am." She handed Luke the keys in case Bo wanted to use her car.

Luke walked over to where Bo was 'hiding' and not wanting to have round 2 with Luther he pulled Bo away from the table. "How about letting me have the General Lee tonight? Dixie said you can use Dixie Delight if you want." Luke held the keys out to Bo.

Bo grinned at Luke and replied, "Sure, but you owe me. You could run just a little interferance."

Luke took the keys, and said, "I got her to let go of you." Luke turned and saw Stacy coming his way. He said, "Stacy I'm sorry but I am not going to be available later.

Stacy looked at Luke. She didn't know his and Dixie's history. "Luke I knew that the second that lady walked in with you. I was actually coming over to talk to Bo."

"Thanks Stacy. I'll explain sometime." Luke said as he walked over to the bar where Dixie was working on a third beer.


Hilery frowned drunkenly from the bar. Bo seemed to have a hundred watt smile on his face as Stacy talked to him. They were flirting.

"You know, beings Luke cancelled, how about you take me home," she said, twirling a hand through her hair.

"You know I would love that, especially if I ain't taking you straight home." Bo said as he flirted.

"Oh you know you won't be. I know of a nice clearing in the woods on my father's property." she winked. "And honey, I love a nice, big, strong man."

"He's not going anywhere with you!" Hilery said. She'd gotten close enough to hear the conversation, and was having a major jealousy fit. The booze didn't help. She jumped on her, and gave her a solid right cross.

Stacy put a hand to her face surprised and grabbed at Hilery's hair. Hilery responded with another punch to the face, splitting the girls lip. It was on. Stacy tried clawing at Hilery after releasing her hair only to get a blow to the stomach. Hilery hit hard, even for a drunk. While Stacy doubled over, Hilery hit her in the face with her knee before tossing her into a table. When she went to get up, Hilery brought the heal of her hand into her chin.

"Jit! Hilery, knock it off or I'll have to arrest you!" Rosco said, trying to stop the fight. He had just gotten through the crowd. Hilery elbowed him. "JIt!" he exclaimed, suddenly slapping the cuffs on her as she pulled her fist back.

"LET GO! SHE WAS FLIRTING WITH MY MAN!" she said drunkenly.

"He's not your man," Rosco tried Stacy put a hand to her face surprised and grabbed at Hilery's hair. Hilery responded with another punch to the face, splitting the girls lip. It was on. Stacy tried clawing at Hilery after releasing her hair only to get a blow to the stomach. Hilery hit hard, even for a drunk. While Stacy doubled over, Hilery hit her in the face with her knee before tossing her into a table. When she went to get up, Hilery brought the heal of her hand into her chin.

"Jit! Hilery, knock it off or I'll have to arrest you!" Rosco said, trying to stop the fight. He had just gotten through the crowd. Hilery elbowed him. "JIt!" he exclaimed, suddenly slapping the cuffs on her as she pulled her fist back.

"LET GO! SHE WAS FLIRTING WITH MY MAN!" she said drunkenly.

"He's not your man," Rosco tried reasoning, looking to Bo appologentically.


Bo shrugged to Rosco and smiled sickly, B.L meantime was making her way over to the confrontation she hadn’t thought getting Hilery drunk would end her up in a fight because up until now she’d just been acting goofy and making a fool of herself.

“Rosco you can let her go, don’t arrest her it’s her birthday I’ll keep an eye on her. It’s my fault she’s this drunk anyway.â€

Rosco looked at the young Davenport girl and then at B.L in one of his moments of niceness he uncuffed Hilery and pointed his finger at B.L saying “You see that you keep her outta trouble or I’ll cuff and stuff ya both!â€

B.L nodded and tried to guide Hilery away from Bo and Stacy only to get a fist swung in her direction which she dodged. Taking hold of Hilery’s arm B.L started to lead her back toward the bar. “Lemme go B I ain’t done with her yet!â€

“Oh yes you are or Rosco’s gonna arrest ya, c’mon let’s get you sobered up.â€


Rosco had went to the back room to talk to Boss Hogg and keep and ear out on the party. He had a bad feeling things were not going to calm down.

BL tried to get Hilery calmed down so she could open her gifts. The first one was from Daisy. It was a 12 pack of beer. Then the box that Bo set on the table from him and Luke was opened. It was six bottles of whiskey and six bottles of rum, all different flavors. Hilery grabbed one of the bottles of whiskey and took a large drink.

Bo and Luke were now not so sure they had picked such a good gift.

Cooter's eyes wide and then narrows at Bo and Luke as he glared at them, "MORE LIQUOR!!!!"

Luke looked at Cooter and explained, "It seemed a much better idea THEN than it does right now. Sorry Cooter."

Bo was checking on Stacy at the bar. After several long drinks of whiskey, Hilery took the bottle of whiskey with her to thank Bo for the gift, but when she saw Bo giving Stacy attention it went all over her. She drew back before anyone could stop her and punched Stacy off the bar stool.

B.L saw Hilery making her way to Stacy and leaped out of her chair to stop what was about to happen "Hil don't I don't wanna spend the night in jail." But it was too late Stacy was on the floor after Hilery promptly knocked her off the stool. B.L groaned as Rosco came out of Boss Hogg's office it was going to be a LONG night.

Luke told Daisy, "Get Stacy some ice, huh?" And to Dixie said, "I'll be right back, I hope." He walked over to Rosco, "Rosco, come on, it's her party here. You can't keep arresting the Guest of Honor at these parties or we're gonna have to stop having them here!"

Rosco turned around, "Don't you threaten me Luke Duke or you can join them! Kew, Kew, Kew! I love police work it's my life!"

Luke looked at Cooter, threw his hands up and backed off, "I tried." He walked back over to Dixie.

Hilery was fighting Rosco and cursing him and Stacy for all she was worth.

B.L tried again to shut Hilery up to no avail Rosco slapped the cuffs on her too and said " I warned you B.L if ya didn't keep her quiet you was gonna both be spendin' the night in jail." BL tried to get loose but it didn't work "ROSCO DANG YOU LET ME GO!!!"

As Rosco took Hilery and BL to his patrol car, Luke said to Dixie, "How about us sliding out of here?"

Dixie finished her beer and nodded, "You got it. Where are we heading?" She said as they walked out the Boar's Nest door.

Luke said quietly, "Well, I really don't want to have a repeat of the lake incident. What do you say about the 'No Tell Motel'?"

Dixie smiled, "I'll get my bag." She popped the trunk of her car with the spare key and took out a small bag.


Meanwhile at the jail, Rosco had put Hilery kicking, screaming and cursing in the cell.

B.L was not at all happy about the situation and kept giving Hilery murderous looks even though she'd contributed to Hilery's current state. "Put us in seperate cells Rosco or I'll kill her MYSELF!" B.L threatened. Rosco did just that he'd seen B.L mad and he knew she'd strangle the younger drunken Davenport given half a chance.

With BL in one cell and Hilery locked in the other cell and Rosco called Peggy a Correctional Officer for the Tri County's jail who lived near by and often helped him out for extra cash.

When Peggy got their Hilery was still yelling and cursing. Peggy almost wished she hadn't answered the phone. It was going to be a long night.

That night B.L didn't sleep a wink with all Hilery's yelling, carrying on and cussing she just wanted to knock the living daylights out of her and shut her up.

Hilery awoke come morning with a huge hang over. Peggy had a headache and a half just from the yelling and carrying on from her the night before. "My head..." she said softly. "Why happened," she asked before leaning over the toilet and barfing. She felt like she'd been hit by a train. Cooter would be there in about an hour, and even though she couldn't remember what she did to land her there, she didn't want to face her cousin.

"You got plastered and started a ruckus last night at the Boar's Nest is what happened." B.L chirpped she was going to make Hilery miserable if she could just for the heck of it.

Peggy though, being nice, gave her 2 asprain and a glass of water.

It helped a little."Thanks." said Hilery.

"First hang over?" Peggy asked.

Hil nodded. "I don't even know how much I drank last night, but I got a feeling I'm gonna be in trouble with Cooter. By the way, I'm Hilery." she said. She'd never had the pleasure of meeting Peggy.

"Yup you probably are, cos he was in trouble with Uncle Luther first time he got drunk and so was me, Lori and Dixie the first time we all got drunk and he found out."


Cooter looked around after Rosco drug Hilery and BL out. "Dad, is it me or is Luke and Dixie missing?"

"Not again!" Luther grumbled getting up. "I swear, I'm gonna ..."

"Luther. We don't know where they went, and it'll just be easier to deal with them when they show back up. I don't like my nephew's choices, and I know you don't like Dixie's, but they are both grown." Jesse said to his old friend. "Now Cooter, what are you gonna do about Hilery and BL?"

"I'll go get them in the morning. And, well... she's probably gonna have a hang over in the morning. I might just use that to my advantage. Unlike my father, I can be very creative with punishments." Cooter said thinking. Luther got up and left. He needed to blow some steam. Jesse and Cooter watched him go. Luther got in his truck and decided to go for a drive to calm down. He was going to take the long way home.

Since Cooter would have to wait til morning to go get Hilery and BL, so he'd get a beer and try to think up what her punishment would be. Cooter figured Luther would have a few choice words for BL once she got home, but from his point of view she had just been trying to keep Hilery out of trouble. It hadn't worked and true to Rosco's word he'd taken them both in.


Luther was driving down Rt 7 when he caught sight of something large and bright orange on the right side of the road parked at the 'No Tell Motel'. He felt his blood pressure go through the roof and knew he was likely purple. He was sure seeing red.

In room 3, Dixie had dropped her bag as soon as the door closed behind her. She and Luke hadn't moved from the spot in front of the door as they caressed and kissed each other.....

Luther knew now what was going on, but floored it. He did not want to do something he'd regret. He'd take care of it in the morning like Jesse had suggested.


Cooter got home to find Luther there alone? He asked, even though it was a sore subject, "No Dixie?"

Luther said, "No."

Cooter said, "Well, maybe she stayed with Daisy."

Luther shook his head, 'no', "Not with THAT car parked at the No Tell Motel she ain't!"


The next morning Jesse got up and checked the yard for vehicles. Dixie's car was there but the General Lee wasn't.

Bo came into the kitchen a few minutes later alone, which was unusual, very unusual.

"Where's Luke and the General Lee?" Jesse asked.

Bo sighed, "Last I seen them is when they left he Boar's Nest. Uncle Jesse I didn't expect him home last night. I'll do Luke's share this morning."


Cooter replied, "Oh boy. She's gonna get it when she gets here. I need to go get Hilery and BL early so I'm heading to bed." Cooter shook his head. Dixie was gonna get it. The man had a temper. He just wished he'd get more creative instead of just beating her. The same punishment sometimes got numbing after a while.

"You're right, she is. She's gonna get a nice woopin'" Luther replied. Not taking into consideration she was now 22 years old.


Jesse wasn't pleased. "I take it he was with Dixie?"

Bo nodded.

"Dix let me use her car last night to get home." Jesse nodded understanding.

Bo said, "I really was glad after Rosco took Hil out of there last night. She was actually scaring me."

"I noticed. I've never seen her act like that before Bo. All those drinks were probably the reason." Jesse said.

"Yeah, I know. I didn't know she could get so drunk!" Bo said.


Cooter arrived around nine o'clock, and Hilery's head was still pounding. "Good morning Hil!" he greeted as the door was unlocked. Peggy slammed it open, just like Cooter had asked her to. She winced

Ow!" she said. "My head hurts!"

"Come on Hil, let's go home and get you in bed." Cooter said, leading her up and out. He slammed the door to his truck loudly after putting her in, then slammed his own door. "What you want to hear on the radio?"

B.L piped up with a suggestion "ROCK!" something she never listened to but Konrad did so she had gotten used to hearing it.

"Nothing." she said, listening to Cooter start the truck. He had adjusted the muffler and it sounded loud. She groaned. Then he turned the radio on, and turned it all the way up. "COOTER! I HAVE A HEADACHE!"

"So? I wanna listen to the radio." Around every turn he hit the horn, and when he got her home, he made her sit at the table as he fixed breakfast, the small radio in the kitchen all the way up as he let the pots and pans clatter. It was loud. "Sweet home alabama, where the skies are s'blue," Cooter sang off key. There were two things she really hated: Cooter singing off key, and his cooking.

"Cooter, shut up!" She wimpered.

"Nope." Cooter grinned. "you shouldn't have beat Stacy up at the Boars Nest." he said, going back to singing. By the time he had finished her breakfast and the song was over, she wanted to cry. THe food was hardly paletable, and she nearly gagged.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she cried. Cooter finally turned the radio down and smiled

"Glad to hear that, now get to bed."


Luke was one of the few happy men in Hazzard County on this particular morning. He had something warm and beautiful on his left arm.

Dixie layed there sleeping as he watched. Luke knew he should have been at the farm an hour ago, but right now he didn't care. He'd square up with Bo later. Bo knew last night Luke wasn't planning on being home. Luke knew he'd be in for a Jesse talking to, but he may just turn the conversation around on his beloved Uncle in about two sentences.

Luke and Dixie had not spent the entire night making love but also talking. Luke told Dixie about the Marines and his active duty in Vietnam instead of the prison sentence they had expected.

Dixie told Luke of her schooling. Ironically, when he was in Camp Le Jeune, NC she was in Asheville, NC going to school. They had actually been closer to each other at that point than they were to their families.

Luke was stroking her hair.

Dixie sighed and wrapped around Luke's legs and chest not wanting to move.

They had decided to take things slow. A lot of water had gone under the bridge since the last time they made love. Part of Luke wanted to drive to Chickomohoney and marry Dixie right now. But good sense told them both that their attraction COULD only be because of the 'taboo' of their previous relationship. Therefore, they agreed not to rush into anything.


BL came in the kitchen and asked Cooter, "Where is everyone?

"Well, Dad went to the Garage I think, and I got Hil upstairs in her room. She's got a heck of a hang over, but once that's over, you best watch it."

Hilery laid in her bed, a pillow over her head. She felt awful, and BL was gonna get it. She remembered very little of the night before, but she knew she'd made a fool of herself. She had plans on getting back at her cousin.


Bo sat at the table eating breakfast. He had a lot on his mind because of last night. Sure Hil had been drunk, but she had come onto him. He hadn't expected it one bit. Last night he'd been nervous and scared, but today he just wanted to think about it.

"Hey Daisy," Bo said looking up. He'd been mostly pushing his food around on his plate, and he knew she was noticing.

"Something on your mind sugar?" Daisy asked.


Bo nodded. "Yeah. Hilery. Daisy, you know I've always said she's like a little sister to me, but last night... she was all over me. I had to hide with Uncle Jesse and Luther."

"Bo, do you think maybe she likes you? I mean you two are close."Daisy said.

He sighed. She was right. Bo had never said she had a thing for him, but she had never said she thought of him as a brother either. "It could be, I mean... and here I thought I was the lucky one out of Luke and I." he shook his head. "She is beautiful Daisy, I just don't want to mess with Cooter. Luther might help him." Bo sighed, finally taking a bite of his food. "I'm gonna have to talk to Luke or Uncle Jesse for advice." he added, chewing.


"Sugar, unless you ain't noticed, Luke ain't here." Daisy said.

"I'll just talk to Jesse, then or Luke and I can talk later." Bo said.

Daisy glared at Bo, "Sugar I'll listen to anything you want to talk about. But, WHERE is LUKE????" Daisy couldn't stand the suspense any longer!

"I dunno. He went off with Dixie last night in the General. No Tell Motel maybe?" he shrugged. "I know he wouldn't rush nuttin' though."

"So you don't think they went to get married???" Daisy asked.

Bo nearly choked. "Why would he???" he coughed but but decided to feed into Daisy's idea. It'd be fun, but he wasn't going to say that was what they were doing directly. He'd let her read between the lines and come to that conclusion herself. "Though, I do know he loves her, and I think he did talk to Luther last night."

Daisy gasped, "He talked to Luther about MARRYING DIXIE???" She exclaimed!

"Dunno, I just know they talked. It was a hushed conversation, and Luther didn't seem too happy." Bo replied, taking another bite of his egg. Inside, he was laughing.

Daisy punched him in the arm, "BO Duke you better come clean and tell me what you know NOW! I know Luke is late and Uncle Jesse is cross and a grizzly!"

"Ow!" Bo rubbed his arm. "I don't know nuttin', honest!" he lied. "All I know is they took off toward town!"

"Town??? Bo the Hazzard Hotel is in town. The No Tell Motel is out of town. NOW, you are lying! TALK TO ME!!" Daisy said!!

Bo said, "Yeah, but you gotta go through town to get to other areas. I hear Chicamohony has a nice motel." Bo grinned. He was really yanking her chain, and enjoying it too. "Tell ya what, I'll tell you what I know, providing, you tell me what you know with Hilery and why she slapped my backside last night."

Daisy agreed, "OK you got it!"

"You first cousin, especially if you want the juicy details." Bo said.

Daisy exclaimed, "BO!"

"What? It's a fair exchange." he said, putting his plate in the sink.

Daisy said, "All I know is I've caught her a few time checking you out. I think she may really like ya, Bo."

"Well, truth be known Daisy, I don't know where he went!" he laughed before running out the door and jumping into the pickup to go do the chores.


Luke gently woke Dixie, "Sugar, I have got to go to the farm for a bit. I can get the room for a few days if you want to stay here. Or, you can face the music with me and go get your car."

Dixie sighed, "Not that I'm chicken, but I don't need the car. I think I'll hang out here awhile if you don't care."

Luke replied, "If you change yor mind, call me at the farm. I'll come get ya."

Dixie nodded as Luke covered her up and stepped into his jeans.

Luke locked the door and headed to the Motel office to make arrangements for the next few days.


Luke pulled up to the farm and was met by a very, concerned Jesse Duke, who was also quite mad. "And where do you think you were last night?" Jesse asked.

"Uh... with Dixie?" Luke said.

"You better watch out for Luther, just like your cousin needs to watch out for Daisy right now. She chased him out about a half an hour ago to do the chores. He wanted to talk to you, but managed to get some information out of Daisy, and he tricked her to get it. I swear, if that boy used his brain a little more often, he could be dangerous!"


Hilery got out of bed and decided to face everyone. She was feeling better, and had definently learned her lesson. "Hi cousin," she said greeting Cooter.

"Learn your lesson?" Cooter asked.

Hil nodded. Boy did she ever. "I didn't embarass myself too much last night, did I?"

"Well, Bo kinda ran away and hid. You were all over him!" Cooter told her.

Hilery turned bright red from embarassment. That had been her deepest, darkest secret, her crush on Bo Duke. She swore and got a dirty look from Cooter and said, "Sorry cousin..."

"How long?" he asked. He knew she wouldn't have acted like that unless there was something else going on. He knew Bo wasn't going out with her with the way he reacted, but he knew she had to like him.

"Since I met him." Hilary said.

B.L's eyes widened Hilery sure had hid it good if she'd liked Bo that long. "THAT LONG?" BL exclaimed.


Luke agreed with Jesse about Bo. "Yeah, he could be." Luke took a deep breath and began, "I'm sorry I was late this morning. I'll make it up to you and Bo this afternoon."

Jesse said, "Well, the chores ain't what I'm worried about." Jesse paused and began, "Luke I know all you and Dixie have been through. I just think you two should take it slow."

Luke agreed, "That's what we plan on doing. Uncle Jesse I came home to help with the chores, but I'd like a few days with as much time as possible to get to know Dixie again. For her to know me now. You know I've changed since I left. But I'd like us to be able to get to know each other without both families right on top of us?"

Uncle Jesse respected Luke's decisions. He was after all a grown man. "Luke you know I'll support you in your decisions, but don't get you or Dixie into something neither of you are ready for. Be careful and take it slow. Square the chores with Bo. As long as they get done, I'm good."

Luke let out the breath he was holding as he walked away from Jesse. Luke went out to the field where Bo was working, "Bo can we talk?"

Bo was more than glad to take a break and talk to Luke.


Cooter exclaimed to Hilery, "Since WHEN?"

Hilery swallowed, hard. "Since I met him when I first came to Hazzard. I just... I'm sorry Cooter." she wanted to cry. This was the whole reason she'd never told him, and half the reason she'd never acted on her feelings. The other half was she was scared of rejection.

Cooter wanted to smack her. With all the problems he'd had taking care of her, he'd never once wanted to do that before. He was furious!

B.L was in a fowl temper from lack of sleep but could tell what Cooter was thinking and said "Cooter ya cant smack her for the way she feels or what happened last night it was largly my fault for giving her the shots of Jim Bean"


"Yeah. I been wanting to talk to you anyway about last night. I been doing a lot of thinking about Hil and.... Daisy said she caught her checking me out once or twice." Bo ran a hand through his hair. "Luke, she's one of my best friends and... now I just don't know what to think!"


Luke gave him a smug look, "Maybe, just maybe cousin it was the alcohol you and BL was feeding her."

"That's what I'm hoping, but somehow..." Bo shrugged. "It also makes sense. I mean, she is always hanging out with us, especially me. She is always willing to drop what ever she's doing to hang out..."

Luke replied, "Like Lori, Dixie, and even BL?? What's that prove?"

"I don't know, they all have liked you, and they were always closer to you, and yet Hil, she was always closer to me. Speaking of Dixie, how did things go last night, and where did you two slip off to?" Bo asked.

Luke defended, "BL never liked me like that!"

"True, you got me there, but still. I have caught Hil watching me like a hawk sometimes." Bo shook his head. "That doesn't answer my question though. How did things go with Dixie?"

Luke grinned widely and said, "No I didn't." Luke was now grinning like the cat that ate the family canary. "Bo I need ya, cousin."

"What's going on?" Bo asked, finally working on the fence.

Luke picked his words carefully so as to not give Bo more information than he needed, "We won't be planting this week and everything is pretty much done except the daily chores. Will you cover for me this week? Bo, I'd like to spend some time with Dixie, with out the families on top of us."

Bo thought about it before nodding. "Yeah, I suppose I could, but you owe me big Luke."

Luke smiled, "You got it. I'll help you here today and I'll be back in a few days."

"Just one thing cousin. Where will you be, and have you been having fun," Bo asked, stressing the last word. Luke knew right well what he meant.

Luke took a deep breath and smiled widely, "Bo, I'm not trying to jump into anything too quick, but if things work out like I think there may be another Duke around here."

"WHAT!?" Bo asked shocked. "You mean you're trying to get Dixie pregnant!?"

Luke laughed at Bo out loud! "NO! That is NOT what I meant! But I may just finally make an honest woman of her!"

"Oh... OH! You mean you want to eventually marry her?" Bo asked.

Luke raised his eyes a few times, "I was thinking of a lot sooner than eventually Bo.

Bo replied, "Well, even I know that, but you two are taking it slow, right? I mean Daisy thought you two actually took off to Chickamahony!"

Luke said, "I'm trying to be logical here Bo and not end up like Lori and I did, but for about two cents I would have driven over there last night." Luke breathing had changed just at the thoughts he was having.

Bo just raised an eyebrow and shook his head. He wasn't going to say a word about it. "So, what do you think I should do about the situation with HIl?"

Luke tried to get his thoughts and breathing back to normal before he answered, "I'd wait and see two things; One, if Cooter kills her and TWO, how she acts once she's sobbered up. Then I'd go from there."

"And if it turns out she likes me and Cooter doesn't kill her?" Bo asked totally frustrated.

Luke replied with a grin, "Then you figure out if you like her. Trust me, Bo, after a few years Cooter and Luther calm right down and warm up to ya!"

"Oh yeah, right, Luke I ain't that stupid." Bo said.

Luke replied, "Well, we walked out last night together and no one even knocked on the door."

Bo looked at Luke, doing a double take. "Door? Did you two hit the Notell?" His cousin had changed the subject, and it caught him off guard. He also hadn't expected Luke to mention no dang door!

Luke replied, "I really didn't want to chance running into Trooper Mitchell and friend at the lake and it is cheaper that the Hazzard Hotel and they tell everything they know there."

Bo warned, "Good point. Just so long as you weren't stupid enough to risk running into Luther either."

Luke said a bit to nieve, "Bo we're both adults here. Like I told him last night we don't need his

permission any more.

NARRATOR: Sometimes even Luke has a pitiful grasp of reality!

"Oh yeah, you say that now, but will you say that when there's a gun in your face?" Bo asked. "Even I ain't that stupid. I mean, I'm afraid to go over to the Davenport farm and face Cooter due to Hil's actions last night, and I ain't done nothing wrong!"

Luke grinned, "Bo! You can't worry that much can you? I mean when Luther had all rights in the world to shoot me he didn't, but I sorta got the idea he figured shooting me was too quick. He wanted to strangle me with his bare hands!"

Bo chuckled and shook his head. "Yeah, so how afraid should I be if I do decide to persue her?"

Luke took a deep breath, "Well two things are in your favor cuz. She's twenty one and YOU KNOW THAT! and Cooter was her guardian, not Luther."

"Yeah, I suppose, but you know how protective he can be. I mean, he won't even hit her. He finds other ways to punish her." Bo replied.

Luke said with a smile, "That's cause he saw what Luther did to Dixie. Come on let's get busy I got plans!"

Bo looked at Luke a bit suprised.


At the Davenports, Cooter fumed, "Hilery you can NOT be serious about liking Bo Duke!"

"I am, Cooter, I'm 21 years old! Sides, it's not like I'm persueing it!" she snapped back.

Cooter replied, "That's NOT what I SAW last night!"

"I was drunk!" she told him, wanting to hide. He was furious. "Do you think I would have done that if I were sober?"

"That's my point! You have a few drinks, who knows what HE could talk you into." Cooter said.

"Well if you didn't notice, he ran away and hid! Cooter, I'm a grown woman, and I should be able to make my own decisions. Sides, what makes you think I'll go get drunk again? YOU and BL were buying my drinks for the most part. Bo bought me only ONE. I don't think I'm the one you need to worry about, Dixie didn't even come home last night, and wasn't in the jail!" she snapped back again.

Cooter replied, "I'm not responsible for Dixie. Honey, there are things you just don't understand about Dixie. She likely stayed with Daisy Duke."

She snorted. "And you aint' responsible for me no more!"

Cooter tried not to fall into the same trap his father had with Dixie, "Hilery, legally I am not, but I love you. Honey I grew up with these guys and and heard the 'details' of many of their dates. The details aren't even rated to where I could talk to you about them at the ripe old age of 21." Cooter blushed just thinking of some of their stories.

Bo and I aren't dating! Why would he even be interested in me? I mean, I never even told him I liked him so I wouldn't loose his friendship!" Hilery was starting to cry. "I can't help who I do and do not love Cooter, and this is why I never told you. I knew you'd get mad. I know he probably doesn't want to be near me right now." she sniffled and put her head down on the table.

Cooter said, "Hil any guy would be lucky to have you like them, but I just feel that Bo Duke may move a bit too quick for you. After all he is a lot older than you."

"Three years! Dixie is four years younger than Luke!" Hilery stated.

Cooter looked at her in suprise that she knew so much about Dixie. "Hil there is a lot you DON'T know about Dixie and Luke. And from Luther's expression this morning she's not off the hook either!"

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry I fell in love with who I did. I just won't hang out with the Dukes anymore." Hilery was weeping, her voice muffled by her arms. "It's not like Bo will even want to look at me after I chased him off last night anyway."

Cooter said, "I didn't say you couldn't date Bo. I'm just saying if you two decide to date, be careful. Those boys are known to get what they want and move on. Ok?"

She sniffled and sat up, looking at him. "I already know he won't be interested. He ran off last night." she repeated. She licked her lips and wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry. Cooter... could you call over to the Duke farm and... and tell Bo I'm sorry?"

Cooter put his arm on her shoulder, "No dice. Like you reminded me. You are twenty one an adult in all aspects. Bo's your problem, Honey."

Hilery snorted. "I shoulda known you'd pull that." She got up and walked outside to her car, a '68 Ford Shelby Mustang, and took off going toward the Duke farm.


She did need to talk to Bo. Hilery got there twenty minutes later, taking the back way. She passed the boys as they worked on the fence and stopped. She took a deep breath. Bo was shirtless and did he ever look good! She backed up and parked, getting out. "Hey Bo, Luke..." She said nervously.

"Hey." Bo said. He himself was nervous.

"Sorry about last night... I guess now you know..." Hilery didn't look him in the eyes. She felt too ashamed to.

"So... you do like me?" Bo asked to be sure they were on the same page.

Hil nodded.

"Hil... Look at me." He said hopping over the fence. He wrapped his arms around her gently and tipped her head to look at him. "It's okay."

"You ain't mad?" she asked.

"No, how could I be mad at you? You're one of my best friends... I'm just confused. Why didn't you ever tell me?" Bo asked.

"I was scared. I was scared of how you'd react, and of Cooter. I'm sorry Bo. I had no call to act like I did last night." Bo sighed as he listened to her.

She was right, she didn't have no call, but she was also drunk.

"Just promise me you won't act like that again. Hil... I need some time to think about this." Bo said.

Luke cautioned, "Hilery you know Cooter only wants what's best for you as for Bo, if ya'll decide to date every bit of flack you get was caused long ago by me. I'm sorry ya'll have to live with that."

Hilery asked, "So where is Dixie? With Daisy?"

Luke swallowed hard. He hadn't minded telling his buisness to Bo but telling Dixie's to Hilery was different. He said, "Ah, no she not here."

"Then why do you got her car? I mean, there aren't THAT many Chargers in these here parts." Hil asked, pointing to the vehicle. Luke had driven it out. "And a little birdy told me about her and that car." Hilery tapped her foot.

"Busted cousin." Bo added, chuckling.

Luke glared at Bo. "Bo drove it home last night actually. I had the General Lee."

"But you two were together," she eyed him carefully. "Luke, I ain't dumb. I heard the stories."

"Sorry Luke." Bo snickered. "Still busted." Speaking of a good time, Bo was slightly eyeing Hilery, trying to be subtle about it. He hadn't payed much attention before, but she had a figure just like her cousins did, only she didn't flaunt it everywhere. That turned him on. "Uh Luke?" Bo said, clearing his throat. "Could I uh, talk to Hil alone for a bit?"

She raised an eyebrow at Bo. He'd let her go already, but she had a funny feeling with where the subject had gone.

Luke smiled. "Not a problem. I'll see ya'll maybe later this week. You know how those danged Davenport girls are once you actually get them to the motel. Thanks again Cuz."

Hilery's eyes flashed as she picked a rock up and winged it at him. It wacked him in the leg and she laughed. "Now what were you wanting to talk about?" she asked, batting her eyelashes.

Luke said as he got in DIxie's car and rove away, "Owe! That hurt!"

"Maybe getting you all to myself. Gotta keep it quiet, Cooter'd kill me," he said softly, brushing his lips to hers. Hilery kissed him back, a wicked idea in her mind.

"Oh I bet you'd like that," she murmered through the kiss. Bo took advantage of it, and she let him. The kiss deepened and they fell back against her car. Within minutes they were both panting.

"Wanna go somewhere more private?" he asked, pressing himself toward her. "I'm going nuts here."

Hilery grinned. "I would love to Bo. I would love to spend all night with you, he-- I'd spend all week with you, lettin' you have your way."

She pushed him away though. "Just not yet." she grinned and winked. "I gotta go!"

Bo groaned in frustration, wanting to cuss himself for letting himself get so over heated. That girl was going to drive him crazier than she just had, especially if she kept pulling that. He watched her drive away and hit the fence. That just wasn't fair. She got him all hot and left him high and dry!" Bo walked over to the pickup and picked up the CB.

"Crazy Cooter, you got your ears on, c'mon. It's the lost sheep 2."

"This is Crazy Cooter comin' back at you. Go ahead Lost Sheep 2." Cooter replied.

"I uh... Just seen Country Girl," Bo cleared his throat.

Cooter braced himself, "And?" He said with unasked questions running in his mind.

Bo took a shaky breath. "I don't know if she was nice to me or not! I need a shower, a cold shower Cooter."

Cooter couldn't believe what Bo had told him. "BO that's MORE information than I wanted! But while you are at it...."

"She stopped by, told me she likes me, gave me a he-- of a kiss, and took off!" The frustration was clear in Bo's voice.

Cooter couldn't help but laugh.

Bo knew there was NO WAY he could work right now and made his way back to the farmhouse. He went straight to the bathroom and into a cold shower.

Jesse was waiting for him when he came out of the bathroom. His eyes full of unasked questions. He was waiting for Bo to answer them and now. Bo shouldnt' have been back to the house til the work was done and he knew that especially since he was covering Luke's chores too.


"Boy, that feels better," Bo mumbled walking out of the bathroom. He had needed that, but he stopped dead in his tracks when he seen his uncle. "Uh, hey Uncle Jesse." he grinned sheepishly. "There aren't that many things left to be done, just needed to cool off." Bo tugged at the collar of his shirt nervously. He knew his uncle probably wouldn't buy it.

"Bo...." Jesse said in way of a warning.

"Okay, so I had a visit from a girl and she got me all hot and left me high and dry!" Bo burst out. "I needed a cold shower cause I just couldn't concentrate on the work!" That look always worked to get the truth out of Bo. He looked at his uncle, embarassed.

Jesse replied, "The girl wouldn't have been Hilery Davenport would it?"

"Uh," Bo cleared his throat and looked down. "Yes sir."

Jesse sighed. He didn't know what it was about his 'boys' and Luther's 'girls'. "Bo I don't want a repeat of Luke's situation a few years ago. You know you are older than she is. This likely won't set well with Cooter or Luther." He paused and added, "OR me if you don't get your work done before you socialize."

"Sorry sir. She is an adult though, and nothing happened. I wasn't lookin' to socialize, she come lookin' for me." Bo was embarassed.

Jesse said, "She's been around long enough to know when it's work time here. Straighten it out so I's don't have to."

Bo nodded and replied, "Yes. Sir." He headed back out to finish up the chores.


Cooter had finally stopped laughing by the time Hilery walked back in.

She had a smug look on her face. "Hey cousin. I settled things with Bo, just like you said I needed to."

Cooter said, "Well, why don't you tell me about YOUR version of 'settling things' with Bo." He was setting on the counter and waiting.

"What ever do you mean?" She asked, completely unaware of the CB call.

"Oh I'd just like to hear what happened." Cooter said.

"Well, I told him I like him... we talked... found out where Dixie is... gave Bo a kiss, and left." she shrugged, not going into details.

"Why exactly would be need a cold shower after you left in the middle of the day?" Cooter asked a mater of factly.

"Uh... sh**. uh... well uh..." Hil stammered. "Maybe it was a uh, good kiss?"

Cooter said, "Hilery ANN! I want the truth."

"Okay, so it was a hell of a kiss! He was coming onto me, I kissed him, it got hot, and I left, okay? Nothing happened!" Hilery explained.

Cooter asked, "BO came on to YOU?"

"Uh... sh**," she repeated. She really wasn't doing too good at this. "Just a little! He kissed me first! I was flirting with him, a little..." Hilery ran a hand through her hair nervously. She was digging the whole deeper, and the fact she hadn't really dated as a teenager didn't help.

Cooter warned, "YOU are playing with fire. You need to know that. These 'boys' are grown men and it takes a bit to make them need a cold shower and I DIDN'T APPRECIATE Bo droolin' into the CB looking for you after YOU left him."

"eep," Hilery said, stepping back. She stepped on Luther's foot. He'd heard Cooter yelling and come in to see what the commotion was about. "Sorry." she swallowed.

Luther asked, "What is going on?"

Cooter said, "She's playing with fire. She just caused Bo Duke to need a COLD SHOWER."

Luther looked at his son in amsuement. "Not so easy is it son?"

Cooter shook his head.

"I swear Cooter, nothing happened, and I'm a grown woman...." she said softly, her voice nothing more than a squeak.

"So there was something to last night?" Luther asked, an eyebrow raised as he eyed his cousin's daughter. She seemed to be wanting to shrink as she ran out of the room and up the stairs.

"Yeah. She's playing with fire Dad, and I don't know what to do." Cooter sighed.

Luther hummphed and said, "YOU had all the answers and told me what I did wrong with Dixie, so this should be easy for you Son. I'm still not done with those two. Parking that car right out front of the No Tell Motel for God's sake! She might as well just let him have her right in front of me!"

"Well you didn't need to beat all of us every chance you got either," Cooter snapped. "And after a while, that gets pretty numbing!" He stopped. "They were at the No tell Motel?" he asked. Right then, he was happy Hil hadn't done that and had enough sense to leave Bo high and dry, even if she'd gotten him hot first.

Luther said, "The danged General Lee was right out front when I came home last night. I tried to drive around after that round at the Boar's Nest. Her car was still at the Boar's Nest when I left. They were gone so they had to be in the General Lee."

Hilery heard this and couldn't believe Dixie really went to the motel with Luke. She had thought he was teasing earlier.

Cooter figured he'd better go tell Hilery that he was glad she stopped with Bo when she did. He started up stairs.


She grinned, starting to laugh. She was laughing so hard, she didn't even hear the footsteps on the stairs. "Having problems with Cousin Dixie?" Hil laughed when Cooter appeared in her doorway. She'd left he door open.

Cooter said, "I'm here to talk to you about you. Not my sister."

She snorted. "What do you want?"

Cooter said, "I came to tell you, that though I don't like you teasing men, any of them. I am glad you chose to leave and not do anything else. OK?"

Hilery asked, "Cooter if Dixie's only a year older than me why is what she doing accepted?"

Cooter sighed, "It's not accepted, but there is a lot you don't know about Dixie and Luke's situation. They have paid a heavy price to be where they are now and Luther isn't finished yet."

"I'm glad Daddy didn't want Luther taking me in. I'd probably be dead right now." she sighed in response. "Luther scares me Coot. Sometimes you do too. I love Bo to death, but I'd never rush into anything. I mean, maybe someday, but..." Hilery shrugged. "It wouldn't be any time soon. I just want to live my life, wait until I am married, but you never know. It could happen sooner, and I really do love him." Hil wanted to try to explain it to Cooter. "I mean, I've hardly been interested in other boys, and at least you know he wouldn't do anything to hurt me. I know that if it's not with Bo, I might never find someone to spend the rest of my life with, but I don't care. So long as Bo's happy, I'm happy." She looked Cooter in the eyes, trying to read his reaction.

Cooter listened to Hilery. Really listened to her and heard what she was saying, but he still had reservations about Bo Duke being the one for her. "Well, Lord knows stranger things have happened around here and you are right. There's a lot of worse fellas than the Dukes, which is what I tried to tell Luther about Luke a long time ago. That is after I got over the shock. Then I seen what she went through because of her choices. She had to love him a he-- of a lot and Luke her to make some of the choices he made to protect her as best he could. There's a lot you don't know." He paused then continued, "I'll tell you something you may not know, but if it ever comes up you let them tell you. Did you know Dixie could have married Luke when she was 16, but Luther was set on sending him to prison?

"No. Cooter, I'm sorry." she sighed. "Why is love so confusing? All I want is for BO to be happy. Sometimes I get jealous, think I should be the girl with him, but then I see him smile..." she shook her head. "I doubt I could ever make him happy. I'm sure Dixie could make Luke happy, and all... I just... I don't think I'd ever make anyone happy." She laid back down on her bed and looked at the ceiling.

"Well, in order to make someone else like you, first you got to like yourself. Just take it slow. You'll get your chance." Cooter said calmly. "As for Dixie and Luke, they may seem like they got things worked out and if they do it's about time, but I'm talking about when she was 16! I still don't think it would have worked out."

"I do like myself, I just... " Hilery shrugged again. "I'm scared." she finally admitted. She looked at the window and smiled. Her cat sat in it, wanting to come in. She let him in and hugged him close. Bo had given him to her. "Yeah, young love doesn't always work, but I think they might have something. I seen Luke ealrier, and he seemed pretty happy."

"Being scared is natural, but if you never take risks and play it safe you'll be awefully lonely. I don't want that for you." Cooter said, "I know I saw the change in him last night when Dixie walked in with him. Did you see the change in Luther? He had been tolerating Luke pretty well but they were about to go at it last night."

"I knew something was going on, but I don't remember caring," she chuckled. "How would you take it if I ended up with Bo?" She asked, suddenly getting serious. "I mean, would you flip on him like Luther, and flip on me, or would you accept it?"

Cooter guessed that maybe since they were so close in age is why he felt he could talk to Hilery. He sghed and said, "If that's ya'll choice I'd have to accept it. Jesse Duke has said for many years two things that have stuck with me about those boys. One is that the chances of them two producing a family rates right up there with hogs producing beef. Two is that if they EVER do settle down it will likely be for life."

"Thanks cousin," she said giving him a hug after putting the cat down. "I know what you're saying though. They both need to find the right girls for them." She felt so much better now that they'd both calmed down.

Cooter was now wondering just how far he'd stuck his foot in his mouth.. Should Bo and Hil want to be together he'd have to accept it! He hoped he could.

"Don't worry, he and I probably won't be together for awhile yet, it all depends on him," she whispered into his ear. She wanted to make him feel secure in his decision. "And I know you can change your mind, but just remember, he won't hurt me." she added. "If you want, we could double date." Hil winked. "Just so you can keep an eye on us, if he ever asks me out."

"Hil, I know you ain't my daughter or my sister, but you got to realize, Bo and Luke go way back. We've told tails and swapped lies but we've also told each other exactly what we had done on dates. Do you know how hard it was to KNOW that and see Luke put his hands on Dixie. Then, find out that they had done something? Do you really think I could double date with you and Bo???" He hoped she understood what he was saying.

Hilery chuckled. "I can just imagine! That's why I suggested a double date," she shook her head. She'd heard stories from her friends. Sometimes they made her want a cold shower! "And I've heard a thing or two."

Cooter said, "You've heard stories and still want to go out with Bo? I'm scared now."

"Sorry cousin," she giggled. "Why do you think I come in in the middle of the day sometimes and head to the bathroom?" She was dead serious. "Don't worry though, I got plan on waiting," she said gently, trying to reassure him. "And sides, I'd make sure he had protection." Hilery wasn't stupid, and did not want a child.

Cooter wasn't sure he wanted to have this conversation wth Hil. "Honey, it sounds like you are thinking things through but you're making me gray here."

Hilery gave Cooter a hug. "Sorry Cousin." She didn't want to turn him gray, but she did want to make him feel better about it. "I'm just trying to assure you I'll be safe. I promise." she said softly. "Now how will we deal with Luther? You know he won't agree!"

Cooter said, "It's a good chance he won't Honey. But let's just give it a little time and see how he takes Dixie and Luke. I hope she comes by here."

Hilery nodded 'no', and said, "I doubt it. Luke told Bo he'd see him 'later this WEEK'."

Cooter said in disbelief, "He said WHAT?"

"You heard me, he said he won't be back 'til later this week." she said almost smugly. "They're trying to get to know each other 'gain without everyone hoverin' over 'em. Might as well just talk to Luther now rather than later. Get it out of the way. Might be safer for me." she gulped. "The longer it festers, the worse it'll be."

Cooter wasn't happy about Dixie at this moment either. He planned to take the long way to town in a bit and see if she was where Luther said she was. Right now though Cooter said, "Well, he's at the garage. Do you want me to tell him what we decided?" Cooter didn't want to tell him this and he may even talkto Bo first to see if there was even going to be a point to rile him further.

"Um, yeah, give me a chance to hide first, I'm thinking the Duke farm would be good," she grinned. "If you want to head over there with me first, you could have a chance to talk to Bo?" Hil offered.

Cooter said, "Well, that sounds like an idea I think I would likek to talk to Bo first, before I go get Luther too upset. But, you ain't staying over there to hid!"

She grinned. "Jesse will be there probably," she said innocently. She knew why Cooter had objected to that idea, all too well.

Cooter scolded, "Hilery ANN!" He wished she'd let him get used to these new ideas for she tried to push his buttons about them.


B.L had made a quick exit from the kitchen when Luther had come in she had been avoiding him so he couldn't corner her for her part in getting Hil drunk as a skunk last night. She had seen Cooter come up the stairs and into Hilery's room and could hear their conversation through the wall in her room. She stepped out into the hall at the same time Cooter came out of Hil's room and cornered him whispering so Hilery couldn't hear.

"Cut her some slack Coot she's just having a little fun, Hil's a good girl and won't do the things me, you, Lori and Dixie did."

Cooter looked at B.L listening to her he almost chuckled at her taking Hilery's side after getting her so drunk last night just one of her many mean things she had done to Hilery.

"It's what WE did that scares me B I mean look at how Dixie's had to put up with cos of her and Luke's actions."

"Cooter, Dixie had me, you and Lori for examples and didn't none of us 'behave' she knew what we were doing. Lori hasn't been around Hil, I've tried to watch my step so she won't get the wrong ideas. You've done a good job raising her it's time to loosen the apron strings a little."


Hilary laughed as Cooter let her room. Within minutes they were on their way to the Duke farm, Hilery giggling the whole way. She was going to torturer her cousin with it.

At the Duke farm, Bo was finishing up his and Luke's chores. He was mumbling about how much Luke was going to owe him when he came home. He had seen Luke leave a short while ago with a small over night bag and his shaving kit. Bo couldn't help but wonder about Luke and Dixie and where their relationship might go this time. His thoughts were intrupted when he saw Hilery's Mustang heading down the drive. he shook his head when he saw Cooter with her. Bo sighed and headed toward the house. He had a bad feeling!

"Howdy!" Hil called out, getting out of the car. She smiled at Bo.

"Hey Hil... Uh, hi Cooter." Once Bo had gotten his jets cooled down, he'd realized how much he'd screwed up by calling him. He just had NOT been thinking. He was nervous, and he had never really had to tangle with the Davenports and love interest issues, unlike Luke.

From the front porch Jesse called, "Hey there ya'll. Supper's almost ready if ya'll want to stay?"

Cooter looked at Bo but headed to Jesse, "Well, that will likely depend on how this here converation works it way out."

Jesse said, "What Conversation would that be?"

Cooter looked at Bo giving him the opportunity to tell Jesse why he was there. Cooter knew by the look on Bo's face he knew why he was there.

"Uh, remember what I told you earlier Uncle Jesse..." Bo said carefully. He felt like the preacher was coming to sunday dinner and he was the only chicken in the hen house.

Jesse looked from Cooter to Bo. He thought he knew what Bo was talking about but he wanted clearification, "Not exactly, Bo. Suppose you tell me again."

"He uh, probably wants to talk to me about my talk with Hil earlier..." he said sheepishly.

Cooter replied while looking Bo in the eyes, "We can say that since Hil is here but Bo I'd like a few specifics about that, .... ah, .... 'talk'."

"Um, I think I'll go find Daisy..." Hil said, suddenly unsure if she wanted to be present. If there was going to be an argument, she didn't want to be in the middle of it. Hilery slipped inside to find her friend.

"Oh boy... she really know's how to leave me in a hard spot..." Bo said.

"Well, that is what I want to talk to you about Bo." Cooter said.

Bo nodded, nervous. He'd never thought he'd be having this particular conversation with Cooter! "Yeah... Cooter I'm sorry about earlier."

Jesse was all ears but figured to let them work this out amoung themselves if they could.

Cooter voiced Bo's thoughts, "Buddy Row, I never looked to be having this here conversation with you. I don't know what went on between you two today. Not really sure that I WANT to know, BUT ....." Cooter paused for a minute to let this sink in, "The point is, something happened. It may or may not have had anything to do with last night, but something happened. Bo, you, Luke and me are close. Sometimes like these we may even be too close. We've double dated, swapped lies AND TOLD each other the EXACT truth of what we've done on dates." Cooter looked Bo in the eyes. "That's what worries the he-- out of me about Hilery." Cooter sighed, "Even Dixie. It's hard not to see them in some of the situations we've all talked abont. Da-- it Bo, what if I took Daisy out?" Cooter asked to drive home his point.

Bo could see what Cooter was saying and bit his lip. He had his points. "I know Cooter. I wouldn't like it. I'm sorry, but she came onto me and..." Bo shrugged. "She is pretty. I don't know yet if I want to persue anything yet though, mostly because she's your cousin. I know how protective of her ya are. Yeah, I wanted to drag her somewhere private earlier, but I also wasn't thinking." Bo could feel Jesse's gaze on him and wanted to shrink slightly. "But nothing happened in that way either."

Cooter said, "Like I told her. I know you pretty well. Bo I heard the 'need' in that CB call to me. The not thinking part is why I'm here."

Bo nodded. "Sorry." he didn't even know if he could meet Cooter's gaze when he said that.

Cooter said firmly, "You not thinking. Her teasing. Bo we both been there. Don't hurt her or deal with me. I'm trying to be as fair about this as I can. I'll also tell you, Luther doesn't know about any of this yet."

"Should I be afraid of him...?" Bo asked, his head snapping up.

"Bo I ain't even going to lie. There are times like now, when I'm giving you two a chance that I a bit afraid of him. That's why I'm here first instead of telling him that I'll accept yours and Hil's decision if you choose to date. Just take it slow and don't use her." Cooter said a bit quieter than normal.

Bo swallowed. "I don't see where this is even Luther's problem," he said, clearly nervous. "Hil never was his responsibility." Jesse was watching, his lips zipped. This was something the two friends would have to work out on their own.

Cooter said, "I may even particially agree with ya Bo, but she's still his family and you KNOW he will make it his business. He's tried to over ride me before and frankly, I see it coming again."

"Oh Lord. Should I just go hide out for a few days?" he asked. He didn't know Hil had asked the same question.

Cooter said as a bit of a joke, "Bo I think that's only an option for only one Duke at a time and from the looks of things Luke beat you to it. Did they even come here at all?"

"Luke did." Bo swallowed. "But took off afterwards. He came to get some things and do his chores. That was all. Luke is sooo gonna owe me if I survive this."

Jesse said, "Well, you danged better survive cause you both assured me that yours and HIS work would get done while he's gone."

Cooter asked, "Gone?"

"He's spending the week with Dixie," Bo said. "I swear, I would never run off with Hil like that Cooter. I would never take her to the No Tell Motel and shrug my responsibilities." Bo wanted to shrink. "Uncle Jesse, I can't help it if Luther overides Cooter and kills me!" His voice had risen a whole octave!

Cooter nodded. That was the second person that told him his sister was basically 'shacking up' with Luke at the No Tell Motel. He'd see about THAT as soon as he got THIS straight.

Jesse added gruffly, "Well, before you get killed go fetch Luke! Now come on in here for supper gets cold." Jesse still hadn't figured out what it was about his boys and the Davenport girls. He and Luther might just as well set down and pair them up and be done with it!


Inside Daisy asked, "So what brings you and Cooter out here?"

Yes sir." Bo responded walking into the house. He walked in intime to hear Hilery's reply to Daisy.

"We're here because Cooter needed to talk to Bo. I sorta played a dirty joke on him, kissed him and left him high and dry when he wanted it." she giggled. "I needed to know, but there is no way I want to go that far, not yet."

"Hil, I'm surprised Cooter didn't bring his shot gun." Daisy replied shaking her head.

"I'm glad he didn't bring his shot gun!" Bo interjected, getting the attention of both girls. "Smells good Daisy. Maybe tomorrow we could get Hil to come over and help out." he winked at the Davenport woman. He actually did like her cooking, and ever since the night before he had finally found himself being honest with himself. He did like her. The realization had startled him earlier that day, but it felt good to stop lying.

"Bo I think Cooter heard that." Daisy said, looking past him. Cooter stood right behind him!

"Yes, Cooter did hear that." Cooter said with a frown.

Bo frowned and turned around. "Oops, uh..." He knew he was caught red handed trying to flirt. "I like her cooking..."

Cooter shot him a look and said, "Uh-huh."

"Well she cooks better than you, and almost as good as Uncle Jesse." Bo grinned.

Cooter decided to end this, "Bo I live with her I know how she cooks. Ok? Stop digging yourself in deeper."


At the motel Dixie heard Dixie Delight pull in. Yes, she could tell by the sound that it wasn't the General Lee. She felt butterflies in her stomach like she had never felt before as Luke turned the key in the door. As he stepped through the door, Dixie saw his small bag, shaving kit and a pizza.

Luke said as he kissed Dixie, "So, what has the future Mrs. Duke been doing?"

Cold chills ran up Dixie's spine when he said that almost as if someone had stpped on her grave, but she brushed it off and said, "Relaxing. No work, No school."

Luke nodded, "That's sorta what I had in mind. I helped at the farm, got a few things and brought us dinner so we don't even have to go back out unless you want to."

Dixie kissed Luke passionately and said, "I can't think of a place I'd rather be in the world."

Luke added, "Ran into Hilery at the farm."

"Oh?" Dixie asked.

Luke gave her a strange look and said, "It seems that your cousin may just have a thing for my cousin. Imagine that."

Dixie said with a half way grin, "Say, WHAT? Has anybody medicated Luther?"

Luke laughed out loud, "Sorta wondered that myself. She was out there to applogize for last night. I caught some of the conversation. Seems Bo had NO idea she liked him, but I seen that look in Bo's eyes. He's looking at her in a totally different light now."

"Ah, sorta the same way another Duke boy looked at me after I walked into the garage in a skirt and heels?" Dixie teased.

"Yelp, he had about the same 'puppy dog' look I do everytime you walk in the room." Luke half teased.

Dixie started undoing the snaps on his shirt and rubbing his chest.

Luke remembered something Bo had said, "You are aware that it's likely half the County now thinks we are married?"

Dixie smiled and exclaimed, "What? What are you talking about?" Luke had suprised her and she had stopped undoing his shirt.

Luke nodded, "Well, it seems that is the conclusion Daisy came to. Figured we had went to Chickomohoney. On the other hand, I told Bo if thinks worked out like I hoped that there may be another Duke around." Luke laughed, "He thought I meant, I was TRYING to get you pregnant."

"Oh Lord! Luke if HALF that gets back to my Daddy!....." She said.

Luke nodded, "We're likely to have company out here. That was my point in telling you."

"Ghee, thanks, I almost wished that you hadn't. Now, I get to worry everytime I heard a car door shut." She said.

Luke grinned a bit. "This is the No Tell. I am not parked near the room. I'll heard them before they find us, ok?"

Dixie sighed, "If you say so, Luke."

Luke took off his now totally unsnapped shirt and layed it on a chair. "I say so. Now, how about a bit to eat before it gets cold. Then, if you don't want to go anywhere we can get real comfortable."

Dixie walked by him and ran her fingernails down his bare back lightly, "Sounds good."


Hours later Dixie watched as Luke napped. She was still rubbing his strong back lightly with her finger tips. Here she was with the man she had loved since he was a teen and she was a kid. She traced the muscles in his back. These were the muscles of a man, a farmer, a Marine. He had never lacked muscles, but these were defined muscles not like the jocks and weighlifters had at school. These were from work from life. She and Luke had talked long hours since she had gotten back. While she went to the paid boarding school with all the 'Momma's boys', Luke Duke had went to the school of life, or hard knocks. He had been to war, around the world and back to Hazzard County. Dixie couldn't help but think how could she be the 'one' the only one for this man? He could have always had any girl he wanted. Sure, she had worn his Mother's ring for the last six or so years. He had said that he would have been on her doorstep when she least expected it. Dixie had to admit she had purposely made it hard for anyone to find her at school and since by using he grandmother's maiden name. They had only been with each other for just over a day and Luke was talking marriage. This is what she had hoped for dreamed of, but now that she was here, he was beside her......... She wondered if she had never came back would he have ever settled down? Who would it have been if not her? Had he even subconsciously been waiting for her? Had he purposely waited for HER? Was Luke only saying what he thoguth she wanted to hear? Here they were, right now, living for the moment, living her 'fairytale', playing 'house' even. But, was it a fair view of the life they would have together? Here there was no one but them, no chores, no jobs, no duties, no friends, and no family. Once you added all those factors to their relationship, would it work? Dixie had purposely not told Luke where she had been working. He hadn't even asked. He was just so willing to get her alone and be together. Lord, knew Dixie wasn't complaining or anything, but was the few days they planned to stay together a realistic look at what their life as a maried couple would be? God, how she wanted to be this man's wife, but she wanted him to come willingly (which he was), but she also wanted him for forever too. Dixie remembered how Lori had treated him when they weren't together, even after their divorce, she had to wonder how much of those actions she'd find herself doing if she ever thought he was cheating on her. Dixie found herself faced with the ulitmate question, would it be better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all?

Luke rolled toward her and saw she was awake. He reached out for her, "Something wrong?"

Dixie said, "Just trying to make sure I'm really here with you, that this isn't a cruel nightmare that I'm going to see you taken away from me before my very eyes."

Luke was awake now. He raised up and asked, "I take it you've had these before?"

Dixie said, "Oh, only since the night you were arrested by the Troopers."

Luke took her in his warm arms and whispered, "I'm right here. Wild horses couldn't make me leave you right now. No one is going to make us leave the other again. I promise you that. For as long as I live, IF you will have me, I'll be right here."

Dixie curled into Luke's arms and they drifted back to sleep for awhile.

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