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Luke swallowed at Bo's soft words, wishing with all his might that he could be as open with his feelings and wants as Bo always was. He just nodded, though, instead of telling Bo how much he wanted the help.


Bo nodded back, knowing what Luke was trying to say even though no words were spoken by the older boy. Throwing his shirt onto the bed, he crossed to Luke and carefully picked him up, carrying him into the lounge.


Bo made sure Luke was comfortably placed on the couch, his foot raised a little on a pillow before fetching the crutches from the bedroom and setting them down where Luke could reach them.

"There...that ok?"


Luke sighed a little. The scenery may have changed but the problem remained the same. There was only so much you could do with a broken foot, most of which involved sitting. And for someone known for being in constant motion, it was torture.


Bo bit his lip, seeing Luke glance out the window...which he supposed was all Luke could really do.

"Hey...if Jenni's not comin' round later...I was thinkin' of taking Troy inta town...show him around the place...do you an' Jaime wanna come?"


Luke sighed oftly. The last thing he wanted to do was make Bo feel guilty or make him feel like he had to include Luke with his plans with Troy. It was supposed to be father/son time after all...not father/son/cousin/niece time. he simply shrugged. "Maybe."


Bo nodded a little.

"Just thought it'd be nice is all...I mean Troy ain't really got to know you as an Uncle an'...I don't honestly feel up t'chasin' Troy around Hazzard Square so havin' Jaime there would be a bonus...and it'd give us all time to bond..."


Bo smiled back and headed to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him with a smile...the first smile he had truly meant for a long time. One era was just ending, they all knew deep down that Jesse wouldn't be with them much longer...Luke would become the patriarch and start a proper family....maybe with Jenni, Bo didn't know. All he did know, was that he, Luke, Daisy, Jaime and Troy were going to continue on the legacy their Uncle had built. No matter who was in the family or what road they all went down, they'd always be the Dukes of Hazzard...that was something no one could ever take away from them.

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