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There is very little news here about the filming. apparently very hush hush...

But........ There is a building leased to HAZZARD US Productions here in South Central Louisiana. Lots of work happening inside. No closed windows.. Can see it all right now. Local news did article on upcoming historical home tour and said one home was selected to be on the movie the Dukes of Hazzard. So therefore, it wouldn't be available for the tour. They wouldn't even give the location of the home. But , if you are from this area, you would know which house it is. Then rumor has it they are going to be taping north of here. Honestly, you would have to see the area. It will actually be perfect. Lots of creeks . Especially with the hilly areas.. The town they are suppose to be shooting is pretty close to the original series town. No Bar room though.... I am sure they will come up with something.

I think the scenery and area will be perfect for the movie. Presently, I am stunned at the cast. I really think that they could have done a little better.

Will post new updates as I see them first hand or hear of them. javascript:emoticon('8)')

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  • 3 weeks later...

I live right outside of Baton Rouge in Ascension Parish, La. Johnny Knoxville and Jessica Simpson have been spotted around Baton Rouge in the past week. I was told that the bar scenes would be filmed at Marchand's Restaurant in Gonzales (also in Ascension Parish). I think the scenes of their house are going to be filmed in Donaldsonville, La.



I live in baton rouge and go to LSU. Im not a huge dukes fan but i can give yall some info! Jessica Simpson is living University Club neighborhood in Baton Rouge. I was at a local bar (Bogies) on Saturday night and Johnny Knoxville was there. He hung out with my friends and me because one of my friends was celebrating her bday. He said they the taping is going to contine until Febuary, and most of the taping will happen in Clinton, LA. Its in between Baton Rouge and New Orleans :D Hope yall like the tid bits of info!! :lol:


Okay, heres MY idea, and again, Ah thank it is a good one. Why not film the movie in Levington (Ah thank) Georgia? It is where they filmed the first several origanal ep ov the TV show. It already has the "Duke farm" (whi8ch WAS a real farm) and the road house they used as the "Boar's Nest". Plus, there are the "Roughneck Redneck" natives that lived in that area. It would make the movie feel more at home. *thinking* "If only they would leave the flag on the damned General." Anyway, that be what Ah thank.

How `bout Y'all?


Yeah it would be nice if they filmed in the original locations, Covington and Conyers GA. Not sure how much of the original settings are still in good shape to film....There is a website that pictures of the settings back then and of today, some didn't look too good...


I see yer point, but doesn't Hollywood or WB or whoever have the money ta fix it. I mean come on, they want to build a whole new set of buildings so they will have what they need. That costs money. Would it not be cheeper to just restore the old locale then build a whole brand spankin new locale? That is my take anyhow, what be y'alls take?



=) Thank you to those who have posted on this thread and welcome to the new folks.

Original Boar's Nest (Covington, GA) is now a church! Police station was remodeled into a bank/credit union several years ago.

Duke farm turned out to be a Civil War cabin that could really use someone's TLC. It sits on a lot next to a $600,000 dollar home... so no it wouldn't be cheaper to use the origianal locations in some instances.

Saw your posts about Confederate flag on the General, Skye...

My understandin' at this moment, it will be there. But time will tell if that is correct, until then I choose to believe WB is gonna leave the flag alone.



Why thank ya there Danny, I do right appreceate the Info. And if they leave the flag alone, well I reacon I got riled fer nutin'. I just hate seein` the gov trying to politicaly correct everything. and as for the locale, reacon yer right. But Louisiana ain't really the best choice I think. Well, shoot, ya got swamps, bogg, crocadiles, mosqeetos, more fussy wether than there ever was in Georgia. And did I mention crocodile? My roommate says if the Dukes try ta go through the crik, or go through the swamps like they did in the series, the General will end up like the Titanic... sink and lost forever. Or at least just plain stuck. if not stuck or sank, they may become dinner. I sure think I mentioined crocodiles. Besides, ain't Louisiana a little big ta be "Hazzard Town Square"? I ain't never been ta Louisiana, but I have seen Marti Gras (SP) and other parts. so, please, by all means, correct me if I am wrong on anything.



I live in Baton Rouge, LA. I drove around the old dealership lot they are leasing for the production. It was Team Toyota on Florida Blvd in Baton Rouge. The entire lot is fenced with razor wire on top. There were about five General Lee's visible parked outside with only the orange basecoat. No "01" or flag yet. There were also several completely unpainted ones. There was a General Lee under a "garage area" apparently being sprayed - the "01" was visible - still can't confirm the flag.

There were quite a number of cop cars parked in the way back - hard to see from the street. Some appeared to still have the white plastic that comes on new vehicles attached. There was one - probably 1970's or 1980's era - convertible - something big and square and rust colored. Possibly the Boss Hog car waiting to be re-done????

Jessica Simpson did purchase a home in the University Club subdivision which is close to the LSU campus and is a gated golf-course community. I am still not sure why she didn't choose the more upscale and elite Baton Rouge Country Club area (the former subdivision of the now infamous Master P and now convicted Governor Edwin Edwards of LA and across from Jimmy Swaggert's home - yeah, we got all the good ones down here).

The filming is to be done in and around Jackson, LA which is a very quaint picturesque area north of Baton Rouge.

The old Team Toyota lot is full of semi trailers and there was activity everywhere on Saturday morning when I passed including the catering truck.



That is some update. I can't thank you enough for it. Please keep posting updates like that when ever you get a chance. Iam sure it will be appreciated very much from everyone here on Hazzardnet...


  • 2 weeks later...

:lol: The Boar's Nest will be at the 'Moonlight Inn'(That's and old bar room) in French Settlement, Louisiana.

That's in Livingston Parish, where I'm born and raised.

Some of the chase seens will be on dirt roads in Donaldsonville and also various backroads throughout Louisiana. I gotta run now but when I get some new scoop I'll holla back.



Tgh_76 Welcome to Hazzardnet .

Hot Dang...I love all these new people keeping us well informed about filming. That is why this is by far the best DOH place to be on the internet..

A very big thank you goes out to y'all from Louisiana for everything...



Hey, I ran by and got some digital shots of the construction at the - soon to be - Boar's Nest. These guys from Film Fleet were working in the rain. I tried not to be too intrusive so sorry bout the picture quality and I will get them up in a few. :wink:

Ok lemme try this:






The bar is SUPPOSED to be closed until mid December.....but....

the owner is letting a few loyal patrons in the back for now.

Thanks Roger(<<<<Roger Hutchinson is the owner)

I'll report back when I get more scoop. L8r all


Here's the deal. They ARE filming in Clinton, LA - about 45 minutes north of Baton Rouge. My husband and I were driving through town today and they've hung a sign that says "Cooter's Repair Shop" on a local auto repair place. There was an article about it in the Baton Rouge Advocate www.2theadvocate.com...They must has stopped filiming for the Thanksgiving holiday...looked like they were moving campers and trailers out this morning. (They were parked near Siliman highschool).

Last week I was at the Lamar Dixon Expo Center in Gonzales, LA for a trade show. 2 General Lee's were there and a police car. Johnny Knoxville was there and another woman, but she didn't look like Jessica Simpson. Looked like stunt drivers were giving them lessons on driving donuts and spin outs.

Erica, Zachary, LA


Just a quick bit of info.....I work in downtown Baton Rouge, and they are not going to stop filming over the Thanksgiving Holiday. They have been filming down here all day today and they are supposed to go through Saturday. Right now they are on Laurel Street around Fourth. Jessica, Johnny, Shawn and about three of the General Lee......


I heard that the Boar's Nest was going to be Bear Creek in Montepeiler, because they are filming in Montepeiler, Amite, Clinton, Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Also, heard that a house in the Pride Port Hudson area was going to be the Duke home.

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