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1.) What is the best (most authentic) color to use? Ex: hemi-orange or the corvette flame red? I've heard diff'rent versions. What's the difference?

2.) Was there a specific "tan color" that they used for the interior during the show or just about any ol' tan color is good enough?

Thanks for any input!



I bet you are going to have some fun doing this........

Go to the Conferate General Lee Fan Club and go through the boards over there about making a GL. There are numerous "debates" on the color and interior....

I am sure the people over there will be helpful. Thay are a great bunch in the detail of a GL..


I'm gone



A lot depends on what era General you are after.Georgia,Valuzet,or WB built cars. 75 Corvette "Flame Red" is confirmed to have been used on some of the remaining "real" Lees.According to Tom Sarmento it was used by WB from seasons 4-7.Valuzet era used their own blend rumored to be Hugger or Hemi or a combination of the 2. Don Schishler in charge of the Lees in Georgia told me personally that the Corvette was used on those cars. Major differences between Corvette and Hemi is that Hemi has metallic in the paint. Visibly side by side to the naked eye is hard to see much difference.Hemi and Hugger tend to look a bit more reddish than the Corvette. Corvette looks different under various lighting as well. My General in my avatar is Covette Flame Red. The interior color paint code is Dupont 5934 Lt Desert Tan scanned from interior parts from real General 63.


Thank you for the replies!

Hey Tim, yeah, I like what you had mentioned about the reddish-orange shades. Could you tell me a lil' more about this "Hugger" shade? I mean, in other words....it's still "orange," correct, it just has a bit more reddish color to it as compared to the Hemi and Corvette Flame-Red? Is that right?

As for the Corvette Flame-Red, what kinda shades does it look like under diff'rent lighting conditions like you had mentioned earlier?

Thanks again for your time & BTW, sweet General that you have there! I'd love to take mine to Dukesfest when completed!

Kind regards,

Aaron D.


Yes "Hugger" is another orange shade that a lot of replica owners have chosen. It is a General Motors color as well as the Corvette "Flame Red" is.Now the purest Mopar guys seem to have a problem using a non Mopar color so they use Hemi a factory Mopar color. I personally would go with "Flame Red" because it is confirmed to have been used but it is personal preference.Don Schishler told me they chose "FLame" over Hugger or Hemi on the first cars because of the way it came out on film as film tends to make things look a tad more redder than they really are or at least back then it did.I'll post some comparisons now. 143312237.jpg150601033.jpg


Awesome info Tim; this is just what I am looking for!!! :D

I've got all of this saved n' I'll go with the 75' Vette Flame-Red. Thank you once again for your help my friend!

While I'm thinking about it...when I watch the reunion movies, the "O1" tends to look smaller/thinner than the ones during the TV show. Are they the same?

Thanks again n' that is an amazing pic!

High regards,

Aaron D.

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