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Double Duke Trouble


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Bo shifted a little as the cooling breeze hit his back but didn't stir. It felt nice against his bare body (except his boxers).

Daisy turned at B.L's whisper and smiled gently, crossing back over to her cousin's.

"He's alright for now...he's still got a high fever, but it seems to be residing a little...."

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Daisy nodded and sank onto Bo's bed, picking his trademark yellow shirt from the floor and hugging it gently.

"Oh B.L I hope so....I really really hope so....I don't know what we'd do without Bo....he's just....the life of the whole family....I cant imagine life without him and I don't want to experience it either...."

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B.L. wraps an arm around Daisy's shoulders as Daisy sinks onto the bed next to her.

"I know Daisy.....noone wants ta experience that......I'd be just as lost as you and Luke without Bo, each one of ya has played a special part in my life especially since we lost my Daddy....you've always been my best friend and confidant.......Luke's been my conscience a few times...and well Bo just smiles that smile of his and laughs makin everythin better....without Bo wouldn't nothin ever be right again."

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Daisy sniffed quietly and buried her face more into Bo's shirt, breathing in his scent that resided there, feeling his strong arms wrap round her comfortingly even though he wasn't actually doing it.

She couldn't believe that Bo was giving up....had he really been fighting this illness all along and had managed to keep it at bay because he was so determined....giving up couldn't possibly have made Bo this sick again....could it?

She leaned into B.L a little, looking over at the two cousin's again.....the two brothers...

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B.L. wraps her arm a little tighter around Daisy's waist all the stress was taking it's toll on Daisy as well as Luke. It just seemed so strange that Bo had been pulled back from the pearly gates to be so close to being at death's door again. B.L.'s gaze follows Daisy's across the room to the two cousins no they were more than that the two brothers in the other bed. Closing her eyes B.L. silently begs Bo not to give up and for god not to take him not yet it will destroy Luke if Bo was to die and it would be almost as bad for Daisy and Uncle Jesse.

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Doc nods as he reads the thermometer,then looking up at the two girls smiling.

"You did good Daisy, I had given him some asprin before I woke you and that contributed to the sweating as the fever went down although being so close to Luke didn't help any and I tried to get Bo to go back to his own bed but he didn't want to and I didn't press it. His fever's down to 99.7 degrees right now it would probably be normal but Luke's own body heat is keeping it up slightly."

B.L. smiles at Daisy that's the best news they've heard since Bo took a turn for the worse.

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Doc shakes his head with a deep sigh

"I'll be honest with you Daisy I don't really know.....there's no other symptoms to go on other than the fatigue and fever which the fever can be the result of the fever since he didn't have his strength back before it hit. I'll draw some blood later and take it back to my office see if there's any indication of an infection or virus that will better explain the fever."

B.L. looks at the clock in surprise she hadn't realized the night had went by so fast. Looking back over at Daisy she wonders what sort of reaction Uncle Jesse will have when he realizes he's slept all night until 3 hours before he'd normally get up at 5am.

"Guess we'd better get Uncle Jesse up for his turn he'll be getting up in a few hours anyway. Uh Daisy how do ya think he's gonna take it when he realizes he's slept all night? That was my intentions was for Luke ta take first then sleep all night and Uncle Jesse last having slept all night."

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Doc Appleby nods as he gets the required supplies from his bag

"Good point Daisy"

Extending Bo's arm Doc ties a rubber tie on his bicep before swabbing the bend of his elbow with an alcohol pad and drawing the blood into a test tube.

"Now I'll just take this into the office after breakfast and by lunch we should know what we're dealing with."

B.L. wrinkles her nose distastefully at the idea of waking Uncle Jesse saying sarcastically

"Goody I get the job of waking him up."

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Daisy has to turn away as the doc uses the needle on Bo. She hates to think how unresponsive he is, usually he would have felt that and been up like a shot....but now it was almost like he was....

She shook the thought out of her head and nodded to B.L

"Yep...you got that pleasure."

She grinned at her

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Doc chuckles at the banter between the two friends as he puts the supplies back in his bag. B.L. has almost the same reaction as Daisy as the Doc uses the needle she herself doesn't like them and even though she isn't looking she still winces at the thought as sadness washes over her knowing normally Bo would be throwing a fit about it.

B.L. rolls her eyes at Daisy as she leaves the room with a mock disgruntled look on her face muttering something about

"some friend..........not my uncle.............bear's cave"

Entering Uncle Jesse's room quietly B.L. makes her way to the bed bumping into the wall with her big toe along the way muttering a curse as it throbs. Lightly shaking him

"Uncle Jesse it's your watch"

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Daisy laughed at B.L's disgruntled comments as she left the room and smiled gently at the Doc, she was so thankful for him being there.

Jesse stirred quickly as B.L shook him, nodding his thanks and standing up stretching before he walked into the room, frowning as he saw Bo in Luke's bed with Luke.

"What in tarnation...."

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Doc quickly goes to Jesse laying a hand on his shoulder

"Just calm down Jesse..... he woke up briefly and was becoming aggitated because Luke wasn't anywhere nearby. B.L. and I both told him Luke was just sleeping but it didn't calm him any and..... I made the decision it was better to let him be with Luke despite the fever than to have him getting all worked up."

B.L. sits back down beside Daisy quietly letting the doctor handle Jesse for the moment.

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Doc nods with a pleased smile of his own

"Yes quite a bit last check it was a little over 102 degrees. I gave him some asprin after it reached a more managable level and that has helped."

Chuckling the doctor continues as he checks Bo's fever again happy to see for the moment at least it's normal

"I was afraid Luke's own body heat would only raise the fever but it may have been the best thing with the two of them so close together and giving Bo asprin on top of it he's sweated the fever out faster than it was going down with the ice packs. He doesn't have any for the moment but that isn't to say that it won't come back up when the asprin wears off. I've drawn some blood to take back to the clinic later and check to see what else we might be dealing with that could cause the fever."

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Doc smiles back at Jesse then laughs slightly as he sees a mental picture of Luke's reaction to last night's events when he wakes.

"I'm happy to help Jesse just doing my job........oh I expect Luke will wake up in a few more hours. I imagine breakfast will bring him back to the land of the living."

B.L. is halfway dreading Luke's reaction and halfway amused at the images she has of what it will be.

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Bo blinked for a moment or two, trying to understand where he was and why, a little confused and disoriented before finally registering he was in his room, Luke sleeping soundly beside him and his family looking him over worridly.

He swallowed slightly and looked back to the Doc.

"Hot....got a headache....my throat's real sore....feel so weak....and tired...."

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