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Double Duke Trouble


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B.L. quietly answers with the expected yes sir before Uncle Jesse leaves the room. Feeling of Bo's forehead B.L. is disconcerted at the heat still radiating there even with the icepacks.

Doc reads the thermometer still not happy with the reading but relieved to see that the fever is decreasing somewhat but not nearly enough. He just prays Bo's got enough fight left in him to overcome this latest setback,he'd sent the syringe off after Luke,Daisy and B.L. had left his office earlier that evening.

"We got us a long night ahead B.L. it's only down two degrees."

B.L. nods worriedly,Bo is as white as the sheets now far paler than he'd been at supper.

"I know but I'll do everything I can ta get Bo well. How you gonna send that syringe Luke brought in off tomorrow if you're here?"

The doctor smiles

"I did that before Jesse called me out here the more I thought about it the more urgent it sounded so I sent it right away then called a med school colleage to tell him to be expecting it and to ask when we should know something.....he said he'd put a rush on things and we should know something by day after tomorrow."

A relieved look crosses B.L.'s face

"That sounds good Doc"

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The doctor smiles at B.L. as she smiles back at him.

"Well welcome back young man.....how do you feel?"

B.L. leans closer to Bo whispering as she turns his head slightly reaching over him pointing in the direction of Luke's bed grinning still slightly amused at everyone's sabatoge on him.

"Luke's here sweety he's just asleep....gonna be cranky as a long tailed cat in a room full of rockers in the mornin Doc gave him somethin ta help him sleep and I put a few sips of shine in his hot chocolate"

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Doc Appleby starts to try and force Bo gently back on the bed but see's that B.L. is prepared to handle it and figures Bo will get less upset than if he were to try.

B.L. bites her lip at Bo's whimpers but steals herself to be a bit tough gently pushes on Bo's shoulders laying him back on the bed

"You just stay put buster...Luke's out for the count and besides you need to stay on these icepacks till your fever is down and ya wouldn't want to get Luke's bed wet now would ya?"

Smiling she runs her hand down the side of Bo's face trying to keep him calm.

"Will ya settle for me just for a little while I promise if you let me and Doc Appleby get your fever down so it's not so dangerously high you can move to Luke's bed for a while."

She looks up at the doctor after making the promise expecting him to protest but he doesnt and she is relieved.

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Bo cried out softly as B.L pushed him back down to the bed. He wanted to get to Luke, he needed to feel the security of having Luke by him. He was scared of what was happening to him, scared and confused as to how he had been brought from the shack he had been in to here in such a short space of time.

He shook his head and cried again, turning pleading eyes to first B.L and then to the doctor.


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Not being able to stand to see Bo so upset B.L. turns her own pleading eyes to the doctor remembering how much better Bo had been able to come with things while Luke was by his side.

Doc sighs not wanting Bo to get upset but he doesn't need to be so close to someone else either it's likely to make the fever rise again but Bo's distress wins at this point.

"Alright Bo just calm down...I'll help you get to Luke's bed"

B.L. turns to Luke's bed huffing and puffing as she rolls him slightly to make room for Bo muttering

"Ya been eatin too many pancakes Lucas"

Turning back to Bo's bed B.L. helps Bo sit up slowly then carefully move over to Luke's bed and lay down again. Smoothing back the hair that's fell onto his forehead B.L. gives Bo a trademark Bo kiss.

"Better? *smiles* Now you rest and get well so we can go have that night of jukin out at the Boar's Nest....I'm buyin that night."

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Bo rolled onto his side and quickly flung his arm over Luke's waist, hugging his older cousin close and snuggling into his side, laying his head on Luke's chest to hear his reassuring heartbeat and to match his own breathing with his.

After a while, he gradually begins to drop off to sleep again, feeling safer with Luke in his arms and the gentle beating of Luke's heart soothing him.

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B.L. watches Bo as he wraps his arm around Luke's waist and puts his head on Luke's chest before drifting back off to sleep peacefully,thinking to herself wondering what sort of hell those men put Bo through that he couldn't stand the thought of Luke even being on the other side of the room. Grabbing an ice pack she sits on the floor indian style holding it between Bo's shoulders to try and keep his fever from coming up anymore again.

Doc shakes his head smiling slightly at the bond between the two cousins and how just being able to touch Luke had settled him right down again.

"We'll really have to watch his fever now so that it doesn't go up again...Luke's own body heat is bound to raise it again."

B.L. nods not taking her eyes off Bo

"I know Doc and if the circumstances was different I might not have been so willing to give in but he's been through so much and I just can't stand the scared look he gets or the crying."

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B.L. cringes as Bo arches thinking she'd hurt him but he doesn't whimper,reaching up with her other hand she smooths his hair whispering too low for even the Doc to hear.

"It's gonna be ok Bo"

Doc looks at his watch it's been 3 hours already....laying a hand on B.L.'s shoulder he urges gently "why don't you get some rest dear"

B.L. opens her mouth to protest but then remembers her promise to Uncle Jesse and nods standing giving Doc the icepack as he moves a chair into position to take over.

"Ok,you want me to send Daisy?"

Doc shakes his head negatively

"No if she's sleeping let her be for a while I can handle things here....if Bo's fever comes down to a less dangerous level I'll let you girls sit with him while I get some rest."

"Ok Doc be back in a few hours"

B.L. quietly leaves the room slipping past Jesse's door as quiet as a mouse and entering Daisy's just as quiet. Slipping as carefully as possible between the sheets trying not to wake Daisy.

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Daisy stirred slightly as B.L got into bed, but didn't wake up, too exhausted physically and emotionally to say or do anything except sleep. Jesse didn't stir either, even though the worry had been eating at him since he closed his eyes.

Finally the Duke Farm was quiet as everyone of its occupants slept except the good doctor who was still taking care of Bo, trying to keep the raging fever at bay...

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In the quiet house Doc Appleby watches over his patient,continuing his ministrations. After 2 more hours the doctor felt Bo's neck and forehead it finally seemed the fever was lessening although still not anywhere normal. Gathering all the wet cloths from the melted icepacks he puts them back in the dishpan,checking Bo's fever Doc sighs with relief to see that the fever is down to 102.4 degrees now after the uphill battle for 5 hours.

Taking the dishpan quietly to the kitchen Doc fixes a glass of water and gets 2 asprin he'd not given Bo any before, the young man was so deep in sleep from the fever. Since he'd woken up earlier though it should be easier now and the medication would most likely bring the fever the rest of the way back to normal at least he hoped so before Bo became dehydrated. Back in the boys room he shakes Bo's shoulder slightly whispering

"Bo....Bo son wake up and take some asprin it'll help get yer fever down."

B.L. rolls onto her side snuggling deeper into the pillow and under the cover sleeping soundly not having realized how tired she really was.

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Doc puts the pills in Bo's hand and then holds the glass of water for Bo to drink. Smiling as Bo finishes the glass of water.

"Good boy....."

Telling him unnecessarily

"Don't you want to go back to your bed?......the asprin's gonna make you sweat.....you and Luke both will be a might uncomfortable don't you think."

Luke doesn't even realize the amount of activity going on in the room as he sleeps soundly.

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Bo shook his head vilontly and quickly snuggled back down next to Luke again, clinging to him tighter and pulling one of Luke's arms around his own waist, gripping Luke's hand and laying his head on Luke's chest again.

There was no way, no how he was being seperated from Luke at that moment. He was terryfied of what was happening, but unable to panic for some strange reason, his body just wouldn't co operate. So he did the next best thing, stayed as close to Luke as possible, feeling safe, reassured when his older cousin was next to him, protecting him.

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Doc shakes his head but not about to argue with Bo at this point,the fear in his eyes at every attempt to get him to go back to his own bed pulls at Doc's heartstrings so despite knowing Bo and Luke both would be more comfortable and Bo's condition would probably be better if he was in his own bed away from Luke's body heat he finds himself giving in.

"Just go back to sleep Bo"

As soon as Bo has drifted back into a peaceful sleep Appleby looks at the clock and decides that he now feels comfortable getting some sleep himself. Slipping from the room Doc goes down the hall silently and to Daisy's room touching her shoulder gently.


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Doc pats her shoulder comfortingly in the dark whispering so as not to wake B.L.

"Everythin's fine Daisy,Bo's fever is down to a little over 102 so I'm gonna take a nap. I need you to sit with Bo and ya wake me if his fever goes up or he gets restless ya hear. If there's not any problems then ya wake me in 2 hours anyway."

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Daisy nodded and swiftly got out of bed

"Of course, thanks so much Doc..."

She padded gently down the hallway to Bo and Luke's room and smiled gently as she saw Bo huddled into Luke, the same as he always had done when he was ill or scared. Looking at Bo this way, he didn't look half as bad as she knew he was.

She took her seat beside Bo and Luke and gently rached over to feel his forehead, hating how he felt so hot underneath her touch.

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As both Bo and Luke slept, Daisy sat gently sponging Bo down every so often, trying to keep Bo cool but also to keep the sweat that was now falling in torrents down his body. His temperature didnt feel any higher though, so she just kept up the sponging, gently singing lilttle songs to her two cousins.

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Luke felt the cool breeze as it wafted in the room to cool him slightly as he sank deeper into sleep.

B.L. flung the cover off the room seemed hot making it harder to sleep. Finally climbing out of bed she decides to go sit with Daisy in the boys room even though she'd promised Uncle Jesse she'd rest she just couldn't. So quietly passing his room again she slipped in the boys room. Looking at the boys then over at Daisy standing near the window B.L. whispers

"How's Bo?"

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