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I don't know if this has already been posted or not, but when I turned on the tv today I seen where Tom was arrested for a DWI and charged with reckless driving! :o I really wasn't expecting to wake up to that! I'm sorry if this has already been posted but here is some links for more information........


http://www.upi.com/NewsTrack/view.php?StoryID=20060317-024509-6989r (If you notice, they got his age wrong)



I hope they work, I've never posted links before.

Im not trying to be a witch or anything but its nobody's business but the law and Tom's. Just my opinion disagree if you want.

Oh I understand, but I thought ya'll would like to know the lastest news. I still love him no matter what. Everybody gets into some kinda of trouble at one point or another......


He is a public figure and celebrity. That unfortunately puts your name in the news no matter what , good or bad. And in this case, bad.

Can't wait to see his picture in the "Celebrity Mug Shot" shots they show on various TV shows. Just remember Nick Nolte....


I agree he made a mistake and should deal with it and then I think all should be forgiven and forgotten. I just lost a classmate about two weeks ago to a drunk driver accident,he was just 2 months shy of his 26th birthday and although his family and friends are upset with the circumstances that doesn't mean the drunk driver shouldn't be forgiven he made a mistake. Although I'm sure it's going to take the family a very long time to come to terms with things and even think of forgiving the guy even if it's only in their hearts that they get to offer forgiveness. You just shouldn't drink and drive and anyone who makes the choice to do so is making a very bad judgement call.




My condolences on the loss of your classmate. It's very hard to forgive a drunk driver for robbing someone of their life; of all "accidents" this is the most preventable.

Some years ago, I witnessed a drunk driving accident in broad daylight. Watched a car speed through a stop sign, never slowing, and t-bone a van. I won't describe the details of the scene, but the van that was struck was overturned, and it had kids in it.

Getting behind the wheel drunk amounts to a homicidal intent. But most drunk drivers get behind the wheel thinking they are "ok to drive." This is the mistake; not recognizing, or admitting, that one shouldn't be on the road.

And it's nearly impossible to take one of those height-weight charts and figure out how much you can "safely" drink in an hour or two and still be able to drive home. And bartenders don't use scientific measuring when mixing a rum and coke. I've had mixed drinks that barely tasted of booze and didn't affect me at all; and I've had the same mixed drink slap me upside the head after drinking half of it.

The alcohol content in wine varies, too. Some are 7.5% alcohol by volume; others 10%; I've seen some with more. So is it "safe" to drive after just having a glass or two of wine? Beats me, but nobody can afford to be wrong.



Thank you Brian for your condolences it's been over a week and I'm still in shock at the loss,we grew up only living a few miles apart and played togethr as kids and both our Dad's were members of the town volunteer fire department. You are so right though there is just no excuse for drinking even one drink and then driving. I have a neighbor that occasionally has a drink but when he does he does NOT get behind the wheel. As a matter of fact there was a get together at his house a couple years ago which I was unable to attend but my sister went and because him and his siblings had been drinking not alot but still drinking my sister drove their grandmother home with one of them going along to show her the way.


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