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I'll keep an eye on Brian. I like a challedge.

You would say something like that Doc.

I know why yer spyin' on Brian. You just wanna see him... *puts hand over mouth to stop rant and blushes.*

I'll watch MaryAnne. It'll be an honor to watch over such a skilled draw as the Deputy. Besides she doesn't need to play dirty because she's the fastest draw in Hazzard County. Guess that makes my job rather easy. *grins wide*

Besides, since we're in the same time zone Doc, it's probably best that we are on separate teams for better time coverage.

MaryAnne, despite yer smarmy attitude, I find your rules reasonable enuff. I suggest we commence fire....I mean, start our contest tomorrow, on Saturday.

We start easy. 2 posts each, left in seperate places in the forums. We got 48 hours from the time of the respective posts, to remit a response to the enemy - um, opponent, and start a 3rd.

Only thing is, we gotta take our group of referees and split them up in respective ref teams.

Awright....choose sides! Lets see if this is even. Judges, refs, watchdogs and passerby, declare what contestant you're gonna monitor for!

(This outta be interesting, to see where loyalties shake out....) No matter what ref team you're on, though, you'll have to be impartial about making sure everything's played fair.


We shall commence on Saturday.


You know tho', if everybody ends up watching you Brian that doesn't necessarily mean anything about loyalties.... 8)

You know tho', if everybody ends up watching you Brian that doesn't necessarily mean anything about loyalties....

Maybe not, but I'll take it anyhow. :D

Also, lemme just say in advance, no hard feelin's, no matter who refs for what side.



Also, lemme just say in advance, no hard feelin's, no matter who refs for what side.


Ditto. :) Whom ever y'all chose it won't be taken personally. We're all friends and cousins here and we're all gonna have some fun!


Not a problem Brandy, I don't mind the backup at all. Just stay on the ball with things and most important have fun...

You said you were new right? Well, you've made a wise decision friend because when MaryAnne and Brian go at it... It's better than a Friday night at Boar's Nest with free refills.



I guess you can say I'm still the new gal in town I've been around since I think back in November. I feel like I've been here right from the beginning so don't really remember when I joined anymore!

Glad to know I chose wisely and I'll do my best to stay on top of things. There wouldnt be an opening in the Hazzard game warden department would there? I might be huntin me a job and staying in town.


There wouldnt be an opening in the Hazzard game warden department would there? I might be huntin me a job and staying in town.

*Ponders this for a moment.* Tell you what, you do good work on refing with me and you and I can discuss further employment with The Hazzard County Department of Wildlife over a rootbeer at the Nest. Deal?


Well there's two refs for each side so far... hm. I was gonna pick which side based on who had less help, but... hm. I guess I'll keep an eye on Brian, cause if I keep too close an eye on his cousin he might take offense. <teasing wink> (Or kill me LOL)

Really, I could work for either side. Or both.


Question for judges... Doc and I devised a system last night for how to judge this thing. I can give anyone who's judging a copy of the format if they would like it.

However reviewing the format, I was wondering if us judges want to raise the stakes a little higher for MaryAnne and Brian? By giving points to each message posted. Example would be for each message posted is worth 10 points, based on gramar and language arts skill? A post could be one sentence like Brian said, but have it be an interesting and poignant statement takes skill.

Us judges could give them a 1 to 10 based on the post and total the points up for each round? We could total the points each round and post them in a seperate thread here in General Discussion?

What's the opinion here among the refs? Bad idea? Good idea? It'd let the general assembly get a little more excited and understand what's going on. What do ya'll think?


However reviewing the format, I was wondering if us judges want to raise the stakes a little higher for MaryAnne and Brian? By giving points to each message posted. Example would be for each message posted is worth 10 points, based on gramar and language arts skill? A post could be one sentence like Brian said, but have it be an interesting and poignant statement takes skill.

That might be getting a little too involved. I'm no judge of grammer and spelling, trust me. I think I would rather just keep to the number of posts and see who goes higher. To judge language could vary from person to person. Keep the wit factor if we need a tie-breaker.


Val, I think rating posts would be a neat sidebar, but it's kinda subjective. I personally have no objection to any bonus points or other special category judging that y'all might wanna craft up on the side. Judges are welcome to PM messages to each other, email, instant msg, whatever to sort it out. The one thing you can't do, is tip off me and MaryAnne about anything. Though of course you're free to post your own remarks, so long as there's no "hints" about a location of a post one of us hasn't found yet, ect.

Might be neat to have special ratings beneath a post. Say for example, I leave a scathing, but humorous remark aimed at MaryAnne. You could assign a "smartass value" to the remark based on a scale of 1 to 10.

Have to be careful though, because if I push things too far, MaryAnne could just delete my HazzardNet registration as a whole. Game OVER! Heh!



Yeah, keep that in mind!! ROFL

If y'all wanna comment on the smarmy factor of any of our posts, knock yerself out. I'm not exactly as gifted as Brian in the wit department sometimes. I get a zinger in here 'n there but I have to work at it. LOL. Anyway all I'm gonna be worried about is keeping up with Brian's posts. :wink:

Anyway! Looks like the judges have been see-lected. Good luck y'all!



Lemme just declare this particular thread a "safe zone", where MaryAnne and I can leave minor taunts or general remarks without worrying about them "counting" for this or that. Because I felt compelled to answer that last post. SNORT.

Man this is already hard. MaryAnne, I can't tell if I can't find your posts, or if you haven't posted yet, or what. AAAAAHHHH!!!



Well, there is a point a person can go over board.

But my thoughts were simple, there are six judges right now. Nice even number.

Two judges watching Brian - Pendragon and LS3.

Two judges watching MaryAnne - myself and smarteepants

Then two netural judges - LKDuke and Alex

All judges can award each post anywhere from 1 to 10 points. So the highest value of each post for MaryAnne or Brian is 60 points.

Judges you can decide how much a post is worth according to content, lyrical skill, smartmouth value, and gramar. Judges don't have to give explainations as to why they gave how many points they gave unless there is a huge dispute, which really I don't think there will be.

Then you take those point totals add them up and you have the amount of points MaryAnne or Brian got for that round.


Brian makes a post.

The judges read it then post their point totals to a seperate thread.

LS3 gives Brian a 6.

Pendragon gives him a 9.

Smartie gives him a 8.

I thought it was a bad post and gives him a 4. (just joking)

Then Luke an 8 and Alex an 8.

Then you add those points up and you get Brian's score for that post. Which would be a 43 for that post.

As far as who is watching who, that's for if we see any cheating going on. So LS3 is watching Brian to make sure that he doesn't delete a post MaryAnne might have put up then deleted. Same goes for Doc and me ect...

How does that sound? I don't want to make this more complexed than what it is.

Let me ask somethin'.... are the posts *new* posts, or *any* posts?

Ya know...I was just thinkin' this myself. Are we starting whole new threads, Brian, or just radomly hitting threads already out there and/or posting new threads?

I'd prefer the radom hit to either exisiting or new threads.

I also agree that this thread is our neutral zone, posts don't count towards the game and it gives us a chance to clarify if need by on stuff and to occasionally lob some smarmy comments at each other.

Like we won't be doing this otherwise?! LOL

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