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I know this has been discussed numerous times, but bare with me...

okay all, as a few here may know im a Serious movie buff. and a big fan of Broken Lizard's films as well but after watching the flames the other night my bud decided "hey. i just bought the dukes movie! lets watch it!" when we all saw it in theaters as is. And enjoyed the theater version. it was fresh and new. Anyways...

im Completely Disgisted!

Un-Rated? WTF?! what did they do to cooter?! christ. i Swear i will NEVER watch that flick again except the chase scenes and extras. the nudity was one thing. but the drug use? actually showing it happening?! and the Language??! OMFG! Now i understand where Ben Jones was comming from. im best off to Buy the DVD, rip the extras and chase scenes off onto my computer, Burn them to DVD then microwave the actual DVD till it melts to the plate.

im gone.



I understand where you're coming from man.. I really want the PG-13 version, however this full-screen is crap..

WHY couldn't they release that in widescreen too?! I don't get it.. it's as if the only way to get it in its original release, is to dload a pirated copy of one of the telesyncs or something.. =(

It's really sad..

That aside though, when you watch the movie as much as I have (I watch it on my laptop and it's the only movie I have w/ me) it grows on you..



I still can't figure out why they did that with the PG-13 version by releasing it only in frull frame.Only the PSP veriaon(PG-13) is widescreen . They could have made both the widescreen and full frame on the same disc. Alot of movies are like that.

I have both DVD versions and like both of them for what they are. I actually don't mind the unrated version, although not as bad as I thought it would be. I watch the PG-13 with my kids though....

I'm gone



Wait a sec now...


now im officially pi**ed!

I expected "Jackass the movie" Not to offer widescreen, but hell - this is the dukes were talkin about here. I'll buy the PG13 version and unrated. and like i said, rip the stunts and exras off of the unrated version and burn them onto another DVD disc. then cook the Unrated DVD in the microwave or blow it up. i havent decided yet.

Anyways... now that i Know theres a PG widescreen version out there im not As upset anymore.

like, imagion the jumps Without widescreen! what a total waste of cash to buy that version. :x sorry all if im comming down really harsh on this subject here, im normally a pretty "happy-go-lucky" type of guy. but this just boils my blood.

im gone.



I don't or have not seen the movie and I know for a fact that the film was a big pile of crud that no one likes with the exception of people who like to look at Jessica Simpson's legs!

The making of this film was a complete waste of time, money and energy, I'd rather see a movie about puff the magic dragon than this.

Wait a sec now...


now im officially pi**ed!

Of course there is... just look around.

Know what's funny? The DOH movie was one of the only sell-outs this Xmas around here. I had to go to 10 different stores before I could find a copy for my bro. I considered giving him my copy, but I think somebody stole it from my place at a pre-Xmas party. Lame.

Edit: It's funny to see the phrases "Serious movie buff" and "a big fan of Broken Lizard's films" in the same sentence.

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