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Hey everyone.....

Just wanted to see what is your favorite Christmas song or CD....

Some of my favorite Christams songs

1. Snoopy's Christmas - The Royal Guardsmen... I have loved this song since I was a little kid and will always be my all-timew favorite . Even enemies have the respect to celebrate Christmas - Merry Christmas My Friend

2. The Angels Cried - Alan Jackson & Alison Krauss - Such a beautiful song and especially Alison's Angelic singing...

3. Rob Thomas - A New York Christmas - Perfect song for what Christmas is like in NYC. Nothing will ever beat that. Especially after 9/11 and seeing the Big Tree and the Radio City Christmas show with the Rockettes. Great song to show what NY is like at Christmas.

4. Brian Setzer Orchestra - He has 2 Chritmas CD's adn both never leave the CD player around this time. His swinging versions of Christmas classics and originals rock my Christmas tree...Oh What Fun It Is To Ride In A 57' Chevrolet.....

I have others that I like but Iwould love to hear what ya'll like too

Ho, Ho, Ho.....



I like all the old-time carols, but two of my modern favorites are

"Mary Did You Know?" which always gives me chills and brings a tear to my eye, and

the Christmas Chipmunk Song. Ever since I was a little kid, the first time each year that I hear it on the radio kicks off the Christmas season for me. :lol:


POP QUIZ! Since you are such fans of the powerful tune, do you know who wrote "Mary Did You Know?" Kind of an unlikely, but then again, it does make sense that this person wrote it. Know who it is?


Brian, thanks for the fun link. I liked the twistedchristmas.com link at the end of the video, especially the song Chipmunks Roasting on an Open Fire. :lol:


Jamanda, it was written by Mark Lowry, and I like his singing of it the best, though Kenny Rogers does it well also. I don"t think other singers I've heard have sung it as powerfully as they have.


Correct! It was written by Mark Lowry, who is widely known for his parodies of contemporary Christian songs (My Face in this World, I Can Eat it All).

Amanda was happy to find a Waylon Jennings CD in her stocking (actually in a paper bag next to her stocking since it wouldn't fit) and Jam got a Beach Boys CD (which did fit since she has a bigger stocking). Really like it that the Waylon CD has the full version of "Good Ol' Boys" on it. Mom hadn't heard the extra verse before and thought it was hilarious.

I'm a good ol' boy.

I know my mama loves me

But she don't understand

They keep showing my hands

And not my face on TV

Amanda also got 2 very funny Ray Steven's CD's, which is good since she lost her cassette tape. All together it was a very nice Christmas morning.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

I agree they should have a dukes of hazzard christmas cd. And it can have songs by John Schneider and New Kids On The Block. And maybe santa cluas can go to John Schneider's house to tell him that I said Hi and that I think he's really cute. My favorite christmas tape Is Merry, Merry Christmas By New Kids On The Block because I have that tape. My favorite christmas songs are Last Night I saw Santa claus By New Kids On The Block, Santa's coming In a stage coach By Buck owens and Susan Raye, and White Christmas By John Schneider. I hope John Schneider don't read this.


There is a song John sings,

it was on a Xmas country song album,

which the tape got eaten up a few years ago:cry:

I can't remember the name of the song he sang,

just some of the lyrics.

bells will be ringing the

sad sad news, oh what a christmas

to have the blues. my baby's gone

That's all I can remember,

if anyone could tell me the title

of this song, maybe I can find

a copy of John singing it.


There is a song John sings,

it was on a Xmas country song album,

which the tape got eaten up a few years ago:cry:

I can't remember the name of the song he sang,

just some of the lyrics.

bells will be ringing the

sad sad news, oh what a christmas

to have the blues. my baby's gone

That's all I can remember,

if anyone could tell me the title

of this song, maybe I can find

a copy of John singing it.


I think that's Katey's Christmas Card. Vince Gill also recorded this song so I've been told so if you want to hear this song try his music library's.

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