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I've heard that the flag will be replaced toward the end of the film by a sign that reads "Save Hazzard". Again, this is hearsay, but it was said that the "Save Hazzard" sign would be part of the storyline where the Dukes campaign to save the county from corrupt county commisioner, J.D. Hogg. Has anybody else heard anything similar to this?



If you guys check out the new pics on mtv.com (linked her on the website)

You will see, a pic of the general, in ALL its glory, no chrome, on the wheels, or grill guard, normal tires (one jump on the low profile, and the general, is demoted to a private!), and yes the Confederate flag is on the roof. They have listened.


The Confederate flag on top of the General Lee being a topic of debate is absolutely ridiculous. That flag is a symbol of racism only when it is put in the hands of racists and that's very unfortunate. Most people, as well as groups that protest and see the Confederate flag as a symbol of hatred and segregation have absolutely no idea of what that flag originally stood for or represented. It's a shame.

To say that the General Lee or The Dukes of Hazzard represents racism is totally absurd. It really irritates me when I read articles or reviews that refer to The Dukes of Hazzard as being racist. Where are these writers getting their information? It's obvious that none of them ever watched an episode of the original show. They simply recognized that the General Lee had a Confederate flag on the roof and in their narrow minds, it had to mean that the Dukes were racists. Give me a break.

If the Confederate flag was absent from the General Lee's roof in the new movie, well then, they simply couldn't have referred to the car as the General Lee. That would be like making a new Lone Ranger movie and not having the main character wear a mask. When rumors first started to get out about the new Dukes movie, I heard everything from the Confederate flag being replaced by the American flag, to having no flag at all. I'm just glad that they did the right thing and kept the Confederate flag. Like I said, without it, it's just not the General Lee.

Merry Christmas!



Well said GADuke01!!, We all know that there was nothing racist about the Dukes of Hazzard and the General Lee, as a matter fact, they are the exact opposite. The Dukes stood for honesty, decency, family values, truthfulness, and helping others. Look at Denver Pyle, who played Uncle Jesse, his character insisted on himself and his family to be good people and to always look out for others. As far as im concerned the confederate flag on the General Lee is a part of our countrys history and a part of southern tradition. Plain and simple. I think that the people that lash out at a wonderful show like the Dukes of Hazzard, ought to look else where at some of the garbage that is on television today.

Happy Holidays Ya'll and take care....


i hope they understand what kind of hit there movie will take if they dont use the flag.

Thats like at talladaga superspeedway they want the flag down. The african americas <~~ ill use that ... Wanted to protest the flags at talladega.. Now thats smart. Lets protest a flag at a race where more than 98% of the fans are members of the NRA. The cops told them that they could not protect them. So they cancelled.

THis is the type of world we live in.. They think the flag means hate. They think the south mistreated them..... They came from africa. They worked in the fields. Yet the home owners gave them a place to sleep , food , ect. Sounds like rent.. hummm

You know we do not protest the movies where the lowriders, gold teeth, afros,shooting each other,drug dealing.. ect.. but yet they are going to protest a movie that my kids will grow up and remmeber like the tv series i remember. This makes me sick... I cannot stand them saying its hate....

If i hated you i would not show you my flag i would show you a noose , a kkk uniform ,burn a cross..... Its a FLAG .. it does not attack you. does not hurt you... Its PRIDE....

I am not racist. or do i hate anyone. But leave my flag alone.

  • 3 weeks later...

Man I just read a few of you all's post and it was enough!

The General lee without the flag is outrageous ! It's the most popular car in the world!

Even those who didn't care much for the shows,all thaught the General lee was the coolest car ever! It's a trade mark of the dukes of hazzard,just like the statue of liberty is the trade mark for new york!

Take her away and you got trouble,same thing applies for the flag on the General lee!

I decided to give this movie a chance,but as I sit down,if I see the General lee without the flag,I'm walking out of the theatre and boooooooooing the movie!!!


It will have the flag. Got a pic next to it in New Orleans while stunt filming. I did hear though that Bo and Luke had to do some explaining about the flag in the movie. Damn Hollywood pc.


Speaking of the flag...I was at the place on Florida Blvd the other day (where they work on the cars) and the guys tried to jack the car up sideways to the same angle as a stunt shot filmed 2 weeks ago through a barn. Needless to say, the General groaned and rolled over like a tired old dog but stopped rolling just short of the concrete scraping up the flag. The car was already "trashed" from prior stunts and ready for ANOTHER rebuild, but the flag was still perfect. After the General was pushed back over bets were taken as to if the engine would start again. The 440 didn't disappoint.

Life is good...

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