DixieRose_00 Posted November 11, 2005 Posted November 11, 2005 (This is a joint post between DixieRose and Jeffrey Duke)Jeff hissed through clenched teeth, he couldn't hold back his fiery temper any longer. He pushed himself up and kicked the vector rim of the General with the toe of his boot. "GRRAAAAHH!!!" He cried. Jeff clenched his fists and stormed through the parking lot in a mad pace. He kicked a large rock across the lot. It sailed and slammed into the side of Rosco's cruiser with a bang, leaving a large dent. The young Duke picked up a large branch from the grass and hocked it towards the road with all his might, "AAAARRRRRRR!!!"Jessi Mae Parker's eyes widened as she approached the Boars Nest and saw Jeff storming around. She slammed on her brakes and brought her 69 Hemi barracuda to a halt throwing up dust and gravel. She pulled herself out of the car and watched him for a moment. "What's going on?" She cried. Jeff flung another branch into the trees with a loud crack before he realized he was being watched. He looked over his broad shoulder to see the familiar blonde woman. He let out an audible sigh and hung his head. "Jessi you don't wanna know." He mumbled.Jessi sighed and walked over to him, resting her hands on her hips. "Why not? You can talk to me. Why don't we go somewhere and talk." She suggested gently, her blue eyes soft and gentle. He squinted his eyes shut and covered his face with his hands. Jeff could feel his heated breath on his hands and dropped them. With a heavy sigh, that made his broad chest rise and fall noticeably he turned to look at Jessi. He gazed into her gentle eyes, his own reflecting his hurt and anger. Jeff gave her a small weak nod as his response.Jessi smiled gently, her eyes showing her worry and walked closer to him pulling him into her arms. "It's gonna be okay." She whispered reassuringly, though her eyebrows shot up when she caught sight of the unfamiliar car in the parking lot. "Oh my Gawd." She whispered. Jeff's face relaxed and he leaned into Jessi's arms. "What is it?" He asked softly as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "What is it Jess?" Jessi kept her arms around Jeff though her eyes were still on the car. "That car. I know that car." She said, narrowing her eyes, as she smoothed her hands up and down Jeff's back, trying to offer what comfort she could.Jeff shivered and turned his head to look at the car. He raised a dark eyebrow and shrugged, "I dunno whose car that is." He turned back to Jessi, brow creased in angst, "Can I tell you what's going on now?" He asked hopefully, maybe talking to her would help him feel better. He'd always valued her friendship and caring. Jessi smiled and nodded. "Of course you can." She said. "It must be something bad if it's got ya so upset." She added.He nodded slowly and released Jessi from the hug. He sighed and hooked his thumbs under his brown leather belt as he made his way to Jessi's car. Jeff kicked at the stones of the gravel parking lot with the toe of his boot and plopped down on the hood of the old Cuda. Jessi followed him and slid up on the hood next to him resting her head on his shoulder, her long blond hair blowing softly in the breeze. "What's got you so upset?" She asked gently.Jeff's face twisted in pain and he rest his head against hers. "There's...there's this woman. And.she thinks..." Jeff swallowed hard, trying to get rid of the knot in his throat, "She thinks I'm her son." He whispered. Jessi's eyes filled with a quiet rage and she pulled him into her arms again. "She's lying. She's gotta be lying. I don't believe that...not for a minute." She said. He sniffled loudly in her ear, finally letting the tears of pain roll over his face. Emotions he'd held in for days, and not understood them. "I don't believe her." He whispered as his tears flowed into her soft blonde hair. Jessi tightened her arms around him. "It's gonna be okay. I'm gonna do some digging into this. It almost sounds like all she wants todo is make trouble." She said softly, determination in her voice. He sighed and wrinkled his face. Jeff didn't really want Jessi to get involved too. He didn't want to be involved himself. Jeff sniffed and ran his hand over his face over Jessi's shoulder. "Thank you." He whispered softly. Jessi smiled softly. "You're welcome. I know you don't want me involved and I know if she is trying to cause trouble it could be dangerous, but I care about you and I want to help." She said.Jeff sat up straight and looked at Jessi. "I know you do. But I care about you, I don't want you to get in trouble." He said softly and continued as he held Jessi's face in his strong hands, "But I know I can't stop you. Please be careful." Jessi smiled her eyes softening. "I will be. This ain't the first time I've done something like this." She said and then smiled wider. "Now what do ya say we get outta her and go for a drive.... maybe get your mind off things for awhile." She added softly, her eyes sparkling.Jeff chuckled and grinned widely in return, "I think that's a good idea." He laughed again and slid off the hood of the muscle car and quickly ran to the passenger side and pulled his long lean body inside. "A very good idea." He mumbled softly to himself. Jessi smiled to herself and went to the driver's side and pulled herself inside starting up the engine and tearing out of the parking lot throwing up dust and gravel everywhere. "I was thinking we could go someplace where we don't hafta worry bout no one botherin' us." She said. "What do you think?" She asked.Jeff grinned and looked over at her with a nod, "That sounds real good." He smiled brighter and slid closer to Jessi wrapping one arm around her shoulders. "I'd like that." He whispered softly in her ear. Quote
redneck woman Posted November 15, 2005 Posted November 15, 2005 Bo jumps off his barstool and moves over to help his son up. He watches the look of bewilderment come over Bailey's face. Bailey shakes his head trying to clear it, not sure what exactly that was all about."Ya okay son?" Bo questions quietly. Bailey nods in consternation."Nothin' hurt but my pride." The father and son move over to the table Jeff had left so abruptly. Bo picks up the chair turns it around and straddles it as he eyes the two other occupants. "What's goin' on Luke? What was that all 'bout?""Jeff jest lost his temper is all. We'll let 'em cool off a bit. I'm sure he'll be sorry Bailey an' apoligize as soon as ya see him." Luke replies not taking his eyes from Mira. He clears his throat and straightens his spine, trying for his best authority figure posture and voice. "Now Mira, I don't care one way or another what you think. Jeffery is not your son, he is mine an' my wife's. He is a Duke, jest like he so clearly pointed out to you a moment ago. I have all the documents needed to prove it, if it comes to that. Here in this place, he's surrounded by family an' friends he's known all his life. He's loved an' respected as part of this community. So please jest leave him alone. Your only causin' him distress. Nothin' good will come of it." Luke finished his small speech by standing up from the table. Bo followed suit and moved to Luke's shoulder, silently giving his support. "Luke, I appreciate your side of things, but I really must insist on blood tests. I-""No.""No?" Mira repeats sharply. She's not used to being told no for anything."You heard me Mira, I said no." Luke replies tonelessly. "This conversation is over. Please do us all a favor and drop the whole thing. MY son would appreciate it, an' so would I." Luke turns his back, walking away from the table and Mira Finnigan with Bo on his heels and Bailey bringing up the rear. (cue anyone... is this the last we'll see of Mira Finnigan or does she come back to cause move havoc in the Duke's lives?) Quote
JefferyDuke Posted November 15, 2005 Posted November 15, 2005 "Jit!! Gyuk Gyuk!! I got em this time Flash! I really got those Duke boys!!" Sheriff Rosco chuckled as he stepped out of his patrol car. *Woof!! Woof!* Flash responded, you shouldn't be doin that.Rosco snickered to himself as he snuck across the farm yard of Bo Duke's house. His blue eyes widened in excitment when he saw the shiney black Dodge Dakota. He pulled the door open and whispered to himself, "I'm sure Bailey won't mind...if I just put this in here." The sheriff placed a galllon jug of moonshine whiskey under the young Duke boys seat and quietly closed the door. He run across the yard back to his car as fast sa he could before Sara or Nicole could catch him.Before long the crooked, kiniving, low down, polecat of a Sheriif was on his way back to the Boar's Nest to tell Boss what he'd done.~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~"C'mon Luke...let's get outta here." Bo said softly to his older cousin as he glanced over his shoulder back at Mira. The dark haired Duke just nodded and headed straight out the front door.Luke never once looked back, he walked directly to the General Lee and slid in with ease. Bo looked over at his son with a shrug. Bailey shook his blonde head and held his hands up in the air."C'mon Bo." Luke muttered from inside the stock car. Bailey creased his brow and looked up at his father, "What about Jeff?" Bo shook his head and replied, barely above a whisper, "He can handle himself."Indeed Jeffery Duke was more than capable of helping himself, and he was at the moment in good hands. The only exception to this was when Rosco decided he was going to railroad Jeff, or any Duke for that matter. Rosoc deserves some credit, he is a very determined man. (cue Jessi...yes..Jessi...or anyone who has an idea for Boss an Rosco!) Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted November 15, 2005 Posted November 15, 2005 Boss Hogg was sitting in his office at the Boars Nest when Rosco walked through the door a smug grin on his face. Boss looked up at him and rolled his eyes. "Did ya do as I asked?" He yelled. Rosco jumped. "Gyuk Gyuk. I sure did and nobody saw me this time." he said, with a little giggle causing Boss to roll his eyes again. "They better not have seen you, you dodo." Boss muttered as he took a big bite of a humongous sandwich that sat in front of him. Rosco muttered under his breath and walked over trying to grab a piece of cheese but Boss slapped his hand away. "Boss. How exactly are we gonna get them Dukes in jail? And what about that Parker gal? She's smart and she'll figure it out." Rosco cried.Boss looked up at him sharply. "We're gonna make it look like they're all running shine again and if the Parker gal gets in our way then we'll just take care of her." He yelled. Rosco jumped back his eyes wide. "You ain't gonna hurt her are you?" He asked, fearing what Jeff might do if someone hurt Jessi. Boss frowned. "Rosco you dodo of course I ain't." He snapped. Rosco sighed in relief. He hated to see anyone hurt and he was afraid of what one of the Dukes might do if someone close to them was hurt and he knew Jeff and Jessi were close."Well I sure hope them fella's you're mixed up with don't hurt her if she gets in the way." He said. Boss frowned and glared at him.(cue anyone...who are these fella's Boss is mixed up with and how are they helping him?) Quote
JefferyDuke Posted November 15, 2005 Posted November 15, 2005 (This post is a joint effort between Jessi Mae Parker and Jeffery Duke.)Jessi smiled when she felt Jeff's arm over her shoulders and felt him move closer. "So any suggestions of where to go?" She said, wanting to help get his mind off what was happening. Jeff smiled and looked down at Jessi, "I dunno, somewhere nice and quiet." He nearly laughed and added, "Don't matter, just so long as it's you and me." Jessi laughed. "Sugar we could go lots of places nice and quiet where it would be just you and me." She thought for a moment, then pull off on a path through the trees, pulling to a spot out of sight from the road. Jeff shook his head a little and glanced out the back window, looking to see if the General Lee had followed them. He sat back in his seat and turned to Jessi, "I guess it is just you an me!" Jessi grinned and nodded. "Well that's what you wanted and I wanted it to." She said, her cheeks flushing slightly as she looked down at her boots. Jeff chuckled quietly to himself and pulled Jessi closer to him, "Jess, we been friends a long time. Ya don't gotta blush around me." Jessi smiled and lifted her head resting it on Jeff's shoulder as she leaned against him. "I know that." She said softly. "Good." He replied as he found himself kissing the top of her head through her blonde hair. Jeff let out an audible sigh and allowed his blue eyes to drift closed. Jessi smiled gently and wrapped her arms around him holding him tightly. She felt a rush of anger at this woman for interfering and hurting him so bad."What am I gonna do Jessi?" He whispered softly, truly feeling hurt and slightly afraid. "What am I gonna do?" He repeated. Jessi sighed and held him tighter. " I wish I knew but I meant what I said about looking into this. But I may need some help." she said softly. He nodded and ran a hand through Jessi's locks, "I wouldn't let you do this alone." Jeff's deep blue eyes gazed into Jessi's and he said, "There's no way you're doin this without help. And there's no way I coulda done it without help."Jessi smiled gently and met Jeff's eyes. " I seriously doubt I'm in any danger. Why would anyone wanna hurt me?" She asked. Jeff shook his head, "Why does anybody hurt anyone?" He smiled softly and placed one strong hand on the back of Jessi's head and added, "I certainly don't wanna hurt ya." Jeff's face broke into a true, genuine grin and he pressed his smiling lips to Jessi. He'd never wanted to kiss another woman more than he wanted to kiss her at that very moment, and for a time, he forgot all his worries. (Cue anyone) Quote
redneck woman Posted November 16, 2005 Posted November 16, 2005 Luke sighs loudly as Bo finally slides through the General's window. He reaches over and turns the ignition then leans back into the corner of his seat. His brow wrinkles in thought while he replays the whole meeting once again from beginning to end in his mind. After a moment he realizes that they aren't moving yet. Glancing around his sees both Bo and Bailey giving him quizzical looks."What?""Well, uh, I was jus' wonderin' where we're headed now?" Bo asks quietly, he can sense his cousin's inner turmoil and tightly reined anger from the meeting. He knows Luke would never take it out on him on purpose, but its better to be safe rather than sorry."Home.""Home? Aren't we gonna try ta figure out what Rosco is up to?""No Bo, not now. I need ta go home and talk this over with Anna an' hopefully Jeff, if he's home. 'Sides, Rosco was in back with Boss most of the time we were there. Let me work this kink outta the plow line first an' then we'll check up on ol' Rosco an' Boss.""Sure thing cous. We'll get it all worked out, don't worry 'bout it. How 'bout me an' Bailey take a quick run over ta Cooter's after we drop ya off, his lunch hour should be over by then. We'll see if he's heard anything." Luke nods his agreement and Bo slaps him on the shoulder in reassurance before gunning the engine and taking off with spinning tires and spitting gravel.(cue anyone) Quote
JefferyDuke Posted November 16, 2005 Posted November 16, 2005 (This post is a joint effort between Jessi Mae Parker and Jeffery Duke)Jessi yawned and opened her eyes, blinking them rapidly, as she struggled to bring everything back into focus. She looked at Jeff and smiled not really wanting to wake him up but she knew they needed to go talk to Luke. "Sugar wake up." She whispered,gently shaking his shoulder. A low groan came from the young Duke boy, "Stop shakin' me Jessi." Jeff grumbled and slowly opened one blue eye, to peek out at her. A wide smile crossed his face when he remembered where he was and who he was with. Jeff's mouth gaped open in a wide yawn, "Ahhhh.......sleep well?" He asked softly. Jessi smiled, her eyes soft and gentle and full of the love she felt for Jeff. " I slept fine. Did you?" She asked gently.He nodded and sat up, stretching his well built arms above his head, "Wonderfully thanks." Jeff smiled brightly and leant over, kissing Jessi's cheek before pulling his red wrangler shirt over his shoulders. With a soft sigh he said, "Spose we should go find my dad. We came up with some good ideas.....I think he should hear em." He paused, just looking down at Jessi, he'd never thought they'd ever get together. He'd been in love with her from the moment he first laid eyes on her, and now he knew she felt the same. His face broke into a warm smile once again and he whispered, "Thank you." Jessi smiled and sat up looking at him. "Thank you for what?" She asked curiously as she pull her shirt back on over her head. Jeff grinned, "For lovin me."(Cue Jess and Jeff....we ain't done yet, we're havin technical difficulties) Quote
JefferyDuke Posted November 16, 2005 Posted November 16, 2005 (This is another joint post with Jessi and Jeff)"You have an idea why he's doin this?" Anna asked as she set a cool pitcher of lemonade on the table in front of Jeff. Who nodded and replied, "Yeah, Jess and I were talkin and we think we may have come up with a couple more ideas." Luke raised a curious eyebrow, and glanced across the table from Jessi to his son, "Well....let's hear em."Jessi smiled and nodded, her eyes sparkling. "It seems to me like Boss wants to get Jeff and Bailey outta the way for some strange reason and maybe you and Bo to. I'm just wondering if maybe he might be using that woman to cause problems between y'all or something." She said quickly. "We're thinkin that maybe Boss hired her... to cause trouble." Jeff added, as he smiled over at Jessi, his father's eyes narrowing curiously as he watched. Jeff continued, "A distraction, something to keep our minds preoccupied, so we don't see what's really goin' on." Luke's blue eyes scanned the yard outside of the window, he was lost in thought. A warm hand rested on his shoulder, Anna's, and brought him back to reality. "My best guess is that it'll have somethin to do with Rosco tryin' to slip shine into yer car Jeff."Jessi nodded and looked over at Jeff a gentle smile on her face. "I also have a plan to keep Rosco away from Jeff, at least for awhile and it'll give me some time to do some diggin' of my own." She said. Luke raised an eyebrow and Anna sat down beside him and warned gently, "Jessi Mae, I don't think it's such a good idea for you to get tangled up in all this." Jeff left out a sigh and stepped in before Jessi could, "Mom....there's no way to stop Jessi from helping." He smiled softly at the young woman beside him, "I've tried to convice her otherwise..." His handsome face reddened and he looked away from all the others.Jessi smiled at Jeff her own face reddening and she reached over gently squeezing Jeff's hand. "I think if we hide Jeff's car where Rosco won't look and Jeff came to stay with me for awhile we may be able to figure it out." She said determinedly.Anna's brows went up high at this, she opened her mouth to protest. "I think that's a good idea....get him where Rosco can't find him. We oughta find somewhere to hide Bailey as well. Bo and I know how to handle them." Luke quickly cut his wife off. Anna let out a sigh and closed her eyes. Luke placed his hand gently on her back and said softly, "We want what's best for everyone Anna." "I know Luke. I hate this....I ca--" Luke wrapped her in a warm hug and lead her into the living room. He called back into Jess and Jeff, "We can talk about this later...for now...get over to Bo's, tell him and Bailey the plan and see if ya can think of somewhere for Bailey to stay."Jessi looked over at Jeff and smiled then leaned over and pressed her lips against his ear. "Shall we hide Bailey at my place too?" She teased gently. A loud snort of laughter escaped his lips, "Oh gawd no...he can sleep in the barn before I let him in your house." Jeff shook his head quickly and smiled softly at Jessi, "Nah..we'll have to find somewhere else....I wonder of Cooter'd have 'im." He pondered aloud.Jessi smiled and shoved her chair back getting to her feet. "Well what are we waiting for then? Let's go tell Bo and Bailey the plan and then head out to my place so we can have more time to ourselves." She softly, a smirk on her face as she headed for the door.Jessi smiled and shived her chair back getting to her feet. "Well what are we waiting for then? Let's go tell Bo and Bailey the plan and then head out to my place so we can have more time to ourselves." She softly, a smirk on her face as she headed for the door. A chair toppled to the hardwood floor of the old farm house kitchen as the dark-haired Duke boy eagerly stood to his full, towering height. Jeff chuckled and set the chair back on it's feet and lead Jessi out through the house to her car out front, giving a small wave to his parents. Luke looked up from Anna and gave his eldest son a small smile and told him gently, "Good luck. Be careful Jeff.(Cue anyone...where's Mira and Boss and Rosco? Antbody else gonna confuse the Dukes more?) Quote
redneck woman Posted November 18, 2005 Posted November 18, 2005 "Hey Cooter buddy! Where are ya?" Bo yells as the swings his body out of the General Lee. He had just skidded to a stop outside the garage after dropping Bailey off at the General Store to pick up some supplies. "Crazy C? Hello?" Bo sticks his head around the bay doors just in time to hear Cooter's muffled greeting from under a car in the back of the garage. Bo grins and heads toward him, checking out the mustang Cooter is working on. Cooter rolls his creeper from under the car to give Bo an answering grin. "Hey Bo, what's up amigo?""Aw not much, ya know? Same ol', same ol'. Actually, I was wonderin' if you've heard anythin' goin' 'round? Rosco an' Boss are up ta somethin' again.""Well shoot fire an' save box matches Bo, ain't they always up ta somethin'?""Yeah, ya ain't kiddin'. It seems it's got somethin' ta do with us Dukes again though.""Well I'll keep my ears open an' my eyes peeled for ya." "Thanks Cooter, we'd be mighty obliged for that." Bo grins again. "Catch ya later buddy." He says as he heads for the door, catching a muffled "Adios." from Cooter as he slides back under the mustang. When Bo steps through the bay doors he notices his son isn't here yet with the supplies. He decides to just stay put and wait for Bailey there. He sits on the General's hood and stretches out to soak up some sun and watch the happenings around the town. Fifteen minutes later, Bailey still isn't there and Bo is beginning to drowse in the warm rays. Bo's eyes suddenly pop open when he hears screeching tires coming around the corner.~~~~~~~~~~Mira can feel the bar patrons staring at her as she bows her head in defeat. Luke wouldn't even listen to reason. I know that boy is my son, it's so obvious everyone should be able to see it. There must be some way to get the Duke's to agree to it. Sitting quietly she racks her brain for some loophole, the smallest grain of an idea to get what she wants. A quietly spoken "Can I get ya anythin' ma'am?" broke her reverie. She glances up and she sees the pretty waitress in the short shorts. Staring at this girl helped somethin' click together in her brain. She smiles at the waitress while replying."You sure can. I'll take another ginger ale and I was wondering if you could help me with a little information?" She pauses for Daisy's agreement and continues when she sees the nod. "Can you tell me where to find the police commisioner?""Why sure thing, that'd be Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg an' he's in his office right behind that door there." Daisy answers as she points toward Boss's office. "I'll be right back with your drink." Mira nods as she runs schemes through her mind trying to find the best way to get the police commissioner in on her plans. When Daisy sets the drink in front of her, Mira takes a few sips before standing. She throws a few bills on the table and marching over to the door the sheriff had entered before. Taking a deep breath, she knocks loudly a couple of times before waiting patiently for the door to open.(cue anyone) Quote
redneck woman Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg sits up straight when he hears the knock on the door. He was just finishing up counting out his shine money and taking out Rosco's half. It looks like Rosco made twelve dollars this time, Boss's cuts always go straight down the middle and hook a sharp turn. He quickly shoves the cash into his money box and puts it back into the safe, spinning the dial so it would be locked securely. Another knock at the door puts a scowl on his face."I'm comin', I'm comin'! Hold yer horses will ya!" He continues to grumble as he walks to the door. When he pulls it open he sees a mildly attractive woman in her early forties. "May I help you?""Yes, I was told that your the police commisioner of this county, is that correct?" Mira asked politely, giving Boss one of her best smiles."Well I wear many hats around here honey. What exactly is it yer lookin' for?" Boss puffs his chest out with pride as he sits down in his barber chair, offering the lady a seat in his office chair as an after thought."What I need is someone to help me get my son back where he belongs, with me. The people pretending to be his parents are refusing to even entertain the thought that he is mine. I know he's mine and I want him back. The fake father won't even let us do a blood test that would prove it beyond a doubt. That tells me that he's hiding something and that something is the fact that my son isn't his child. I'll make this worth your while Mr. Hogg." Boss's eyes widen at the lady's last sentence, anything even hinting at making him a buck was worth his attention."Well, Miss, uh, Miss...""Finnigan. Mira Finnigan.""Miss Finnigan, there are a few details we'd have to discuss first, like how much is worth my while?""I'll give a donation of $5000 to your police department for your help, will that suffice?""Oh perfectly well, helping people is part of being in public office ya know. Now, the second detail is who are we talkin' 'bout?" Boss tries to keep his excitement over 5000 samolians in his pocket to himself, but his cat ate the canary grin gives him away."Jeffery Duke.""JEFF DUKE!!!! I'm sorry Miss, uh, Miss honey, but them Dukes are awful smart an' sneaky. It's gonna take a lot of-""I'll raise my donation to $10,000 Mr. Hogg.""Done! My entire police force is at your disposal.""That's just fine." Mira smiles ruthlessly before continuing. "Now, let's go over the details and fine points of my plan shall we?"~~~~~~~~Bo watches as a gray sedan screeches around the corner of the county courthouse heading in his direction at top speed. His body tenses, but he lays unmoving waiting to see what the car was going to do. In that moment he hears a 'Dad' called from across the street. Bailey is jogging toward him and unfortunately he's not paying any attention to the sedan. As Bailey starts across the street the gray car comes speeding toward him. Bo's eyes widen in terror as he jumps to his feet."Bailey, look out! Git outta the way!"(cue anyone... you decide what's gonna happen!) Quote
JefferyDuke Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 The crystal blue eyes of Bo Duke opened wide, and he sprang from the hood of the General Lee. He raced across the street with the grace and ease of a gazelle. Although he ran with every ounce of strength he possed, he knew deep down he'd never get there in time. He was about to witness his only son getting crumpled and mangled by the front end of a Chevy Malibu.The young Duke boy turned his head to see the sedan barreling ever closer to him. Bailey felt as if his feet were frozen in time and space. He no longer had control over his own body, he wanted to move, knew he had to, but could not. He squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for iminent contact.Contact that never came. Enos had come sailing out of the police impound lot in his patrol car. He was off in a dream world, most likely thinking about Daisy. Enos' patrol car t-boned the side of the sedan, knocking it off course.The Mailbu spun out of control and slid off the road and onto the soft wet grass of Hazzard Square. The slippery grass only added to the spin-out, the driver losing all traction and control of the vehicle.Bailey stood awe-struck in the middle of the street as his father reached him, all this taking places in mere seconds. "Son? You ok?" Bo cried, examining the young Duke for any injuires. "Yeah..I'm Fine...."The deputy sat in his car, knuckles white, he gripped the steering wheel so tight. He was in as much shock and awe as Bailey. When the Dukes and Enos had regained they composure, and were joined out on the street by Cooter, they made their way towards the sedan. It sat in the square, wrapped around a tall oak tree.(cue anyone...whos the driver, are they alright?) Quote
redneck woman Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 The group hurries up to the mangled car to make sure everyone is okay and find two strange men in the front seat. Bo and Cooter check pulses and breathing while Enos rings his hands in apprehension and Bailey looks on. Seeing Cooter nod to Bo, Enos's apprehension grows."Are they okay boys? I didn't hurt 'em too bad did I?""They'll be fine Enos. It looks like they hit their heads when they crashed, but all of their vitals are strong. They'll be right as rain in a day or so." Bo answers. One of the men starts groaning and rolls his head toward Enos, giving him a good look of his face."Possum on a Gum Bush! I've seen this man's face on a wanted poster for somethin'. Will ya'll help me get them over ta the jail? I'll call the Doc from there.""Sure Enos. 'Sides even if they are wanted men, Bailey might want ta file some charges hisself. They woulda run him down if'n ya hadn't of stopped 'em. Thanks for that." Bo answers getting agitated again at the thought of his son being hit by this car. He pulls one of the men out while Cooter does the same with the other one. Bo and Cooter half carry and half drag them to the jail house where Enos puts them in a cell and calls the doctor. While Enos is searching high and low for the wanted poster on the men, Cooter and Bo are still watching them closely. "Shoot fire an' save box matches! I've seen these guys before too." Cooter bursts out all of a sudden. "They was goin' inta Boss's office at the Boars Nest when I was leavin' this afternoon." Bo shakes his head and clenches his jaw at Cooter's news."Shoulda figured Boss Hogg would be involved somehow, but I woulda never thought he'd want anyone ta git hurt in one of his schemes." Bo turns to Cooter and fills him in on Rosco trying to plant moonshine at Luke's place. "I'd better give Luke a call, he'll want ta know 'bout this."~~~~~~~~Luke raises his hand and gently wipes a few stray hairs from his lovely wife's face. He pauses for a moment, simply looking at this woman he'd married so many years ago thinking of how lucky he was to have her in his life. He leans down and gives her a gentle kiss and then pulls back. Seeing Anna's questioning look a slow smile spreads across his face and he gives her a wink."Honey, you are the smartest, most beautiful woman in the whole world. I love you so much. Don't worry 'bout Jeff an' this mess, we'll get it all sorted out. I promise." He gives her another tender kiss and again pulls back. Just as Anna opens her mouth to speak, the shrill ringing of the phone interrupts them. Luke groans and dips his head to rest his forehead against hers. "Hold that thought. I'll git the phone." Luke gives her a brief hug before letting go and heading for the phone."Duke Farm. Luke Duke speakin'.""Hey Lukas, we've got some real interestin' stuff happenin' here in town. Why don't ya come out an' join the fun." Bo's voice comes over the phone line."What in the world are ya babblin' 'bout Bo?""I don't wanna explain over the phone where certain ears can hear us. Jus' git on up to the jail house awright?""Are ya in jail Bo Duke!?" Luke's voice raises in protest. "No! Jus' git over here an' I'll explain everythin'""Is Jeff an' Jess there? They went lookin' fer ya an' Bailey a little while ago. Are they okay?""They ain't here yet, but I'm sure their fine Luke. Now quit askin' questions an' move yer feet cousin. I'm gone." Luke looks at the dead receiver in his hand in bewilderment. "What in the world is goin' on?" He mutters to himself before replacing the phone on its base."Honey? Is everything all right?" floats to him from the living room. "Jus' fine Anna. I've gotta run inta town fer a while. Sounds like Bo's got somethin' cookin'. I'll be back." He heads out the door and lets it slam shut behind him. Two seconds later the door swings open and admits him again. He strides into the living room and gives his wife a goodbye kiss before heading toward his truck once again.(cue anyone) Quote
JefferyDuke Posted December 20, 2005 Posted December 20, 2005 Luke pushed open the doors to the court house and stormed through the booking office, "What's goin' on? Bo, everyone alright?" He asked. Bo sighed and nodded to his cousin, "Yeah we're ok Luke, jus calm yerself. Thought you might like to know this." Bo startedAs Bo and Bailey were explaining what was goin on to Luke.... Jeff and Jessi were gettin' into a whole other mess of trouble."Okay.... get out plowboy." A voice instructed. Jeff squinted his eyes tightly and held his hands up.They'd been driving towards town to look for Bo and Bailey when one of the tires blew, and not by accident. A gang of misfits had taken careful aim and shot the tire out, sending the old blue Fury into a fast spin off the road.With a sigh the young Duke boy began to pull himself from the window, feeling the cool steel of the gun jabbing into his ribs. Jeff watched as another man hauled Jess from the car and began to drag her away. "You let her go....She ain't got nothin' to do with you!" He cried angrily."Sorry Duke... We can't do that." The voice behind him snarled. Jeff paused, something he said triggered something. Duke. How did he know I was a Duke? Jeff thought. How did he know? He asked himself again, lost in a trance-like state as he was lead away, hands bound with rope."Jess..... Ya'll just let h-----" Jeff never finished his sentance. His head throbbed only breifly before darkness closed in around him and he lost consciousness, sinking to the ground. He was laid face down in the dirt beside an old oak tree alongside the road and left there.Jeff didn't know who was still with him, who had gone, or were he was. He didn't even know who he was.(cue anyone.) Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted December 20, 2005 Posted December 20, 2005 Jessi screamed as she was dragged towards another car and she heard Jeff start to cry out to her and then he was cut off. She managed to glance over her shoulder in time to see him crumple to the dirt. "Jeff." She screamed. The man holding her dragged her to the door of the car but she was having none of it.She may have been small but she could fight and as he started to shove her into the backseat she spun and delivered a hard kick to his stomach causing him to lose his grip on her and the gun he held. She wrenched it from his grasp and turned it on him and his partner. "You fella's get outta here right now or ya ain'y gonna be so lucky next time." She yelled.The two men had never seen a woman so angry before so they backed off and left. Jessi ran over to Jeff and dropped down to her hands and knees next to him turning him over gently. "Jeff. Open your eyes sugar." She sobbed.(cue anyone) Quote
JefferyDuke Posted December 20, 2005 Posted December 20, 2005 Jeff groaned as he was moved, "Oooo..... dangit.. why's my head hurt so dang much Jess?" He muttered, pushing himself up, discovering his hands were tied behind his back. Jessi started to cry harder and squeezed her eyes shut for a moment before she reached into her pocket and pulled out a knife cutting the ropes around Jeff's wrists. "Cause we were attacked." She mumbled through her tears.The dark hair of the Duke flew around as Jeff shook his head in disbelief, "No we weren't. Were we? We were just on our way to town to find Bo and my cousin." He stammered, rubbing his red wrists were they'd been tied. Jessi shook her head and sobbed. "We were attacked some men shot out the tire of your car and made us go off the road. They were gonna take me with them. They hit you over the head with a gun." She sobbed clenching her firsts. She wanted nothing more then to go after those men and teach them another lesson. "Shh Shhh.. relax Jess." Jeff coaxed softly, although his head pounded with each rush of blood. He gently took Jessi's wrists and unfolded her hands, "It's ok.... we're both alright. I'm ok.. and you're right here, safe and sound." He whispered. Jeff sighed and creased his brow in thought as he tried to remember what had happened. Jessi sniffled and choked back another sob as she looked at the gun she'd laid next to her on the ground. "I was all set to hurt them if I had to. I was angry and scared." She murmured softly, her blue eyes looking everywhere but at Jeff.He reached his hand out and turned her chin towards him, deep blue eyes looking into hers. "Jess, it's over now. Ya don't need to be scared." He said softly and put his arms around her, pulling her close. Jeff closed his eyes, digging deep to find some memory as he took a deep breath of the scent of Jessi's hair. "It's ok." He muttered. Jessi sighed and rested her face against Jeff's chest and wrapped her arms around him relaxing her body as much as she could. She knew they needed to get away from there in case them fella's did come back. She wasn't sure she could take them both on by herself and she also doubted Jeff would be much help. "Shepard callin Lost Sheep and Rebel!" Luke's familar voice cried out from the CB radio in Jeff's car. Jeff opened his eyes and looked up at the window of the car. "Dad?" He asked, still confused. He shook his head, the radio, duh Jeff. He thought. Jeff kissed Jessi's forehead and gently pushed her up pulling himself to his feet with the trunk of the tree. He wavered a minute before stumbling over to the car, leaning against it. "Yeah Shepard, ya got Lost Sheep here." He replied to his father. "Jeff, git into town, now.... we need to have a lil family discussion." Was the only reply that came from Luke.Jessi raised an eyebrow at this not sure what to think about it as she slowly followed Jeff to the car holding a hand to her ribs. She must have gotten hit and been too angry and upset to notice it till now. She closed her eyes and tried to picture the men's faces and struggled to remember if she'd seen them before. "Awright, we're on our way. Lost Sheep over an out." Jeff said, tossing the CB mic into the front seat of the old Fury. He looked to Jess, he head spinning, he could have sworn there was two of her, and at any other moment that could have been fun. He shook his head trying to clear it, without much luck. "Can you dirve? I'm dizzy" Quote
AmandaRobson Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 "Rosco! What do ya mean Enos arrested em!?" Boss Hogg hollered into his telephone. "Jit! Enos arrested them two boys ya hired." The sheriff replied quietly. "WHY'D YOU LET HIM DO A FOOL THING LIKE THAT!?" "The Dukes----" Rosco began.Boss had heard enough, as soon as the name Duke rolled of the Sheriff's tounge that was more than he could handle, "WELL YOU TELL ENOS TO UNNNN-ARREST THEM!!" "Un-arrest them Boss?""Unnnnnnn-arrest them! Or you'll be the night rent-a-cop and and Shorty's all night----" "Drive thru and deli!" Rosco finished, "Jit! I'll tell him!" The phone clicked dead and Boss cringed hearing Rosco hang up.Rosco rushed down the steps to the jail, where Enos kept watch over the two wanted criminals, being examined by Doc Applebee. "Let em go Enos..."The deputy looked up at his sheriff, blue eyes growing wide, "Let em go?" Rosco nodded, "You heard me dipstick! Let them go! Jit!" Enos slowly got to his feet, he knew it was wrong to let to wanted criminals loose, but he couldn't disobey a direct order from his supreme superior officer."Y'sir Sheriff." Enos replied, obediently unlockin the cell door. "Looks like you're free to go fellas...."As Enos sat at his desk, he couldn't help but feel guilty, here it was, his job to keep the citizens of Hazzard safe, and he'd just let two dangerous criminals out onto the street. Enos was burning up inside, he had to tell someone..... Quote
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