HotHillbilly Posted September 27, 2005 Posted September 27, 2005 Bo was having a great time away at college. His girlfriend of nine months, Kate was the sweetest thing he’d ever met. She was a young vivacious 19-year-old blonde with crystal blue eyes. It was wrapping up his freshman year at U of Georgia, and he was planning on going home for the summer to visit with Uncle Jesse and see his cousins for a while. Kate and Bo were lying down on Kate’s couch in her dorm room after watching a movie together. The walls were bare and there weren’t much left in the room except a few scattered books and suitcases lying about. Bo ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “I’m sure going to miss you when I’m gone sweetheart.†“Well actually, I was thinking about that.†Kate said and rested her head on his chest. “Yeah?†“Well, you know I love you right?†“Uh huh...†Bo agreed, unsure of what was going on in her pretty lil head. “Well will you come home with me, to meet my folks? I just know they’re going to love you.†She said and turned around to look him in the eyes. “To meet your family? Like your mom and dad and brothers? I uh…†he hesitated. “Please, it would mean so much to me.†Kate begged. “Well, ya see- I mean I would like to Kate. I really would but every other girls daddy I’ve ever dated has tried to shoot my head clear off my neck. I guess I’m not what a dad wants his daughter dating’.†He frowned. Kate laughed and leaned up and kissed his lips. “Bo baby, you don’t have to worry and for two good reasons. One, my daddy trusts me and loves me and if I’m happy then he’ll be happy.†“And what’s number two?†Bo asked, peering down into her sweet face. She smiled; “We don’t own any guns…†she giggled and kissed him again.So a week later Bo was driving through Atlanta with Kate leading. She was driving her white Land Rover and he was in the General. Immediately when he arrived at U of G, he knew things were going to be different. People cast him strange looks at him as he drove around campus with the General, yelling things like “redneck†and “hillbilly†to him. It was also weird not having Luke around. It was his sophomore year at some college down in Florida, but Bo couldn’t remember the name of it. Daisy was taking night courses at a community college about twenty minutes out of Chickasaw County, studying to become a nurse.As they finally put Atlanta behind them, Kate got up along side of the General,“It’s only about ten miles from here!†she called and smiled. “No second thoughts?†she smirked.Bo smiled, “Well…†he started.“Bo Duke!†she laughed and speed off in front of him. Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 27, 2005 Author Posted September 27, 2005 Kate pulled off the small road and headed into a lane through a heavily wooded area. The trees stretched up to the sky, leaving bits of sunlight here and there peaking through. Bo kept on following Kate as she winded in and out of the lane until the trees started to spread and right smack dab in the middle was a tall iron gate with ten feet fences surrounding it. Bo’s mouth dropped and tried to flag Kate down, but she just drove right through.As the two pulled through the gate, the dirt road turned into a hand-laid brick driveway. It broke into a large roundabout with a funny fountain in the middle of it. The greenest grass surrounded the grounds that circled the tall brick house with road ironwork and shutters lining the windows. Grand steps led up to a tall oak door, carved with elaborate designs. As Kate pulled up to the roundabout, Bo stopped and stared at everything. He slid out of the General and leaned against the side, gaping at Kate.“How come you didn’t tell me you were rich?†Bo frowned.“ Because- I didn’t think it mattered…â€â€œOf course it does! Look at me- I ain’t dressed to meet your parents. They’re going to think I’m some dumb hick!â€â€œBo! Would you cut it out? I thought you loved me for me, not weather I’m rich or not.â€â€œI do! But I wish you had told me. I wouldn’t have just worn jeans and a t-shirt.†“You’re fine. I wouldn’t want it any other way.†She wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed him. “Just at least stay for the long weekend. Then if you want to go home you can…†she looked up at him with her puppy-face and Bo had to smile.“I guess y’all don’t need no guns when you got all them guards around…†he teased.“Bo!†She playfully hit him.Kate slid her hand over his as the two of them walked up the marble steps. Two lions sat at the bottom, teeth bared and claws digging into the side. Bo gave a sideways glance at Kate and kept his mouth shut. Kate rang the bell and he could hear the long angelical twinkle of the bell right throughout the house, and almost instantly a fat little man in a black tux swung open the door.“Vinnie!†Kate smiled. “it’s nice to see you again! Is mum and father here?â€â€œAh. Miss. Kate how great it is to see you again. I see you’ve brought along an escort.†He said looking at Bo, who gave a quick smile at the man. “I shall announce you’re presence.†And after closing the door behind the couple disappeared as quickly as he appeared.Kate led Bo into a sitting room and sat down next to him.“Wow, you’re house is uh, big.†Bo said, as he looked over the room and half smiled, “I-“ he started but was interrupted by Mrs. Thompson entering.“Kate darling!†she gasped and embraced her daughter. “Well, here goes nothing…†Bo thought as he stood up.cue: anyone Quote
charger_general Posted October 25, 2005 Posted October 25, 2005 Mrs. Thompson has just let go of her daughter and was started over to meet Bo, but was distracted by her husband walking in to meet Kate.Bo had been a bit discouraged by this."Its been So long, Since Ive seen you! you grow more and more every day! and whos this young man i see standing beside you?", Kates dad Asked."Mom, Dad, meet Bo, hes, well, we've been seeing eachother for 9 months now" Kate said to her parents looking at her dad mostly."So a boy friend, if i am correct" Mr.Thompson said piercing through Bo.Before Kate had a chance to agree Bo Cut in,"Yes sir, how do you do, Very nice to meet you, both of you"Kates Father's eye quickly turned very friendly, seeing as Bo had spoken up finally. "Well its very nice to meet such a young man as yourself, for my daughter to bring you to meet us, at our home, you must be very, hm well whats the word, well you must be a sheer gentlemen. Its an honour to have you here" Her dad replied with a wicked smile on his face."Yes! most definatly a pleasure to have you hear for the stay! Such a handsome man you've found here" Kates mother said while smiling at Kate.Mrs.Thompson then grabbed Bo's arm and showed him to the back yard to where they had all been sitting. Kate and her father has followed not too long after. Outside where Kates Two brother, Tom, who was yonger, 15 years old, and Matthew who was older, 24 years old. Both Tom and Matthew shook Bo's hand with great enjoyment. "*whisles* this is sure quite a place you've got here Mr. and Mrs.Thompson!! How do ever find the time to keep up, with yard work and well the house, may i ask" Bo asked Curiously.But before the Two could answer,"Well im out of school now, only finished High School *pauses* i do a lot of the helpin' out 'round here. I enjoy the work, and my Ma and Pa get me pay for the work I do. It's a lot to do but Im use to it." Matthew Replied very proudly. "Hey!! i do my share too ya know!!!" Tom rattled.*Matthew chuckles*"Yes, can't forget that, my little brother helps me with some of this too"Bo was still suprised, it was a lot to keep up with. Later on Kate and Bo took a walk. Kate wanted to show Bo that they were a like, even though she was rich, she still enjoyed the "free" things more than anything. "Close your eyes Bo, i havea suprise to show you!!" Kate whispered. Kate carfully lead Bo through a path in the forest and then stopped him, kissed him softly, and then told him to open his eyes up."This is where i used to hang out all the time when i was growing up, Its not much, but see, i didn't need anythign expensive to keep me happy!" Kate exclaimed.Kate had brought Bo to a place she always used to go when we she young, it was a old tree fort she had built herself. Built in a tree up off the ground a bit, just somwhere to sit and think and talk over things with herself when she needed."This is .... wow, i never knew. This is pretty cool" Bo looked around him."This might sound a bit rude, but don't take it that why, But why did you really bring me out here" Bo asked, He knew there was somthing she had to say about this."My point is, when I told you I was rich, well my family, you looked at me like I was crazy for not telling you. Maybe we got money But, I don't need money to keep me happy. So I brought you out here. Look at this *she laughs to herself a bit* I came here every day to sit on some boards when I was young, all the time. I never went out to the mall and bought new clothes to make me happy, I didn't need a computer to make me happy. Just to go and sit in the woods, thats the one thing that made me happy the most. Look me in the eyes,* she had a sincere smile in her face when Bo's eye's met hers* I don't need anything but you to keep me happy, Not money not nothin'! Ok?" Kate felt very satisfied saying what she did. and Bo quickly answer with a smile on his face,"Ok, i understand" and then gave her a long kiss."Well we should probably be gettin' back...ya know? They are going to send out a search party*she smiled*, and its getting dark soon" Kate Said."Ye, thats a good idea" Bo RepliedCue Quote
HotHillbilly Posted October 28, 2005 Author Posted October 28, 2005 Bo held onto Kates hand, the night sky slowly creeping in on them. "Did you ever have a place like that?" Kate broke the silence. "huh?" Bo asked. "Like my place back there. Ya know, where ya thought about things, thought about life...""Yeah. Me and my cousin had a few places like that." he smiled faintly. "Bo do you miss him?""Yeah, sometimes... but hey hun, I got you now." he smiled and kissed her forehead. "Do you think your mom and dad really liked me?" he asked."I thought it went great." she smiled. "but just watch out for my brothers...who knows what they'll do to scare you off. 'Specially Matthew being my 'older brother' she smiled.Once they reached the house they sat down on the back porch on the swinging rocker chair. Bo softly stroked Kates hair as she rested her head on his chest. Quote
charger_general Posted October 29, 2005 Posted October 29, 2005 As they both sat there in the night, starring into the dark star-lite sky, a shooting star happend to pass by, Kate only seeing it."Bo!! Did you just see that, it was so pretty, im going to make a wish!",Kate exclaimed."Hmmm, and would that wish be honey", Bo said with a big smile on his face, as he couldn't resist from seeing Kates Smile. "Hm, well... It wouldn't come true if i told you, and i would hate to see this not arise", Kate said with a very playful look on her face. After a few minutes of them gazing into each others eyes, and exchanging 'I love You's' It was time to go in for bed. Kate showed Bo where he was going to sleep, then Bo walked Kate to her room and gave her a kiss goonight.--In the morning, Bo had awoken later then everybody else, and when he had walked out of his room into the kitchen, he was a bit suprised as due, he was still in his P J bottoms. He quickly looked at Kate with an embarrased smile on his face and went back to change. "Well you could have waken me up you know!" Bo said looking in the opposite direction of kate. "I could have, but it was... i had to see you in just your P J's some how, you know my father won't let me in your room!!" Kate said with a hug smile on her face, feeling alittle bit bashfull."We'll accept that then. So what do we have planned for today Kate, sweetheart", Bo was of many curious questions. Quote
HotHillbilly Posted November 5, 2005 Author Posted November 5, 2005 "Well," Kate said and put down her glass of orange juice. " I was thinking about bringing you around town for a while. Have lunch at Aunt Bethy's Dinner maybe catch a movie.." she smiled and hugged his waist. "But tonigt my parents were planning on having a dinner party on my coming home for all my family and some of my daddys big-buisness partners are coming." she smiled bashfully, "so it looks like we're going to have to go shopping for a tie. Now I couldn't care less if you walked out like that-" she laughed and pointed to his flannel pj bottoms. "I'd actually like that," she teased. "But mama said that we'd better dress up in all since dads buisness partners are coming." Bo winced at the mention of a tie and tux but looked at Kates sweet eyes and placed a hand behind her head and kissed her and sighed. "If it'l make your parents happy-" he smiled and let go of her. "I'm going to change then we can get going okay sweetie?" he said and went upstairs to change. He put on a pair of cargo shorts, and a dark blue t-shirt. "Okay hun." Bo called to Kate in the kitchen, but when he got to the kitchen she wasn't there. "Kate?""She's outside-" Matt called from the couch infront of the tv."oh...uh thanks." he said and went outside and wondered where Kate was. "Come on Bo!" she laughed from behind the wheel of the General, rearing to go."I left the keys in the ignition again didn't I?" Bo rolled his eyes and slid into shotgun. "Where to first?""You'll see-" she smiled and with a big cloud of dust, she took off with the General.cue: charger_general Quote
charger_general Posted November 12, 2005 Posted November 12, 2005 Bo stood outside the store as Kate looked at him from inside. "Well come on then." Kate exclaimed.Bo wasn't to happy about the idea of letting Kate buy him a suit, but he couldn't pay for one, and he really would like to impress her parents tonight. So he went in a let kate show him to some nice suits."What about this one, its nice, -" Bo started"Bo, honey, look, your looking at the kids suits silly, come this way""This black one might look good on me, what do you think" Bo insisted, " It's not that i don't apprechiate what your doing, but i don't think spening our day looking for a suit for me is my idea of a good day""Well the one you picked out on, and well see how it is, we gotta get the perfect one" she smiled at BoAfter a good hour of Bo trying on a couple suits, Kate was finally happy with one, and Bo seemed to really like it too so they purchased it and left."How about I take you to the lake, or the park, or-"Kate said trying to think or somthing to do."Anything, Kate, Sweetheart, as long as im with you we can go anywhere."Bo looked into her eyes and remarked.So not too long after they found themselves at a park, a park that was well decor with flowers, tree, a very nice path to talk along, and at the end of the path was the lake. They got out of the General and joined hands to take a relaxing walk with one another.Cue Quote
iloveluke'ssmileCNH320 Posted September 13, 2006 Posted September 13, 2006 Bo was walking along with Kate when he saw another girl coming down the path. It was one of his close friends from Hazzard and her name was Madi. He had always had a crush on her, but she didn't feel the same way.As she walked by Bo did it before he could control himself. He whistled at her. She turned around and when she saw it was Bo she ran to talk to him. "How've you been in college and everything?" She asked."Great how bout yourself?" Bo still forgot he was with Kate. "I didn't go to college. I'm taking lessons from Cooter and what I already know." Madi said."So your gonna be a mechanic?" Bo asked."I'm gonna help Cooter 'round his shop an all." Madi said."Well, I guess I better let ya get on yer way." He said."Yeah, I gotta change shoes. Thease heals are killin me." Madi said.Before Bo knew what was goin on Kate punched him."Take me home, get your stuff out of my house, and then go back to your little hick family." Kate yelled."What did I do to deserve that?" Bo asked."I said drive me home.Then I never want to see your face again.""Okay." Bo said. He knew what he had done wrong.After Bo got all his stuff, took her home, and took back the suit, he drove back to Hazzard. On the way he saw Madi on the side of the road. Her radiator blew up. As Bo bent over to pick up one of the tools he dropped madi kissed him on the lips and added some tounge. Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 14, 2006 Author Posted September 14, 2006 Bo pulled away from Madi. "What the heck?" he scowled at her. "I chased you around since I was a kid, and you turned me down everytime. Now, suddenly you're willing to start this?" he angrily snapped. All he had been thinking about was Kate and how horrible he felt. "God, I'm so stupid." he banged his fist on the General. "I'll call Cooter for you." he said flatley, and when Cooter arrived, Bo did a 180 and started back towards Kate's parents house. By the time he reached the house, it was past midnight. He crawled over the fence and found her room. "Psst..Kate!" he tired to get her attention. He picked up a small stone and lightly chucked it up at her window. When nothing happened, he picked up his guitar he brought out of the General and lightly started strumming, and started humming the song he had written for her. Her light came on in her bedroom, and she opened the window and looked out, and first frowned but then started to cry. After the song, Bo looked up at her, "I'm sorry Kate!" he bite his lip. "Please come down here so I can talk to you." he begged. Kate looked around, then shut the window and turned off the lights, in tears. Bo was heartbroken and sighed and looked back towards where he parked the General. SLowly he started to walk back, but then the side door opened, and Kate came running out in her tank top and shorts pajamas. "Bo!" she cried and threw her arms around his neck and they both cried. "I'm so sorry," Bo cried and held Kate. "You jerk!" Kate yellped and punched him in the shoulder, then broke down crying again and kissed his neck. " Dang you Bo." she said through tears. Cue Quote
iloveluke'ssmileCNH320 Posted September 15, 2006 Posted September 15, 2006 "If your so damn sorry why'd you just punch me?" Bo asked pushing her away. Know he was thinking Madi might have kissed him cause she had changed."I don't know." Kate said still crying, even more now that bo was yelling at her. Bo put the guitar in it's case slid it through the window of the General and climbed in. He headed home for Hazzard, man what a weekend. When he went by cooters, the lights were still on and he could see cooter talking to someone. What he didn't know was it was Madi. Bo really needed someone to talk to. He slid out and when he got ready to open the door he heard what Madi said: "Cooter, have you ever been in love, where, you love them but ya' never say nothin? I just wish I coulda told Bo how I really felt and things would be better. I kissed him today, cause, cause, that saying that says actions speek louder than words. I took that a little serious." Madi said. Cooter nodded his head in agreement. Bo burst through the door and said "Then why didn't you just say somethin today when I helped you with your radiator?" He said, crouching down so their eyes met. "Why not." He said seriously."I saw you with your girl and I also saw how she punched you. I didn't want that to happen again." madi said. taking Bo's hand in both of hers."Well that girl with me ain't my girlfriend no more." Bo said, putting his free hand on hers. then they kissed pasionatley in front of Cooter. "I love you Bo." Madi said."I love you too." Bo said, picking her up and carried her out to the General and then they went to lovers lane by hazzard creek. Quote
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