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Hi ya'll,

I'm translating one of my fan-fic's in to English and started to post it here.

Please let me know what you think of it and whether my English writing capacity is good enough to make the story readable.

Cause if there are to many spelling or grammar mistakes in it I can imagine that the fun of reading disappears, and I will stop posting.

Also if you might have any plot suggestions i'm always glad to hear them. Please let me know what you think in this thread or PM me.




More info about my character you can find in the biography section.

  • 5 weeks later...

Hi ya'all,

just wanted to let you now this page is still here :D

and I had some questions for ya'all.

Since I never went to the US.A. and all my information is based on what I see in movies and on tv I would like to ask your help for some background information I need to make the story realistic.

For instence: The American school system:

I know you've got kindergarden, primary school, midschool, high school and college/university. Did I miss any? And how old are ya when you go to any of these? And are the classes made on intellegence levels? Like IQ or testresults? Or is just everybody with the same age put together?

Secondly: legal drinking age.

The legal drinking age in the states is 21, so far I know. Just wondering or it's only illegal to sell/give alcohol to underage kids. or can ya also get caught for underage drinking yourself. And what about in the privacy of your own home?

Hope you all don't mind me asking your help on this, surched the internet for a while but couldn't find the answers.



  • 2 weeks later...

hey JM,

I'm an English teacher and take it from me, you're doing a VERY good job with it. In fact, better than some other folks who use this site. No offense to them, but I notice a lot of people throw grammar and spelling out the window when they post stuff online. It's usually okay, but it makes some fanfics very hard to read.

Keep it up!


  • 2 months later...

Alright so in my last post of 'A new home' I have Cooter working on the General. Note that I'm just some citygirl knowing nothing about cars so I just made it short and made something up hoping it's possible/realistic.

If what I wrote down now is really dumb just let me know and I'll try to change it.

Of course any other constructive criticism is still welcome :D





I'll see what I can do. In the beginning I just put them in to be a diversion, with al the kid-stuff going on and so. But I think you’re right and they are entitled to their own storyline.

Just thinking about what it should be’, cause I don’t want them to get married yet or Daisy getting kidnapped, cause you already did that, and I thought about getting Daisy pregnant all of a sudden but Dixie and Bettie are already having a lot of that going around ( Doing that magnificent bye the way) so…I’m still thinking, but until then I’ll let them pop-up a little more.



  • 2 weeks later...

You're doing a wonderful job with it JM! The only grammar glitch I can see is with homophones (words that sound alike but are spelled differently like steel <metal> and steal <to take something>) Other than that, keep it up!

I appreciate you keeping Enos and Daisy from fooling around before marriage. I simply can't picture Enos doing that. And they are so cute! Post more soon. We can't wait to see what happens to poor little Nick! Does he ever find his little brother :( ?


Yeah I know what ya mean. I’ve caught myself on that a lot of times. But when I’m to hasty to post and I don’t read the text again after using the spelling corrector.(who doesn’t always notice the homophones) they slip through. And when I read it back later I think ‘ow, that must have looked really stupid!†:oops::D

My personal favorites (not all homophones but all tricky):

tale tail

hat had head

sat sad said

she see sea

their there

wear were where we’re

hear here her

beer bear bare

than then

man men

your you’re

though thought tough

Man! It drives me crazy sometimes LOL :D

Thanx for the nice comments,




Drives you crazy? You should try teaching it! Hang it there, you'll get it eventually. Sometimes spell checkers come with grammar check too, which catches homophones. Or just find a grammar buff to proofread before posting.

But like I said before, you have much better grammar than most Americans. Keep up the story! I wanna know what happens to Nick!


Well things seem to get roling for Nick in my new post. Is there hope yet for the kid? Something tells me things will not go as smooth as they appear to now.

Keep tuned ya'll!

To Jamanda :

haha, don't talk to me about teaching! I'm a history teacher myself, trying to explain historical events to teenagers who are cognitively not even capable of having any historical insight. ( LOL)

Lucky enough, they are cute haha.

By the way. Great job on the West Side Story crossover. Really magnificant. I love the west side story, just watched it together with a friend of mine a couple of days ago. Almost bursted out in to tears when Tony died, even when I already knew he was gonna die. I'm glad you leave that part out. Enos couldn't just die!!

To all:




Thanks a lot. We just watched it too and I was beside myself that they didn't kill Maria. As an English teacher, I clearly expected "Juliet" to die! So anyway, if they could change it up, so could we. We're not killing off anybody for anything.

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there ya'all

Tonight on the Dukes, things seem to get awkward for Enos. Are his loyalties to Boss stronger then the love he cherishes for Daisy and her family. His friends!

Stay tuned and see how things turn out!

O by the way, Sorry I got a bit enthusiastic with the submit button! So the last post got there about three times. Maybe our moderators can delete two of them and otherwise just enjoy the post three times! (LOL)

Talking ‘bout Shakespeare, did you see the movie production of Merchant of Venice Jamanda? I think Al Pacino was a great Shylock! Really great! Although the middle part I thought of to be a little slow, overall I think they did a great job turning Shakespeare in to a movie as difficult as that can be.




Hmm just crossed my mind but maybe there could be a crossover in it.

Boss being Shylock (I want my bond!)

Uncle Jesse being Antonio. (Willing to give everything for the ones he love.)

Bo being Bassanio (Just some poor guy, going after the pretty girl having nothing to offer accept his charms)

Cooter being Graziano (The a bit coarse and garrulous but always loyal friend.)

Well that leaves Luke to be Lorenzo and to elope with the girl.

Not sure where Daisy would fit in but, ya never now.

(LOL) might just work :D


No, I didn't know there was a movie production of Merchant of Venice (although I have read the play). I'll be on the lookout for it. It's one of the few plays that's a drama and a comedy at the same time. I'd have to review who all the characters are though.

  • 3 months later...

Hi everyone.

Sorry that this last one took me so long. Just that I’m pretty busy graduating from college and working at the same time and just at the time I’d pulled an all-nighter to get a new post ready the forum was down. Of course nobody can do anything about that, but it sure was ironic. Anyway I turned in my last paper at the university today and with the summer break coming up pretty soon, teaching is almost over for this school year, so lots of time to write then. Hope ya’all are still there and still enjoy reading



  • 1 month later...

Okay so summer break did not help me to write more frequently, and again this post came later than it was planned. I've been out doing way to many fun things with friends enjoying the summer and stuff. Also I'm forced to admit inspiration is a problem at the moment. So if anyone got any suggestions: Feel free to offer them.

On a brighter note, I am happy to tell you all I now officially finished my study at the university and will receive my master’s degree on the first of September. Now I know this has absolutely nothing to do with DoH, my fan-fic, or what so ever but I’m so happy about it I have to tell it to everyone and everywhere!!! Fun thing also is I’m starting a new study: English!!! So with a bit of luck my fan-fic’s will only improve from now on.

Hope ya’all still like reading the story. I’m doing my best on it.



  • 1 year later...

Okay, so this thread and the story that comes with it is rolling again!

Pfff when I started to translate the original (witch was much shorter ) in to English I’d never thought I would stumble to so many back roads, new ideas and elaborations and that I’d still be working on it 2 years later! Anyway it keeps you of the streets and I still enjoy writing it and I hope ya’all still enjoy reading it.

So…….tonight on the Dukes!!!!:

The big race is coming up, Nick’s final hours at the farm are ticking away and the Duke boys get literally tied up as somebody has the nerves to pull a gun on Uncle Jesse!!!!

The next 12 days I’ll be in Barcelona with friends, but after that I’ll hope to let you know how this ends.



  • 4 months later...

Pffff.....luckily. Jesse didn't get shot. Sorry to keep you waiting for that about half a year.

Now about the NASCAR mentioning. Be sure to know, all information is strictly Wikipedia or Google knowledge. So if there are any flunks mistakes or real stupid remarks. Let me know.

Ciao Ciao,


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