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A horse and a cat? im shakin!!!

*smirks and skips off down the road to the garage*

have fun general!!

Julie comes up to Lori and says "Need a ride it seems that General is hanging around that tree I think he like it alot."


Julie runs to her car and grabs her camera and snaps a picture and says "This will great for my scrapbook I have going write now, I think I put his picture right next to the other ones I have."


Cute Julie, very cute.

Well Lori, you ain't met my cat, then if you aint scared!

(Karate chops the tree!) Ouch! that hurt!

Ah, here's a good place to start! (picks up Lori's knife that Bo dropped and cuts the rope)

Alright Lori, here I come!


Valuable or not, you will get this knife back at the end of the year. That's providing you behave yourself! So there!

(Hops on Franklin (my horse) grabs Adrian (my cat))

You are lucky I was out of that rope before Adrian showed up! Or he'd have been forced to yell at you!!

Good luck walking back to town. I'd say it's near 10 miles! Khee! Khee!

WOuld you like me to have Rosco come pick you up and escort you back to town?

Oh, and Julie, when did I say you couldn't race because you was a girl? I didn't say that...


A'int your mother ever told you not to play with knives? That is how you get hurt!

(runs after Lori on Frankie, and tells Adrian to jump on Lori, Adrian gladly complies with that request and Lori falls off her horse)

I guess you will be doing some walking afterall! Khee!


Are you kiddin' me?! I don't need no saddle to ride! Don't need a bridle, either!! So take that! I don't know what you are seeing, but I think you've been in the hot sun too long. (hands you a drink of water) Better take a swig of this!

Are you kiddin' me?! I don't need no saddle to ride! Don't need a bridle, either!! So take that! I don't know what you are seeing, but I think you've been in the hot sun too long. (hands you a drink of water) Better take a swig of this!

Julie looks at General and Lori and says "Come on Lori, lets get going he's allreadry mad enough and he has the that rope in his hand right handy I would suggest you take off with me in my car."


Lori, I would't do it if I was you! Ol' Frankie's got more horse power than that there car!

And I do have that rope, I'm thinkin' about using it on you, Julie, since you are so willing to jump in and make it miserable for me!!

(Starts walking up to Julie with rope in hand, but grabs the car keys instead)


There, now I don't think that you'll be driving that ol' car fer awhile. Might want to consider moving it out of the way, 'cause I'm on my way to get Rosco to fine you for illegal parking! Khee! Khee!

*Shakes head watchin the two bicker*

Well yall im headin on outta here...me and Fiesty gotta go to a Rodeo..

*Smirks riding off down the road*

Julie looks at General and demands her car keys back and she takes off faster than she ever could.

Julie looks at General and demands her car keys back and she takes off faster than she ever could.

Julie helps move her car out and looks at General and says "What is your game, and what did I do to you that was so terrible you know my brother is waiting for you at Cooter's and he would get worried if I don't show up after a while now."


Julie... you ask nicely and say please, I'll give them here keys back! And the only thing you did to me was not get me down out of that tree. And take that danged picture! Hey, I'll trade the keys for the picture!

Hey Lori you wait up, now ya hear?! After Julie gets these keys back, I think I had better get esscorted. Last thing I need is to get Julie cross!

Julie... you ask nicely and say please, I'll give them here keys back! And the only thing you did to me was not get me down out of that tree. And take that danged picture! Hey, I'll trade the keys for the picture!

Hey Lori you wait up, now ya hear?! After Julie gets these keys back, I think I had better get esscorted. Last thing I need is to get Julie cross!

Please, hand me the dang keys to my own car now.


You can take that however your little ol' heart desires, Lori! Khee! Khee!

I believe I'll hit the road and go, that way I can be back here before anyone misses me! Although I am not sure if I could go without bein' noticed!


Ha! Ha! You give it to General, Lori! I'm enjoying this!

Hey, Lori, can I go to the rodeo with you and Fiesty? It sure sounds like fun. I'll get my Western gear and some food.

As for the General....you can leave her standing at the side of the road with a picture of herself. And, do return JulieDuke's keys, General!

Laura Duke

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