AlexJackson Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 While the forest pow wow commenced, somewhere a few miles away, one unwilling rider rode with BlackJack and his men. Alex sighed heavily as the foursome rode further and further into the woods. No one had spoken one word since BlackJack had made his offer and as the minutes ticked by Alex grew more and more agitated. He sat in the saddle as Showdown's gait and the eerie quiet of the woods inspired the thoughts running through his mind. The plan had been so simple…leave Hazzard, face off with Chet and hopefully catch up with Brian somewhere down the trail or possibly the nearest town. But now…Alex shook his head at how it had all gone so terribly wrong and here he was, a hostage to BlackJack when all he had gone to do was investigate the source of the dynamite explosion. He had run into a sticky situation and his attempts at heroics had backfired badly.A sudden thought nearly spilled Alex from his saddle… Help Chet? Did I try and HELP Chet? Alex thought to himself then wrinkled nose in disgust that he had gone from wanting to shoot Chet dead like a mangy dog to helping him. But why? The answer came in a flash of dark hair and blue eyes… a shining star pinned to a suede vest. MaryAnne.Alex’s friendship with Brian and his kinship to the Deputy had been the motivation to get involved in the chase. Not that it would do much good now, for all Alex knew the Deputy and Chet just might think that he had turned against them and the rest of Hazzard. He had looked at them both before riding away, but whether that would make a difference or not only time would bring the answers…Raising his gaze again, Alex glanced around the woods and finally sheer annoyance made him pull on the reins and bring Showdown to a stop.“All right I think I’ve been pretty patient here, but is it too much to ask where we’re going and what we’re going to do?†He asked BlackJack, then watched the leader of the gang stop his own horse and turn it around.Alex now sat directly in front of BlackJack, the two men staring down one another. “After all, you invited me on this little trek.â€BlackJack regarded the blond drifter with a sour expression. Seeing the fierce look in the outlaw leader's eyes, Alex kept his own gaze steady though he wondered if the answers to his questions were going to be given by word of mouth or from a smoking pistol. BlackJack had already proven he was no slouch when it came to shooting, having already disposed of Alex's hat. Now the blond drifter began to comtemplate what else he stood to lose at the hands of these three, but despite this he waited for the answers. There were lives at stake including his own and he had to know.(Cue BlackJack or anyone!) Quote
MaryAnne Posted May 16, 2005 Posted May 16, 2005 Meanwhile, Rosco had come thundering back into town on his mustang. He pulled the reins hard and the white horse came to a skidding stop in the middle of the street. The town was quiet. Townsfolk were walking about, riders on horseback passed the Sheriff on the street, a carriage rattled by. Rosco wondered....maybe everything was okay?He prodded Lightening to move and aimed the horse toward the blacksmiths shop. Cooter Davenport looked up as the Sheriff approached, pushing his Confederate Army cap back on his head. "Howdy, Sheriff.""Cooter... you seen MaryAnne? Or Val 'n Enos?"Cooter thought a moment. "Nope, ain't seen 'em since they all rode out of town with those outlaws." Cooter paused. "Come to think of it that was quiet a spell ago."Rosco nodded and pulled his pocket watch out of his black vest. "Too long ago. They all should've been back here by now.""That's true.... hey, you don't know if ol' Boss is trying to open any new mines around here do ya?"Rosco shook his head. "Not that I'm aware of. Why?""Well I heard an explosion off that way earlier." Cooter pointed in the direction MaryAnne had rode off in. "Figured maybe he was trying to find that elusive gold strike ya know?""Explosion?" Rosco looked off in that direction and the bad feeling he had before now settled into the pit of his stomach. Lightening seemed agitated too for some reason and the horse started to move before Rosco made any command. "Listen, Cooter, if you see MaryAnne, Val or Enos let 'em know I'm lookin' for 'em!""Will do!" Cooter watched as the Sheriff rode off and scratched his head. Something was wrong. (cue MaryAnne!....yes I'm cueing mahself, and I'll write it later. LOL) Quote
MaryAnne Posted May 17, 2005 Posted May 17, 2005 MaryAnne was relieved to see the Strate siblings and once they asked their questions, she tried her best to explain. "We've got a problem," she said. She then explained why Chet hadn't rode onward, meeting up with Black Jack Dakota's posse, the shooting, the explosion of Chet's dynamite knocking half the posse out and then Alex's misfortune to arrive and be forced to ride with Black Jack. Val's eyebrows went up a notch. "Good lord!" She looked back and forth between her brother and MaryAnne. "Who the heck is this Black Jack Dakota?!""I shot his brother six month's ago," MaryAnne explained blandly. "I remember that," Enos said. "At the Boar's Nest. He had a few too many and challenged you."MaryAnne nodded. "He should have stuck to poker. He would've lost less." She looked at Val. "Anyway, what Domino lacked in marskmanship, Black Jack makes up for plenty. And with him forcing Alex into his posse, who knows how this thing is gonna turn out. One thing's for certain tho'...there's only one target Black Jack is looking for. And that's me.""MaryAnne, this is no time to be noble!" Val said. "I'm sure there's a way we can stop this sodbuster without you or the whole town getting shot up. Right, Enos?"Enos looked at his sister, trying to hide his uncertainty. "Sure, Val...there's always a way." He glanced at Chet before looking back at MaryAnne. "What about him?""I told him he's free to go if he wishes. I'm also declaring amnesty, tho' he's the only one that knows about it.""Amnesty?" Enos said. "You were gonna hang 'em all yesterday!""Yeah, yeah I know but he saved my hide. I'm not toally without principles." She grinned. "Anyway, we better hurry and get back to town before Black Jack gets there and starts shooting up the place looking for me." MaryAnne then looked at Chet. "I appreciate what you did. But I know no outlaw worth his shooting iron is gonna risk himself further to save a deputy. Whatever happens to me now, won't reflect on you any. Val and Enos know you didn't do anything to me. You're free to go..."(cue Chet!) Quote
Chet Duke Posted May 17, 2005 Posted May 17, 2005 Resting his wrists over the horn of his saddle, Chet rounded his back tiredly, his mismatched stare lowered to the ground as he slid deep into thought. Although he’d been absent from Hazzard for quite sometime now, it did feel good to be back in a territory that he’d once called home. Slowly he looked up at the female deputy and then at Enos an Val, then back to MaryAnne. So much had happened in the last couple of days, all the men he’d riddin’ with had been killed, he’d lost his strand of horses. Wincing Chet touched his side an rolled his stiffening shoulder, he’d been shot twice, an tons of other things on top of all that had happened. Again Chet glanced around himself, he didn’t really have anywhere to go from here, even as he had stood in the jail cell he hadn’t known where he was going to go once he’d been escorted out of town. His gaze lingered on the deputy, she was giving him the chance to return with his name some what cleared of the things he’d done, she was granting him Amnesty.His mind made up, Chet stepped his horse closer to the deputy’s, feeling a little hesitant and nervous he removed his had from his head and held it in front of his chest with both hands. “Deputy... I... you sure don’t owe me anything. What I did back there to help you...†He paused his words caught in his throat, his eyes darting from side to side. “I really appreciate this... an if you don’t mind I think I’ll come back to town with ya’ll. If I’m welcomed to.â€Chet couldn’t help but look from face... to face to face and back again. Only the day before he’d been hell to these three people, an now he had decided to take there side. “ An.... my iron is open for your use... in any way that I can help. I’d be obliged to help.â€(Cue Anyone...) Quote
MaryAnne Posted May 18, 2005 Posted May 18, 2005 MaryAnne regarded Chet a moment, sensing the rustler's want to belong somewhere in his offer of help and she nodded appreciatively with a smile. "Awright then." She looked at everyone. "Let's get back to town." A tug on the reins and a nudge to Phoenix's sides, the Appaloosa led the way down the trail back toward town. (cue anyone!) Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted June 8, 2005 Author Posted June 8, 2005 While MaryAnne and Chet rode back to town, BlackJack and his gang were sizing up Alex. The gunslinger had listened to Alex's questions with a scowl, and then debated a moment on whether to explain things to the drifter, or simply kill him outright.Fortunately for Alex, BlackJack needed the extra help for his backup plan. "I've got a job for you, blondie," BlackJack replied. "One that won't even get your hands dirty."The gang chuckled at this, and BlackJack gave an evil smile to Alex. "All I want you to do, is drive a covered wagon into town tonight. Me and the boys will be riding inside of it. Our horses will be tethered behind it. You'll be wearing the clothes of the settler we killed this morning, so nobody will recognize you. "BlackJack paused to let this much sink in, then continued. "Once me and the boys are done with our social call upon the Hazzard law, we'll be on our horses and gone. If you do exactly as you're'll live." BlackJack didn't bother to explain what would happen if Alex messed up. It didn't really matter, as BlackJack intended to kill the blonde drifter when he was done with him anyway.(Cue Alex) Quote
AlexJackson Posted June 9, 2005 Posted June 9, 2005 Alex listened to the words BlackJack spoke with a heavy sigh; the plan seemed simple, as did his role in it but the way BlackJack grinned and the chuckles from the rest of his men didn’t set well with him. He had been promised his freedom as long as he cooperated, but one false move could mean freedom of a whole different sort, the kind that came from a well-aimed bullet. Not that he exactly trusted BlackJack’s assurance of being let go in the first place, the only reason he still breathed now was the chance at revenge that his presence provided. Yeah sounds real social, a wagon full of trouble-- He said to himself but then met the gang leader’s eyes. “Good plan, they’ll never see it coming.â€Never had he spoken truer words and therein was the problem. The Sheriff and his Deputy would never know what was waiting for them under the wagon’s canvas covering. Having answered the question, BlackJack urged his horse back in the direction they were headed and once again, the gang began to move. Alex nudged Showdown to walk, his expression passive as he went over the plan trying to find some way that could alert everyone to the trouble that would soon come rolling cleverly disguised into town. Needing something to steady his nerves so he could think, he turned partially to his side and untied one of his saddlebags. The barrel of a gun suddenly slapped down on his arm and Alex raised his gaze to meet one of BlackJack’s men. “Put it away man, I think it’s a little late to be trying something, don’t you?â€The words being ignored, the outlaw jerked Alex’s hand away from the open bag and took out a small tan tobacco pouch.Alex narrowed his eyes as he snatched the pouch back and opened the drawstring to show the cigarette papers, tobacco and the matches the small bag held. “Satisfied?†He watched the gun being put away before he shifted back in the saddle and guided Showdown with his legs as he made a smoke, then held it between his lips. Taking a match out he dragged it along the saddle horn and sparked it to life, then cupped his hands as the flame touched to the end of his cigarette. Blowing out the match as he exhaled the smoke, he made sure it was completely out before discarding it, then slipped the pouch into his shirt. There has to be a way to warn everyone… There has to be something I can do… Alex thought to himself as he sighed out more smoke, he peered up at the sky knowing that in a matter of hours it would be dark and then they would all ride into Hazzard. He only had so much time to think of a way out of this mess...(Cue BlackJack or anyone!) Quote
Lukas_KD Posted June 9, 2005 Posted June 9, 2005 With the stolen horses delivered back to their rightful owner (not without a bit of tension at the start when a few rifles had been aimed the Dukes’ way before they could explain that they were not the rustlers), the four cousins split up. Daisy and Daney took a shortcut path through the woods toward the Duke farm to inform Jesse of the day’s happenings, while the boys headed at a trot down the main road toward town.“Cousin,†Bo complained, removing his hat long enough to wipe his forehead with his sleeve, then jamming it down again with little care for its shape, “why are we doin’ this again? You know how much help Rosco’s gonna be.â€â€œBecause he’s the only sheriff around these parts, and besides, MaryAnne and Enos might be of some help if nothin’ else.â€â€œIf they’re back yet,†the blond pointed out, tugging the reins of his chestnut Quarter Horse sharply to the right as the big horse laid his ears back and began to snake his head toward the shoulder of Luke’s dapple-gray Thoroughbred-Quarter cross. The dark-haired cousin nudged his mount in the opposite direction a bit as Raider saw the other gelding’s bite coming and flattened his ears against his skull in retaliatory threat. “Quit it, Trav… We don’t even know what all we might end up against, except for what Daney said she saw.â€â€œShe don’t have that much info. And that’s another good reason to go see Rosco.†Luke’s eyebrows went up a bit, and his hand lifted from the reins to point at his cousin. “I don’t know what’s goin’ on around here, but it smells like trouble, and if Chet’s involved, it probably is. C’mon, let’s git at it.†Not in a mood to discuss the situation at length, Luke tightened his legs about Raider’s sides, and the gelding sprang into the powerful but easy gallop that his breeding suggested. Behind him Bo scowled, looking a bit put out… but then let a pawing Traveler have his head. The chestnut snorted and took off after his companion, unwilling to be left behind.The boys trotted into town side by side as usual, tugging at the brims of their hats briefly to the postmistress as they slowed to a walk down main street. They reined to a halt before the sheriff’s office and dismounted, tying the geldings to the railing. Luke started up the steps to the wooden porch, but Bo paused to cup some water in his hand from the trough and encourage Traveler to lick at it, whetting his thirst, before patting the chestnut wetly on the neck and jogging after his cousin, leaving the horses to drink their fill. He came up beside Luke as the older man knocked on the wooden door, calling out before he turned the knob to open the door. “Rosco? Ya home?â€(cue anyone) Quote
MaryAnne Posted June 12, 2005 Posted June 12, 2005 The Sheriff, however, was not home. Instead, in his frantic ride to find out what the explosion was that Cooter had heard he met up with MaryAnne, Val, Enos and Chet. Rosco was immediately relieved to see MaryAnne, Val and Enos were all okay and then his expression changed once he laid his eyes upon Chet. MaryAnne acknowledged Rosco's disapproving look and quickly explained before her older cousin let lose with a barrage of choice words and accusatory questions. "Just hold on," MaryAnne said, holding a hand up. "Lemme explain. "And she did, running through the story yet again. The more she told it, the more it seemed to lose it's punch and upon hearing what his cousin had been through Rosco was bothered by her apathetic appearance. Perhaps it's not apathy, he suddenly thought. I think maybe she's scared...And frankly so was he, for her. Rosco looked at Chet and gave an appreciative nod for what the rustler had done. By the way things sounded, Hazzard would need all the hlep it could get. Rosco turned Lightening around and the group rode together back to town. (cue anyone!) Quote
pendragon1980 Posted June 12, 2005 Posted June 12, 2005 (Joint post by Jax and Pendragon)It has been some time since the girls left the jail and headed back to the saloon. When news came back that Brian, Chet and Alex were each lead away from town, both Chance and Min didn't feel like re-engaging in their normal activities. Instead, Min tended to Chance's injuries in her room, their moods quiet as each contemplated the fates of the three outlaws. "Each in a different direction, if I know MaryAnne, we'll probably never see any of them again--" Min said sadly as she dipped a clean cloth in the alcohol, then wrung it out and lightly dabbed it to the bullet graze on Chance's hand. "I guess its better than what she was probably offering them… leave or get hung.â€Min glanced around the room a moment, remembering the hurricane Coltrane that had destroyed it. Though the memory brought a small smile to her face, despite the destruction it had been a memorable occasion.Chance hissed at the burn and flexed her fingers, her hand had taken a bad hit, the bullet nearly shearing her knuckles off. It would be a while before she could return to dealing cards and pickpocketing with such an injured hand. Also, her sides and arms were bruised and scratched from being tied to the tree by Chet, her corset giving her little protective against rough rope and bark. After a moment's thought, she answered her partner. "It's more than most outlaws get, and who knows, we may meet might up with them again someday."That brought a smile to Min’s face, especially the idea of running into Brian again. “Yeah I’m sure they’ll try and sneak their way back into town from time to time.†Feeling a little bit better, Min once again tended to Chance’s cut hand. She had just rung out her cloth and placed it on the edge of the white basin she used when the ground beneath the saloon shook. The loud explosion and the sudden upheaval of the wooden building’s foundation upset the basin from the bed and Min along with it. The saloon girl grabbed her partner and both women quickly dove under the bed as dirt rained down from the ceiling. The noise gone and the vibrations now as well, Min poked her head out and looked around.“What in the world was that?†Chance brushed some hair out of her eyes and huffed. "In this town, anything is possible." She crawled out from beneath the bed, and dusted herself off, then went over to the window to see what was up. A few people were wandering around curious about the explosion, but no buildings were damaged. "It doesn't seem to be in town." She looked back at Min, who was also climbing to her feet at this point. "Wanna take a wild guess?"Min rubbed her backside where she landed on the floor; she joined Chance by the window and peered out into the now bustling street. "I don't think I need to guess, it could be the three outlaws, but what if it isn't? What if it’s someone else?""Either way, we should stay here and wait. No sense riding off headlong into it."“We got dragged into things whether we wanted to or not Chance. We might not be able to simply let the law handle things.†Min rubbed her arms as she stared back out of the second-story window. It wasn’t just the three outlaws she wondered about but her kin as well.“If Bo and Luke were back, they could find out what’s going on.â€"Getting involved is how I got busted up this bad, and we may not be as lucky if we go off again."“I know--†Min sighed then took a hold of Chance’s arm, mindful of the raw skin and scratches from her being tied to a tree, courtesy of Chet. She led her friend back to the bed and brushed off the dust before sitting her back down. The basin lay upside down on the floor, its contents spilled. She picked it up and handed it to Chance as she got out the bottle of medicinal alcohol to refill it and another clean rag.“I guess we best leave the gun fighting to the experts, huh?†Chance did offer her friend a smile. "We'll have our turn yet, I think. But not yet." She flexed her hand again. "I know I won't be turning cards or pockets for a while."“It’s not that bad, you’ll heal--†Min ripped her clean rag in half and wrapped it around her friend’s hand.“There you go, just don’t be slugging any cowboys with it and you’ll be fine.â€The blonde gambler chuckled. "It was worth it giving Chet a dust bath, I'd do it again in a heartbeat."“He’d enjoy that I’m sure--†Setting everything aside, Min got up from the bed. “Things are quiet again, why don’t we take this opportunity and go downstairs for a drink?â€Rising also, Chance nodded. "Any news from out of town will come through the saloon first."(cue Anyone!) Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted June 12, 2005 Author Posted June 12, 2005 Brian made the return trip to Hazzard as carefully as possible. Once nearing town, he guided Damascus to ride close other travelers, blending himself in with families and cowhands. A lone outlaw was easy to spot, but a black-clad rider who rode unhurried, and mixed and chatted with honest folk, seemed above suspicion. He rued the extra time the approach took, but he hadn't lived this long by being a fool. He had no desire to have the Hazzard law make good on its parting threats. And so Damascus trotted into Hazzard with the rest of the mid-day activity, following a stagecoach into the town square. When it stopped in front of the boarding house, Brian kept Damascus moving through town at a casual pace, forcing himself to appear relaxed and confident, though he wanted nothing more than a dark alley to hide in. The good news was, no one would expect him to be dumb enough to immediately ride back into town in broad daylight. Therefore, no one would be looking for him. The comfort of cold logic did little to quell his criminal nerves, but he had to know if MaryAnne had made it back to town safely. Even at the expense of his neck. But when Brian spotted the cousins Duke outside of the Hazzard jailhouse, his heart ran down the stairs of his sternum, tripped, and fell into his gut with a cold splash. If they spotted him, they could give him away. He reined in Damascus with a subtle tug, staying beneath the overhanging roof of a nearby building, and waited in the shadows.It was clear by the way Bo and Luke were calling and searching, that the Hazzard law wasn't home. Brian watched as they shrugged to each other, re-mounted thier horses, and rode off towards the blacksmith's shop. Exhaling a slow breath, Brian tugged down his hat brim a bit lower, and nudged Damascus forward at a walk. The law was out to lunch and it was clear the Dukes were going to their blacksmith friend for news. And though Brian had a pretty good idea of MaryAnne's last known direction, he wasn't sure if his conjectures were correct. Some information would be good about now.......and there was no place like a saloon to get it. The black horse guessed Brian's intent with the pull of the reins, and high-stepped over to it. Maybe after his rider staggered from the saloon, there would be more sugar. With this thought in the equine mind, Damascus trotted up to the saloon. He dunked his large head into the water trough and guzzled a long drink, while Brian looped the reins loosely around the horse's neck and dismounted. The black-clad outlaw walked quietly up the planked steps, moved sideways thorugh the swinging doors, and glided up to the bar before anyone could take undue notice of for the two women who were gawking at him in stunned surprise. ( Cue Min, Chance or anybody anywhere!) Quote
MinDuke Posted June 12, 2005 Posted June 12, 2005 Min and Chance had been enjoying the peace and quiet of the empty saloon. They had come down the steps to find the establishment totally abandoned. With Daisy gone, Min had stepped behind the long wooden bar to take over drink dispensing duties. But with Chance as the only customer that stuck around, the two women had sipped fine whiskey and listened to the gossip of the few townsfolk that had wandered in and out of the place for a good portion of the afternoon. Every person that came in, traded some gossip for a beer or a shot, which Min gladly gave as long as the info was offered before the drink. Most of the news revolved around the explosion in the woods and the various theories as to who could have done it and why. But the biggest source of information had come from the local blacksmith. Cooter had come into the saloon and meet up with Min and Chance. Over a beer, he had told the pair of women about running into Rosco and how the worried Sheriff had taken off in the hopes of meeting up with MaryAnne. Having told all he knew Cooter touched the brim of his grey Confederate army cap and gave a nod; he thanked them for the cool refreshment and warm company before once again heading back to his shop. Now alone once again, both Min and Chance stepped away from the bar and went to the storeroom for more supplies. The two women had begun to talk about what Cooter had relayed to them, and its tie to the outlaw escort service, when the slight creak of the swinging doors and the soft thuds of boots got their attention. Stepping out of the small room, both women’s eyes grew round at the sight of one of the banished outlaws in question. Min nearly dropped three bottles of whiskey she held and quickly set them down on a nearby table as she headed for the bar, recognizing the black dressed outlaw instantly.“Brian Coltrane!†She said in almost relief as she turned him from the bar and threw her arms around his neck. The hug so enthusiastic, she made Brian stagger a bit with the force of it and knocked the black hat off of his head. Before the man could say a word, Min planted a big kiss on his lips then pulled back from it, a blush on her face.“I hope you don’t find me rude, but I’m very glad to see you especially after all that’s going on right now.â€She looked back toward the bar to see Chance had put the whiskey bottles away that Min had put down. She also seemed pleased to see the outlaw and smiled at him.(Cue Chance or anyone!) Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted June 12, 2005 Author Posted June 12, 2005 "Mmmmphf!" Min's enthusiastic kiss took Brian by surprise, but he recovered with a wide grin the moment he was allowed air again. "I'm happy to see you too," he said, giving the buxom saloon girl a warm once-over with his eyes. "I'm long overdue for a friendly.....face." He then stooped down to retrieve his low-brimmed black hat and replace it on his head. Straightening, he turned his gaze towards the lady gambler, and reached up to touch the brim of his hat in a polite greeting, giving her a slight bow. "Good to see you again, ma'am," he intoned with a soft drawl. (cue Chance! Sorry, just had to sneak in there.) Quote
pendragon1980 Posted June 13, 2005 Posted June 13, 2005 Chance could only chuckle, both at her friend's antics and Brian's words. "Me? Ma'am? I think you did spend too much time in jail, Brian. Don't make me whip that hat back off your head. But its good to see you too." Happy to see Brian alive and well, but also curious why he was risking a short rope if the law caught him. Not that Min's heartfelt exclamation of his name helped his hiding much, fortunatly the saloon had been empty for some time now. She set down the whiskey bottle she had been carrying. She opened it and poured some into three glasses. "But rumor has it you shouldn't be in town."(Cue Min, Brian or anyone. ) Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted June 13, 2005 Author Posted June 13, 2005 "Yer right." Brian reached for the shotglass of whiskey and swallowed half of it down, gritting his teeth as the liquor burned his throat. He confessed the reason for his risk-taking with a quiet drawl. "Ya see, MaryAnne had taken Chet outta town, while Rosco escorted me out, and the Strates took Alex in another direction. With the promise that if the three of us hoodlums were caught in town again...." Illustrating the penalty with a finger across his neck, Brian continued. "But despite that, ah had to come back and make sure MaryAnne returned to town in one piece. I don't like Chet...and ah don't like the fact MaryAnne rode out there alone with him. Whether he was slung over the saddle like a sack of grits or not." Pausing to finish the whiskey, Brian licked the alcohol from his lips and then asked the obvious question. "Either of y'all seen her come back yet?"(cue Chance/Min - we'll get back to the rest of y'all soon, thank ya) Quote
MinDuke Posted June 13, 2005 Posted June 13, 2005 Min saw the invisible line Brian drew across his throat and shook her head. She took the shot of whiskey Chance had poured and downed it in one gulp, then set the glass back down. "Cooter was just in here not too long ago, he said that Rosco came back to town asking about MaryAnne but no one's seen her since she left with Chet. Rosco seemed worried enough to go back out and look for her and find out what that explosion was."Chance sipped her whiskey. "I'd be willing to bet my corset that Chet had something to do with the explosion. Lord knows..." She held up his damaged hand. "..that..kid..has a talent for destruction.""I wouldn't be surprised, but since MaryAnne was the one escorting Chet--" Min stopped talking and gazed at Brian. "If Chet really is behind that explosion, then MaryAnne could very well be in trouble and if it's just the two of them…"The blonde gambler held up her hand. "We don't know anything yet. We need to find out what happened for sure before charging off into whatever." Her turned her gaze back to the outlaw. "We'll help any way we can, Brian."Min nodded in agreement. “Right, Brian. Whatever we can do to help, we’d be glad to.†She reached out and placed her hand of top of Brian's, the light grip a silent show of support. (Cue Brian!) Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted June 17, 2005 Author Posted June 17, 2005 As he listened to the information, Brian's eyes widened, and an expression of pained dismay carved itself upon his face. "Dammit...." he whispered low. "...Could be too help MaryAnne."He pushed himself away from the bar, turning to pace a few restless steps. The emotion welled up within him, a cross between abject despair and a terrible anger. The latter took hold upon him and called for action. "Ya'll stay heah," he said to the women who listened. "Ah'm gonna find Chet Duke. And when I do...."The black-clad outlaw turned, dark eyes smouldering. "...ah'm gonna drag that rustler through three miles of rock at a slow trot. Then, ah'm gonna gut-shoot 'em. After that, ah'm gonna put a stick o' dynamite in each of his ears and shove another one up his posterior. And THEN ah'm gonna blow that @#$%&*# to kingdom come!!"(cue Chance/Min) Quote
MinDuke Posted June 17, 2005 Posted June 17, 2005 Brian's detailed description of slow Coltrane revenge made Min wince. She and Chance exchanged worried gazes as they watched Brian walk the length of the floor. Min started to follow about to reach out a hand to his shoulder, but it froze in midair when the worried outlaw whipped around, the look on his face an unapproachable one. "Brian..." She started as she lowered her hand, then decided to chance further angering Brian and stood face to face with him."I know you're worried and I don't blame you especially where Chet is concerned, but MaryAnne is a capable Deputy. She doesn't wear that badge for decoration, she's planted quite a few outlaws tougher than Chet in Boot Hill." She gently placed her hand on Brian's arm."She's strong Brian and I think it'd take more than the likes of that varmint Chet to do her in." She glanced over her shoulder at Chance a moment."But since we're going to stay put here, why don't you go talk to Cooter? He'll be able to tell you which way Rosco headed."(Cue Brian or Chance!) Quote
pendragon1980 Posted June 17, 2005 Posted June 17, 2005 The blonde gamber added in her two cents worth from behind the bar where she had watched the exchange. She almost had a hide a grim smile at Brian's plans for Chet. Her own idle thoughts of what she would have liked to do to the Duke boy were just as dark, since Chet had temporily robbed Chance of any means of her trade. "'Min's right. As much as I'd like to join for in your plans for Chet, given my own run-ins with him. Maybe either Min or I can go scouting for MaryAnne while the other gets more information, while you stay here and out of the law's eyes. That way, if there's trouble we can come find you quickly and if there wasn't, nobody will know you were in town."(cue Brian) Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted June 25, 2005 Author Posted June 25, 2005 Shaking his head at the well-meant suggestions, Brian gave his answer. "I can't risk goin' to the blacksmith's shop. I saw those two Duke mavericks headin' over there just a few minutes ago, and the last thang I need is for them to spot me. The way ah see it....I have to ride and find out what happened to MaryAnne. Ain't gonna be no hidin' in town and waitin' for news."Pausing, Brian gave a sincere, sober look at each of the ladies. "And ah'd rather not have y'all take any more risks on my account. If Chet did anythin' dire that he needs to hide, it'd be damn dangerous for either of ya'll to go ridin' up to 'em. You're probably safer heah than anyplace...and you just might pick up some news from the customers."Giving Min a gentlemanly bow, Brian added a kiss to the back of her hand. "And I do hope to return as a customer mahself." He straightned up, gave her a half-smile, and pulled himself away from her.He walked close to the bar as he moved for the door. Abruptly, he halted his bootsteps, faced Chance, and saluted her with a nod and a touch to his hat brim. "Wish me luck," he asked quietly. His dark eyes lingered upon Chance for a moment longer....and then he turned away and strode quickly through the swinging doors of the saloon. In less than a minute, the sound of a neighing horse and the drumming of hoofbeats announced his full departure. (cue anybody!) Quote
Chet Duke Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 Chet only nodded broadly to the Sheriff, he understood how strongly the older man felt towards his kin. It wasnt soon enough when finally they were all on there way back to town, feeling much like a single thorn on a rose bush he slowly drifted to the back of the pack, his mind wondering what returning to town could bring. What would happen now that he was returning? What would happen to the blond drifter an the black clad stranger, Brian and Alex? The Duke boys brow wrinkled in uneasiness, he’d already earned a bullet to his gut that he had some how managed to survive, curtsey of the blonde haired slick. He drifted back further until he was riding in the very back, his horse sensing his almost depressed an floundering thoughts rested its head low looking tired form the days trials. Quietly Chet whispered to his horse, the animal that he’d always shared a close companion ship with. “What do you think old boy? Is it not a bad idea to return to town like this? Or should we be ridin back in the other direction?†The Red horse shook its head at him an bobbed his nose an walked on forward at faster pace. “I know... after all I’ve done it should be me riding away with those cur’ dogs, not Alex.†Chet paused letting his whispering voice linger for a few moments, his horse turned its ears back waiting to hear the rest. “Much as I know I’d like to gut shoot him in return, I should be the one riding away...†Suddenly Chet brow sank in realization, his use of dynamite had drawn a lot of people in, what was the chances of it drawing in Brian and..... quickly Chet shook his head an blinked his eyes. He’d already stated he was going back to town, he couldn’t turn back now.... even with the chances of the explosion drawing the black clad..... Chet nearly gritted his teeth. That dammed black clad desperado! (Cue anyone) Quote
Chet Duke Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 Chet only nodded broadly to the Sheriff, he understood how strongly the older man felt towards his kin. It wasnt soon enough when finally they were all on there way back to town, feeling much like a single thorn on a rose bush he slowly drifted to the back of the pack, his mind wondering what returning to town could bring. What would happen now that he was returning? What would happen to the blond drifter an the black clad stranger, Brian and Alex? The Duke boys brow wrinkled in uneasiness, he’d already earned a bullet to his gut that he had some how managed to survive, curtsey of the blonde haired slick. He drifted back further until he was riding in the very back, his horse sensing his almost depressed an floundering thoughts rested its head low looking tired form the days trials. Quietly Chet whispered to his horse, the animal that he’d always shared a close companion ship with. “What do you think old boy? Is it not a bad idea to return to town like this? Or should we be ridin back in the other direction?†The Red horse shook its head at him an bobbed his nose an walked on forward at faster pace. “I know... after all I’ve done it should be me riding away with those cur’ dogs, not Alex.†Chet paused letting his whispering voice linger for a few moments, his horse turned its ears back waiting to hear the rest. “Much as I know I’d like to gut shoot him in return, I should be the one riding away...†Suddenly Chet brow sank in realization, his use of dynamite had drawn a lot of people in, what was the chances of it drawing in Brian and..... quickly Chet shook his head an blinked his eyes. He’d already stated he was going back to town, he couldn’t turn back now.... even with the chances of the explosion drawing the black clad..... Chet nearly gritted his teeth. That dammed black clad desperado! (Cue anyone) Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted July 3, 2005 Author Posted July 3, 2005 The damned black-clad desperado was, at that moment, riding hell-bent into the wrong conclusion. Clouds of dust kicked up from the galloping hooves of Damascus as Brian followed the wind-swept trail. Deep down inside, he knew that too much time seperated him from MaryAnne and Chet. Whatever had happened, he told himself, he was too late. Far too late. All he could do was try and pick up the pieces.MaryAnne had intended to take Chet two miles out of town, in the opposite direction from Brian's own exile. Knowing this, Brian followed the logical course, seeing the faded evidence of side-by-side hoofprints ahead of him. Deeper hoofprints, of a horse ridden in a hurry, were running a parellel track. Made by Rosco's mustang, no doubt. Suspecting that the worst had befallen his kin, Brian wasn't about to ride headlong into the same fate. Not when he had revenge to deliver. And so he veered off the trail and skirted towards the woods, cutting a wide loop towards the all-important two-mile mark where hell must have broken loose, if not before. It was by a fickle twist of Coltrane luck, that Brian's route brought him near the blackened crater of earth where Chet's dynamite had landed. Two horses lay motionless on their sides; two riders, thrown from their mounts, were face down in the dirt. Vultures and insects covered the carcasses, and Damascus squealed in alarm at the heavy, putrid scent of sun-warmed death. Such was the repelling sight and smell of carnage, that Brian had no will to force his horse closer. The vultures lifted their necks to glare back hatefully at the intrusion of their meal, wings hunched and spread over their feast. Brian's mind, on a detatched, criminal level, surmised that it was likely that the remains of the Hazzard law rested beneath the mound of scavenger birds. He could not bring himself any closer to be sure. He wanted to be wrong......but in his heart, he was already convinced. He bowed his head, removed his hat, and closed his blurring eyes to the sight. (cue anyone!) Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted July 3, 2005 Author Posted July 3, 2005 The damned black-clad desperado was, at that moment, riding hell-bent into the wrong conclusion. Clouds of dust kicked up from the galloping hooves of Damascus as Brian followed the wind-swept trail. Deep down inside, he knew that too much time seperated him from MaryAnne and Chet. Whatever had happened, he told himself, he was too late. Far too late. All he could do was try and pick up the pieces.MaryAnne had intended to take Chet two miles out of town, in the opposite direction from Brian's own exile. Knowing this, Brian followed the logical course, seeing the faded evidence of side-by-side hoofprints ahead of him. Deeper hoofprints, of a horse ridden in a hurry, were running a parellel track. Made by Rosco's mustang, no doubt. Suspecting that the worst had befallen his kin, Brian wasn't about to ride headlong into the same fate. Not when he had revenge to deliver. And so he veered off the trail and skirted towards the woods, cutting a wide loop towards the all-important two-mile mark where hell must have broken loose, if not before. It was by a fickle twist of Coltrane luck, that Brian's route brought him near the blackened crater of earth where Chet's dynamite had landed. Two horses lay motionless on their sides; two riders, thrown from their mounts, were face down in the dirt. Vultures and insects covered the carcasses, and Damascus squealed in alarm at the heavy, putrid scent of sun-warmed death. Such was the repelling sight and smell of carnage, that Brian had no will to force his horse closer. The vultures lifted their necks to glare back hatefully at the intrusion of their meal, wings hunched and spread over their feast. Brian's mind, on a detatched, criminal level, surmised that it was likely that the remains of the Hazzard law rested beneath the mound of scavenger birds. He could not bring himself any closer to be sure. He wanted to be wrong......but in his heart, he was already convinced. He bowed his head, removed his hat, and closed his blurring eyes to the sight. (cue anyone!) Quote
Lukas_KD Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 After Cooter Davenport explained the details of what he knew about the happenings in Hazzard of late, silence reigned for a few moments. Bo glanced at Luke briefly, but the dark-haired Duke was gazing sightlessly at a pair of long tongs laid across the blacksmith's bench. Finally he pressed his lips together tightly and lifted one fist, seeming to ponder slamming it down before instead gently thumping the side of his clenched hand against wood."Dang it," he muttered quietly, finally looking up. Light blue eyes skated across Bo's darker ones before fastening on those of Cooter, who was watching with an expression somewhere between sympathy, wryness, and expectancy. Luke shook his head and repeated his comment, "Dang it all. Not only Chet back in town, but true outlaws as well.""Enough to make you think about for once turnin' your back on the mess," Bo muttered a continuation of sorts. Luke looked at him a bit reproachfully."Bo, tell me honestly... can we really do that? I mean, Chet, goin' off his own way like he did, may not be our responsibility, but weren't we raised to stand up in the midst of trouble? Didn't Uncle Jesse always say it was our place to stand up for what's good 'n right? Besides, it sounds like Rosco could use a couple good men at his back. I don't like the sound of how he went ridin' off after MaryAnne alone, even if she is his kin."The blond man sighed deeply, a bit as though he were being put out of his way - which he was seeing as the day had been begun with thoughts of a fishing expedition - and gazed up from under his brows for a couple seconds before finally sighing a bit again, and nodding. "Alright, alright... So what do we do, head out after 'im?"Luke gave his cousin a slightly longsuffering look, then nodded slightly to himself and started for the door. "Sittin' still won't get nobody nowhere, so's ridin' out's the best plan I can think of to start right now. With outlaws we don't know, a couple we recognize, and Rosco out there by his lonesome... on top of that explosion... I don't like it one bit."Bo followed on his heels, and Cooter went after them as far as the doorway. "Hey!" he called out, and the Dukes both turned. The blacksmith smiled a humorless, almost dangerous smile and lifted the large hammer in his hand. With the black soot touched here and there on his face, he almost looked like a harbinger of Hell's fires. "You come ridin' back fast if you find trouble, ya hear? I'll round up a few men I know and be ready. Those outlaws'll learn soon enough Hazzard folk don't appreciate their kinda business!"Luke and Bo looked at one another, and quirked smiles of part amusement, part appreciation of their friend's serious statements, then nodded. "You do that," Bo called back, then jogged a couple steps to catch up with his cousin as the pair headed to untie their mounts.Raider tossed his head a bit in protest as his dozing was rather rudely interrupted by having his reins slung over his neck and the weight of his rider swung up onto his back. The gray gelding laid his ears back but obeyed the nudge of Luke's heel into his ribs to turn from the water trough. He flattened his ears closer to his skull though as his rider's surprised shout accompanied a hard reining-back. Luke turned to look at Bo, who was half-mounted, and pointed to the black-clad man riding a big black horse at a hard gallop out of town. The blond's eyes widened, and he swore softly."That's that Brian fella!"Luke's voice was steely. "Yeah, and he's in a big hurry to get out of the town he ain't supposed to be in to start with. I think we need to find out what he's up to, eh?""You got that right!" With Bo's tug on the reins, Traveler spun about on gathered haunches to spring into a Quarter Horse gallop down the road out of town, and Raider leapt into action after him, following the dust cloud left on the way out of Hazzard Square.(cue anyone) Quote
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