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This place was filled with friendship,

I came here to have fun.

I met the nicest people the world has ever known,

Now I must say these few words.

We talked about anything especailly this show,

I met not just friends but some of the best people I have ever known.

I suppose the people know who they are but can never realize,

How special they really are and how wonderful their hearts are inside.

How can I ever express how grateful I am?

Can I sing a song, tell a joke or just be by your side?

Could I help you with a problem?

Can I talk to you forever...just to hear some wonderful words from your lips?

I wish to say something to all of you that I have ever met,

You have been there for me to bring me up when I felt down.

You are the light and the soul of the world,

People like you make the world a better place.

I suppose that's all I have ever wanted to see,

This site be there for one another like a Duke family.

Maybe one day this site will be full of life again,

People writing stories and others just chatting for hours on end.

I guess we have lives that we're all trying to live,

But there are those times that we still need to give to others.

Maybe this isn't important to some but for others it is,

I am just happy I was here for the ride.

I hope I meet more like you!!!!



That was beatiful poem. Thing that makes it so awsome was the fact that you can tell it's heart felt. It expresses your emotions and many other folks emotions. Great peice. You are right though the people here are uniqueine to any other place I've seen on the web. It's very comforting to be here and you sumed up all those wonderful feelings in one peice. I care about you to Essy. Thanks. :D

Take care all and have a great day,

Val Strate


I meant every word of it. I care for all of you. It is like we all became one big family. I am grateful for everyone of you. For the help you have given me. For the laughs we shared. Y'all are wonderful.


Anytime, rain or shine the mail has to go through along with feelings, hopes and dreams so I suppose that's a good way to start.

I have a dream to write and I have a dream to help people. So, I decided I will be a nurse and write on the side.

I feel many things, I hope many things and I wish a great day for all people everywhere. In my eyes you're all gold.

I'm here to officially declare that I have no feelings to report. Whew, that was easy....

Smart ass. :p

Since Brian has no feelings, allow me to speak only for myself.

This is my home. This is my playground. Hazzard, and all of you here, mean a lot to me. I care about each and every single one of you here, even tho' it's once in a blue moon that I get a chance to yak to most of ya.

Hazzard, as a community, has been through a lot in the past couple of years. Personally, I've been through a lot in the past couple of years and if hadn't been for this little place to come to, I surely would be in a nut house by now.

Thank you, to all of you out there who continue to be part of this community. :wink:


Awwww, hell.... awright, I'll spill some mush. That was beautiful, Deputy.

And Essy, congrats on your career choice. Sounds like a good move. I'm proud of your choice.

A few words on Hazzard, and the people in it...gah, where do I start? I've seen faces change over the years, and I've seen a lot of different people come and go. I've seen the population in Hazzard rise n' fall. There's been times of fun and carefree horseplay, and then there's been times when the county was under seige by those who would seek to disrupt it.

I've spent a lot of time in different areas of "Hazzard." I've been privileged to make some terrific friends and have had some wild adventures.

It's been a haven for me, when all else in my personal world was crashin' down around my head.

To everyone past and present who formed Hazzard and made it a hangout of wonderful friends...thank ya. You all bring something special to this place.

To MaryAnne and MeadowMufn, who "built" the Hazzard we know and have kept it standin' through all storms....my deepest, and sincerest gratitude. You have been, and always will be, my cousins.


I second what Brian and MaryAnne stated. =)

There is alot I could say but I won't. So just let me add... be good to one another, please take care of each other because that is what Hazzard has always been about.


Thanks Brian and MA for your comments.

I think that sometimes people just need to see they're loved.

I would like to take this time to say something about the people we all know and love.

Kristy...you have been a great friend. You keep Hazzard descriptive and beautiful. You make the world seem like it is a golden fortess. I think you are magical. You will always be a part of Hazzard no matter what. I know I speak for a lot of people when I say, if one piece of the puzzle is missing then it isn't complete. Without you, Hazzardnet wouldn't be as fun.

Daney, you have always been there for me. You are a great person and an overall good friend to everyone. You help me when I don't know stuff on my research. Not only that you help everyone else. Your kindness will always be noted in my heart and I will pass the deed so to speak always.

Brian, whenever I do get to talk to you, ya make Hazzard fun. Just when I thought I had enough, you keep me thinking there's more to go for. Your writing is amazing as well. I think that your heart is always in the right place. Gotta love your character too :D

MA, you have made this place a wonderment all on its own. Everything you do with it is amazing. I am proud to know you. Someone who is willing to take the time out of her day to post up others work. You truly have a heart of gold.

Val, your kindness and listening ear has always been greatly appreciated. I know that when we do get to talk, it is a great conversation. Your drawing of your character is REALLY cute. I love it sooo much. I am glad that you got her up there. I am happy to know you.

Scoot, you are a fun one you are. You have literally kept me in Hazzard on many occasions I thought that I was doomed to have no friends here. We have writen together and shared many interesting moments. We have fought but it never sepperated us. I am glad you are around.

Vicki...I still don't know you very well but I appreciate you too.

Dee (AKA riddick, Chet, ect.) You have been a great friend to me. I know your characters are well writen. You have a great imagination and a wonderful sense of humor. You play guitar very well. I am thrilled to know you as a person.

If I forgot anyone I appologize and I like y'all too. :)


Essy-Jane, everything you have said is true; and I'm quite flattered by what you said 'bout me. You are a great friend to me as is everyone else. Keep ya head high, keep being my buddy, and keep doing a great job. Don't you ever give up on life and having fun, or else you'll have me to deal with LoL. Oh, and by the way, what Ess said about everyone else, I agree 100% and I back her statements she has said so far on this thread.

Oh, sorry I didn't respond sooner, i been busy, but i have been reading the stuff. I am really sorry. I guess I was also really speechless.

Love y'all like family (well, I think that is as simple as I can get it, and it fits perfectly too).


Wow. Essy, thank ya for the heartwarmin' sentiment. I appreciate the kind words you've spoken; I'm sincerely touched. And I also agree with the things you've said in tribute to everyone else. Your assessments are right on the money.

Ya know...it pays to look around and realize who's there at your side. Because if you've got a good friend or two, then you've got all you need to make it through anything life can throw at ya.


Sorry that I haven't been on that much recently, but I have went back to college part-time to achieve a nursing degree!

I may be one of the shyiest around these parts, but I wouldn't live anywhere but here in Hazzard County. Unless I write myself living in Chickasaw County close to Sheriff Little!

Everyone here in Hazzard has been like a family to me and made me felt welcome here too.

Take Care & have a good day tomorrow!


:) Thank-you Essy, and everyone for the kind words that you have written on this board. You all are very special people and I am very lucky and grateful to know you all. You all have been there when I need you the most...You all have made my time in Hazzard very worthwhile...somewhere I enjoy to be. Y'all are very amazing people with such talent...I love to read you all's work of fiction, to see the world that you see and create for the Dukes that we all love and cherish so much. I am sorry to any of you if a fic has gone by that I didn't email to comment about...I try... I really do, but sometimes I get busy and forget to do so. You all have a great amount of talent and I thank everyone of you for sharing it with everyone...I have also have enjoyed getting to know the characters you have created...each one took a lot of creativity and hard work to put together; though most of all I have enjoyed getting to know you all as I have. You all are really special and great friends and I thank-you all for all that you have done for me...thank-you for listening to me talk about anything or nothing at all (sometimes un Duke related!) and for being there!...I owe you all a big time for putting up with me the past ten months or so when things have been tough on me...online and off line. For putting up with my complaining and my frusteration with my writing...eh I should say with my fight to write against this writer's block. Perhaps one day I will be able to write again...preferably sometime soon. Thanks for being who you all...you are very special and very kind and make Hazzard the way it is. :lol:

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