DesertSpirit Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 So, whose seen it? What did you think (i'm almost too afriad to ask)? Quote
DesertSpirit Posted August 5, 2005 Author Posted August 5, 2005 So, whose seen it? What did you think (i'm almost too afriad to ask)? Quote
Dave Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 Hi everyone.. long time lurker, first time poster.. I saw the movie last night at 12:10 AM as they had a sneak preview at Arizona Mills in Phoenx. I was pleasantly surprised. The general shots were great and Sean & Johnny both did a very convincing job at being cousins. There were some funny parts that really added to the movie.I liked all the characters, except for Sheeves personally. I didn't like how they played him as the 'country bumpkin' complete w/ armadillo hat, but he had his moments as well due to his paranoia. I will not give any of the movie away, so I'll leave it at that.I was cringing about Jessica playing Daisy like most everyone else from what I've read here, but I think she was able to play the character very well. She didn't appear to have too many speaking parts from what I noticed, but what she did have didn't seem to be fake and were very convincing. If they make a part two, I'd like to see her character develop more.Burt Reynolds played a good Boss Hogg, even though I can't look at the name w/out thinking Sorrel Brooke. He played his character well, however, and it was nice to see him in a movie again.I could not stand M.C. Gainey as Roscoe. His acting was good, but he looked really odd imo, and I can't really place it. He seemed to have a real 'pretty boy' look, which didn't seem to fit to his character.Now onto my favorite part: The General LeeThe jumps were fantastic from what they showed. I thought they were cgi in parts, but ya'll need to stick around to the credits and you'll see that wasn't the case. Won't give that away, but you'll see.The movie was much more adult than I could see a 'Dukes' movie being, but it is 2005 and 'family values' have changed in this country, so it doesn't surprise me the direction they took it in.Typically when I see a movie and think it's good I would say "That's DVD material". I do feel that way with this one and hope there are deleted scenes, as one scene in particular (from the trailer) wasn't even in the movie!They must have re-shot a couple of parts. Example: In the trailer, the one guy looks at Bo and goes "Are you japanese" in a really stupid context to which Bo goes "We converted". In the movie he said "I thought you said you were japanese" and Bo replies the same, but it made more sense to me.Conclusion:If you're looking for a movie that is going to be just like the tv-show, then you will be sadly disappointed, but if you are looking to see the General ride again and the only similarities are the character names, then this movie is certainly worth checking out.-Dave Quote
Dave Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 Hi everyone.. long time lurker, first time poster.. I saw the movie last night at 12:10 AM as they had a sneak preview at Arizona Mills in Phoenx. I was pleasantly surprised. The general shots were great and Sean & Johnny both did a very convincing job at being cousins. There were some funny parts that really added to the movie.I liked all the characters, except for Sheeves personally. I didn't like how they played him as the 'country bumpkin' complete w/ armadillo hat, but he had his moments as well due to his paranoia. I will not give any of the movie away, so I'll leave it at that.I was cringing about Jessica playing Daisy like most everyone else from what I've read here, but I think she was able to play the character very well. She didn't appear to have too many speaking parts from what I noticed, but what she did have didn't seem to be fake and were very convincing. If they make a part two, I'd like to see her character develop more.Burt Reynolds played a good Boss Hogg, even though I can't look at the name w/out thinking Sorrel Brooke. He played his character well, however, and it was nice to see him in a movie again.I could not stand M.C. Gainey as Roscoe. His acting was good, but he looked really odd imo, and I can't really place it. He seemed to have a real 'pretty boy' look, which didn't seem to fit to his character.Now onto my favorite part: The General LeeThe jumps were fantastic from what they showed. I thought they were cgi in parts, but ya'll need to stick around to the credits and you'll see that wasn't the case. Won't give that away, but you'll see.The movie was much more adult than I could see a 'Dukes' movie being, but it is 2005 and 'family values' have changed in this country, so it doesn't surprise me the direction they took it in.Typically when I see a movie and think it's good I would say "That's DVD material". I do feel that way with this one and hope there are deleted scenes, as one scene in particular (from the trailer) wasn't even in the movie!They must have re-shot a couple of parts. Example: In the trailer, the one guy looks at Bo and goes "Are you japanese" in a really stupid context to which Bo goes "We converted". In the movie he said "I thought you said you were japanese" and Bo replies the same, but it made more sense to me.Conclusion:If you're looking for a movie that is going to be just like the tv-show, then you will be sadly disappointed, but if you are looking to see the General ride again and the only similarities are the character names, then this movie is certainly worth checking out.-Dave Quote
dukesran1 Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 welcome Dave i myself kind of liked Sheev thought he was funny Quote
dukesran1 Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 welcome Dave i myself kind of liked Sheev thought he was funny Quote
dukesran1 Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 i have been reading all over the net somepeople are mad beacuse Cooter wasn't right and they wanted to see porn you can't make everyone happy Quote
dukesran1 Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 i have been reading all over the net somepeople are mad beacuse Cooter wasn't right and they wanted to see porn you can't make everyone happy Quote
LoneRanger17 Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 From what I read at a DVD site, the DVD for the movie will be released before Christmas in the PG-13 theater version and an "R" or an unrated version. So there are obviously things that were filmed and in the script that were cut out ot make it PG-13. So the stuff that Ben Jones didn't like mostly will come out in the unrated DVD version of the movie probably. Quote
LoneRanger17 Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 From what I read at a DVD site, the DVD for the movie will be released before Christmas in the PG-13 theater version and an "R" or an unrated version. So there are obviously things that were filmed and in the script that were cut out ot make it PG-13. So the stuff that Ben Jones didn't like mostly will come out in the unrated DVD version of the movie probably. Quote
Pudge Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 I saw the movie this afternoon and I thought it was pretty good also. I also wasn't a big fan of M.C. Gainey as Roscoe either. He just didn't fit. The car shots were really good and you have to stay for the credits. Seeing the General in action is the best part of the whole thing!!!!! Later Quote
Pudge Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 I saw the movie this afternoon and I thought it was pretty good also. I also wasn't a big fan of M.C. Gainey as Roscoe either. He just didn't fit. The car shots were really good and you have to stay for the credits. Seeing the General in action is the best part of the whole thing!!!!! Later Quote
Dave Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 Agreed and thanks for the welcome dukesran1.. Sheeves was ok, just wasn't my favorite character.. Quote
Dave Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 Agreed and thanks for the welcome dukesran1.. Sheeves was ok, just wasn't my favorite character.. Quote
flash Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 I thought the movie was pretty cool. Seann played a good Bo Duke. Johnny was o.k., Burt was good, and the guy who played Cooter. Just sitting back and watching the General with the Rock 'n' Roll blasting in the background was awesome! Quote
flash Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 I thought the movie was pretty cool. Seann played a good Bo Duke. Johnny was o.k., Burt was good, and the guy who played Cooter. Just sitting back and watching the General with the Rock 'n' Roll blasting in the background was awesome! Quote
King Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 From what I read at a DVD site, the DVD for the movie will be released before Christmas in the PG-13 theater version and an "R" or an unrated version. So there are obviously things that were filmed and in the script that were cut out ot make it PG-13. So the stuff that Ben Jones didn't like mostly will come out in the unrated DVD version of the movie probably.What site? Quote
King Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 From what I read at a DVD site, the DVD for the movie will be released before Christmas in the PG-13 theater version and an "R" or an unrated version. So there are obviously things that were filmed and in the script that were cut out ot make it PG-13. So the stuff that Ben Jones didn't like mostly will come out in the unrated DVD version of the movie probably.What site? Quote
Luc Posted August 6, 2005 Posted August 6, 2005 Seem there are alot of threads for this. Oh well, here is my review from the other one at that top...Hi all! This is my first time on this forum and I thought I would share my thoughts on the new Dukes of Hazard movie. Watching this I was disapointed because it didn't feel any thing like Dukes of Hazard, except for a few moments with the General Lee. I felt like I was watching something more along the Lines of "Dude Where's My Car". Bo was a complete duff. Suprisingly though, Burt Renalds, even though he didn't look the part, did play a decent Boss Hogg. He had the gestures and the dialog timing down. Jessica Simpson was horrible with the few lines she did get. It seemed she, as well as Williams Scott AND Knoxville over played and exagerated their accents. I had a hard time keeping with what little plot their was just because I was so annoyed by the fake over done accents. It seemed to me in this film they were more making fun of Dukes of Hazard and the south of the mason dixon line than they were making Dukes of Hazad than they were trying to make a good movie. I wouldn't reccomend this film to any one. It was very weak plot that didn't flow, bad acting for the most part, and childish lame humor. Seemed they at least did get one part of the title right... HAZZARD. Because that's about what this was. And for the record, I am from Maryland. Quote
Luc Posted August 6, 2005 Posted August 6, 2005 Seem there are alot of threads for this. Oh well, here is my review from the other one at that top...Hi all! This is my first time on this forum and I thought I would share my thoughts on the new Dukes of Hazard movie. Watching this I was disapointed because it didn't feel any thing like Dukes of Hazard, except for a few moments with the General Lee. I felt like I was watching something more along the Lines of "Dude Where's My Car". Bo was a complete duff. Suprisingly though, Burt Renalds, even though he didn't look the part, did play a decent Boss Hogg. He had the gestures and the dialog timing down. Jessica Simpson was horrible with the few lines she did get. It seemed she, as well as Williams Scott AND Knoxville over played and exagerated their accents. I had a hard time keeping with what little plot their was just because I was so annoyed by the fake over done accents. It seemed to me in this film they were more making fun of Dukes of Hazard and the south of the mason dixon line than they were making Dukes of Hazad than they were trying to make a good movie. I wouldn't reccomend this film to any one. It was very weak plot that didn't flow, bad acting for the most part, and childish lame humor. Seemed they at least did get one part of the title right... HAZZARD. Because that's about what this was. And for the record, I am from Maryland. Quote
bamamediamafia Posted August 6, 2005 Posted August 6, 2005 I abso-freakin'-lutely loved this movie!!!!granted i will say that M.C.Gainey is the sole missing peice of the puzzle, but everything else was right where it should be.i loved Sean and Johnny as Bo and Luke, and thought jessica did one hell of a job as daisy, anyone who thought her acting is terrible have loose screws in their heads.the only noticable error was near the end when boos hoogg looks down at the little girl tugging on him, when he looks back up you can clearly see he shaved off his scruffy white beard.the scenes with the general were dead on perfect.i whole heartedly recommend this movie to everyone and their children, there really isn't anything too over the heads of young audiences. Quote
bamamediamafia Posted August 6, 2005 Posted August 6, 2005 I abso-freakin'-lutely loved this movie!!!!granted i will say that M.C.Gainey is the sole missing peice of the puzzle, but everything else was right where it should be.i loved Sean and Johnny as Bo and Luke, and thought jessica did one hell of a job as daisy, anyone who thought her acting is terrible have loose screws in their heads.the only noticable error was near the end when boos hoogg looks down at the little girl tugging on him, when he looks back up you can clearly see he shaved off his scruffy white beard.the scenes with the general were dead on perfect.i whole heartedly recommend this movie to everyone and their children, there really isn't anything too over the heads of young audiences. Quote
Mark Duke Posted August 6, 2005 Posted August 6, 2005 hey yall, sheev was awsome, im thinking this movie maybe step 1 in a process for more dukes in the future, if ya aint seen it yet i aint spoilin but they aint exactly farmin in this picture and on tv they were ,for those who seen it they know what im sayin, and im thinkin this may lead to a part 2 where they have no choice but to go into the farmin business Quote
Mark Duke Posted August 6, 2005 Posted August 6, 2005 hey yall, sheev was awsome, im thinking this movie maybe step 1 in a process for more dukes in the future, if ya aint seen it yet i aint spoilin but they aint exactly farmin in this picture and on tv they were ,for those who seen it they know what im sayin, and im thinkin this may lead to a part 2 where they have no choice but to go into the farmin business Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted August 6, 2005 Posted August 6, 2005 One Helluva Ride I have been preaching on here for the better part of a year to give this movie a chance. You know something , I did and the movie was better than what I expected. Hearing Waylon's Good Ol Boys in the opening I knew this would be a helluva good ride. I think the "spirit" of the original Dukes was there. The basic elements of the show were there - plot, characters, balladeer, cars - but a bit modernized to 2005 not 1979. Think of it as Moonrunners meets the Dukes with some Smokey & The Bandit thrown in.. I have said in numerous threads that if Bo & Luke were played like modern day Good Ol' Boys but just a bit more wild that would be fine. Well folks that is what they were. Johnny Knoxville & SWS did a good job on the Duke cousins. I liked the way they were in the film. I liked the way Boss Hogg and Roscoe were. More ruthless and serious than in the show . It seemed like the reverse from the show with Boss & Roscoe being serious in the movie than in the show and the same for Bo & Luke - more "fun" in the movie than in the show. I loved and so did the packed theater , Uncle Jesse's one liners . Like the fact that he was more "colorful" in the movie. The drug references weren't as bad as I had read. The suggestive stuff was normal since this isn't 1980's TV, it was mild compared to stuff on TV today. The addition of Junior Brown(been a fan of his for a long time) as the Balladeer and where they cut in his parts were too perfect. The music in the movie rocked. It was like the perfect songs at the right time. That made the movie an even better ride, especially Waylon's Good Ol' Boys at the beginning. All in all , the movie was just plain AWESOME to me. Sure I wasn't happy with some of the casting but on the big screen it worked . I grew up with the Dukes since it came on back in 79. I didn't go in expecting this to be a copy of the original, but a fresh take on the Dukes. Right now I am on cloud 9 at how good it was. I understand that all Dukes fans will not like this and have their opinion . That is their God given right and I respect that. Can't wait for the DVD . Can't wait for the sequel..... Darrell Quote
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