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That is an awesome article and I am happy to see someone standing up to defend the Stars and Bars! I am a firm believer in the Rebel flag being a symbol of Southern Pride. If anyone spewing hatred toward it states it is a racial symbol from the Civil War should do a little fact checking. The war was started like all other wars... over money.

The North wanted people in the South to buy thier machines that would do the same job as people. Some of the bigger farms/plantations had slaves working for them and they stated they didn't want to buy the expensive machinery when they already had dependable work from both slaves and free men. The North saw an opportunity to get Southern farmers/plantation owners to budge by saying they were racists and promoted slavery. A good chunk of farmers/plantation owners freed the slaves they had to prove they weren't pro-slavery, but the majority kept their slaves and thus the Civil War began.

Many Southerners understand this, as it is taught in schools, but like to show the Stars and Bars not to promote slavery, but to show Southern Pride. The Rebel flag has a bloody history, but what flag doesn’t?

My only problem with it is when the uneducated use the flag as a negative to further thier causes or beliefs like the Klan, politicians, the media, etc.

Remember, history can be forgotten or misconstrued. If we do not remember it properly we are destined to repeat it.


That is an awesome article and I am happy to see someone standing up to defend the Stars and Bars! I am a firm believer in the Rebel flag being a symbol of Southern Pride. If anyone spewing hatred toward it states it is a racial symbol from the Civil War should do a little fact checking. The war was started like all other wars... over money.

The North wanted people in the South to buy thier machines that would do the same job as people. Some of the bigger farms/plantations had slaves working for them and they stated they didn't want to buy the expensive machinery when they already had dependable work from both slaves and free men. The North saw an opportunity to get Southern farmers/plantation owners to budge by saying they were racists and promoted slavery. A good chunk of farmers/plantation owners freed the slaves they had to prove they weren't pro-slavery, but the majority kept their slaves and thus the Civil War began.

Many Southerners understand this, as it is taught in schools, but like to show the Stars and Bars not to promote slavery, but to show Southern Pride. The Rebel flag has a bloody history, but what flag doesn’t?

My only problem with it is when the uneducated use the flag as a negative to further thier causes or beliefs like the Klan, politicians, the media, etc.

Remember, history can be forgotten or misconstrued. If we do not remember it properly we are destined to repeat it.

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