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I didn't really see much of these guys in the series when I first watched it, or at least I don't remember them much (hey, I was only a kid then). Could someone give me some background info on these guys and how long they were in the show. Also, did they ever team up with Bo and Luke?

P.S. I'm new here so forgive me if all this has been covered here before. :D


They showed up in the five season when Tom and John deside to walk off the show becuase of money. Mayor and Cherry where hired to take there place but the sad thing was the net work never give them a change to show what they had. The net work made them watch back ep's of Tom and John so they would act like them. And when Tom and John came back they where let go back but that was'nt what was spose to happen they where spose to git there on show but the network lied and let them go. John and Byron are good friends but Byron and Tom have never been friends. You see when John and Tom came back they put it in there contracts that they where to never talk about Coy and Vance or Byron, Mayor again Now Tom is still doing this today. And no they never did time up they where gone after the break

I hope that answered your questions in a long about why


I thought I'd respond and post my thoughts about the replacement Duke Boys. I am actually one of the very few people who kept watching the Dukes of Hazzard when Tom and John left the show. I wasn't particularly happy with the show without Bo and Luke, but I continued to watch for Daisy and the rest of the cast. I've fondly told Rick Hurst and Sonny Shroyer how I loved it when CLetus and Enos shared a squad car together and cosistently bickered over whose turn it was to drive, so the first few Coy and Vance episodes gave me some entertainment.

In defense of Byron Cherry and Christopher Mayer, I actually like these guys. I did not really like Coy and Vance because of Warner Bros. requiring them to be clones of Bo and Luke. To quote Tom Wopat from the E True Hollywood Story, "Chris has talent, but that other guy Byron was like a fish out of water". That was actually strange to hear Tom say that because I allegedly heard that he treated them like crap when he and John returned. Even to this day, Wopat refers to them as "The Clones" Somebody ought to give him a copy of Star Wars II Attack of the Clones. LOL!!

I happen to agree with Tom about Chris Mayer. He is talented and he's resurfaced in many movies and TV shows, Like Jim Carrey's Liar Liar movie and he was great as Jennifer Tilly's lover. As Vance Duke, Chris comes off as very likeable, the type of guy who would be your friend.

Byron Cherry: He was probably the weaker of the two. As Coy Duke, Byron just seems more like a small town local yocal they chose to replace Bo. Unlike, Bo, Luke, or Vance for that matter, Coy couldn't sing, make a plan of some kind, or do anything as well as his other cousins. If Byron and Chris had been allowed to show what they could do, maybe the Dukes would have been more interesting. Instead, their orders to be Bo and Luke clones drove everybody away.

The worst thing about Coy and Vance were the rebel yells. Vance sounded way too much like a city boy and Coy sounded far too redneck for me. Bo and Luke's rebel yells were just right. Nobody does a better one than John Schneider. He even has Tom Wopat beat in that category.

While I enjoyed the Coy and Vance episodes as a kid, watching them today is very painful now that I truly know what those characters were really all about. Whenever I view them on tape, I watch with confidence knowing that Bo and Luke will indeed return.

The Coy and Vance episode I liked best was their first one, the New Dukes because WB tried to make them sound original. The other episodes just plained sucked.

To watch a Coy and Vance episode and get through it without going into a diabetic coma, you've got to pick out something memorable with any of the other cast members. Like any shenanigans between Boss and Rosco, The Cletus and Enos scenes, maybe scenes between Enos and Daisy, etc. My favorite Jesse moment in that season was his blindness in Witness Jesse Duke. Or how about Flash barking while sitting outside Boss's house on Ding Dong the Boss is Dead, or better yet, how about when Roso leans over Boss's coffin and eats a sandwich in front of Boss knowing that Boss can't move. LOL! Priceless.

To close this subject, I don't particularly like Coy and Vance Duke at all. I do admire and respect Byron Cherry and Christopher Mayer for their efforts. I mean they really got the dirty end of the stick in the Dukes.

I'm one of the few who will buy the season 5 DVD if it's ever released, (which I doubt) If anything, to see the last 4 episodes with Bo and Luke. I especially want to see Farewell Hazzard uncut.

Byron and Chris. I appreciate the efforts you put forth.


Will Rodgers

The Voice Man

  • 5 years later...

Coy and Vance were not very good at all,CBS mishandled this show terribly,They ran James Best off also.After Tom and John walked out later to return the show was never the same

One thing that does bother me is the way Tom Wopat has acted to the peplacement Dukes in real life. He was and still is acting very immature and showing a lack of class about the whole situation.

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