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Everything posted by DukesFan24

  1. Happy Thanksgiving
  2. Does anyone know if the reunion movies are going to be on DVD?
  3. It was allright. I got to spend time with my nephews (5 & 3) which have moved away so I dont get to see them as much as i did. I realized that i'm getting too old to play with them. My mom is mad at my sister, brother in law, brother and me, because they took me to get a tattoo for my birthday, (I'll be 26 the 29th.) I got a dophin on my inner right ankle. They also took me somewhere to get my halr cut and dyed black (I used to be a blond). My brother Josh got his son's name tattooed on his arm, and she still got mad at him. THat is pretty much it. My mom got mad at us. I spent money. All in all it was a good trip. Better than the times in Florida. I missed you all. Susan
  4. I'm going to the Beach for a week with my family. (Its a yearly thing when all of my brothers and sisters can get together.) I'm not going to have Internet, so i wont be posting until next Sunday night. (the 20th) I will miss you all, Susan
  5. Can someone make me a Paul and Steph Congratulations Wallpaper? It should be 800X600 in jpeg The Background could be white. In Pink letters and the font is Lucida Calligraphy, It should say “Congrats Paul and Steph LeVesque†at the top And at the bottom “Aurora Rose LeVesque: 8lbs 7oz July 24, 2006†The pics is here: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v469/MattsFriend/ The password is joshtin. Thank you so much, Susan
  6. Congrats to them!
  7. I went with my mom to take my aunt for a colostomy. I had gone with my mom when she had hers back in Sept, so i knew what to expect. Hers was a lot different from my moms. They did not put her to sleep, so she felt it alittle. We thought it was because she is on some kind of medicine for breast cancer. She was dianosed a couple of years ago. Her doctor told my mom that they took pollocks out and for my mom and her to meet him in 6 weeks. Is that normal to wait that long? My mom only had to call a couple of days later to find out the results. My aunt is like a second mom to me. I cant lose her. When she was dianosed with breast cancer, I never once thought she would die, but now i do. Is this normal for the doctor to wait so long? If there was something wrong with her, the doctor wouldn't wait that long right? PLease pray and i'll keep you updated, Susan
  8. HHH Edge Shawn Micheals John Cena Randy Orton Charlie Haas Favorite Feud: HHH/Stephanie McMahon & Kurt Angle I love it and am glad someone posted a topic.
  9. I'm back from my trip, and I cant think of a word to describe the trip. I got there Thursday afternoon and my Mom was not talking to anyone. I was so tired, I didn't care. I slept most of the rest of the afternoon. On FRiday, my mom was basically laying a guilt trip on me and my older brother JOhn because we were the only ones without kids. I tried to tell her that Josh choose this. You raised him and we had him for 30 years. Now he wants to learn his new family and spend time with them. She wouldn't listen to me, so I threatened to have something tattooed or piecred (sp) and she yelled at me, which was great. On Saturday, we went shopping. I stayed away from everyone. That night we went out to eat and all hell broke lose. THe moms finally had it out, because my nephew Kyle (Josh's son) was doing something. I cant remember what. They yelled at each other and I think my mom got everything out that she was building up, and then right there at the table, my mom slaps her right across the face and walked out. How embarassing. Sunday morning, I was packing and my sisters Dawn and Amy were telling me to go into the living room. I did and the 2 moms were hugging and crying. I didn't know what happened, but turns out Josh had talked to them. So everything is fine untill Mother's Day or Thanksgiving. THank you for your thoughts, Susan
  10. I haven’t been to Florida since Thanksgiving. AS much as I would love to see my adopted/half brother Josh and my nephew Kyle, I really don’t want to go, because of my mother. To make a long story short, at Thanksgiving Josh invited his birth mother and her family without telling anyone including my mother. (We share the same father and Josh was adopted by my mother when he was a baby.) Anyway, that whole weekend my mother was so mad, she wouldn’t talk to anyone. I’m afraid now that Easter will be Round 2. Even though, she knows his birth mother and her family is going to be there. Please keep me in your thoughts as I dread this weekend. Hope everyone has a nice Easter and the Easter Bunny is good to you. Susan
  11. I would like it in 800X600 in jpeg. The words have to say: Austin and Will: Father and Son Forever. The background could be in lite blue. The pics are in here: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v469/MattsFriend/ The password is joshtin Thanks
  12. My brother drinks Green Tea like all the time. Someone had told my mom if he keeps drinking it, that his colon will turn black. Is that true?
  13. I think i like Season 1 better than all of them, because they wre so.........young and sexy.
  14. Hi, I just thought I would let yall know, that my grandmother went home today from the hospital. Her heart rate stayed between 50-65, which was good, (Believe me my brother and i question the nurse) There was a mishap before she went home, where she waited 10-15 minutes for a nurse to help her up to go to the bathroom, and nurses went to other patients. My mother and I weren't happy at all. The most important thing is that she is home. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Susan
  15. Hi, I just wanted to give yall a quick update. The surgery went fine and her heart did good. But when she was in recovery, her heart started to slow down, I think. When we saw her in her hospital room, she was alert and talking. But her heart was starting beating slow and has stayed that way, but she is being monitored carefully and regularly. My mother and I (especially me) was very nervous, but I got better when people from our church and family started to come in. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. I'll keep updating you, Susan
  16. Hi, I just wanted to let you know that my grandmother is going to be having surgery tomorrow morning taking out her gall bladder. She had has heart problems in the past, her heart doctor has said there is not a guanatee (sp?) that something could go wrong. He will be there in the OR incase something goes wrong. My grandmother is my life, so i really do need thoughts and prayers. I will update yall when i get the chance. God Bless, Susan
  17. The background should be either red, black, or white. It should be 800X600 and the words should be: "HBK: Sexy, caring, and gentle." The pics are here: http://photobucket.com/albums/v469/MattsFriend/ The password is Joshtin Thanks, Susan
  18. I thought the whole race was ok. Althrough out of my 15 favorite drivers, one of mine did win. I still wish it could have been Dale Jr, but that is ok. In honor of the Daytona 500, and the offical start of Nascar yesterday. Can someone please upload a commerical for me? It was the one where Jeff Gordon, Jimmie Johnson, Dale Jr and Tony Stewart sitting around a table congradulating each other and then pours champane (sp?) over their heads. Could someone please upload that for me? Susan
  19. That is sad. Thank you.
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