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Everything posted by bodukelover23
THANKS. but why do u love me
ok sounds good. I start crying
i guess that is ok.
relly why?
i am doing ok luke
it's just us 2 doing it grag
hi all i am doing a new dukes rp with my friend greg
thanks you guys i still need more to play
i am starting a new dukes of hazzard role play all is welcome to join
hi all
hi all i am here now i just been busy so we can comntue the rp
ok what is going on with the posting here?
Bo help me please. Kristy sead. Kristy what is it bo sead. I am getting more and more panes bo what is happing 2 me bo. kristy asked bo. How many weeks are you? bo asked kristy. I am 4 weeks bo. kristy tould bo. what you mean you are 4 weeks. bo asked kristy. Yes bo i am. kristy tould bo. Bo i am really seared right now. kristy tould bo. I know you are scahred kristy. bo tould her. Bo i really don't no what to do with the baby. kristy tould bo.
kristy start's getting more panes. Luke: Kris are you ok? Luke asked Kristy. Kristy: no i am getting more panes agine i don't no what 2 do. Kristy tould luke. Luke: Bo get over here. Luke yelled for bo. Bo: what is it luke? bo asked. Luke: it's kristy she is haveing more panes. Luke tould bo. Bo go's by kristy. Kristy sits on the ground. Bo: kristy we are going to get u to the doc's now this can't be happing agine. Bo tould kristy. Kristy: bo are you crazy or something? kristy asked bo. Bo: no i am not crazy remamber what i tould you before us Dukes are here to help you out. Bo tould kristy. Kristy: yes i do reamber bo i am not that crazy and you no that. kristy tould bo. Bo: then you can trust us and you no that. bo tould kristy. Bo: what if it is something diffrent we have to take you there ok? bo asked kristy. Kristy: yes bo i do trust you and the rest of you and you no that. Kristy tould bo. cue who everwants it
bo look i am sorry for what i sead to you. Kristy sead to bo. it's ok it was my fault. bo sead to kris. yea i understand. kristy sead to bo. i mean it's just drving me crazy beein 2 monts now bo. kristy sead back to bo. i am here 2 help out and so is luke. bo sead to kristy. ya i no you guys are trying to help me out. kristy sead to bo. kristy starts to cry. please don't cry kristy i do really love you and you no that. bo sead to kristy. Sorry bo i love you 2. kristy sead to bo. kristy go's next to bo. Bo promise me one thing. kristy asked bo. what is it kristy? bo asked her. Promise me you well never leave me. kristy asked bo. I promise i well not leave you ever in my life. bo sead to kristy. thanks bo that means alot to me now. kristy sead to bo. cue who ever want's it go for it. P.S. sorry it is not long tonight i am tired out from sunday.
Hi Angie how are you it's me Kristy that one that is with bo. Kristy sead. Hi Kristy how are you? Angie asked. I am good just worred about bo. kristy sead. O hi kristy. Cooter sead. hey Cooter how are you? kristy asked. I am doing good. cooter sead. So i hurd you are haveing a baby. cooter sead. Yes i am. Kristy sead. I just hope Bo well be ok he has been goine a long time. Kristy sead. trust me he well be ok. Cooter tould kristy. I think i really do love bo but i am 2 scahred to tell him how i fell about him. Kristy sead. just go with your fellings. Angie sead to kristy. Yea but when i do that i get nuvers or scahred to tell bo that. Kristy sead. yea it can be hard at times. Angie sead. yea it can be but i really have 2 tell him how i fell. Kristy sead. hey Cooter can i stay here tell bo get's back? Kristy asked. sure i have a room upstars. Cooter sead to kristy. thanks i own you one. Kristy sead. yea you do mabey at the bores nest. Cooter sead to kristy. yea one of this day's we will do that. Kristy sead. Cue who every weants it go for it
bo where are you going? kristy asked. Me and Luke have something 2 do like try to get away from rosco. Bo touls Kristy. But who is going to be here with me bo? Kristy asked bo. Dasiy and uncle jessie well be here with you ok. Bo asked kristy. Yes bo but what if something well happen 2 me when you are gone bo? kristy asked. Then one of them well CB me ok. Bo tould kristy. yes bo i understand. she tould bo. Bo starts kissing Kristy. Thanks bo just becafle ok i don't need anything bad to happen 2 you.Kristy tould bo. I well be carfle trust me kristy.he tould kristy Bo i do trust you ever cense we meet. Kristy tould bo. Kristy just get some rest ok? bo sead to kristy. yes i well do that bo. kristy tould bo. Bo you better get moving i can hear rosco comeing this way now. Jessie tould bo that. Yes sir. bo sead to jessie. tig ccc or anyone that can take it
i start crying. Kristy what is wrong? Dasiy asked. it's jsut that i am scahred that i am only one moth. kristy sead. I fell like i want to die right now Dasiy. Kristy sead. Don't even think about it Bo and Dasiy sead togather. I don't no what to do right now i am scahred. Kristy sead. I start scaking. Kristy what is woing on? you are schaking bad. Bo asked. I don't no what is going on with me bo. Kristy sead. I Just can't sleep bo. kristy tould bo. Well you can sleep in my room with me. Bo tould kristy. You sure you want me 2 do that what about luke? Kristy asked bo. He well be fine with it trust me. Bo sead. Ok i well stay there with you bo. Kristy sead to bo. bo i still love you no matter what happends to be and this baby. Kristy tould bo. I still love you 2 kristy. bo sead to her. ccc you are it
doc what is wrong with me? kristy asked. well it looks like you are pregnet. the doc sead. you sure? kristy asked. Yes you are. the doc sead. i look at Bo. you well have to take it easy kristy. the doc tould kristy. I well do that doc. kristy sead. i go out of the room. Dasiy and Jessie i am pregnet. Kristy tells them both. How many mothes are you kristy? Dasiy asked. I am 1 week dasiy. kristy tould Daisy. he tould me to take it easy. kristy tould them. ccc your it
Bo i am sorry i was going to tell you. Kristy sead to bo. Hey it's ok that you tould me now. Bo sead to kristy. Bo are you mad? Kristy asked. No i am not mad. Bo sead to kristy. There is one thing it's jeff's baby bo. Kristy sead. what no you are not leting him be the father are you? Bo asked kristy. no bo i don't no what to do. Kristy tould bo. i keep getting more panes. Thay are getting wores Dasiy. Kristy sead. it's ok we are all most at the doc's. Dasiy sead to kristy. i look down at the ring that bo have me. bo i well understand if you don't love me. Kristy sead to bo. Yes I still love you kristy. Bo sead to her. I all most passout. kristy you ok? jessie sead. yea i am ok. kristy sead. tag your it ccc.
I start felling panes. Dasiy help me. Kristy sead to dasiy. Kristy what is it? Dasiy asked. I am felling panes Dasiy. she sead to her. Bo get her to the doc now. Dasiy tould bo. ok i well do that Dasiy. bo sead to dasiy. Dasiy can we take her in your jeep? Bo asked. Yes you can but i well drive her there you just be next to her. Dasiy sead to Bo. Yes i well do that Dasiy. Bo sead. it hurts Dasiy. Kristy sead. Don't worry we will get you 2 a doc. Dasiy sead to kristy. thanks Dasiy. kristy sead. Bo I still love you no batter what hppends. kristy seas to Bo. Bo i think i may be pregnet. kristy tould bo. tag ccc your it agine
Daisy what is going on? kristy asked. I don't know kristy. Dasiy sead. I need to tell you something Daisy. Kristy sead. What is it kristy? Dasiy asked. I mite be Pragenet. Kristy toukld dasiy. Are you shure tou are? dasiy asked kristy. i think i am Daisy i was 2 scahred to tell bo. kristy tould dasiy. I don't no what to do Dasiy. Kristy touls daisy. Well we can get you to a doc. Dasiy sead to kristy. But What about bo? kristy asjked Dasiy. He well be fine trust me. Daisy tould kristy. i hope he well not get mad at me cuz i didn't tell him about this. Kristy sead to dasiy. I start to cry. Kristy why are you crying? dasiy asked. It's just that i am so schrard. kristy tould Daisy. tag ccc your it girl.
Kristy just sants on the portch. jesse what can i do? Kristy asked. Kristy you can just help bo find des with me. Luke sead. You really waht me 2 do that Luke? Kristy sead. Yes i do. Luke sead. Babyblue 2 bo peep. Kristy trys to get a hold of dasiy. I am going to help Luke and Bo get des back. Kristy sead. Just be cafle ok kristy? dasiy sead. I well be ok i pormise. Kristy tould daisy. When i get back i need to tell you something dasiy. Kristy tould dasy. Ok i well be wating for you to come back. dasy sead. I just hope des is ok you guys. kristy sead. Me 2. luke sead. Dasiy where is Kristy? jessie sead. She is with Bo and Luke she is going to help find Des. Dasiy sead. Why would she do that for? jesse asked. I have no idea. dasiy sead. Kristy starts to cry. Kristy what is wrong Luke asked. It's just that i care about her she is like a sister to me. Kristy sead. tage dasiy's lil mom