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Everything posted by jllybn

  1. I find the implication that people from Wisconsin sit around opening beer bottles with their teeth to be rather offensive. I was born and raised in Wisconsin. My entire family is from Wisconsin. I have never seen anyone try to open a beer bottle with their teeth, so even if it was meant as a joke, I am not amused.
  2. It's "A Baby for the Dukes" from Season 6.
  3. Yes, he was only on one episode. It was last season. He played Riley's father.
  4. I found a picture of John in his role as Felicity's father.
  5. Okay, here's the quote. "The critics aren't kids who live out in the country and don't have a job but scrounge up the money to get big tires and shocks and chrome wheels." -Tom Wopat, July 12, 1980 Nothing too spectacular.
  6. The remaining names are Stan, Tammy, Vince, and Wilma. Hurricane season doesn't actually end until November, and conditions are obviously favorable for hurricanes this year, so it looks like there's going to be more to come. Hopefully with Katrina and Rita being so strong over the Gulf, they'll stir up enough cold water from deep in the water that the hurricanes won't be quite as strong from here on out. Unfortunately, I doubt that will be the case.
  7. They actually alternate, it just seems like the most publicized ones this year have female names. Lee, Maria, and Nate formed between Katrina and Ophelia, they just didn't hit anything important so nobody talked about them.
  8. It's also the name of a Shakespearian character from Hamlet. It's not exactly easy to come up with female "O" names to keep the pattern going.
  9. If you notice, Tom is usually wading in the water rather than swimming. In "Too Many Roscos" John is in deeper water and diving under, but Tom is in shallower water. I think that is the case most of the time.
  10. Did anybody else notice that the actor who plays Matt Mallory is the same one who played Luke's friend Phil in The Great Hazzard Hijack? I find it slightly disturbing that in both cases his character is pretending that his significant other is his sister, and the female ends up flirting with the brunette Duke boy. I think that's a few too many coincidences.
  11. Did anybody else notice that the actor who plays Matt Mallory is the same one who played Luke's friend Phil in The Great Hazzard Hijack? I find it slightly disturbing that in both cases his character is pretending that his significant other is his sister, and the female ends up flirting with the brunette Duke boy. I think that's a few too many coincidences.
  12. I was able to get the soundtrack a day early. I'd say it's pretty good, but those jokes Willie tells are not at all Uncle Jesse-like. As a matter of fact, they're kind of offensive.
  13. I was able to get the soundtrack a day early. I'd say it's pretty good, but those jokes Willie tells are not at all Uncle Jesse-like. As a matter of fact, they're kind of offensive.
  14. The General Lee is listed as one of the top ten most famous TV cars on forbesautos.com. Somehow it didn't make #1, but the whole list would have been bogus if the General wasn't on it somewhere. http://www.forbesautos.com/advice/toptens/tv-car-stars.html
  15. The General Lee is listed as one of the top ten most famous TV cars on forbesautos.com. Somehow it didn't make #1, but the whole list would have been bogus if the General wasn't on it somewhere. http://www.forbesautos.com/advice/toptens/tv-car-stars.html
  16. From what I've read, and correct me if I'm wrong, but a judge issued a temporary injunction saying that Warner Bros. could not release "The Dukes of Hazzard" movie due to a conflict with a producer associated with "Moonrunners". However, I have also read that the matter has since been settled. Please, correct me if I got any of the details wrong.
  17. If he really did rope the cows, I'm not sure it was too much of a challenge because dairy cows aren't exactly fighters.
  18. I would seriously doubt any cattle roping was done. I am from Wisconsin and I've never seen anyone roping cattle. Although that skill probably would have come in handy when I had to help chase the cows back to the barn when they got out in below zero temperatures.
  19. "I feel like a cow chip in a wind tunnel."
  20. I seem to remember a couple of times seeing shots with them adjusting the CB wires. I think it was mounted under the dash between the two seats. When season 3 comes out, one episode to watch would be The Great Hazzard Hijack because Luke's friend cuts the CB wire.
  21. Here's where you can see a bigger version of the poster. http://www.comingsoon.net/gallery/Comedy/The_Dukes_of_Hazzard/poster.jpg
  22. Actually Lucifer beat the General, but only because Luke let Amy win. It wasn't a legitimate defeat, so it doesn't really count.
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