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Brian Coltrane

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Posts posted by Brian Coltrane

  1. "This is a little more n' ah anticipated for obtainin' freedom! Mind ya, I want out, but I don't want off the planet !"

    Brian wraps both hands around the bars and goes eye to eye with MaryAnne. "But if your tryin' to rattle a confession outta me by threatin' to use dynamite on that cell door, you can just do your damn worst. 'Cause I ain't fallin' for it. No cop interrogation has ever broken me yet, and you n' your Hazzard firecrackers won't break me now! Hell, I dare ya!"

  2. "I didn't realize Hazzard had a 'normal.' I've never seen anythin' constitutin' normal around here."

    After waiting a beat, seeks out MaryAnne, looking at her through the bars. "Hey, Deputy! Either Rosco ain't got his ears on, or he's decided to let me rot. How about we try calling in the Army Corps of Engineers?"

  3. "It's good to see ya, Game Warden. How's Fang?"

    After looking around to make sure Fang didn't wander into the cell somehow, notices Hilery's cats. "Hello Kitty! And kitty, and kitty. You remember me, eh?"

    Gives each of the cats a friendly scratch behind the ears. "Got everything here except the Duke's mule, and I don't think that'd be a good idea. Khee!"

    Looks back to the assembled visitors through the bars. "So I miss anythin' in town? It's been quiet?"

  4. Gives a nod and a smile to Val through the bars. Turns to speak to Hilery.

    "Yeah, I dug the comics, thank ya. Mighty kind. And I think me annoyin' the deputies went a long way towards gettin' outta here in 30 instead a' 60. Khee!"

    Takes a look at the clock on the wall...

    "Though if ol' Rosco don't show tonight, I'm gonna be in here until MaryAnne gets a wreckin' ball to tear the place down. Might never get out...in one piece..."

  5. "Thanks, ya'll. Heh."

    Gives a smile to Daney and Mac, and to anyone else in the vicinity. Holds on to bars in a loose grip, leaning forward lazily.

    "Good to see everybody. I've been havin' quite the vacation here. No work, just sittin' around readin' comic books, smokin' cigarettes, pacin' around in a circle...you outta try it! Ya don't know what yer missin'."

  6. "MaryAnne, that was an almighty ruckus and ya damn near blew yer own head off. Not to mention the free coronary I got with purchase!"

    Crawls out from under bunk, eyes Mac and Daney. "And now this is turned into some kinda public spectacle. Mac, I appreciate yer offer, but I know MaryAnne. Hazzard law got me in here, Hazzard law is gonna halfta get me out. Lord knows how."

    Walks up to bars, watches smoke drift from MaryAnne's gun. Speaks to the Deputy. "I'm beginnin' to think the chipped beef served here nightly beats the lead slug you're tryin' to serve up. Any other bright ideas, blue-sleeves?"

  7. "@#&*%#& sonofa #@&%* an' #$%@#*@!!!" After taking a breath, looks through the bars, and says:

    "Awright. Let's not lose our heads heah. One lock, two Coltranes. This ain't no big deal, it's just a little dee-lay, we'll figure it out. Now yer keys ain't workin', and the lockpick ain't workin'. And I can tell ya, I tried stickin' a dinner fork in there the other night, and that didn't work. So we can rule out those things as e-ffective solutions."

  8. "You have got to be kiddin' me. MaryAnne, if you don't git that door open inside a' ten seconds, I'm gonna holler for Amnesty International, and then I'm gonna file a complaint with the Civil Liberties Union, n' THEN I'm gonna cuss like hell."

    After watching MaryAnne fight with the lock another moment, takes a two-handed grip on the bars, lowers head, sighs....and then....

    "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! This can't be happenin'!! This is cruel and unusual punishment!! Somebody call a locksmith!!"

  9. At MaryAnne's softly-spoken command, Brian gave a downcast nod and turned away. He knew Hilery would be alright in MaryAnne's capable care; his own presence, however, was unlikely to offer any comfort.

    Diablo's motor rumbled as the long black Chevy pulled away from the scene. Brian knew the instructed destination of the courthouse wasn't a random selection on MaryAnne's part. He was fully aware of what it implied.

    There were a number of different roads that he could take, a number of evasive options that briefly crossed his mind out of habit.

    But as he looked in his rear-view mirror and saw Hilery standing there, wiping tears...

    ...there was no thought of disobeying MaryAnne. None.

  10. Back at the roadside where Hilery wept, Brian heard the pain in the young woman's heaving sobs, and it broke his heart. He knew that if he and Chet hadn’t fought, Hilery's friend would still be alive....

    Slowly, Brian knelt down next to Hilery, and gently touched her shoulder. The thought that he was responsible for Chet's death, albiet indirectly, could not be driven from his mind. Brian had cost Hilery the one person in life she was closest to, he knew there was nothing, absolutely nothing, he would ever be able to do to make this right.

    Never, during his time in Hazzard, had he been involved in someone losing their life. He took pains to behave in this county; MaryAnne and Rosco had trusted him enough to give him a home here, a life away from the Atlanta Syndicate, away from his own past and the misdeeds in it….

    ...and now, here at his feet, was the result of his battle with Chet. Brian remained the number one bad guy in Hazzard...but a life was lost, and the fact it was an accident did nothing to ease Hilery's tears....

    ...and did nothing to ease the guilt in Brian's soul.

    "Hilery...." he choked out, trying to reach through her pain. "Hilery...c'mon...let's get you somewhere safe. Please calm down….we’re gonna help you….please don’t cry so hard….â€

    Brian bowed his head, and his eyes shut as Hilery’s tears spent themselves. “...Forgive me...†he whispered inaudibly, and whether he was speaking to Hilery, or to MaryAnne, or both, was uncertain.

    Finally, he lifted his face to look at MaryAnne, dark eyes meeting blue…and in that moment, the weight of it all was too much, and he blinked back the moisture as it sprang to his eyes. His throat tightened and he tried to speak, but there was nothing to be said….nothing that would make Hilery feel better or bring Chet back.

    Most of all, there was nothing to ease the memory of that one, fleeting moment, where he had grasped Chet’s hand and felt the weak clench in return…and in that moment, two enemies, Duke and Coltrane, had gained peace…and with it, the first chance of friendship…

    …and as quickly as it had come, it was lost forever.

    His vision blurred, and Brian looked away.

  11. Brian felt his blood go cold at Hilery's grief, and he watched, shocked, as she tore from the town square.

    MaryAnne's full-throttle pursuit of Hilery was more than that of a concerned friend. She responded to Hilery's departure with the rapid reflexes of a cop trying to avoid another disaster...

    ...and it took Brian only a few seconds longer to realize that Hilery was upset enough to destroy herself unintentionally. If that happened, he would never forgive himself. His fight with Chet had already cost too much.

    After a sorrowful glance at Chet's lifeless body, Brian flicked his dark eyes to Daney, but she had already sensed the situation and seemed willing to stay by Chet's side. Brian gave her a quick nod, then ran like hell for Diablo, firing the black Chevy up with a tremendous roar, screeching from the curb to follow the path Hilery's mad flight had taken.

    Maverick's blue tail was a short distance ahead, and the reckless pace was pressed a notch higher as Diablo came closer to the two roaring vehicles. "Hilery, Chet wouldn't want this...." Brian muttered, his thoughts half a prayer, half a plea....

  12. *Feels Chet's hand go slack and slip from grasp....*


    *as the last breath stills in the Duke's body....bows head a moment, giving a silent farewell.*

    *slowly stands up, backing away from the body, allowing others to vent their grief....*

    *....and reluctantly, raises dark eyes to look across Chet's body at MaryAnne...*

  13. *Having watched Chet's run for escape, and having witnessed the fall, hurries over to where the Duke lies wounded...*

    "Aw, man...." *speaks quietly, sinks to ground on one knee to examine wound....sees Chet clutching the knife, which is imbedded deep in the Duke's own body; hears the painful breathing*

    *thinks about what was, and what might have been...and though there are no regrets between bad guys....a gesture is made....*

    *Reaches out, clasps Chet's right hand...the dark eyes of a Coltrane look to the pained eyes of a Duke....and there is no hatred.*

  14. *high-shouldered stance does not relax, nor do the dark eyes change thier hard expression. The readiness for battle without quarter is evident in the clenched fists, the twitching nerves. *

    *Watching the enemy Duke back away, and hearing Chet's speech, does not release the black tunnel of trigger-vision, does not quell the adrenaline-fed fire in Coltrane blood.*

    *Instinct wars against intellect for several heartbeats. To purge a threat...to protect others...to repay ill deed....there were so many reasons to fight, and no reason to hold back. Only now, it would be beyond a fight. If it started again now....there would be only one conclusion.*

    *Finally, the response is spoken.*

    "You thought you'd gain somethin'....by takin' somethin' away from somebody else. Didn't you.....just like every amateur criminal that ends up bleedin' his life out in an alley for a stolen car stereo. You fool. You absolute fool...."

    *clenches fists, chest heaves* "You thought you'd make your mark by puttin' me down. You figured the shortest road to the big time lead right through me, DIDN'T YOU!!"

    *the raised voice carries through the town square.* "You can't make somethin' of yourself, by ruinin' somebody ELSE! DAMMIT MAN!!

    *pauses, breathing through teeth, flexing a fist* "You coulda had my friendship...but you weren't ready for it. You refused it. You about kicked me in the teeth for offerin’ it! So you leave here as my enemy, Chet Duke. Enjoy the dividends."

  15. *freshly freed from handcuffs, pauses to rub wrists* "Mighty neighborly of ya to take those things off, Chet. But that tender gesture don’t change things.â€

    *adjusts jacket collar, gives a dark-eyed glare* "I've tried callin' it a draw. I've tried makin' peace. I'm not kiddin' about bustin' your posterior, either, if it's the only way you're gonna see the light.â€

    *steps back, takes a stance* "I know why I got into this fight, but I can't figure what the hell you wanted out of this. I THOUGHT I knew what you wanted…I was wrong. All I can do now is guess your true motive."

    *voice drops low* "If you're fightin' me because you want to prove that you're the badder bad guy, or that you're the bigger jerk, or the crown prince of outlaws...."

    *waves fingertips in a “come and get it†gesture * "… you'll have to finish this thing, Chet Duke, and finish me along with it. Then, you’ll be on top….until someone bigger, meaner, and uglier than you comes through town! Who knows…maybe by then you’ll have some people here that you care about…and you’ll figure out that you’d do anythin’ to protect the place you call home, and the people you call kin, and the friends you’ve got. Yeah, just when you think you’ve got it all….somebody’s gonna give you a challenge you have to answer. And if a cop hasn’t already taken you down…somebody like your own kind WILL.â€

    *snarls through teeth* “But right now, I’m in your way, man. I’m the only thing standin’ between you and your next step to hell.â€

  16. *taunts after Chet*


    "You got no honor, and you hit like Daisy Duke! If I ever so much as see your crosseyed, ugly mug in this county again, I'll use your hide for campin' tent, your hat to water horses with, and your boots for a spitoon! Mah only reee-gret would be that you could only beg for mercy so many times before I got sick of hearin' it! "

    *takes a deep breath and hollers out one more thing* "You know what, you don't even ENJOY your fights! You're just out for bloody knuckles, man, and you got about as much wit as a bowl of oatmeal! Well, keep the hammer down, and keep your eyes in the mirror! 'Cause one day, I'm gonna be on your back door so hard, you won't hear the knock!!"

    *exhausts lungs, stops triade to breathe* "Khee....damn, I hope somebody caught all that on tape. Heh heh...."

  17. "....gah....that was...dirty...even for a Duke."

    *slowly stands up, looking at Chet with dark, serious eyes* "I do enjoy a good fight...but I ain't gonna put you down for no damn good reason. When I said we could have been friends, Chet Duke, I meant it. But now....."

    *shakes head* "I gave you plenty chances to save face here, and you haven't taken any of 'em. So I got no reason to believe you'll ever be satisified by anythin' less than my end. And if you accomplish that, you might go after somebody I care about....like MaryAnne, or Min, or Daney, or anybody in town here who has dared to 'get in the way.' "

    *takes a step closer, and the dark eyes hold open the gates of Hell. "I got two ways I can deal with you now. I could kill you as you stand without too much effort, Chet....I've been givin' you room to grow but you don't want it. So it comes down to this."

    *right hand flashes to inside jacket pocket , withdrawing a pair of handcuffs* "I'm makin' a citizen's arrest. You hit me first, and that's assault, you polecat. Epecially when ya throw my olive branch back in my face. You ain't gettin' another one."

    *opens handcuffs* "You have the right to remain silent. Anythin' you do may be held against ya in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney...."

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