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Everything posted by luvdemdukes

  1. The General Lee makes the HOT ROD magazine August issue. Inside the magazine are some behind the scenes shots with the General Lee and the awesome jump that I got to witness being an extra. I picked it up today at Autozone--seen the cover---turned to the page and was soooo excited!
  2. The General Lee makes the HOT ROD magazine August issue. Inside the magazine are some behind the scenes shots with the General Lee and the awesome jump that I got to witness being an extra. I picked it up today at Autozone--seen the cover---turned to the page and was soooo excited!
  3. Go to CMT.com and clic on MOVIES and then it tells about Dukes of Hazzard ringtone available for 1.99!!!!!!! ENJOY
  4. well..........I called in for my call time Wednesday nite and me and 14 others were cancelled --I do have a friend that was still scheduled to go--I havent talked to her yet-but when I do I will make a post on what happened Thursday. And Im not a liar--everything that I have posted is God's Honest Truth, I dont have any reasons to make up stories- I dont have anyone to impress and dont care if I dont impress anyone-I just figured that some people on here would like to hear whats goin on on the inside of the makin of the NEW Dukes of Hazzard movie. ANd I posted just what I was called and told. And I also noticed that I made my post up under the wrong subject heading--and I apologize for that. Also A BIG THANK YOU GOES OUT TO MARYANN for helping me with my loggin in problem. I appreciate it TREMENDOUSLY
  5. YEEEEEHAAAAAAA! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I bought my SEASON 3 DVD set and It has my movie ticket in it! ! ! ! It has a sticker on the outside sayin its located on the inside--sure enuff its there a $12.00 coupon movie pass.
  6. HEY its me again----I was an extra in teh DOH movie-and i kept all of yall updated well here s an update for ya! ! ! ! Hadnt had a chance to post -been very busy. Got a call last week from someone thats involved in the filming of the movie. She told me they need me to go back to Clinton, LA tomorrow (6/2/05) because something about they forgot the openin scene that tells about the town of Hazzard or some sort. So she had gotten a call from LA last week tellin her to round some of the extras up for shooting-ALL of the main actors got called in also--she said it s really crazy, bein that the movie will be out AUGUST 5th! ! ! !.
  7. Well when we were done with the scene last Saturday they bidded ALL EXTRAS fairwell and gave us a big thankyou. Said the actors would finish up this week and then everyone would be gone. Well this morning I got a call from one of the P A's and he asked me to come back to Clinton for Saturday . Told me to wear the exact same thing from last week. Soooo the filming still goes on. The movie is gonna be action, adventure and comedy (more).with the same theme song. Hopefully more news later
  8. 7 errors---sorry, thats just a little bit more than the law will allow LOL
  9. Hello out there Hazzard County: Well all EXTRAS finished their part in the movie Sat 1/29/05. The actors themselves are due to wrap things up Friday Feb 5th. Thursday we filmed up in Clinton --done a scene outside the court house got to see Jessica, Nick ,her mom , and Kacie (her friend) the crew thats in charge of organization wouldnt let us around them hardly. Jessica didnt seem to friendly BUT Nick did give sum autographs. Friday we were back in CLinton doing more outside scenes around the courthouse, with all the cast Willie, Burt, David, M.C. Sean, Johnny, and Jessica.still not hardly able to get really close to them unless you are part of the scene. Crew is really STRICT about extras getting autographs and pics. We are working long hours anywhere 10-12 hours. started raining so we had to quit doin the outside scenes so they done some interior scenes at Cooter's garage and interior at the courthouse. sent extras home early--we had to go back Saturday Well Saturday we finished up ALL outside scene at the courthouse. I was in a scene with all the cast except Lynda Carter she wasnt there. I got to pat Sean on the back for winning the race . It was sooo funny Johnny grabs Jessica to hug her cuz it was part of the scene for Duke Boys winning and he lays a BIG KISS on her neck- I was like whhhhaaa tttttt !!!!!! Shes not really sociable--I told her hey and she spoke back but then turned away. The weather got really nasty rainy and COLD and she didnt hardly have anything on up top and she was FREEZIN(a little brown leather western type vest and LOTS of Cleavage . I was anywhere between 2-6 feet from her all during the scene ,all together everyone was within 15 feet in diameter. I mean i could reach out and grab Johnny and Seans butt. Jessica looked like shes been tanning shes sooo dark . Oh yea BTW i asked some of the ppl thats putting the movie together and they said the same ol song "The Good Ol Boys" by Waylon will be the song. My opinion from seein things on the inside the movie is goin to be pretty darn good! I did manage to get my pic taken with MC Gainey, the guy playin Enos,and David Coeshner (Cooter). Got those durin lunch time when noone was hardly on watch duty. I also got a pic with the producer (Jay Ch????? and the director---Artist. When i get them developed I will try my best to post them on here --If i can figure out how LOL
  10. Hey --when do ya'll get together in the chat room and chat????? I ve been there several times and the room is EMPTY. Would love to talk with sum of yall sumtime. over and out
  11. I did the test and it came back as 83% Dixie!
  12. they had sign up to b an extra at Cortana Mall in Baton Rouge. just listen in the news or read newspaper go to www.lacasting.com or email me you info and I will turn it in
  13. Hello out there Hazzard County Peeps Well I havent poted anything since Wednesday--been VERY BUSY doin the movie---LONG HOURS---but well worth it. Wednesday we were at Erwinville. La at the race strip filming the race scene of the movie . Those "Duke Boys" were there and Boss Hogg. It was a little bit warmer than Tuesday. Lots of fun. 6: 15 am - 6 pm Thursday it was same hours, same place. LOTS more FUN no DUKE BOYS. BUT Boss Hogg was there and I got to be in a part with him and Enos. Made my day!!! The guy that played the sherriff in the original Walkin Tall --i believe his name is John sumthin Baker ( tall , older man ,big) I know i dont have that name right but oh well. The guy in the crew that I complained about Tuesday-- he was pretty nice today--comin round I guess--I talked to him and he said he was tired --so I gave him some slack--they have been workin some LONG hours..He s pretty cool. On the way home my clutch went out in my truck sooooooo I had to borrow a vehicle to get there yesterday which was Friday and I was sent to a different filming location which was Clinton, LA--they were short handed extras there yesterday. They done some stunt scenes --where the GENERAL LEE jumps cooters wrecker and race scene with Boss Hoggs race car and THE GENERAL and i believe the mustang does a 360 they wouldnt let us watch becuz of safety and Bosses cadillac runs into a barricade. Our part that we were suppose to be in didnt take place becuz of the scenes were havin to be redone until they were right. They asked me to be back there next Thursday, Friday and Saturday and to wear the same thing I had on. as for Mon, Tues, and Wed dont know as of yet. Heard that there's gonna b a part thats not gonna be in the theatre edition --its gonna be on the DVD edition where they paid some women in a strip bar to take their tops off.Paid them like 600.oo bucks a piece. Well more on them Dukes as news comes available Goin to go get me some more sleep lol
  14. Yes they asked me to bring my ford truck. Willie Nelson is Uncle Jesse, and no it isnt for him to drive-its for me to drive in some of the street scenes. For the record Im not a guy-Im full fledge female. Here in Louisiana- they have quite a few movies being filmed and I hope to get involved in some of them--1 is Lady Luck about Queen Latifah 2- All the King's Men-bout Huey Long and there is another one out there but cant remember the name.More reports to come
  15. i didnt bring my camera today becuz they told us in a letter no cameras allowed,BUT alot of ppl had camera phones and were takin pics---soooo if they can-Im gonna bring my camera and try to steal some shots. Today Johnny had on a long sleeve red button-up with jeans and looked like leather boots. Sean had on a blue or black t -shirt,jeans, and tennis shoes (if my memory is correct-LOL) I was too busy checkin out his face . They are really HOT.
  16. hello out there from Hazzard Cty. Ive been cast as an extra in the movie-I was there today. Filming has taken place in the following areas: Clinton, LA-French Settlement,LA- New Orleans,LA-Baton Rouge, LA- Erwinville,LA(Baton Rouge Raceway). THE FLAG IS ON TOP OF THE GENERAL LEE-seen it for myself. Today was Baton Rouge. Tomorrow in Erwinville. and that I know of Friday is back in Clinton. Jessica is stayin in some condos off of Corporate Blvd The Reserve., shes not in town as of right now -mayb later on durin the week.
  17. i bought my DVD set at WALMART
  18. Well its me again! LONG day but well worth it LOL. I got to work with Johnny Knoxville and Sean Thomas Scott today. They were bein put into the police car and hauled off, while Me and another person were pedestrians walkin down the sidewalk. Jessica wasnt there. First of all, when we arrived a van came and picked us up and took us over to check-in and eat breakfast (buffet style-hot and cold) , then we were taken to wardrobe to change, then back to CAMP, where we got down to business (filming of cours LOL). IT WAS SOOOOO COLD-like 25 * and we were in summer wear-NO COATS when we were in the scene. It was soooo funny watchin them 2 NUTS-Johnny had to climb inside the cop car becuz it was on the trailer and the fender wells was blockin the door-and he had his big coat on and he was stuck and on the inside Sean was pinchin him and hittin him and he couldnt do anything , so he had to come out some and take his coat off so he could fit in the window ( narrow opening becuz of the cage divider between the front seat and back.) It was so funny watchin them 2. Everyone was pretty cool except one director-he had major attitude-if you werent one of them you were a PEON. Tomorrow we're off to Erwinville, La to the State Capitol Raceway to watch them race or sumthin-we have to fill te stands. Its sooo kewl-the way they put things together. Hope it warms up! I think the movie is goin to be pretty sweet. Filiming is gonna be wrapped Feb 5th. I think premier is Feb 25th-more news later . 8) thinkin bout yall
  19. well its Monday nite--I called in and found out my call time is 6:15 AM Im to report and check in. Im to have 3 changes of clothing -the season is SUMMER (YIKES!- considerin its gonna be 25 degress here in the mornin!) gonna freeze my body parts off! lol Cant wear red, white or black-casual wear is welcomed but nothing with logos or graphics. Neutral clothing is also ok. They phoned me early this mornin at 7 30 wanted me to work today in Clinton which is aways off-wasnt prepared so i didnt go. I was disappointed that it was at the last minute. But oh well-Im soooo excited,dont know if Im gonna b able to sleep tonite 8)
  20. i surely will come back and let ya know how it goes.
  21. Well Yeehaaaaaa!!!! hehe. I went to the casting call back in November at Cortana Mall in Baton Rouge. Well I hadnt heard anything until TODAY. I recieved a call today- The guy said " this is so and so from Dukes of Hazzard and we need you to be in the movie (YESSSSS!) .He told me to call in monday nite and get the time Im to be there and what to wear and the exact location (which is somewhere on Laurel St. downtown Baton Rouge on Tuesday and then to call in again Thursday nite to find out the same for Friday which will be in Clinton, Louisiana. He also told me to bring my Ford truck. I am sooooo excited-I grew up watchin Bo and Luke Duke. So thats the update on filming location. I guess I will find out just how snoody everyone says Jessica Simpson is. over and out. 8)
  22. HEY--just wanted to let ya know that I love this website!!! I have always loved them Duke Boys since day 1!! I think its sooooo neat that they are remakin the movie. It just brings it all back to mind. I grew up watchin those DUKE BOYS. I feel like a teenager again lol. heeehheeeeee. I even went out and bought DVD season 1 cant wait for s season 2 and then the remake. Just the good ol boys never meanin no harm beats all that u ever saw been in trouble with the law since the day that they were born straightin the curves flattenin the hills Some day the mountain might getem but the law never will makin their way the only way they know how thats just a little bit more than the law will allow. Immm a good ol boy--ya know my momma loves me but ya dont understand they keep showin my hands not my face on tv Thats a BIG 10-4 over and out
  23. This week they have been filiming in French Settlement, Louisiana and some in Baton Rouge. Suppose to finish in French Settlement tonight(Friday) The place is Moonlight Inn aka the one and only BOARS NEST. I got Burt Reynolds and Willie Nelson's auto but it only took bout 4 hours. I followed them down to Bayview Inn and waited around. They were really sweet. GOOD LUCK
  24. I dont know whether or not to believe that about Jessica. She seems to ditsie on television to act that way plus with her upbringing. I will tell ay that the guards and the people that are working close to them or rude as heck and lie . They tell ya one thing when actually its not true . For instance today ther was this guard and he/she told us that they were at the Boars Nest . They were at one time there doing photo shoots then they left and went down to Bayview to conclude the photo shoot there along side the river. They were just as friendly as my neighbor IF you made your way to them because of the Production crew and the Livingston Parish Deps not letting you get close. I did notice the ones that didnt have any probs with getting up close and personal were the ones that were 3 sheets in the wind and hangin all over the big shots. I do say I enjoyed my day -meeting Burt Reynolds and Willie Nelson face to face. Burt Reynolds even gave me a kiss-which I will never wash my lips again LOL-nah just kiddin. I just hope this Dukes movie is as good as the original cuz Thats the one I grew up watchin every Friday nite. If it turns out like the remake of Starsky & Hutch i will be greatly disappointed-that was a waste of time and money. Starsky & Hutch original was none like the remake (well enuff on them thats another story) Go getem Burt, Willie, Lynda, & Jessica ,Sean,& Johnny!!!!!! See ya round Hazzard County Folks!
  25. I was in Gatlinburg a month ago and I visited Cooters and Ben "Cooter" has a replica of the Dixie horn for sale. Anything you would like to have pertaining to the Dukes-you can find it there. If you go-You can even find him hangin round and for a treat some of the cast stop in there from time to time. Enjoyed my trip!
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