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Posts posted by Scott

  1. Well, I made it back from Gatlinburg Sunday. It's amazing how much money Ben Jones makes with his franchise. It's almost too much for me to appreciate. Inside the Garage is mostly about "him". I'm sure others on this site have been there so I won't describe it. I will say though, if he signs something the mark-up is about 100%.

    Yes, Ben Jones was in the house for his autograph session. The line pretty much wrapped around the building but I didn't feel like waiting. If I did go in, I woulda have to have asked him about the movie...just to get his blood flowing. I would have asked why there were raised white letter tires on his car outside when he complained those exact tires were used for the movie cars. Hmmmm The Mrs wouldn't let me. (shhhh, next year) Also noticed they'd be so kind as to remove the rope so you could pay them $5 to take a picture of yourself in the GL...with your own camera! Ingenious!! Think I'll do that too.

    As a little side note, there were only about 6 pictures of Coy and Vance in the whole store. Were they not that popular?


  2. Well, I made it back from Gatlinburg Sunday. It's amazing how much money Ben Jones makes with his franchise. It's almost too much for me to appreciate. Inside the Garage is mostly about "him". I'm sure others on this site have been there so I won't describe it. I will say though, if he signs something the mark-up is about 100%.

    Yes, Ben Jones was in the house for his autograph session. The line pretty much wrapped around the building but I didn't feel like waiting. If I did go in, I woulda have to have asked him about the movie...just to get his blood flowing. I would have asked why there were raised white letter tires on his car outside when he complained those exact tires were used for the movie cars. Hmmmm The Mrs wouldn't let me. (shhhh, next year) Also noticed they'd be so kind as to remove the rope so you could pay them $5 to take a picture of yourself in the GL...with your own camera! Ingenious!! Think I'll do that too.

    As a little side note, there were only about 6 pictures of Coy and Vance in the whole store. Were they not that popular?


  3. By the way, I FINALLY saw her new video. Can I say "trash" in this forum? I was just wondering.

    I will say the marketing ploy will drag many young males into the movie just to see her. My kids love the video. Ok, ok...I loved the video. Every now and then I'd see the General Lee. I guess I'd have to watch it again just to be sure. This time with the sound on. It actually reminded me of Spring Break in Florida. 'Cept I was drunk. Hmmm

  4. Oh brother, Brian. Good but bad. By the way, my kids wanna know what the big deal is with the sheep. Not that I want to hide the truth and the sick and demented reality, but we happen to live out in the country and I really don't want to get any phone calls in the middle of the night from angry farmers.

  5. The staff was gonna CGI the flag gone, but it's actually written into the script. If it would have happened, then several...SEVERAL scenes would have been snipped. These scenes contained footage that builds up to later in the movie. So, if'n that happened the movie would have either made no sense or several lines would have had to been re-written and re-shot.

    PLUS, the guys wanted to stay away from as much CGI stuff as possible. The same people did the Bourne Supremecy and Too Fast Too Furious so their resume' is looking sweet. If there were any computer generated shots here, you'd tell it in a heartbeat and movie crew wouldn't look as good. You'll see on the DVD with one jump in particular. The dreaded interstate jump. It locked up our traffic for several days but it's a main thoroughfare so it had to be done right and quick. After a few failed attempts (hitting the wall) it finally grabbed.

    The flag should remain...the stunts are real...and Jessica Simpson still has a big nose. So there :)

  6. Wow, I just noticed this thread...bummer. I feel so lost sometimes.

    Here's the website to that magazine. Randy Holden, one of the guys there, could hook you up with more info. He's the guy that worked with the movie crew to procure vintage iron for the movie.



    And here's someone's yellow Prowler. Yours?

    Oh, by the way, the young lady on the cover of the magazine is one of his relatives. HOT...but...she's like 16 or something. But...HOT!! She had Jessica Simpson beat hands down. She acts and sings also.

  7. Do you know, Jessica's gonna catch wind of these pictures. She might find what I did to her face and bosem offensive. She may seek me out for future punitive damages. She may even send that big guy in the Land Rover after me (I'm shaking now....). But ya know what? I think this is a pretty decent payback after how she treated me and the mrs down here. So there. I love it. I might even do one more if'n the mood hits me. 8)

  8. Clem drove his pickup alongside the road and showed his buddy Jed where he'd first had sex.

    "It was right down there by that there tree. I remember it plain as day. It was a warm summer day... We were madly in love... We made our way down to that the tree and made love for hours," explained Clem.

    "That sounds amazing," exclaimed Jed.

    "Yep, it was goin' real well until I looked up and saw her momma standing right there watching us..."

    "Damn, what did her momma say when she saw you puttin' it to her daughter?"


    Okay, okay, I quit. But I had to throw that one in!

  9. yaaaaawn....

    All I gotta say is to the nay-sayers is "DON'T GO SEE THE MOVIE."

    We all understand that it's not the way it was. I'm sure if we could all go back in time, snatch up the original actors and afford to pay them what big-time actors would call for, then (and maybe even only then) will some people be happy. But again, I'm sure one small thing would not be the same...and boom...more complaining. I'm in it for entertainment. Since November I've been in it for the entertainment. A few autographs and a bunch of pictures didn't hurt either...but it was fun.

    If you wanna complain, then ask why Dean Jones and Buddy Hackett ain't in the new "Herbie" movie. How about the new "Honeymooners"? Weren't they white at one time? I say, SO. It's entertainment and I will go see them both. I forgot about the "Longest Yard". Not too many people complaining about that one. Hmmmm. Richard Kiel (Jaws from 007) wasn't in it. Still made millions and lots of entertainment. War of the Worlds? Bewitched? Batman, 007, Superman? Different actors? HORRORS! The chemistry will still be there, one way or another. You may have to squint real hard, but you'll still enjoy it.

    In the movie industry, everything revolves around money. If WB could have afforded Danny Devito to play Boss Hogg, then it woulda happened that way. Of course he may have been TOO short for some people. Then here we go again.

    I'm shutting up now. I apologize for the ramblings. The only thing else I've got to say is, my two kids are driving me nuts about the movie's starting date. They will be there on opening day. Hmmm, something must be right with the new cast.

  10. I'll tell ya...living here in the Deep South, it's still hard to fly the flag. Some in this forum know what I do for a living so I must remain PC at all times (as difficult as it may be sometimes). I had to tell a guy that it was of his best interest to remove and stow his 3x5 flag flying in the back of his truck. It's ok just about everywhere you go but the area we were in would just invite hatred towards his beloved truck. (It would get torched!)

    But look at what happened to some firefighters up North. Some firefighters actually got offended by flying the AMERICAN FLAG on their fire truck!!!! If some people get offended by that...well...just look at the next image. I could go on and on but I get a little flustered with this topic. So I'm shuttin' up.


    Darrell, props to ya, brother! It must be difficult explaining that tattoo to New Yorkers without them having negative connotations.

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