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Everything posted by Crazycountrygirl1996

  1. I would love it if some one would please join me I know I havent been on here in a few years. But if yall dont want to I understand it's not my first rodeo with roleplays being denied
  2. Hey can I be a long lost cousin?
  3. Hey Y'al join me on this role play please provide character and background that would be great. Name: Violet Duke Relation to the dukes: cousin age: 19 Background: She comes from Nashville, Tennessee from her music career and is returning to Hazzard just in time to join her cousins Bo, Luke and Daisy and their friends on a trip to Hollywood. Violet: *Pulls into the yard and gets out of my car* Gosh is it nice to be back here, I sure did miss this place. *Walks towards the house carrying her suitcase and guitar case only to walk into Bo*
  4. (This is an open round robin story feel free to add on it's also 3rd person as well) She was doing her chores just like any other day that she would, when she heard that familiar car pull up into her fathers driveway. Amelia walked out of the barn from doing her barn chores and milking one of their cows. She glanced at Bo and Luke as they climb out of their car and her dad walked towards them from the front porch. She wondered what the boys were there for. Sure her dad's roof was old and needed new shingles but other than that she felt like the didn't need any help that they were managing just fine on their own. After her brother left, she could handle most of the farm chores by herself along with her house hold chores, she didn't need help of two country boys that were her neighbors and who she went to school with as well. "Pa, I'm done with my chores, I'm gonna head into town to do errands," Amelia says.
  5. She put the pedal to the floor of her car trying to escape the Impala.
  6. Lets see top 5 favorite movies oh boy there are so many that I like I'll just go over five *slaps forehead thinking* The original Dukes of Hazzard movie All the muppet movies Rocky The outsiders any western with John Wayne in it Smokey and the Bandit all 3 Cannonball Run 1&2 There you have it folks my top 7 favorite movies
  7. Hey yall I know its been a few years since I've been on here cause I couldn't remember my password but I'm back

  8. She was doing her chores just like any other day that she would, when she heard that familiar car pull up into her fathers driveway. Amelia walked out of the barn from doing her barn chores and milking one of their cows. She glanced at Bo and Luke as they got out of their car and her dad walked towards them. She wondered what the boys were their for. Sure her dad's roof was old and needed new shingles but other than that she felt like they didn't need help. After her brother left, she felt like she could handle most of the farm chores by herself along with her house hold chores, she didn't need the help of two country boys that were her neighbors and who she went to school with.
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