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About CNH-320

  • Birthday 04/02/1985


  • Location
    Hazzard County
  • Occupation
    Cletus's offsider

CNH-320's Achievements


Member (2/4)



  1. I can't wait until the finished car is revealed. Is that a 4 wheel drive Delorian in the back of your shed? Cheers Brad
  2. I noticed the other day but forgot which episode (somewhere in series 3) & the post that was just added on Facebook has a screen grab of Luke sitting on the bonnet of the General & the bottom of the nudge bars aren't attached to the car. It's just welded on at the bumperbar. Cheers Brad
  3. Happy birthday MaryAnne. Those Monday birthdays can be great if you don't have to go to work. Cheers Brad
  4. I'm watching 'Hazzard Connection' & I just noticed that just after Luke drove the slammer car off the back of the transporter (right near the end of the episode) that it shows a close up of Luke in The General then cuts back to the red slammer car. Cheers Brad
  5. Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone has heard any rumors about what happened on the show, whether it was about the cars, what happened on set or others related to the show. One that I heard a few years ago I used 'torment' my Chrysler mad friend with, was there was a field where all the retired Generals were parked, just rusting away (we know this isn't true of course). Another one that I read about was there was a General at the bottom of one of the ponds from filming that is still there. Does anyone else have any to add? Cheers Brad
  6. Thank you Roger. It was the best birthday yet, my wife had an ultrasound on that day & we got to confirm the gender of our unborn child, I think my son was just as excited as I was. Cheers Brad
  7. Thankyou Meadowmufn.
  8. I'm looking forward hover boards, you can buy replica ones & also that colorful hat as well. I read somewhere that the Mayan calendar didn't include leap years, so in theory if you take that into consideration, their calendar finished about six months ago. Cheers Brad
  9. I received a birthday email from Hazzardnet the other day & I wish to say thankyou. It was a nice surprise in my inbox. Cheers Brad
  10. I finially had some time to watch series 3 again. In 'The legacy' right after Cletus drives his car through J.D Hoggs's sawmill (which looks a lot like the Boars Nest, with a different facia) is where in the scene after you see the crew members shadows on the ground. Brad
  11. The second bike would take some getting used to riding. Brad
  12. Also found a Dodge Monaco(?) matchbox car in police paint job. So everyone can encourage their kids to re-enact their own DOH adventures. Brad
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