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Status Updates posted by HossC

  1. Welcome to HazzardNet :).

  2. Welcome to HazzardNet :).

  3. Welcome to HazzardNet :).

  4. Welcome to HazzardNet :).

  5. Welcome to HazzardNet :).

  6. Welcome to HazzardNet :).

  7. Welcome to HazzardNet :).

  8. Welcome to HazzardNet :).

  9. Welcome to HazzardNet :).

  10. Welcome to HazzardNet :)

  11. Welcome to HazzardNet Chris :).

  12. Well you managed to get the visitor messaging working OK :).

  13. What are you planning?

  14. Which credits do you mean?

  15. Whoever it was that said computers would make our lives easier had obviously never used one before ;). I hope the XP disk works out for you. It would be great if you were up and running by the weekend.

  16. Will you get a mail delivery tomorrow?.

  17. Yeah - I still have the older logos. I'm assuming you need them larger than the ones I've posted in Fan Art. I'll collect together the ones on your list that I've done and hopefully PM them to you at the weekend.

  18. Yeah, you're right. The traveling dentist in 'Gold Fever' was Homer Willis, D.D.S. (Office Hours 9 - 6) - I had a screengrab of the RV with the details on the side :).

  19. Yep - I'm actually here, and not asleep :).

  20. You are still avoiding telling me what you plan to do with the images, but it's the first I've heard of this.

  21. You beat me to it - I was just about to send you a link to that. In the dialog he's just called "Reverend" and in the credits he's called "the Pastor", but the sign you found in Fan Art does appear behind Nervous Norman's car.

    The Reverend has dark hair over his ears, but is bald on top and has a 'Magnum' style mustache. I thought he was in his early 40s, but the guy who played him (Joe Mays) was only about 35 at the time (according to IMDb). I can PM you a picture if you need it.

  22. You're obviously not familiar 'The Barbarian Sublimation' episode of 'The Big Bang Theory':

    Sheldon Cooper: Sheldor back on line.

    Penny: What's AFK?

    Sheldon Cooper: AFK. Away from keyboard.

    Penny: Oh, I see.

    Sheldon Cooper: What does that stand for?

    Penny: Oh, I see?

    Sheldon Cooper: Yes, but what does it stand for?

  23. You're on early today :).

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