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Everything posted by daisydukeXenosstrait

  1. Gabrieal gives them the good smelling liquid that knockes them out
  2. Devon says "thats right Julie, which means i could sue you for kidnapping me , Micheal and my neices"
  3. Daisy says "lets us go, or loose me and Julie as friends Lizzy, your choice"
  4. just then in the barn Daisy heard footsteps to heavy for Julie, Bo, Luke, Uncle Jesse, or even Enos and Rosco
  5. Daisy said "your some best friend the way your acting" she said to Lizzy "after this dont expect me to talk to you again"
  6. Micheal says "okay, but you cant keep us out of Hazzard, as long as you let us still go to Hazzard, well leave yall alone" he said to Lizzy
  7. Daisy got serious again "listen after i have the baby and i stay for Lizzys wedding i might go back to Hollywood, but i wont if you dont want me to"
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