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Everything posted by daisydukeXenosstrait

  1. Daisy sighed shakely "Bo, thats not it, i dont want you to go, heck id love if you could stay, but Lizzy wants you home"
  2. Daisy said "she told me last night she wanted you to come home" Daisy didnt need this stress again when everything was getting better
  3. Daisy said "she called me last night, she wants you to hurry and come back, though shes still worried about me"
  4. Daisy was in her room crying thinking everyone hated her and meanwhile Devon was talking to Bo and then finally hung up
  5. Daisy gets on the phone "Bo, me and Julie have already broke out friendship with Lizzy because she wouldnt let me and Julie and Devon and Micheal go"
  6. back at the farm a couple of hours later Daisy and Julie are on the couch and they see Bo and Luke and Jeb come in
  7. Devon says "yes, dont be mad at anyone, and Daisy and Julie are coming back tomoarrow, and me and Micheal will visit in the summer"
  8. Agent Gibbs says "we can let Jeb go now, hes innocent"
  9. Agent Gibbs says "answer to me and ill get you one"
  10. Agen Gibbs said "well what do you two have to say for yourselfs" she says to Jake and Gabriel
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