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Everything posted by daisydukeXenosstrait

  1. Daisy smiled then looked to Jeb than back to Enos
  2. Daisy looked at him shocked and said "yes, ill marry you"
  3. the next day after hugging Devon and Micheal good by and making plans to see each other in the summer Daisy and Julie left and they finally got home to Hazzard and got out of the General and went in the house and when Daisy saw Lizzy she froze and then said "Lizzy, im sorry i said all of that" she said refering to the day before
  4. Bo says "stay til tomorrow and if there still mad at you then you can leave"
  5. back at her house Daisy was still in her roon wishing anyone would come and talk to her but soon she fell asleep as she was thinking
  6. Bo looked at Lizzy and said "yes, Lizzy, were in this together, we cant do it , we just have to have faith"
  7. Daisy sat down then looked at Jeb the back to Enos "im pregnant" the silence was so scary to Daisy
  8. Bo says "i understand, well at least you and Daisy still have a little time together before her baby comes, i think she going to be the first on to have her baby and then probelby you then Julie"
  9. Daisy and Jeb goes in the kitchen and Daisy says "i got somethin ' to tell ya"
  10. Daisy smiles and gets up and heads for her jeep and watches Jeb get in with her and drives to the station and is happy to see Enos's car there and goes in "Enos, ya here"
  11. Bo sighed "because she kept telling me to go home to you so i thought that she called you to come so she could keep me from getting mad at her"
  12. Daisy nodded "Jeb you wanna go with me to tell him... just in case.. Enos is pretty unpredictable"
  13. Bo said "i was just mad at Daisy and when i saw you i thought she called you, i didnt know what i was thinking, im being honest, can you forgive me"
  14. Daisy nodded "yeah but hes not gonna be ready to be a dad, he'll probably not even care about me anymore"
  15. Bo said "im not mad and i still want ya, the only reason i was mad was because me and Daisy had gotten into a fight right in front of Enos today"
  16. Daisy said "im okay, really" Bo cut in by accident "she pregnant!" that made Daisy sit back down and put her head in her hands
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